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17th January 2011, 16:06
Thanks, Ixion, but in my (newpaper) version the 'botanical gardens' answer is actually 9 down. The one I'm missing is the one that begins 'Old violet round cell's...'. Apologies for any confusion
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17th January 2011, 16:12
You need a 5 letter word for violet round anagram of cells + e (etiolate)
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17th January 2011, 16:29
Thanks sudokulover
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17th January 2011, 16:32
Apologies Ags - was reading in the Scottish gloom!
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17th January 2011, 16:39
You are forgiven, Ixion, and every sympathy for the gloom. The sun is still shining (just) in Cork!
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17th January 2011, 20:25
I've finished this with only one question. I have the answer for 15a: Bowler needs good one, great when it penetrates Cyril W's partner? (6), but don't get Cyril W. Is this a cricketer with a teammate named Lenth or something- intended to stump a poor Yank? By the way, ixion, when you say "Scottish gloom" are you referring to a climatic or a personal characteristic- or are these one and the same?
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17th January 2011, 20:33
lol - they are indeed closely interlinked!
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17th January 2011, 20:34

Cyril W(ashbrook)
Len H(utton)
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17th January 2011, 20:54
Thanks, ixion. And cheer up. Spring's around the corner. I'm trying to sabotage an ice dam on my roof here in New England. I don't have any TNT on hand so I have to be more creative. I actually tried using a hair dryer on the flashing of my kitchen skylights. What must the neighbors think? (Translation: neighbours.)
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