Matching Words
355 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Ab Ovo
- unknown - Literally 'from the egg' ie from the very beginning
- adjective - (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully); "they played the adagio too quickly"
- (of tempo) leisurely
- a slow section of a pas de deux requiring great skill and strength by the dancers
- slowly; "here you must play adagio"
Add To
- verb -
- have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries"
- - Advice; counsel; suggestion; also, a dispatch or advice boat.
- - The rust of any metal, esp. of brass or copper; verdigris.
- noun - a Japanese martial art employing principles similar to judo
- adjective - (used of arms and legs) bent outward with the joint away from the body; "a tailor sitting with legs akimbo"; "stood with arms akimbo"
- with hands on hips and elbows extending outward; "she stood there akimbo"
- noun - the ratio of reflected to incident light
- noun - a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin; eyes are usually pink
- noun - type genus of the Albuginaceae; fungi causing white rusts