Order piece of fish - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/03/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Order piece of fish.

5 letter answer(s) to order piece of fish

  1. (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
  2. a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
  3. a measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass
  4. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
  5. a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
  6. a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
  7. an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
  8. an ordered reference standard; "judging on a scale of 1 to 10"
  9. climb up by means of a ladder
  10. measure by or as if by a scale; "This bike scales only 25 pounds"
  11. measure with or as if with scales; "scale the gold"
  12. pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
  13. reach the highest point of; "We scaled the Mont Blanc"

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