Nick's pretty short of energy - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 22/12/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Nick's pretty short of energy.

3 letter answer(s) to nick's pretty short of energy

  1. (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next; "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt"
  2. (of a male animal) having the testicles removed; "a cut horse"
  3. (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit; "the cut pages of the book"
  4. (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball; "cuts do not bother a good tennis player"
  5. (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine; "the smell of newly mown hay"
  6. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply; "the slashed prices attracted buyers"
  7. a canal made by erosion or excavation
  8. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc; "he played the first cut on the cd"; "the title track of the album"
  9. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
  10. a refusal to recognize someone you know; "the snub was clearly intentional"
  11. a remark capable of w

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