
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. United States economist who proposed the Laffer curve (born in 1940)
  1. French pirate who aided the United States in the War of 1812 and received an official pardon for his crimes (1780-1826)
  1. French pirate who aided the United States in the War of 1812 and received an official pardon for his crimes (1780-1826)
La Fontaine
  1. French writer who collected Aesop's fables and published them (1621-1695)
  1. French naturalist who proposed that evolution resulted from the inheritance of acquired characteristics (1744-1829)
  1. English composer and conductor (1905-1951)
  2. lambert - a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter
Leonard Constant Lambert
  1. English composer and conductor (1905-1951)
  1. (Arthurian legend) one of the knights of the Round Table; friend of King Arthur until (according to some versions of the legend) he became the lover of Arthur's wife Guinevere
Lev Davidovich Landau
  1. Soviet physicist who worked on low temperature physics (1908-1968)
  1. United States harpsichordist (born in Poland) who helped to revive modern interest in the harpsichord (1879-1959)