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4th December 2010, 18:25
thank you both,now have to get 20d. i had Strewn.
21 of 33  -   Report This Post


4th December 2010, 18:28
Just change the "E" to "O" and you are done!
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4th December 2010, 18:30
than you once more sudokulover.
I just found the word Trow, not one i'd heard of.
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4th December 2010, 18:52
4 across - 5,3. Some kind of cow? Space? Spice? Am I terribly wrong? (yes!)
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4th December 2010, 19:05
it's a cow - another name for cash cow - the dog is a chow!
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4th December 2010, 19:22
I've enjoyed this one (mostly because awful weather kept me '24 across' + S)...
...but have only 23a left! The tree is plain, but the rest... I also had strewn for a while, but even with the O...!
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4th December 2010, 19:53
Reedsmith, its Strown.
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4th December 2010, 21:59
Thanks. Confirmed my thoughts on 4 across, and have now discovered my error - wrong answer for 5 down, which I have now remedied.
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4th December 2010, 23:38

I still can not get the Dog - Cash Cow clue, and it is driving me bonkers, I've been at this now for nearly 5 hours and getting nowhere, even with the additional pointers that have already been posted. What is it ?

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4th December 2010, 23:41
Ixion has gone into it at length on the other thread, PezBuin,, and has given the answer - milch cow.
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