
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"
  2. Hate
  1. find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"
  2. Hate
  1. find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"
  2. Hate
Lose It
  1. lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"
  2. lose control of one''s emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"
Lose One's Temper
  1. get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"
  2. get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn''t know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"
Let Down
  1. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of; "Her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage"
  2. move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf"
  3. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of; "Her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage"
  4. move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf"
Lift Up
  1. fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits"
  2. take and lift upward
  3. fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits"
  4. take and lift upward