Stuck with quite a few on this one any help welcome please
7. In Hollyoaks how old was Bart McQueen when abandoned by his mother?
26. Who or what went from 34 to 39 in May 2010?
30. What is the lowest number above zero which written in English contains each of the vowels once only?
38. Which fictional character ic celebrated on 10th June in UK and 6th October in USA?
40. Fill the gap- Tolkien, Dickens_______ Shakespeare,McCullough
50. What genre of music could join Roger Moore film, a chain of shops,, a newspaper and a suggestion?
51. Which central American country would fill the gap - India, Cuba, Syria, Slovenia, New Zealand________
60. Which well known broadcaster has the same 3 names, in order as a long serving British admiral born 154 years earlier?