My top left corner doesn't make sense!
1d Characters following the Prophet lead united hearts (4) P???
I have boreen for 10a & hecat for 14a - where have I gone wrong?
I've finished but have a question about 30d: Hot dusty wind? No leaves for Indian plant (4). I have SOMA and assume that if you add NO to it in some way you'll have yourself a nice hot wind. The Californian Sonoma means something else, but after all there's a whole world out there beyond CA (or so I'm told).
So*la"no (?), [Sp., fr. L. solanussc. ventus), from sol the sun.] A hot, oppressive wind which sometimes blows in the Mediterranean, particularly on the eastern coast of Spain.
Oooooooooh. Thanks, ixion and peterm! Funny that there IS an Indian plant named soma, but then they no doubt grow soja/soya there too. Probably a few recipe mistakes here and there- but then that's often progress, nicht wahr?