Nelson’s - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 13/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Nelson’s.

6 letter answer(s) to nelson’s

  1. (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure
  2. a line of units following one after another
  3. a page or text that is vertically divided; "the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject"; "the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns"
  4. a vertical array of numbers or other information; "he added a column of numbers"
  5. a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument)
  6. a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
  7. an article giving opinions or perspectives
  8. any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body
  9. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose ab

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