
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. (biochemistry) dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria
  2. recuperation in which the symptoms of an acute disease gradually subside
  1. the process by which a bacterium acquires a phage that becomes integrated into its genome
  1. the process by which a bacterium acquires a phage that becomes integrated into its genome
  1. the process by which a bacterium acquires a phage that becomes integrated into its genome
  1. the process by which a bacterium acquires a phage that becomes integrated into its genome
  1. an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"
  1. an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"
Long Measure
  1. a measure of length
  2. a measure of length
Linear Unit
  1. a unit of measurement of length
  2. a unit of measurement of length
Linear Measure
  1. a unit of measurement of length
  2. a measure of length