Can anyone please explain the three down clues which are in italics?
The preamble says they relate to the quotation around the perimeter, which I have got, but I can't solve the three words, nor make any connection.
The three italicised clues do not lead to real words in the grid. The definitions lead to real words which are modified in line with the quotation. If you've got the quotation, then you should see what I mean...
I'm with Suber on this. "With the quotation taken literally" I still can't make sense of m?l?,
?c?t?r?, and ?e?e.
I dare say it will be quite obvious when we see it!
I can see "rose" in each of the 3 italicised clues but am flummoxed. Do the clues join together to make a saying/expression? Further assistance required!