
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Lord High Chancellor
  1. the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords
Lord Of Misrule
  1. a person appointed master of revels at a Christmas celebration
Lord Privy Seal
  1. the senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties
Lot's Wife
  1. (Old Testament) when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his family were told to flee without looking back; Lot''s wife was disobedient and was immediately changed into a pillar of salt
Louis Agassiz
  1. United States naturalist (born in Switzerland) who studied fossil fish; recognized geological evidence that ice ages had occurred in North America (1807-1873)
Leon Battista Alberti
  1. Italian architect and painter; pioneering theoretician of Renaissance architecture (1404-1472)
Louisa May Alcott
  1. United States novelist noted for children''s books (1832-1888)
Louis Aragon
  1. French writer who generalized surrealism to literature (1897-1982)
Louis Armstrong
  1. United States jazz trumpeter and bandleader (1900-1971)
Louis Auchincloss
  1. United States writer (born in 1917)