Forms in English hidden in boxes - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 30/01/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Forms in English hidden in boxes.

7 letter answer(s) to forms in english hidden in boxes

  1. bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
  2. create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
  3. create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
  4. invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
  5. make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
  6. pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating"

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