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Look Out Over
  1. be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson"
  2. be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson"
Look Across
  1. be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson"
  2. be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson"
  1. be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence
  1. be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence
  1. be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence
  1. be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence
Ludi Saeculares
  1. the centennial rites and games of ancient Rome that marked the commencement of a new generation (100 years representing the longest life in a generation); observances may have begun as early as the 5th century BC and lasted well into the Christian Era
Labor Secretary
  1. the position of the head of the Department of Labor; "the post of Labor Secretary was created in 1913"
  2. the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Labor; "the first Labor Secretary was William B. Wilson who was appointed by President Wilson"
Line Function
  1. activity contributing directly to the output of an organization
Line Duty
  1. activity contributing directly to the output of an organization