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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The termination of the past participle of regular, or weak, verbs; also, of analogous participial adjectives from nouns; as, pigmented; talented.
  1. - A suffix used, chiefly in law terms, in a passive signification, to indicate the direct or indirect object of an action, or the one to whom an act is done or on whom a right is conferred; as in assignee, donee, alienee, grantee, etc. It is correlative to -or, the agent or doer.
  1. - A suffix from AS. -an, formerly used to form the plural of many nouns, as in ashen, eyen, oxen, all obs. except oxen. In some cases, such as children and brethren, it has been added to older plural forms.
  1. - . 1. [AS. -ere; akin to L. -arius.] The termination of many English words, denoting the agent; -- applied either to men or things; as in hater, farmer, heater, grater. At the end of names of places, -er signifies a man of the place; as, Londoner, i. e., London man.
  1. - A noun suffix with a diminutive force; as in baronet, pocket, facet, floweret, latchet.
  1. - A suffix signifying to make, to form into, etc.; as, acetify, amplify, dandify, Frenchify, etc.
  1. - A suffix signifying, in general, relating to, or characteristic of; as, historic, hygienic, telegraphic, etc.
  1. - A suffix. See the Note under -ine.
  1. - A suffix forming adjectives and adverbs, and denoting likeness or resemblance; as, housewifely duties.
  1. - A suffix added to the names of certain numerals or to the numerals themselves, to indicate the number of leaves made by folding a sheet of paper; as, sixteenmo or 16mo; eighteenmo or 18mo. It is taken from the Latin forms similarly used; as, duodecimo, sextodecimo, etc. A small circle, placed after the number and near its top, is often used for -mo; as, 16