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  1. A part of a book or literary composition printed and delivered by itself; a number; a part.
  1. A French money of account, afterward a silver coin equal to 20 sous. It is not now in use, having been superseded by the franc.
  1. Impregnated with, or consisting of, alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; impregnated with a salt or salts like a lixivium.
  1. Of or pertaining to lye or lixivium; of the quality of alkaline salts.
  1. To subject to a washing process for the purpose of separating soluble material from that which is insoluble; to leach, as ashes, for the purpose of extracting the alkaline substances.
  1. Lixiviating; the process of separating a soluble substance from one that is insoluble, by washing with some solvent, as water; leaching.
  1. See Lixivial.
  1. A solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; hence, any solution obtained by lixiviation.
  1. 2d pers. sing. pres. of Lige, to lie, to tell lies, -- contracted for ligest.
Lizard Fish
  1. Any of several mostly tropical marine scopeloid fish of the family Synodontidae having large mouths in lizardlike heads, especially the inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens syn. Synodus poeyi) of Mideastern and Southern United States and West Indies; -- sometimes called sand pike.