Fellow in a horizontal position doing a Superman impression? - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 16/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fellow in a horizontal position doing a Superman impression?.

6 letter answer(s) to fellow in a horizontal position doing a superman impression?

  1. an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
  2. be dispersed or disseminated; "Rumors and accusations are flying"
  3. cause to fly or float; "fly a kite"
  4. change quickly from one emotional state to another; "fly into a rage"
  5. decrease rapidly and disappear; "the money vanished in las Vegas"; "all my stock assets have vaporized"
  6. display in the air or cause to float; "fly a kite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N."
  7. hit a fly
  8. hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit"
  9. move quickly or suddenly; "He flew about the place"
  10. moving swiftly; "fast-flying planes"; "played the difficult passage with flying fingers"
  11. operate an airplane; "The pilot flew to Cuba"
  12. pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"
  13. run away quickly; "He threw down

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