Vote against taxi that's hiked fare for some in the morning - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 24/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Vote against taxi that's hiked fare for some in the morning.

5 letter answer(s) to vote against taxi that's hiked fare for some in the morning

  1. back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked; usually sliced thin and fried
  2. English scientist and Franciscan monk who stressed the importance of experimentation; first showed that air is required for combustion and first used lenses to correct vision (1220-1292)
  3. English statesman and philosopher; precursor of British empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning (1561-1626)
  4. Roger Bacon, c. 1219/20 – c. 1292), also known by the scholastic accolade Doctor Mirabilis, was a medieval English philosopher and Franciscan friar.

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