
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. a small gift (especially one given by a merchant to a customer who makes a purchase)
  1. a small gift (especially one given by a merchant to a customer who makes a purchase)
Lobbying Expense
  1. expenses incurred in promoting or evaluating legislation; "many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer"
  2. expenses incurred in promoting or evaluating legislation; "many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer"
Living Wage
  1. a wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably
  2. a wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably
Lump Sum
  1. a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money
Library Fine
  1. fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
  2. fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
List Price
  1. the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list; often subject to discounts; "I got it at 30% off the list price"
  2. the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list; often subject to discounts; "I got it at 30% off the list price"
Land Tax
  1. a capital tax on property imposed by municipalities; based on the estimated value of the property
  2. a capital tax on property imposed by municipalities; based on the estimated value of the property
Legal Fee
  1. a fee paid for legal service
  2. a fee paid for legal service
Licensing Fee
  1. a fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something (as selling liquor or practicing medicine)
  2. a fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something (as selling liquor or practicing medicine)