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C LIFE 2 peter2850 16th January 2013, 05:15
» by chrisg
TAIT 2 peter2850 16th January 2013, 03:24
» by peter2850
Gemini 5 pamla 16th January 2013, 01:12
» by pamla
CHANTHO 1 stevemar1709 15th January 2013, 23:30
» by bernie
FT "The Crossword" no. 115 by ALDHELM 4 laurel 15th January 2013, 23:17
» by mamya
DR £500 crossword 3 katy4 15th January 2013, 22:42
» by katy4
Sunday Herald 27 kiki2 15th January 2013, 22:28
» by stevemar1709
fun4cryptic 6 imagcq 15th January 2013, 22:08
» by imagcq
fishing 3 kingfisher 15th January 2013, 21:56
» by andyc
Jolan's 5 (@ 5) 46 jolan 15th January 2013, 21:41
» by greedy kite
occupations 10 quizmad 15th January 2013, 21:07
» by keenquizzer
link word 3 quizmad 15th January 2013, 21:04
» by quizmad
a few more needed, answers arecats or connected to cats 9 bigfoot 15th January 2013, 20:52
» by gok wan acolytes
Listener how to ... 17 singer 15th January 2013, 20:47
» by unclued
just for fun cryptic4 7 imagcq 15th January 2013, 20:37
» by imagcq
DM 15th 12 ninian 15th January 2013, 19:43
» by ninian
Times 5979 12 redcoral 15th January 2013, 19:18
» by lydia2
daily record big one 3 smudgy13 15th January 2013, 19:11
» by smudgy13
Film anagram 4 polly dee 15th January 2013, 18:09
» by vrk
Times Cryptic 1017 3 gawain 15th January 2013, 17:35
» by jazzgirl
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