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10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. United States painter who was a leading exponent of pop art (1923-1997)
  1. queen of the Hawaiian islands (1838-1917)
Lydia Kamekeha Paki Liliuokalani
  1. queen of the Hawaiian islands (1838-1917)
  1. British actress (born in Canada) (1898-1989)
Lady Peel
  1. British actress (born in Canada) (1898-1989)
  1. United States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959)
  1. Swedish soprano who toured the United States under the management of P. T. Barnum (1820-1887)
  1. United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974)
Lucky Lindy
  1. United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974)
  1. United States poet who traveled the country trading his poems for room and board (1879-1931)
  2. United States playwright who collaborated with Russel Crouse on several musicals (1889-1931)
  3. Sir Ernest Daryl Lindsay (31 December 1889 – 25 December 1976), known as Dan Lindsay, was an Australian artist.