
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. the activity of laughing; the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn; "he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd"
  2. the sound of laughing
  1. the activity of laughing; the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn; "he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd"
  2. the sound of laughing
  1. disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned
  2. give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"
  3. bestow a quality on; "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"; "The music added a lot to the play"; "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"; "This adds a light note to the program"
  4. have certain characteristics of qualities for something; be open or vulnerable to; "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television"; "The current system lends itself to great abuse"
  5. Allow to borrow
  1. disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned
  1. disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned
  2. give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"
  1. disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned
Land-Office Business
  1. very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
  2. very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
Line Of Business
  1. a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field"
  2. a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes"
  3. a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field"
  4. a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes"
Labor Market
  1. the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers
  2. the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers
  1. investing with borrowed money as a way to amplify potential gains (at the risk of greater losses)
  2. strategic advantage; power to act effectively; "relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage"
  3. the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever
  4. provide with leverage; "We need to leverage this company"
  5. supplement with leverage; "leverage the money that is already available"