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  1. Same as Leuco-.
  1. A colorless, crystalline, organic base, obtained from rosaniline by reduction, and also from other sources. It forms colorless salts.
  1. See Leukemia.
  1. Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from leucin, and called also oxycaproic acid.
  1. a naturally occurring alpha-amino acid ((CH3)2CH.CH2.CH(NH2)-COOH), one of the building units of almost all proteins of living organisms, both animal and vegetable. It is one of the essential amino acids (not synthesized by the human body, a required component for proper nutrition), and is hydrophobic in character when bound in proteins. In isolated form it is a white, crystalline, zwitterionic substance formed, e. g. by the decomposition of proteins by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute mineral acid, or by putrefaction. Chemically it is to be considered as amido-caproic acid. It occurs as two optical isomers, the L- and D-forms. The L-form, L-leucine, is the natural form, present in most proteins.
  1. Containing leucite; as, leucitic rocks.
  1. The trapezohedron or tetragonal trisoctahedron; -- so called as being the form of the mineral leucite.
  1. Same as leukemia.
  1. The formation of leucocytes.
  1. White and black; -- said of a white animal of a black species, or the albino of the negro race.