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Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. A woody swelling on a tree or shrub, usually contained entirely below or just above the surface of the ground, and having buds which enable the plant to survive cutting or a fire that destroys the portion of the plant above ground. After such damage to the plant, sprouting commences from the lignotuber.
  1. Ligneous.
  1. See Lignin.
Lignum Rhodium
  1. The fragrant wood of several shrubs and trees, especially of species of Rhodorhiza from the Canary Islands, and of the West Indian Amyris balsamifera.
  1. A tree (Guaiacum officinale) found in the warm latitudes of America, from which the guaiacum of medicine is procured. Its wood is very hard and heavy, and is used for various mechanical purposes, as for the wheels of ships' blocks, cogs, bearings, and the like. See Guaiacum.
  1. A trade name applied somewhat indefinitely to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum. It is a complex and variable mixture of several hydrocarbons, generally boils below 170
  1. Same as Ligan.
  1. See Ligule.
  1. Like a bandage, or strap; strap-shaped.
  1. Bearing only ligulate flowers; -- said of a large suborder of composite plants, such as the dandelion, lettuce, hawkweed, etc.