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10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. a medical instrument for examining the larynx
  1. an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light
  2. Sailing class
  1. an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light
  2. Sailing class
Laser-Guided Bomb
  1. a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent; "laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather"
  2. a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent; "laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather"
  1. a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent; "laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather"
Laser Printer
  1. electrostatic printer that focuses a laser beam to form images that are transferred to paper electrostatically
  2. electrostatic printer that focuses a laser beam to form images that are transferred to paper electrostatically
  1. any improvised arrangement for temporary use
  1. a long noosed rope used to catch animals
  2. Belgian composer (1532-1594)
  3. Lariat
  4. catch with a lasso; "rope cows"
  1. a long noosed rope used to catch animals
  2. Belgian composer (1532-1594)
  3. Lariat
  4. catch with a lasso; "rope cows"
  1. a long noosed rope used to catch animals