
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Lunar Day
  1. the period of time taken for the moon to make one full rotation on its axis (about 27.3 sidereal days)
  2. the period of time taken for the moon to make one full rotation on its axis (about 27.3 sidereal days)
Life Sentence
  1. a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives; "he got life for killing the guard"
  2. a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives; "he got life for killing the guard"
Lower Paleolithic
  1. the oldest part of the Paleolithic Age with the emergence of the hand ax; ended about 120,000 years ago
Leap Second
  1. a second (as measured by an atomic clock) added to or subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time in order to compensate for slowing in the Earth's rotation
  2. a second (as measured by an atomic clock) added to or subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time in order to compensate for slowing in the Earth''s rotation
  1. a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday
  1. a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday
Long Time
  1. a prolonged period of time; "we've known each other for ages"; "I haven't been there for years and years"
Long Run
  1. a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out; "in the long run we will win"; "in the long run we will all be dead"; "he performed well over the long haul"
  2. a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out; "in the long run we will win"; "in the long run we will all be dead"; "he performed well over the long haul"
Last Minute
  1. the latest possible moment; "money became available at the eleventh hour"; "at the last minute the government changed the rules"
  2. the latest possible moment; "money became available at the eleventh hour"; "at the last minute the government changed the rules"
  1. past times remembered with nostalgia