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10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer
  1. malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer
Lymphocytic Leukemia
  1. leukemia characterized by enlargement of lymphoid tissues and lymphocytic cells in the circulating blood
  2. leukemia characterized by enlargement of lymphoid tissues and lymphocytic cells in the circulating blood
Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  1. a form of lymphocytic leukemia in which the abnormal cells in the circulating blood are almost totally lymphoblasts
  2. a form of lymphocytic leukemia in which the abnormal cells in the circulating blood are almost totally lymphoblasts
  1. benign angioma consisting of a mass of lymphatic vessels
  1. benign angioma consisting of a mass of lymphatic vessels
  1. benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestive tract)
  1. benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestive tract)
Lung Cancer
  1. carcinoma of the lungs; one of the commonest forms of cancer
  2. carcinoma of the lungs; one of the commonest forms of cancer
Lumpy Jaw
  1. the commonest and least severe form of actinomycosis; affects the face and neck regions
  2. the commonest and least severe form of actinomycosis; affects the face and neck regions