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10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. low evergreen shrub of high north temperate regions of Europe and Asia and America bearing red edible berries
  1. low evergreen shrub of high north temperate regions of Europe and Asia and America bearing red edible berries
  1. family of fleshy parasitic herbs lacking green foliage and having heads of small flowers; California and Mexico
Lesser Wintergreen
  1. the common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; Europe and North America
  2. the common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; Europe and North America
  1. Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb
  1. tanbark oaks
Lithocarpus Densiflorus
  1. evergreen tree of the Pacific coast area having large leathery leaves; yields tanbark
Lithocarpus Glabra
  1. small evergreen tree of China and Japan
Lithocarpus Glaber
  1. small evergreen tree of China and Japan
Live Oak
  1. any of several American evergreen oaks
  2. any of several American evergreen oaks