
Matching Words

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Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. State of being a lion.
  1. An attracting of attention, as a lion; also, the treating or regarding as a lion.
  1. Like a lion; brave as a lion.
  1. Like a lion; fierce.
Lion's Ear
  1. A name given in Western South America to certain plants with shaggy tomentose leaves, as species of Culcitium, and Espeletia.
Lion's Foot
  1. A composite plant of the genus Prenanthes, of which several species are found in the United States. (b) The edelweiss.
  1. The state of being a lion.
Lion's Leaf
  1. A South European plant of the genus Leontice (Leontice leontopetalum), the tuberous roots of which contain so much alkali that they are sometimes used as a substitute for soap.
Lion's Tail
  1. A genus of labiate plants (Leonurus); -- so called from a fancied resemblance of its flower spikes to the tuft of a lion's tail. Leonurus Cardiaca is the common motherwort.
Lion's Tooth
  1. See Leontodon.