
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. hear with intention; "Listen to the sound of this cello"
  2. listen and pay attention; "Listen to your father"; "We must hear the expert before we make a decision"
  3. pay close attention to; give heed to; "Heed the advice of the old men"
Listen In
  1. listen quietly, without contributing to the conversation
  2. listen without the speaker's knowledge; "the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife's conversations"
  3. listen quietly, without contributing to the conversation
  4. listen without the speaker''s knowledge; "the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife''s conversations"
  1. engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
  2. grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"
  3. let for money; "We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad"
  4. hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
Luck Into
  1. take possession of; "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives"
  2. take possession of; "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives"
Log In
  1. enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
  2. enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
Log On
  1. enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
  2. enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
  1. enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
Log Out
  1. exit a computer; "Please log off before you go home"
  2. exit a computer; "Please log off before you go home"
Log Off
  1. exit a computer; "Please log off before you go home"
  2. exit a computer; "Please log off before you go home"
  1. expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns; "He was showered with praise"