Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

127 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The state of being closely surrounded, crowded, or pressed, as by ice.
  1. noun - a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally
  2. a disorder in which feces are impacted in the lower colon
  3. a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something
  4. the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed
  1. noun - a symptom of reduced quality or strength
  2. damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
  3. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
  4. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"
  5. the occurrence of a change for the worse
  1. noun - the act of piercing with a sharpened stake as a form of punishment or torture
  1. adjective - imperceptible to the senses or the mind; "an impalpable cloud"; "impalpable shadows"; "impalpable distinctions"; "as impalpable as a dream"
  2. incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch; "the intangible constituent of energy"- James Jeans
  3. not perceptible to the touch; "an impalpable pulse"
  1. adverb - not substantially; lacking substantial expression or fullness
  1. - Embodiment in bread; the supposed real presence and union of Christ's material body and blood with the substance of the elements of the eucharist without a change in their nature; -- distinguished from transubstantiation, which supposes a miraculous change of the substance of the elements. It is akin to consubstantiation.
  1. verb - enter into a list of prospective jurors
  2. select from a list; "empanel prospective jurors"
  1. verb - enter into a list of prospective jurors
  2. select from a list; "empanel prospective jurors"
  1. - To put in a state like paradise; to make supremely happy.