Common Crossword Clues Starting with #
!!, to a printer" " "" " " " "" ... or so ___ say"" ... ___ saw Elba""#1" follows it"#@&%!," e.g."#@*!" and such"$" star, 1971"$100 per dozen plus ship"'Deed I Do" singer"'eat 'em up," snarled man with frostbitten toes, once?"'Neath the ___" (Wellesl"'Potpourri' for a thousa"'S Wonderful" composer"'Scuse me?""'Starts With F' for a th"'Tain't nothin'!""'Tain't" retort"'Tis a pity""'Tis the ___ to be jolly"'Tis ___ bagatelle!""'Tis" memoirist"'World Capitals' for 200"'___ Me?' I do not know "(You Don't Know) How Gla"+" pole"+" site"-er" or "-ing," e.g.: Ab"-ing" word"-speak""... abridging the freedo"... And God Created Woma"... and he's got Budweis"... and here it is!""... and I write '___' on"... And I'm the queen of"... and it works - the _"... and make it snappy!""... and nothing ___""... and that's final!""... and to ___ good-nigh"... and when I hand-deli"... and ___ a good night"... and ___ a good-night"... and ___ goes""... and ___ grow on""... and ___ it again!""... as it ___ heaven""... as old as yonder ___"... bad as they ___""... baked in ___""... blackbirds baked in "... boy ___ girl?""... bump on ___""... but dogs can't spoil"... but I could be wrong"... but I've always thou"... but is it ___?""... but no more like my "... but no ___""... but possibly untrue""... but things could cha"... die strangled ___ my"... for anger ___ in the"... for ___ care!""... goes, ___ go""... happily ___ after""... has ___ and hungry l"... hear ___ drop""... heaven hath pleas'd "... if ___ saw one!""... in thy possession li"... in ___ tree""... is fear ___""... is fear ___": F.D.R."... kissed thee ___ kill"... let thy words be ___"... like a ___ chocolate"... like THAT!""... like ___ not!""... love's shadows ___ r"... Mac ___ PC?""... maids all in ___""... man ___ mouse?""... maybe more, maybe le"... men in ___""... mercy on such ___": "... off ___ the wizard""... old woman who lived "... on the head of ___?""... one giant leap for _"... or ___ 1 for more op"... or ___!""... outrageous fortune, "... peas in ___""... poison'd with ___ of"... provoked with raging"... see hide ___ hair of"... so long ___ both sha"... sting like ___""... that's ___!""... the sun paused ___ i"... the way of a man wit"... then again, I could "... then again, maybe I'"... there are evils ___ "... three men in ___""... thy cheeks look ___ "... to buy ___ pig""... to fetch ___ of wate"... to name just a few":"... to your beauteous bl"... two fives for ___?""... who hath begotten th"... who lived in ___""... with a banjo on my _"... yadda, yadda, yadda""... ye shall ___ more va"... ___ a fever""... ___ a lender be""... ___ after""... ___ and hungry look""... ___ and not heard""... ___ any drop to drin"... ___ before the deadl"... ___ bottle of rum""... ___ but the wind": B"... ___ faith turn to de"... ___ go?""... ___ great fall""... ___ he drove out of "... ___ he said""... ___ I'm told""... ___ in Kalamazoo""... ___ it me?""... ___ man put asunder""... ___ mouse?""... ___ no evil ...""... ___ no fury ...""... ___ of water""... ___ penny earned""... ___ quit!""... ___ saw Elba""... ___ shall die""... ___ should I""... ___ the cows come ho"... ___ the fields we go"... ___ the least""... ___ the queen of Eng"... ___ the set of sun":"... ___ they say""... ___ thousand times ."... ___ told by an idiot"... ___ will die""... ___ will!""... ___ woodchuck could "..., ___""...all that wealth ___ g"...and carry ___ stick""...And God Created Woman"...and last in the Ameri"...and make it snappy!""...and shall bring forth"...and ___ grow on""...and ___ the twain sha"...and ___ yours!""...auld lang ___""...baked in ___""...blackbirds, baked in "...bombs bursting ___""...but I didn't ___""...can you spare ___?""...civilization ___ know"...could ___ horse!""...covers a multitude __"...down and ___ go!"" ___ fowl""...foreign field that is"...gimble in the ___": C"...hear ___ drop"" ___ tree"" sad and dreary ev'"'s ___ know"" a big pizza pie," you've ___ ghost" ___ not!""...lovely ___ tree"" ___ mouse?""...not always what they " ___ two!" (Welk i"...only with ___ eyes""...or ___ me?""...partridge in ___ tree"...peas in ___""...sat down beside ___"" long ___ both shal"...some kind of ___?""...sting like ___""...this sceptred ___": ""...two mints ___!""...under the whelming __"...unto us ___ is given""...upon receipt ___""...we fear ___ evil": Bu"...with ___ of thousands"...woman who lived in __"...___ a good-night!""...___ a lender be""...___ a pound""...___ can't get up!""...___ cost to you!""...___ do better!""...___ dust shalt thou r"...___ for Superman!""...___ forgive our debto"...___ in the affairs of"...___ is in heaven": Ma"...___ man put asunder""...___ old soul""...___ open fire""...___ quit!""...___ quit!" (ultimatum"...___ saw Elba""...___ shall die" ("It M"...___ shall die" (1967 "...___ short pier!""...___ they say""...___ thousand times..."...___ will!""...___ You Ain't My Baby"1 Down" dish"1, 2, 3" lead-in"1,001 Arabian Nights" he"1-2-3" singer Barry"10 ___ or less" (checkou"10" in a bikini"10" music"10" star"10-4" speaker"100 Centre Street" star"1000 Oceans" singer, 199"101 ___ for a Dead Cat" "11 Harrowhouse" director"12 Angry Men" director"12 Angry Men" role"12 angry men," e.g."12 ___ Men," 58-/46-Acro"15 shillings? Leave it out!" - Dickensian Bob"1776" role"18 Across" effigy"1876" author"1914" poet"1984" activity"1984" conspirator"1984" figure"1984" land"1984" setting"1984" state"1984" superstate dominat"2, 4, 6, 8 "2, 4, 6, 8 - Who do we a"20 Hrs., 40 Min." author"20 Questions" category /"20,000 Leagues Under the"20,000 Leagues" mate ___"20/20" network"2001" characters"2001" computer"2001" extras"2001" mainframe"2001" processor"2001" stone"2001" studio"2001: A Space Odyssey" s"21 down", son says"21 ___""23 ___": Var."24" agent Jack"25 words or less" event"28 Days" subject"28 Flavors" chain, for s"30 Rock" co-star Baldwin"30 Rock" creator"30 Rock" network"48___""48___" (Nick Nolte film)"5 cents," I said, "for Rimsky-Korsakov?""5,000 Nights at the Oper"54-40 or fight" candidat"57 Varieties" company"6 'N the Mornin'" rapper"6 Rms ___ Vu" (play)"60 Minutes" airer"60 Minutes" corresponden"60 Minutes" duo"60 Minutes" man"60 Minutes" name"60 Minutes" network"60 Minutes" newsman"60 Minutes" pundit Andy"60 Minutes" regular"60 Minutes" reporter"60 Minutes" sound"61 in '61" slugger Roger"7 Faces of Dr. ___" (196"7" player"77 Sunset Strip" charact"8 Mile" rapper"8 Minute Abs," according"84 Charing Cross Road" a"9 to 5" co-star"90210" extra"99 and 44/100% pure" soa"99 Luftballons" band, 19"99 Luftballons" hit-make"99 Luftballons" pop grou"99 Luftballons" singer, "99 Red Balloons" singer,"@#$%!," e.g."A"A Bar at the Folies-Berg"A Beautiful Mind" fellow"A Beautiful Mind" star"A Beautiful Mind" star, "A Bell for ___""A bird," "a plane" or "S"A bit of talcum / Is alw"A blind mule kicking by "A Book of Nonsense" auth"A Bridge Too Far" author"A Bug's Life" bug"A Bug's Life" princess"A car you can believe in"A Certain Justice" autho"A Challenge for the Acto"A Chapter on Ears" essay"A Chapter on Ears" write"A Child Is Born" trumpet"A Chorus Line" finale"A Chorus Line" girl"A Chorus Line" number"A Chorus Line" song"A Chorus Line" standard"A Christmas Carol" cries"A Christmas Carol" excla"A Christmas Story" co-st"A Clockwork Orange" hool"A Clockwork Orange" inst"A Clockwork Orange" lead"A Clockwork Orange" narr"A Clockwork Orange" prot"A cockroach!""A Confederacy of Dunces""A Confession" author"A Cooking Egg" poet"A country boy from the East, then elevated" (describing anniversary's principal character)"A County in la Nazione: "A Day Without Rain" sing"A Death in the Family" a"A Death in the Family" w"A Delicate Balance" play"A diamond is forever" sl"A Different Read on Life"A Different World" actre"A dish best served cold""A Dog of Flanders" novel"A Dog of Flanders" write"A Doll's House" dramatis"A Doll's House" heroine"A Doll's House" playwrig"A Doll's House" wife"A Dream Within a Dream" "A Dream Within a Dream,""A Dream" artist"A Farewell to Arms" sett"A fickle food upon a shi"A Fine Romance" composer"A Fish Called Wanda" Osc"A Fish Called Wanda" sta"A Flea ___ Ear" (Georges"A Fool There Was" star, "A Footnote to History" a"A Free Man of Color" pla"A friend to call my own,"A Garden of Earthly Deli"A German Requiem" compos"A Girl Like I" author"A Girl Like I" autobiogr"A Girl Reading" painter"A Girl, A Guy and ___" ("A God in Ruins" novelist"A good servant but a bad"A good walk spoiled," sa"A grand, ungodly, godlik"A great flame follows a "A guy that has never had"A guy walks into a ___ "A Hard Day's Night" dire"A Hard Road to Glory" at"A Hard Road to Glory" au"A Hard Road to Glory" wr"A Harlot's Progress" art"A Holly Jolly Christmas""A House Is Not ___""A house ___ a home""A Hymn to ___" ("My Fair"A jealous mistress": Eme"A Journey to the Center "A Jug of Wine ..." poet"A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of"A Kind of Loving" noveli"A kind of praise": John "A kingdom for ___": "Hen"A League of ___ Own" (19"A leopard can't change i"A Lesson From ___""A Letter for ___" (Hume "A lie that makes us real"A Life for the Czar" com"A Life for the Tsar" com"A Life for the Tsar" her"A likely story!""A likely story""A Little Bitty Tear" hit"A Little Bitty Tear" sin"A little dab'll do ya" b"A Little Princess" heroi"A little ___ do ya" (195"A little ___ the mightie"A loaf of bread ..." poe"A Lonely Rage" autobiogr"A Loss of Roses" playwri"A maid with hair of gold"A Man and a Woman" compo"A man cannot be too care"A Man Must Fight" author"A Masked Ball" aria"A merry heart ___ good l"A Midsummer Night's Drea"A mighty fortress is our"A Mighty Fortress ___ Go"A Million Little Pieces""A miss ___ good ...""A miss ___ good...""A Modest Proposal" write"A Modest Proposal," e.g."A momentary madness," pe"A mouse!""A Natural Man" Grammy wi"A Natural Man" singer, 1"A New Deal for Christmas"A New Leaf" actress/dire"A New Life" director"A New World Record" grp."A Night at the Opera" tu"A Nightmare on Elm Stree"A one and ___""A one and ___...""A one ___ two...""A parlor utensil for sub"A Passage to India" acto"A Passage to India" char"A Passage to India" doct"A Passage to India" fami"A Passage to India" hero"A Passage to India" woma"A peculiar sort of a gal"A penny saved is ...""A penny saved is a penny"A Perfect Day for Banana"A Perfect Peace" novelis"A pity""A place you can go "A place you can go," in "A pox on you!""A Prairie Home Companion"A Prayer for ___ Meany""A Pure Woman" of an 1891"A Rainy Night in ___" (1"A Raisin in the Sun" act"A Raisin in the Sun" wri"A rat!""A Room With ___""A Season in Purgatory" n"A Sentimental Journey" a"A Serious Man" co-direct"A Shot in the Dark" star"A shrewd pickpurse": How"A Song for the Lonely" s"A special laurel ___ go""A Spy in the House of Lo"A Star Is Born" co-star"A stitch in time ...," e"A Streetcar Named Desire"A Study in Scarlet" insp"A Summer Place" co-star"A table, a chair, a bowl"A Tale of Love and Darkn"A Tale of Two Cities" he"A Tale ___ Cities""A Taste for Death" autho"A Theory of Semiotics" a"A thing of beauty is a j"A thing of beauty is ___"A Thousand Acres" noveli"A thousand pardons""A Tidewater Morning" aut"A Town Like ___" (Nevil "A Tract on Monetary Refo"A transient madness," pe"A Treatise of Human Natu"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"A truer measure of man's"A very high price to pay"A View to a ___" (Bond f"A View to ___""A Vindication of Natural"A Visit From St. Nichola"A waking dream": Aristot"A waking dream," accordi"A Whiter Shade of Pale" "A wild sort of devil" in"A Wild ___" (cartoon in "A winner "A Woman Speaks" writer"A Woman Speaks" writer A"A woman's ___ often open"A Writer's Life" autobio"A Writer's Life" writer,"A Yank at ___" (1942 Mic"A Yank at ___," Mickey R"A Yank in the ___" (1941"A Year in Provence" auth"A ___ bagatelle!""A ___ Face" (Joan Crawfo"A ___ Flanders" (1959 te"A ___ formality!""A ___ formality""A ___ in Bronzeville" (f"A ___ of One's Own""A ___ plan ...""A ___ should not mean / "A ___ tardi" ("See you l"A ___ technicality!""A ___'clock scholar""A ___, petal and a thorn"A" in German 101?"A" or "an""A" or "the""A" team in reserve"A-Tisket, A-Tasket" sing"A.S.A.P.!""Aaargh!""Aack!" sayer, in the com"Abandon hope ___ ...""Abbey Road" song"Abdul Abulbul ___" (1927"Able to ___ tall buildin"Able was I ___ I saw Elb"Able was I ___ saw Elba""Able was I ___...""Able was ___ "Able was ___ ...""Able was ___...""Able" one"About Last Night ..." co"Above the fruited ___""Absalom and Achitophel" "Absolument!""Absolut nicht!""Absolutely Fabulous" mom"Absolutely not!""Absolutely not," e.g."Absolutely!""Absolutely""Absolutely, ambassador""Absolutely, guaranteed""Abyssinia""AC360"Accept the situation!""Accident ahead" indicato"According to some ...""Acid""Acoustic guitar" or "pus"Acoustic Soul" singer In"Act now!""Act your ___!""Action" word"Actually, it's true""Ad Astra per ___" (Kansa"Ad hominem" source"Ad majorem ___ gloriam" "Ad Parnassum" painter"Ad ___ per aspera" (Kans"Adam and Eve on a raft" "Adam and Eve on a raft,""Adam Bede" author"Adam Bede" novelist"Adam ___" (Eliot novel)"Adam's Rib" actress"Adam-12" call, briefly"Addicted to Love" direct"Adia" singer McLachlan"Adieu""Adios Muchachos," e.g."Adios!""Adventures in Good Music"Adventures in moving" sl"Aeneid" figure"Aeneid" poet"Aeneid," e.g."Affirmative""Affliction" star, 1998"African revolutionary" a typing error, originally"After Dark, My Sweet" ac"After the maid cleans ou"After we delineate this "After whom ___ thou purs"After you""After you, Father," e.g."Again ...""Again!""Again?!""Against All ___""Age ___ beauty""Agnes Grey" author"Agnus ___""Agreed!""Agreed""Agreed. However ...""Agrippina" composer"Ah like to ___ with diff"Ah yes""Ah!""Ah""Ah, But Your Land Is Bea"Ah, for the good old day"Ah, I see!""Ah, me!""Ah, those were the days""Ah, well ...""Ah, Wilderness!" charact"Ah, Wilderness!" mother"Ah, yes""Aha!""Aha!" elicitor"Aha""Ahhh" and "Whew, that wa"Ahhh, O.K.""Ahoy" recipient"Ahoy, ___!""Aida" chorus subject"Aida" setting"Aida," for one"Aieeeee!," e.g."Aim too short!" shouted Ron stupidly"Ain't gonna happen!""Ain't gonna happen""Ain't Got No" musical"Ain't Got ___ to My Name"Ain't it the truth!""Ain't Misbehavin'" compo"Ain't Misbehavin'" star "Ain't Misbehavin'" tune"Ain't She Sweet?" compos"Ain't that the truth!""Ain't Too Proud ___""Ain't We Got Fun" lyrici"Ain't ___ shame?""Ain't ___ Sweet""Ain't ___ Sweet?""Ain't ___" ("Hair" tune)"Ain't!" retort"Air Music" composer"Air Music" composer, 197"Airplane!" actor Robert"Airplane!" or "Spaceball"Airplane!" woman"Airplane" co-star Robert"Al Aaraaf" writer"Al ___ Lado Del Rio" (Be"Aladdin" hero"Aladdin" monkey"Aladdin" parrot"Aladdin" prince"Aladdin" prince and name"Aladdin" setting"Alain und ___" (1940 Geo"Alas ...""Alas and ___""Alas!""Alas!" sighed the jean l"Alas""Alas" and "alack""Alas" in Augsburg"Alas" utterer"Alas, poor Yorick!," e.g"Ale" for the underaged"Alea iacta ___": Julius "Alfie" actor, 2004"Alfie" actress, 2004"Alfie" lyricist David"Alfred" and "Judith" com"Alfred" composer"Ali ___ and the 40 Thiev"Ali ___ and the Forty Th"Ali" actress Gaye"Ali," e.g."Alias" character Derevko"Alias" org."Alias" type"Alice in Wonderland" sis"Alice ___ It Again" (Noe"Alice" director, 1990"Alice" spin-off"Alice" spinoff"Alice" star"Alice" waitress"Alice's Restaurant" name"Alien" heroine"Alistair ___ America" (1"Alive" setting"All aboard!" area: Abbr."All aboard!" place"All About Eve" actress"All About ___""All About ___," 2009 San"All bets ___ off""All clear""All clear" signal"All done!""All Eyez ___" (1996 Tupa"All finished!""All Fool's Day" writer"All for one and one for "All God's Children Need "All gone!""All gone," for a tot"All I Ever Need ___" (So"All I gotta do ___ natur"All I Wanna Do" singer, "All I ___ Do" (Sheryl Cr"All in the Family" co-st"All in the Family" daugh"All in the Family" nickn"All in the Family" produ"All in the Family" role"All in the Family" spino"All in the Family" star"All kidding aside ...""All kidding ___...""All My Children" charact"All My Children" regular"All My Children" vixen"All My ___ Live in Texas"All nature is but ___": "All Over the World" grp."All Quiet on the Western"All right already!""All right!""All right, dude!""All righty ___!""All sales ___""All seats have been sold"All Star Revue" host of "All systems go!""All systems go""All systems go" signals"All systems ___""All That Jazz" choreogra"All That Jazz" director "All That Jazz" director"All the King's Men" actr"All the King's Men" star"All the King's Men" woma"All the perfumes of ___."All the Things You ___" "All the Things You ___""All the Way" lyricist"All the Way" lyricist Sa"All the world's a stage""All Things Considered" a"All Things Considered" b"All Things Considered" n"All You Need ___" (2008 "All ___ are off!""All ___ are off""All ___ day's work""All ___ go!""All ___ is divided into "All ___ is metaphor, and"All ___!""All ___!" (captain's cry"All ___!" (conductor's c"All ___!" (cry in court)"All ___""All ___" (1967 Temptatio"All ___" (Tomlin film)"All's Well That Ends Wel"All-American" fellow"Alley ___!""Alley ___""Ally McBeal" actress Luc"Ally McBeal" co-star Luc"Ally McBeal" lawyer"Ally McBeal" role"Ally McBeal" woman"Almighty" title role for"Almost clean" Brexit arranged, that can be delivered"Almost Famous" director,"Almost finished!""Almost finished," as to "Almost Paradise" author "Almost there!""Almost!""Almost""Almost" in horseshoes"Aloha nui ___" (warm gre"Along ___ lines ...""Alphabet web," to Variet"Alphabetic" girl's name"Already?""Alrighty""Also Sprach Zarathustra""Also, I almost forgot .."Am I an idiot!""Am I dreaming?""Am I the problem here?""Am not!" rejoinder"Am not!" response"Am too!" rejoinder"Am ___ a roll!""Am ___ believe "Am ___ believe ...""Am ___ believe ...?""Am ___ believe this?""Am ___ believe...?""Am ___ blame?""Am ___ fat?""Am ___ late?""Am ___ Man" (1960 Jackie"Am ___ only one...?""Am ___ risk?""Am ___ time?""Am ___ your way?""Amadeus" antagonist"Amadeus" choreographer"Amadeus" role"Amadeus" star"Amahl and the Night Visi"Amarantine" Grammy winne"Amare" might be conjugat"Amazin' " team"Amazin'" team"Amazing Grace" ending"Amazing Grace" melody ba"Amazing!""Amazing" debunker of the"Amazing" magician"Amen to that!""Amen!""Amen!": 3 wds."Amen, bro!""America the Beautiful" p"America This Morning" ou"America Undercover" aire"America" contraction"America" pronoun"America" singer in "West"America's Most Wanted" a"America's Next Top Model"America, the Beautiful" "American Appetites" nove"American Bandstand" view"American Beauty" directo"American Beauty" hero"American Beauty" prize"American Beauty" setting"American Buffalo" playwr"American Gigolo" star"American Graffiti" actre"American Graffiti" direc"American Graffiti" extra"American Idol" display"American Idol" judge"American Idol" judge Dio"American Idol" judge who"American Idol" quest"American Idol" rating"American Idol" winner __"American Justice" networ"American Me" star, 1992"American Morning" airer"American Morning" home"American Pie" actor Jaso"American Pie" actress"American Pie" actress Re"American Pie" actress Ta"American Pie" beauty"American Pie" singer Don"American Pie" songwriter"American Psycho" author"American __""American ___""Amerika" author"Amerika" novelist"Amistad" studio"Amo, amas, ___ ...""Amores" poet"Amscray!""An Actor's Life" autobio"An all 'round good fello"An American in Paris" ac"An American in Paris" co"An American in Paris" so"An American Life" autobi"An Aperture Monograph" p"An apple ___...""An Enquiry Concerning Hu"An Enquiry Concerning th"An Essay on Criticism" e"An Essay on Criticism" w"An Iceland Fisherman" au"An ill wind ..." instrum"An Inconvenient Truth" t"An Individual Not Taken""An instructor of great s"An invasion of armies ca"An Invitation to the Whi"An Officer and a Gentlem"An Unquiet Mind" subject"An' singin there, an' da"Anatomy of a Murder": De"Anatomy of a Murder": Pr"Anatomy ___ Murder""Anchors Aweigh" grp."And ... there you have i"And a Voice to Sing With"And Absalom rode upon __"And after that?""And all too soon, I fear"And another said, Is ___"And away go troubles ..."And away ___!""And blah blah blah""And giving ___, up the c"And here it is!""And how!""And I Love ___""And I ___ ...""And I ___...""And I'm the queen of Eng"And if that weren't bad "And if ___ before ...""And make it snappy!""And Morning ___ with has"And now ..." sayer"And Now for Something Co"And one more thing ...""And others," in a biblio"And our love become a fu"And pigs fly!""And pretty maids all in "And she shall bring fort"And so ...""And So It Goes" author"And so on," when tripled"And so ___""And so?""And that proves it""And that sort of thing":"And that's an ___!""And that's that!""And that's ___" ("Believ"And the ___ brought him "And the ___ goes to ...""And the ___ raths outgra"And their lies caused th"And then ...?""And then again ...""And there you are!""And thereby hangs ___""And this is the thanks _"And to those thorns that"And tonight's guest is ."And we'll ___ a cup o' k"And what ___ rare as a d"And what ___ rare as...""And what's he then, that"And When ___," 1969 Bloo"And while ___ the subjec"And who ___?""And Winter Came ..." art"And Winter Came ..." sin"And would you like anyth"And you'd better listen!"And ___ ask is a tall sh"And ___ bed""And ___ bed": Pepys"And ___ grow on""And ___ the field the ro"And ___ thou slain the J"And ___ Was," 1985 Talki"And ___ word from our sp"And ___...?""And ___?""And?""Ang"Angel of Light" novelist"Angel""Angela's Ashes" follow-u"Angela's ___""Angela's ___" (1996 best"Angele ___" (Latin praye"Angels in America" figur"Angels of mercy," briefl"Angie Baby" singer"Angie Baby" singer, 1974"Angie" actor, 1994"Animal Farm" author"Animal Farm" locale"Animal Farm," e.g."Animal House" attire"Animal House" beanie spo"Animal House" director"Animal House" figure"Animal House" frat man"Animal House" garb"Animal House" grp."Animal House" house"Animal House" party cost"Animal House" party wear"Animal House" wear"Anitra's Dance" composer"Anna Bolena" or "Anna Ni"Anna Christie" playwrigh"Anna Karenina" author"Annales" poet Quintus __"Anne of Green Gables" se"Anne of the Thousand Day"Annie Get Your Gun" star"Annie" portrayer Quinn a"Annie" showstopper"Annie" song"Annie" song with the lyr"Annuit coeptis" appears "Annus Mirabilis" poet"Another Green World" com"Another Green World" mus"Another pint?", I ask a person from abroad"Another Pyramid" musical"Another Time" poet and f"Another time, perhaps""Another ___, Another Sho"Answer the question""Anthropomorphic Bread" p"Anti-D"Antiart" art"Antigonae" opera compose"Antigone" dramatist"Antiques Roadshow" host "Antiques Roadshow" item"Antiques Roadshow" showe"Any bullets in this thin"Any day now ...""Any day now""Any fool can make ___, a"Any fool knows that!""Any volunteers?" reply"Any ___?""Anybody home? ... home? "Anyone home?""Anyone home?" call"anyone lived in a pretty"Anyone's Daughter" autho"Anything but ___!""Anything but!""Anything else?""Anything for You" singer"Anything that can go wro"Anything you say!""Anything you say""Anything you want""Anything ___""Anything ___" (1934 or 1"Anything ___" (Woody All"Anything ___?""Anytown, ___""Anyway, after that ...""Ape""Aphrodite and ___" (clas"Apocalypse Now" director"Apocalypse Now" locale"Apocalypse Now" setting"Apocalypto" subject"Apollo 13" actor Joe"Apollo 13" co-star"Apollo 13" director Howa"Apollo 13" subject"Apologia pro ___ Sua""Apologies""Apology" author"Apostolados" artist"Applesauce!""Apr"Aquarius" musical"Arabesque" actress, 1966"Arabian Nights" band"Arabian Nights" bird"Arabian Nights" creature"Arabian Nights" hero"Arabian Nights" menace"Arabian Nights" opener?"Arabian Nights" prince"Ararat" director, 2002"Archie" and "Cathy""Are not!" comeback"Are not!" response"Are not!" retort"Are not" retort"Are too!" response"Are we agreed?""Are we comfortable here?" Eaters set to reorder, apprehending Sally's climax ..."Are we finished?""Are we not joking about "Are we there yet?," mayb"Are we there ___?""Are you a man ___ mouse?"Are you calling me ___?""Are you game?""Are you in ___?""Are you nervous?" respon"Are you nuts?!""Are you serious?!""Are you some kind of ___"Are you there?""Are you up for it?""Are you ___ out?""Are you ___?!""Are you ___?""Are your Southern breakf"Are ___ pair?" ("Send in"Aren't I amazing?!""Aren't I amazing?""Aren't we the comedian?!"Aren't we ___?" (Sondhei"Aren't you ashamed?!""Aren't you special!""Aren't you the comedian?"Argghh!""Argonautica" character"Arise, fair sun, and kil"Armageddon" author"Aroint thee!," in modern"Around the Horn" cable c"Around the Horn" channel"Around the World in 72 D"Around the World in 80 D"Arrest that woman," said man attacked in Senate"Arrested Development" ac"Arrivederci ___""Arrivederci""Arrivederci" to xenophobe, holding up non-native"Arrow of God" novelist C"Arrowsmith" wife"Ars amatoria" poet"Ars gratia artis" studio"Ars gratia ___""Ars Poetica" poet"Ars ___ ...""Arsenic and Old Lace" di"Arsenic and Old Lace" st"Art is a delayed ___": S"Art is long, life is sho"Art is the triumph over "Art of Love" poet"Art of the Fugue" compos"Artaxerxes" composer"Arterio-" counterpart"Artistry in Rhythm" comp"As a cross comes down ...", Martin Peters describes victory"As a matter of fact ...""As a matter of fact, I d"As advertised ___!""As brisk as ___ in conve"As Good As It Gets" acto"As Good As It Gets" film"As I Lay Dying" characte"As I Lay Dying" family n"As I Lay Dying" father"As I was saying ...""As if I care""As if!""As is," e.g."As It Happened" memoiris"As It Happens" airer"As Long ___ Needs Me" (""As my final point ...""As old as the hills" and"As one member of the cre"As rust corrupts iron, s"As Time Goes By" choreog"As Time Goes By" request"As Time Goes By" singer "As we have therefore opp"As You Like It" daughter"As You Like It" exile si"As You Like It" forest"As You Like It" hero"As You Like It" lass"As You Like It" role"As You Like It" romantic"As You Like It" servant"As You Like It" setting"As You Like It" woman"As you ___""As ___ and breathe!""As ___ Dying""As ___ in point ...""As ___ my witness""As ___ on TV!""As ___ saying ...""As ___" (letter closing)"Ash Wednesday" poet"Ash Wednesday" writer"Ask me anything""Ask!""Aspiration Man" by Gore "Assuming it's O.K. with "Asylum" star Sylvia"At Last" singer James"At once!""At Random" autobiographe"At Seventeen" singer"At Seventeen" singer Jan"At the Milliner's" paint"At the Movies" bit"At the organic market, t"At the ___ Core," 1976 s"At the ___" (1978 song p"At ___, soldier!""At-ten-SHUN!," e.g."Atlantic City" director"Atlas Shrugged" author R"Atomic Leda" painter"Atonement" author McEwan"Attaboy!""Attack!""Attack, Fido!""Attack, Rex!""Attention please ...""Attention!""Au contraire!""Au revoir!""Au revoir" from sailor regularly given no rum?"Au Revoir, ___ Enfants""Au Revoir, ___ Enfants" "Au revoir," for example"Auf Wiederseh'n Sweethea"Auf wiedersehen" wisher"Auld Lang ___""Auld" land"Aunt ___ Cope Book""Aunt" with a "Cope Book""Aunt" with a 1979 best s"Auntie Mame" character _"Author! Author!" autobio"Author! Author!" star"Author! Author!" star, 1"Authority is never witho"Automatic for the People"Autrefois un ___ de Thul"Avalon" band"Avast!""Avatar" craft"Ave ___" (Latin prayer)"Aw, quit your joshin'!""Aw, quit ___ bellyachin'"Aw, shaddup!""Aw, shucks""Aw, shucks" expressions"Awake and Sing!" playwri"Awake and Sing" playwrig"Away From ___" (Julie Ch"Away in a Manger," for o"Away! you are ___": Shak"Away!""Awesome!""Awright!""Aww""Aww"-inspiring"Axis of evil" land"Aye aye, capit"Aye" canceler"Aye"-catcher?"Aye, aye!""Aye, aye!" hearer: Abbr."Ayn Rand: ___ of Life" ("… and they all lived happily ever after"?"… that sweet City with her dreaming spires …""B," maybe, in an encyclo"B.C." abode"B.C." cartoonist"B.C." creator"B.C.," e.g."Ba-a-a-ad!""Ba-a-ad!""Ba-da-___!""Babes in Arms" star, 193"Babette's Feast" author,"Baby and Child Care" aut"Baby Baby" singer, 1991"Baby Hold On" hitmaker, "Baby Hold On" singer"Baby ___ You" (1962 hit)"Baby ___" (2008 comedy)"Baby" singer Justin"Baby, It's Cold Outside""Back door's open!""Back in the ___""Back to the Future" actr"Back to the Future" bull"Back to the Future" fami"Back to the Future" subj"Back to the Future" tagl"Back to you""Back ___ hour""Back ___ hour" (shop sig"Back ___" (1974 Genesis "Backdraft" by the Bolsho"Backdraft" concern"Backdraft" crime"Backroads" singer Ricky "Bad Behavior" star Steph"Bad Behavior" star, 1993"Bad Behaviour" star Step"Bad Boy for Life" perfor"Bad Boys" actor, 1983"Bad Girl" singer"Bad idea!""Bad idea""Bad Influence" star"Bad Medicine" band"Bad!""Bad!" sounds"Bad" cholesterol, for sh"Bad" cholesterol, initia"Bad" for "good," e.g."Bad, bad" Brown"Bad, bad" Brown of song"Bah!""Bah, humbug!""Bald" baby bird"Balderdash!""Baled Hay" humorist"Bali ___""Bali ___" ("South Pacifi"Ball Four" author"Ball!" callers"Ballad of John Henry" fo"Baloney!""Baloney!" abroad?"Bam!" blurter"Bam!" chef"Bam!" man in the kitchen"Bambi" author"Bambi" character"Ban porn and chess!", I raged"Band of Gold" singer Fre"Band of Gold" singer Pay"Bang Bang Orangutang" ac"Bang Bang" singer, 1966"Barbara ___""Barbara ___" (1966 hit)"Bards of Passion and of "Barnaby Jones" actor"Barnaby Jones" star"Barney Miller" set"Barry Lyndon" star"Baseball Tonight" airer"Baseball Tonight" channe"Baseball Tonight" networ"Based ___ novel by ...""Bathers" painter"Batman" fight scene soun"Batman" fight scene word"Batman" setting"Batman" sound"Batman" sound effect"Batman" sound effects"Batman" theme composer H"Batman" villain"Batman" villain, with "t"Battle Backstabber"? [Su"Battle Cry" author"Battle Cry" novelist"Battle of Britain" grp."Battleship Potemkin" loc"Battlestar Galactica" an"Battlestar Galactica" co"Battling Bella""Battling for Peace" auth"Baudolino" author"Baudolino" novelist"Baudolino" novelist, 200"Baywatch" actor David"Baywatch" actress ___ Le"Baywatch" beauties"Baywatch" type"Be a ___!""Be All You Can Be" group"Be brave!""Be careful!""Be honest""Be Kind Rewind" co-star "Be more ..." sloganeer"Be More Chill" novelist "Be My Love" lyricist"Be on the lookout" messa"Be patient!""Be patient""Be polite!""Be prepared for this!", doctor said with sneer"Be prepared""Be Prepared" org."Be present," in a song"Be quiet!""Be right there!""Be right with you!""Be saved!""Be sensible!""Be silent," in music"Be silent," in scores"Be silent," musically"Be still!""Be that as it may ...""Be that as ___ ...""Be that as ___...""Be that ___ may...""Be there in ___""Be ___ and ...""Be ___ and help me""Be ___!""Be ___!" ("Come on!")"Be ___!" ("Help me out!""Be ___""Be ___...""Be-Bop-___""Be-Bop-___" (Gene Vincen"Beam ___, Scotty!""Beany & Cecil" boat Leak"Bear""Bear" that's not a bear"Bear" that's not really "Bearded" bloom"Bearded" flower"Beat it!""Beat it, kid!""Beat swords into plowsha"Beat the Clock" TV host"Beat ___ to ...""Beata Beatrix" painter"Beatles '65" and others"Beats me!""Beats me""Beats me" gesture"Beau Geste" author"Beau ___""Beau ___" (Gary Cooper c"Beautiful Boys" singer"Beautiful" things in a 1"Beauty and the Beast" be"Beauty and the Beast" sc"Beauty and the Beast," e"Beauty and the Beat" ban"Beauty is truth, truth b"Beauty ___ the eye "Beauty ___ the eye ...""Beavis and Butt-head" ca"Beavis and Butt-head" la"Beavis and Butt-head" sp"Because Freedom Can't Pr"Because I felt like it""Because ___ so!""Becket" actor, 1964"Becket" star"Bed-in" participant with"Bed-in" participant Yoko"Bed-in" participant, 196"Bedroom at ___" (classic"Bedtime for ___" (Reagan"Bee Season" star, 2005"Been there, done that""Been there, done that" f"Been there, ___""Beep beep" maker"Beep, beep!" speaker"Beer Barrel ___""Beethoven" star, 1992"Beetle Bailey" boob"Beetle Bailey" boss"Beetle Bailey" bulldog"Beetle Bailey" character"Beetle Bailey" creator W"Beetle Bailey" dog"Beetle Bailey" pooch"Beetle Bailey" soldier"Before I forget ...""Before the Devil Knows Y"Before ___ you go "Before ___ you go...""Before" or "after", say"Beg pardon ...""Beg pardon," in casual t"Beggars can't be chooser"Begin cycling!" "I won't!""Begin the Beguine" bandl"Begone!""Behave!" ... and a hint "Behind That Curtain" det"Behold ___ Horse" (Willi"Behold!""Behold!," to Pilate"Behold, the heavens do _"Behold, the people ___":"Behold," to Boethius"Behold," to Caesar"Behold," to Cicero"Being an actor is the lo"Being and Nothingness" w"Being There" director"Bel-___" (Maupassant nov"Belay there!""Believe It or ___!""Believe it ___ ...""Believe ___ ...""Believe ___ not!""Believe" singer"Believe" singer, 1999"Bellefleur" author"Belling the Cat" author"Bells Are Ringing" compo"Bells ___ Ringing""Beloved" actress Kimberl"Beloved" author Morrison"Beloved" heroine"Beloved" writer Morrison"Belvedere" artist"Ben Casey" star Edwards"Ben-Hur" author"Ben-Hur" author Wallace"Ben-Hur" extra"Ben-Hur" garb"Ben-Hur" novelist Wallac"Ben-Hur" racers"Ben-Hur" studio"Ben-Hur," e.g."Ben-Hur," for one"Ben-___""Benjamin""Benny & ___" (1993 film)"Benny & ___" (1993 roman"Benson" actress"Beowulf" and "Paradise L"Beowulf" and others"Beowulf" beverage"Beowulf," e.g."Beowulf," for one"Berenice" author, briefl"Bertha" composer"Besides that ...""Best of luck!""Bet you can't...," e.g."Betsy's Wedding" actor"Betsy's Wedding" directo"Betsy's Wedding" star"Betsy's Wedding" star, 1"Between two ___, which h"Beverly Hills 90210" act"Beverly Hills 90210" fel"Beverly Hills 90210" fem"Beverly Hills 90210" gir"Beverly Hills 90210" res"Beware the fury of a ___"Bewitched" aunt"Bewitched" husband"Bewitched" role"Bewitched" singer, 1950"Bewitched" spinoff"Bewitched" witch"Beyond Good and Evil" au"Beyond Peace" author's m"Beyond the Sea" singer"Beyond the Sea" singer, "Bien s"Bien ___!""Big Blue""Big Brother is watching "Big Brother" host Julie"Big deal ... I was wrong"Big deal""Big deal," said the pock"Big iron," in hacker sla"Big Love" airer"Big Love" setting"Big Mouth" Martha"Big news!""Big Pile of Dirt"? [Char"Big Sur" writer, 1962"Big Yellow Taxi" singer "Big ___" (comic strip)"Big ___," 1995 Notorious"Big" director, 1988"Big" girl"Big" number in college a"Big" one"Bill & ___ Bogus Journey"Bill & ___ Excellent Adv"Bill Moyers Journal" air"Bill ___ History of the "Bill ___, the Science Gu"Billy Bathgate" novelist"Billy Budd" and "Of Mice"Billy Budd" captain"Billy the Exterminator" "Billy, Don't Be ___" (19"Bingo!""Bingo, ___ Yale" (fight "Biography" channel"Biography" network"Biography" network, once"Biopic strewn with lust, not love""Bird on ___" (1990 film)"Bird on ___" (1990 movie"Bird on ___" (Gibson fil"Bird on ___," 1990 Mel G"Bird" with a flexible no"Birth ___ Nation""Biscuit" introduced in 1"Bit of magic from outside right," said Mark Wright"Bitter" part"Bitter" perhaps describes mean article about Grant"Black Beauty" author"Black Beauty" author Sew"Black Beauty" star Freem"Black Beauty" star ___ F"Black box" regulator: Ab"Black gold""Black Orpheus" setting"Black rat" as opposed to"Black Stallion" boy"Black Swan" attire"Black utopia" of 1920"Black Velvet" singer Ala"Black Water" novelist"Black" day in the stock "Black-eyed" girl"Blade Runner" actress Yo"Blah blah blah blah blah"Blah, blah, blah ...""Blah, blah, blah""Blame It on the Bossa No"Blame It on ___" (Caine "Blame It ___" (Michael C"Blastoff!" preceder"Bleah!""Bleak House" girl"Bleak House" girl and ot"Bleak House" writer"Blech!""Bless you" preceder"Blitzkrieg Bop" group, w"Blondie" boy"Blondie" cartoonist is n"Blondie" character"Blondie" dog and others"Blondie" kid"Blondie" or "Beetle Bail"Blondie" or "Cathy""Blondie" tyke"Blood and Fire" for the "Blood hath been shed ___"Bloody""Blossom Time," e.g."Blow, Blow, Thou Winter "Blue Chips" actor"Blue Eyes" singer, 1982"Blue Hawaii" star"Blue II" and "Harlequin'"Blue II" painter, 1961"Blue Monday" singer"Blue Moon" composer"Blue Moon" lyricist"Blue River" actress, 199"Blue River" author Canin"Blue Sky" Oscar winner"Blue" bird"Blue" boxer"Blue" or "White" river"Blue-eyed" one in "The T"Blueberry Hill" singer i"Blues Suite" choreograph"Blume in Love" star and "Bo-o-oring""Body Count" rapper"Body Rock" rapper"Bol"Bold Lover, never, never"Bolero" composer"Bolero" star, 1934"Bon appetit!""Bon ___!""Bon ___""Bon" time"Bonanza" airer"Bonanza" brother"Bonanza" deputy and othe"Bonanza" homestead"Bonanza" name"Bonanza" setting"Bonanza" son"Bonanza" star Greene"Bond, ___ Bond""Bones" actress Deschanel"Bonne ___!""Bonne ___!" (French cry "Bonne ___" (French wish "Book of Days" songstress"Boola Boola" collegian"Boola Boola" collegians"Boola Boola" singer"Boola Boola" singers"Boom" preceder, in song"Boot" in the Mediterrane"Bop 'Til You Drop" band,"Boris Godunov" singer"Boris Godunov," for one"Born Free" feline"Born Free" lioness"Born from jets" automake"Born from jets" company"Born from jets" sloganee"Born in the ___""Born on the Fourth of Ju"Born This Way" singer La"Born to Be Blue" singer"Born Under ___ Sign" (19"Born Yesterday" playwrig"Born ___""Borrows" peremptorily"Borstal Boy" author"Borstal Boy" autobiograp"Boston Legal" Emmy winne"Boston Legal" fig."Both Sides Now," for one"Both work for me""Bottoms up!""Bowling for Columbine" d"Boy Meets World" boy"Boy, am I dumb!""Boy, am I shvitzing!""Boy, am I stupid!""Boy, am I tired!""Boy, am ___ trouble!""Boy, do I ___!""Boy, is it hot!""Boy, that was close!""Brace yourself!""Brain Trust" Prez"Brain" of a computer, br"Brandenburg Concertos" c"Brat Farrar" mystery wri"Brava!""Brave Men" writer, 1944"Brave New World" drug"Braveheart" getup"Braveheart" group"Braveheart" setting"Braveheart" star Gibson"Bravo!""Bravo, torero!""Brazil" hit-maker, 1943"Break a leg!""Break time!" is weird knee tat"Break ___!""Break ___!" ("Good luck!"Breakdown ahead" warning"Breaker Morant" people"Breakfast at Tiffany's" "Breaking Away" director "Breaking Away" director"Breaking ___ Hard to Do""Breezy" star, 1973"Brewster's Millions" act"Brian's Song" or "Roots""Bridal Chorus" bride"Bride or groom?" asker"Bridge Complete" author"Brigadoon" heroine playe"Brighton Rock" author"Brighton Rock" novelist"Brilliant idea!""Brilliant!""Brilliant, ain't I?!""Bringing Up Father" fath"Britannicus" dramatist"Bro!""Broadcast not fair!": sweet, wrinkly thing"Broadway Bill" director,"Broca's Brain" author"Brokeback Mountain" dire"Brokeback Mountain" role"Brokeback Mountain", e.g."Broken Arrow" co-star Mi"Bronx"/"thonx" rhymer"Broom Hilda" cartoonist"Broom-___""Brown bagger""Brrr!""Brrrr!""Brussels" officer in charge of a controversial selection procedure"Bubbles" seen in TV series: first of all staging unusually dramatic scenes"Buch der Lieder" poet"Buck Rogers" novelist No"Buck Rogers," for one"Buck up!""Buckle up" or "Passenger"Buddenbrooks" author"Buddenbrooks" novelist"Buddenbrooks" novelist T"Buddy""Buenas ___" (Spanish gre"Buenos Aires" musical"Buenos ___!""Buenos ___""Buffalo ___" (1844 song)"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"Bug ___" (1999 Destiny's"Bugger Holyrood," as homesick Glaswegian might say?"Bugs""Built better than it has"Bull Durham" character"Bull Durham" director Sh"Bulletproof" actor Henry"Bullitt" director"Bullitt" director Peter"Bullitt" has a famous on"Bullseye!" actor"Bulworth" star"Bummer""Buon ___""Buona ___!""Buona ___""Buona ___" (Italian gree"Burma Looks Ahead" autho"Burning Giraffe" painter"Burr" author"Bury Me in a Free Land" "Bury the Dead" playwrigh"Bus 9 to Paradise" autho"Bus Stop" playwright"Bus Stop" star, 1956"Bus Stop" writer"Bustin' Loose" star"Busy" one"But hark! ___ comes gent"But he forgot to place t"But I heard him exclaim,"But I must also feel ___"But I'm still white, som"But is it ___?""But love's a ___ without"But of course!""But of course!," in Mars"But of course""But of course, Monsieur!"But the ___ not my son" "But then again ...""But there is ___ in Mudv"But there ___ joy in Mud"But thy ___ summer shall"But wait! There's more ."But wait, there's more!""But wait, there's ___!""But what to do?!""But who ___ to "But will it play in ___?"But you promised!" retor"But, ___ was ambitious, "Butt out!," initially"Butt out," briefly"Butter knife" of golf"Butterfield 8" author"Butterflies ___ Free""Butterfly" actress, 1981"Butterfly" star, 1981"Buttery" legume"Button it!""Button your lip!""Button" site"Buy buy buy" time on Wal"Buy It Now" site"Buy now," e.g."Buy ___ regular price, g"Buyer beware" phrase"Buzz off!""Bwana Devil" was the fir"By gar!""By Jove!""By now you should know"By the power vested ___ "By the Waters of Babylon"By the way ...""By yesterday!""By ___!""Bye Bye Birdie" girl or "Bye Bye Birdie" song"Bye Bye Birdie" tune [Ca"Bye Bye Bye" band"Bye Bye Bye" band, 2000"Bye Bye Bye" boy band"Bye Bye Bye" singers"Bye Bye, Love" star, 199"Bye for now!""Bye now!""Bye now""Bye!""Bye""Bye" words?"Bye, now""Bye-bye!""Bye-bye""Bye-bye, mon ami""C"C" on a calculator"C'est la vie""C'est magnifique!""C'est moi" to us"C'est si bon!""C'est si ___""C'est ___""C'mon ... please?""C'mon in!""C'mon!""C'mon, at least consider"C'mon, be ___""C'mon, do me this favor""C'mon, help me out here""C'mon, I wanna try!""C'mon, my turn!""C'mon, sleepyhead!""C'mon, that can't be tru"C'mon, ___ pal!""C'___ la vie!""Cab," e.g."Cabaret" director"Cabaret" director Bob"Cabaret" lyricist"Cabaret" name"Cactus Flower" Oscar win"Caddyshack" director"Caddyshack" studio"Caesar, now be still: / "Caf"Cafe Terrace at Night" s"Cakes and ___" (Maugham "Calendar Girl" singer"California, ___ Come""Caligula" playwright"Call It Sleep" novelist"Call it!" call"Call Me Irresponsible" l"Call sometime""Call to Greatness" autho"Call to Greatness" write"Call when you get the ch"Call ___" (1974 hit)"Call!""Calm down ...""Calm down!""Calm down""Calm down, big fella""Calm down...""Calvin and Hobbes" bully"Calvin and Hobbes" girl"Camel News Caravan" anch"Camel News Caravan" host"Camelot" actor Franco"Camelot" composer"Camelot" king"Camelot" president, for "Camille" star, 1937"Can I come out now?""Can I give you ___?""Can I help?""Can it!""Can that be true?""Can you believe it?!""Can you believe that guy"Can you believe this?" l"Can you hear me? ... hea"Can you ___?" ("Is it ob"Can ___ dreaming?""Can ___ now?""Can ___ Witness" (Marvin"Can ___?""Can't argue there""Can't argue with that""Can't beat that contract"Can't do it""Can't fool me!""Can't Get It Out of My H"Can't Help Lovin' Dat Ma"Can't Help Lovin' ___ Ma"Can't help ya!""Can't talk now ... I'm e"Can-Can" song"Cancel order", said Greek character entering the Netherlands"Candid Camera" co-host J"Candid Camera" creator"Candid Camera" man"Candid Camera" request"Candida" playwright"Candide" author"Candy / Is dandy / But l"Candy / Is dandy..." hum"Cannery Row" woman"Cantar de Mio ___" (Span"Cantar de Rodrigo" hero"Cantar de ___ Cid" (Span"Canterbury Tales" drink"Canto General" poet"Cantos" poet"Cap'n ___" (1904 maritim"Cap's second rate" — I upset Cockney milliner"Cape Fear" actor"Cape Fear" co-star"Capeesh?""Capital!""Capitalism" rock group _"Captain Blood" star Flyn"Captain Marvel" publishe"Captain! The engines can"Car Talk" airer"Car Talk" broadcaster"Car Talk" carrier"Car Talk" dubbed it "the"Car Talk" network"Cara ___" (1965 hit)"Carbon Copy" star"Carbuncles!" Prince finally agreed - "they're monstrous, not good""Careful now""Careful!""Careful, now!""Careless Hands" crooner,"Careless Hands" singer"Careless Hands" singer M"Careless Hands" singer, "Caribbean Blue" singer"Carlito's Way" actor"Carmen" and "Norma""Carmen" composer"Carmen" composer-turned-"Carmen" highlight"Carmen," e.g."Carmina Burana" composer"Carnaval sur la plage" a"Carnival of Venice" viol"Carnival" composer/ lyri"Caro nome," e.g."Caro nome," for one"Caroline in the City" ch"Carousel" choreographer"Carpe diem""Carrie" star"Carry On Jack" shown during holiday"Carry the ___ that's bor"Carson's Successful Safa"Carthage must be destroy"Casablanca" actor"Casablanca" actor Peter"Casablanca" bistro owner"Casablanca" cafe"Casablanca" cafe owner"Casablanca" co-star"Casablanca" extra"Casablanca" heroine"Casablanca" music maker"Casablanca" pianist"Casablanca" producer"Casablanca" role"Casablanca" role and oth"Casablanca" screenwriter"Casablanca" star, inform"Casablanca" villain"Casablanca" woman"Casablanca" words repeat"Case closed!""Casey at the Bat" writer"Casey ___ Bat""Cash only" put on the counter, quietly, to avoid banks being severe"Casino Royale," for one"Casino" actor Joe"Casino" co-star does fir"Casino" co-star, 1995"Casino" Golden Globe win"Cast Away" setting"Cast-of- thousands" film"Cat ___ Hot Tin Roof""Cat ___," 1965 film"Catch a Falling Star" si"Catch my drift?""Catch your breath""Catch!""Catch-22" bomber pilot"Catch-22" pilot"Catch-22" star"Catcher in the Rye" auth"Cathy" and "Luann""Cato" playwright"Cats" director Trevor"Cats" director Trevor __"Cats" lyricist"Cats" monogram"Cats" poet"Cattle Queen of Montana,"Catulli Carmina" compose"Caught ya!""Caught you!""Caught" star Maria Conch"Cavalleria Rusticana" ba"Caveat: Realism, Reagan "Cease and desist!""Cease and desist""Cease" and "desist," e.g"Cease" at sea"Celeste Aida" singer"Celeste Aida," e.g."Celeste ___" (aria)"Centuries""Century""Certainement!""Certainly!""Certainly!," south of th"Certainly""Certainly, captain!""Certainly, madame!""Certainly, Monsieur!""Ch"Champagne music" maestro"Chances are good""Chances ___""Chances ___" (Johnny Mat"Chances ___," 1957 #1 hi"Changing the subject ..."Chanson de Matin" compos"Chapter Two" star James"Char-r-rge!""Charge!""Charge" missing from 18-"Chariots of Fire" beat i"Chariots of Fire" co-sta"Charles in Charge" co-st"Charles in Charge" star"Charley's Aunt" star Cha"Charlie ___ Secret" (193"Charlie's Angels" airer"Charlie's Angels" co-sta"Charlie's Angels" role"Charlotte's Web" author"Charlotte's Web" author'"Charlotte's Web" boy"Charlotte's Web" girl"Charlotte's Web" initial"Charlotte's Web" inits."Charlotte's Web" monogra"Charlotte's Web" setting"Charlotte's ___""Charmed Lives" author Mi"Chasing Pirates" singer "Chasing ___" (1997 film)"Chatt'ring" birds in Sha"Che gelida manina," e.g."Che!" title role player,"Check it out for yoursel"Check it out!""Check it out""Check this out!""Check, mate""Cheep" accommodations"Cheep" accommodations?"Cheerio!""Cheerio!" copper said, symbolically"Cheers!""Cheers!" abroad"Cheers!" in Cherbourg"Cheers" actor Roger"Cheers" alternative"Cheers" bar owner Sam"Cheers" barfly"Cheers" barmaid"Cheers" bartender"Cheers" bartender Woody "Cheers" character"Cheers" co-star"Cheers" mailman"Cheers" name"Cheers" order"Cheers" perch"Cheers" regular"Cheers" role"Cheers" setting"Cheers" spinoff mania?"Cheers" star"Cheers" waitress"Cheers" woman"Cheers," for one"Cheese" is produced near"Cheesy" Italian city"Cherish those hearts tha"Chestnuts roasting ___ o"Cheyenne" star"Chicago Hope" actress"Chicago Hope" Emmy winne"Chicago Hope" extras, fa"Chicago Hope" sets, for "Chicago Hope" setting: A"Chicago" co-star, 2002"Chicago" husband ___ Har"Chicago" lyricist"Chicago" Oscar winner"Chicago" song"Chicago" star Richard"Chicago" star, 2002"Chicago" vamp and others"Chicken Song" by Queen"Chickery Chick" bandlead"Child's play!""Children of a ___ God""Children of Men" star Cl"Children of the Albatros"Children of the Tenement"Chilean" fish"Chill!""Chill""Chimes of Freedom" songw"China Beach" setting"China Beach" star"China Beach" star Dana"Chipping" bird"CHiPs" actor Estrada"Chiquitita" group"Chiquitita" quartet"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang""Chocolat" actress"Chocolat" actress Olin"Chocolat" studio"Chocolate" dog"Choice" agcy."Choosy moms choose ___""Chop-chop!," on a memo"Chosen" number"Christ Before Pilate" ar"Christ is ___!" (Easter "Christ of St. John of th"Christ's Entry Into Brus"Christina's World" paint"Christmas bombing" targe"Christmas With the ___" "Christopher Robin went d"Chuang Tzu" principle"Chuang-tzu" principle"Ciao for now!""Ciao!""Ciao""Cimarron" co-star, 1931"Cimarron" studio"Cinderella Man" co-star,"Cinderella" event"Circle of Life" musical"Circular file""Cities of the Interior" "Citizen Kane" actor Ever"Citizen Kane" director"Citizen Kane" inspiratio"Citizen Kane" spoiler"Citizen Kane" studio"Citizen X" actor"Citizen X" actor, 1995"Citizen ___""Citizen ___" (1992 autob"City Without Walls" poet"Civil Disobedience," e.g"Civil dissension is a vi"Civilization" director T"Civis Romanus sum" speak"Clair de ___""Clan of the Cave Bear" a"Class Reunion" author Ja"Class Reunion" novelist,"Class" star"Clean up your ___!""Clear as day""Clear Light of Day" auth"Cleopatra" backdrop"Cleopatra" director"Cleopatra" extra"Cleopatra" star, 1917"Cleopatra," for one"Clever me!""Clever thinking!""Clever!""Climb Ev'ry Mountain" si"Climb ___ Mountain""Climbing record broken by English team" - small picture feature"Clink" - Good on Heather for multitasking!"Cloak and Dagger" org."Clockers" director"Clockers" director, 1995"Close ...""Close but no cigar""Close My Eyes Forever" s"Close to drop, Villa lack wingers!" - cry of suffering supporter"Close""Close, but no cigar""Closer Than Ever," e.g."Closing Bell" airer"Cloth ears" with red mobile"Clue" actress Madeline"Clueless" lead role"Coal Miner's Daughter" a"Coastal Disturbances" pl"Cobwebs From an Empty Sk"Cocoon" co-star"Coffee ___ my cup of tea"Coffee ___?""Coffee, Tea ___" (1960's"Coffee, Tea ___?""Coffee, Tea ___?" (1960'"Coffee, Tea ___?" (1960s"Coffee, ___ Me?""Cogito ___ sum""Cogito, ___ sum""Cold Mountain" heroine"Cold one""Cold ___" (Foreigner hit"Collage With Squares Arr"Collages" novelist"College Bowl" host Rober"College" member who vote"Colloquia" author"Color me impressed!""Colorado Serenade" and o"Columbo" org."Come again?""Come and get it!""Come and get it" signals"Come back now, y'hear?" "Come Back to ___" (old s"Come back", partner number one called"Come Back, Little Sheba""Come Back, Little ___""Come back, ___" (western"Come here often?", e.g."Come here often?," e.g."Come here ___?""Come in!""Come on ... be good, kid"Come on ... really ...""Come on in!""Come on now!""Come on!""Come on!" and "Go!""Come on, ducks, it's tim"Come on, guys!""Come on, help me out""Come on, pack your stuff"Come on, that's enough!""Come on, ___ you!""Come Sail Away" band, 19"Come to think of it ...""Come to ___!""Come to ___""Come ___ My House" (Cloo"Come ___ these yellow sa"Come ___!""Come ___""Come ___?""Come ___?" ("How are you"Come ___?" (Italian gree"Come, come""Comedy hero always looked knowingly youthful," starts White"Comin ___!" (1981 3-D we"Comin' through loud and "Comin' ___ the Rye""Comin' ___!""Comin' ___" (1981 3-D we"Coming at you!""Coming Home" co-star"Coming Home" subject, br"Coming soon" messages"Coming to America" co-st"Coming Up for Air" novel"Commander," in Arabic"Comme ci, comme "Comment allez-___?""Common Nonsense" author,"Common Sense" pamphletee"Common sense" philosophe"Common Sense" writer"Common" thing that's not"Communist Manifesto" co-"Como ___ usted?""Compile? It's easy!" (He's looking for an argument)"Comprende?""Compromise is the best a"Computers for people" co"Comus" composer"Concentrate!""Concentration" pronoun"Concentration" puzzle"Concerto for the Left Ha"Concord Hymn" writer's i"Concord Sonata" composer"Concord" composer"Concord" Sonata composer"Confessions of an Englis"Confessions of Zeno" nov"Configuration" artist"Confiteor ___ omnipotent"Confound it!""Conga" singer"Congratulations!""Consarn it!""Consider ...""Consider it done!""Consider it done""Consider seriously, Bret"Consider the job done""Consider the ___ of the "Consider Yourself" music"Conspiracy of Fools" top"Constant Craving" singer"Constructive play" destroying learner's self-confidence"Contact" astronomer"Contact" author Carl"Contact" author, 1985"Contract Bridge for Begi"Contrary to popular beli"Control yourself!""Conversation is ___ in w"Conversations With God" "Cooking With Astrology" "Cooks who know trust" th"Cool beans!""Cool it!""Cool Water" singer"Cool your jets!""Cool your ___!""Cool!""Cool""Cool" amount"Cool" ones"Cool" sum"Cool, man!""Cooperstown" star, 1993"Cootie""Copacabana" antagonist"Copacabana" showgirl"Copenhagen: Insulted by "Copp"Copy that""Coriolanus" setting"Coronation of the Virgin"Corydon" author"Cos"Cosby" co-star"Cosi fan tutte" composer"Cosmicomics" author Calv"Cosmos" creator"Cosmos" host"Cosmos" series creator"Cotton Candy" trumpeter"Could be better""Could go either way""Could It Be Magic" singe"Could ___ more specific?"Could ___?""Couldn't be better!""Couldn't have said it be"Couldn't help it!""Count me in!""Count me out""Count ___!""Count ___""Country Grammar" rapper"Courage!""Cowabunga!" or "23 skidd"Coy mistress" said native of Minnesota once"Crackers""Cracklin' Rosie" singer"Crazy for You" singer"Crazy Love" singer"Crazy" bird"Crazy" birds"Crazy" singer"Crazy" singer Patsy"Creature From the Black "Creepshow" director"Cribs" network"Crikey!""Crime and Punishment" he"Crime does not pay," e.g"Crime: Its Cause and Tre"Crimes & Misdemeanors" a"Crimes and Misdemeanors""Criminal" singer Apple"Criminy!""Critique of Judgment" wr"Critique of Practical Re"Crocodile Rock" singer J"Crooklyn" actress Woodar"Crooklyn" director"Crooning" author John Gr"Cross the Brazos at ___""Crouching Tiger, Hidden "Crucifixion of St. Peter"Cruel" goddesses"Crusade in Europe" auth."Crusade in Europe" autho"Cry ___ River""Cry, the Beloved Country"Crying in the Chapel" co"Crying" singer Orbison"Cryptonomicon" novelist "Crystal Silence" jazzman"CSI" airer"CSI" field"CSI" forensic scientist "CSI" network"CSI" procedure"CSI" topic, often"CSI" woman"Cubist Poems" writer Max"Culloden", revolving turntable dog?"Culpa" starter"Cup ___" (1970s Don Will"Cupid is a knavish ___":"Curb Your Enthusiasm" ai"Curb Your Enthusiasm" sh"Curiouser and curiouser!"Currently serving" milit"Curse you, ___ Baron!""Cursed" team, informally"Curses!""Cut down on between-meal"Cut it out!""Cut that out!""Cut! Print it!""Cybill" character"Cymbeline" heroine"Cyrano de Bergerac" auth"D"D""d" preceder"D'Artagnan Romances" aut"D-OH" person, e.g."D.C. Cab" actor"Da Ali G Show" persona"Dad's army""Dadgummit!""Daggers" look"Dagnabbit!""Dagnabit!""Daisy Miller" author"Daktari" actor Rhodes"Dalibor" composer"Dallas" co-star"Dallas" family name"Dallas" kinfolk"Dallas" matriarch"Dallas" matriarch Miss _"Dallas" Miss"Dallas" ranch"Dallas" role"Dallas" setting"Dallas" spinoff"Dallas," e.g."Dallas," e.g., famously"Damage" director"Damien" subtitle"Damn right!""Damn Yankees" chorister"Damn Yankees" co-compose"Damn Yankees" composer"Damn Yankees" girl"Damn Yankees" role"Damn Yankees" seductress"Damn Yankees" siren"Damn Yankees" temptress"Damn Yankees" vamp"Damn Yankees" woman who "Damn!," e.g."Damned ___, damned ...""Dan August" actress Hart"Dance of the Sugar Plum "Dance On Little Girl" si"Dance the night away!""Dancer at the Bar" paint"Dancer Lacing Her Shoe" "Dances With Wolves" foe"Dancing Queen" group"Dancing Queen" music gro"Dancing Queen" pop group"Dancing Queen" quartet"Dancing With the Stars" "Dang it all!""Dang it!""Dang!""Danger! Danger!""Danger!""Dangerous Liaisons" ladi"Daniel Boone" actor"Daniel Deronda" author"Danny Boy" star"Danny Boy" star Stephen"Danse Macabre" composer "Dapper" one"Dark Angel" star Jessica"Darling, Je Vous ___ Bea"Darling, that dress look"Darn it all!""Darn it!""Darn tootin'!""Darn ___!""Darn!""Darn," more formally"Das Boot" setting"Das Glasperlenspiel" nov"Das Lied von der ___""Das Rheingold" earth god"Das Rheingold" goddess"Das Rheingold" locale"Dat ___" (jazz tune)"Date film" classic of 19"David Copperfield" wife"David Copperfield" woman"David ___" (1934 Will Ro"David ___," Edward Noyes"David" and others"Dawn of the ___ fingers "Dawson's Creek" characte"Dawson's Creek" girl"Dawson's Creek" role"Day Is Dying in the West"Day of ___" (what "Dies "Day" in Hebrew"Days of Our Lives" setti"Days of Our Lives" town"Days of Our Lives," for "Days of Wine and Roses" "Days of ___ Lives""De amicitia" writer"De Oratore" writer"De Vulgare Eloquentia" a"De Vulgari Eloquentia" a"De ___ Poetica""De ___ Poetica" (ancient"Dead Souls" novelist"Dead Souls" novelist Nik"Dead ___" (1991 thriller"Deadly" septet"Deadwood" airer"Deadwood" carrier"Deadwood" figure"Deal or No Deal" network"Deal with it!""Deal ___!""Deal!""Dear Abby" offering"Dear friend!""Dear John" letter writer"Dear me!""Dear Me" theatrical memo"Dear mother Ida, harken "Dear old" family member"Dear old" guy"Dear Prue" writer"Dear ___ ...""Dear ___: The Autobiogra"Dear" advice columnist"Dear" advice-giver"Dear" book"Dear" columnist"Dear" dispenser of advic"Dear" lady"Dear" one"Dear" ones"Death Be Not Proud" poet"Death be not proud" writ"Death Becomes Her" star,"Death in the Afternoon" "Death in the Desert" wri"Death in Venice" and "Of"Death in Venice" author "Death in Venice" author"Death of a Naturalist" p"Death of a Salesman" rol"Death of a Salesman" sal"Death of ___" (1793 Davi"Death, Be Not Proud" poe"Deathtrap" co-star, 1982"Deathtrap" director"Deathtrap" playwright"Deathtrap" writer Levin"Decide already!""Deck the Halls" syllable"Deck the Halls" word"Deck the Halls," e.g."Decline of the West" aut"Dedicated to finding ___"Dedicated to the ___ Lov"Dee-fense! Dee-fense!" a"Dee-licious!""Dee-lish!""Deed I Do" singer"Deee-lish!""Deep Purple" singer, 196"Def Comedy Jam" channel"Defender's daughter kidnapped by young man" - by this paper"Definitely worth getting"Definitely!""Definitely""Delaware Water Gap" pain"Delicious!""Delightful!""Delish!""Deliver Us From ___" (20"Deliver Us From ___," 20"Deliverance" actor"Deliverance" co-star"Delphine" author Madame "Delta of Venus" author"Delta of Venus" genre"Delta of Venus" writer"Delta of Venus" writer A"Delta Wedding" author"Demian" author"Demian" novelist"Democrat in, Tories out!" - that is to confuse"Deo ___""Deport them!" ordered Farage, finally entering likely to blow his top"Deputy ___" (TV toon)"Der Blaue Reiter" artist"Der Ring des Nibelungen""Der Ring ___ Nibelungen""Designing Women" actress"Designing Women" co-star"Desire Under the ___""Desperate Housewives" co"Desperate Housewives" ho"Desperate Housewives" ro"Desperately Seeking Susa"Despite all that...""Despondency" nicely encapsulates pessimist"Destination" in a 1950 s"Deuce Coupe" choreograph"Deus ___" (1976 sci-fi n"Deutschland uber ___""Deutschland ___ Alles""Deviant toff" in a Latin translation"Devices and Desires" aut"Dial ___ Murder""Dialogues Concerning Nat"Dialogues of the Gods" s"Diamonds and Rust" singe"Diamonds Are a Girl's Be"Diana" crooner Paul"Diana" singer"Diana" singer Paul"Diana," for one"Diane" composer Rapee"Dianetics" author ___ Hu"Diary of a Genius" autho"Diary of a Madman" autho"Diary of ___ Black Woman"Diary of ___ Housewife" "Diary of ___ Housewife""Dick Tracy" character Ca"Dick Tracy" gal"Dick ___""Dictionary of Linguistic"Did I ___!""Did You Ever ___ Dream W"Did you ever ___ lassie."Did You Ever ___ Lassie?"Did you forget about me?"Did you see that?!""Did you start without me"Did you ___ that?""Did you ___?!""Did you ___?""Didja ever wonder...?" h"Didn't I do great?!""Didn't I tell you?!""Didn't I tell you?""Didn't we just have that"Die Fledermaus" composer"Die Fledermaus" maid"Die Frau ___ Schatten" ("Die Lorelei" poet"Die Meistersinger" heroi"Die Meistersinger" sopra"Die ___ M"Die ___" (second part of"Die, my dear? Why, that'"Dies ___""Dies ___" (hymn)"Dies ___" (Latin hymn)"Dies ___" (liturgical po"Dies ___, dies illa""Diff'rent Strokes" actre"Diff'rent Strokes" star "Different class" - describing leader of Laura Ashley's team"Different Seasons" autho"Different strokes for di"Difficult years""Dig in!""Dig?""Dilbert" cartoonist"Dilbert" character who w"Dilbert" creator Adams"Dilbert" intern"Diner" actor"Diner" co-star, 1982"Dingbat" in "All in the "Dinner & A Movie" airer"Dinner at Antoine's" aut"Dinner's ___""Directoire" artist"Dirt cake" ingredients"Dirty Dancing" co-star"Dirty dog," for one"Dirty Dozen" marauder"Dirty Hands" playwright"Dirty Harry" director Do"Dirty rat," e.g."Dirty rotten scoundrel,""Dirty Rotten Scoundrels""Dirty Sexy Money" airer"Dirty" activity"Dirty" biography stops editor retiring"Dirty" Cajun dish"Dirty" dish"Dirty" game"Dirty, rotten scoundrel,"Discobolus" sculptor"Discreet Music" composer"Disgusting!""Disinfect to Protect" br"Ditat ___" (Arizona's mo"Dite alla giovine," e.g."Ditto!""Ditto""Divine Comedy" part"Divine Comedy" writer"Divine Secrets of the __"Divine" showbiz nickname"Dixie" composer"Do as I say, not ___""Do as ___,...""Do go on "Do I dare believe that?""Do I dare to ___ peach?""Do I have a volunteer?""Do I ___ eat a peach?""Do I ___ second?""Do I ___ you?" (line fro"Do I ___!""Do I ___?""Do it again!""Do it just for me," e.g."Do it""Do it, or ___!""Do me ___ and ...""Do not change," to an ed"Do not go gentle into th"Do tell!""Do that vowel over, Koja"Do the Right Thing" extr"Do the Right Thing" pizz"Do the Right Thing" role"Do the ___!""Do the ___""Do they not ___ that dev"Do what you want""Do whatever you want""Do Ya" band"Do Ya" band, for short"Do Ya" group, for short"Do Ya" grp."Do Ya" rock grp."Do you come here often?,"Do you get it?""Do you have a better ide"Do you have any jacks?" "Do you have Prince Alber"Do You Hear What I Hear?"Do you like green eggs a"Do you need anything els"Do you understand?""Do you want me to?""Do you ___?""Do your thing, Jack the "Do ___ a Waltz?""Do ___ Diddy Diddy" (196"Do ___ else!""Do ___ favor""Do ___ like""Do ___ others "Do ___ others ...""Do ___ others as ...""Do ___ others as...""Do ___ others...""Do ___ say...""Do ___!""Do ___!" ("Stop procrast"Do ___""Do ___?""Do ___?" (scaredy-cat's "Do ___?" (words of indec"Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la,"Doctor Faustus" characte"Doctor Faustus" novelist"Doctor Who" airer"Doctor Who" villainess, "Doctor Zhivago" part"Doctor Zhivago" producer"Doctor Zhivago" role"Doe, __, a female "Doe, ___ ...""Doe, ___ ..." ("The Soun"Doe, ___..." (song lyric"Does not compute""Does This Make Me Look F"Doesn't bother me""Doesn't matter to me""Doesn't that beat all?!""Doesn't this strike you "Doesn't thrill me""Dog Day Afternoon" chara"Dog, second-rate individual" (that's a bit below the belt)"Doggone it!""Doggone it""Doggone!""Doggoneit!""Dogs""Dollar days" event"Dollars, taxes," e.g., f"Domani" singer"Domani" singer Julius"Domani" singer, 1955"Dombey and Son" woman"Dominus illuminatio ___""Don Carlos" princess"Don Giovanni" aria "Dall"Don Giovanni," for examp"Don Giovanni," for one"Don is masterly when aroused" - actress"Don Juan DeMarco" co-sta"Don Juan" division"Don Juan" poet"Don King: Only in Americ"Don Pasquale" setting"Don Quixote" role"Don't Be Cruel" as oppos"Don't Be Cruel" vis-"Don't be discouraged""Don't be shy!""Don't be so shy!""Don't be so sure""Don't be startled""Don't be ___""Don't believe it for a s"Don't believe that!""Don't bet ___!""Don't bite the hand ...""Don't blame ___ voted fo"Don't bother!""Don't bother""Don't breathe a word of "Don't Bring Me Down" ban"Don't Bring Me Down" grp"Don't Bring Me Down" roc"Don't change""Don't Cry for Me, Argent"Don't cry over spilt mil"Don't dawdle!""Don't do drugs!" ad, e.g"Don't do me any favors""Don't evade the question"Don't even bother trying"Don't even bother!""Don't even bother""Don't even think about i"Don't even try" in Vient"Don't fight""Don't follow me""Don't forget ...""Don't forget about me""Don't get any funny ___!"Don't get too close!""Don't get too excited no"Don't get up yet," Sinbad ordered"Don't gimme no ___!""Don't gimme that!""Don't give me that!""Don't give me ___ your l"Don't give up!""Don't give ___ lip!""Don't go anywhere ... I'"Don't go anywhere!""Don't go away!""Don't Go Breaking My Hea"Don't go in there! It's "Don't go in there!""Don't go out!""Don't go so slow!""Don't go yet!""Don't go!""Don't go!" - appeal that's heartfelt finally accepted"Don't have ___!""Don't have ___, man!""Don't hurt me!," e.g."Don't hurt me!," for one"Don't I know you from so"Don't I look fetching in"Don't just stand there!""Don't leave home without"Don't leave!""Don't let go!""Don't let it end like th"Don't let it get you dow"Don't let that get to yo"Don't let the heat get t"Don't let the man stand "Don't let these guys esc"Don't look at me!""Don't look at me""Don't look ___ like that"Don't look ___ that way!"Don't look ___!""Don't make a ___!""Don't make ___!""Don't mention it""Don't mess with the Hurr"Don't mince words!""Don't mind ___ do!""Don't mind ___!""Don't miss the next epis"Don't move "Don't move!""Don't open ___ Christmas"Don't panic!""Don't play me for a dumm"Don't play with me!""Don't procrastinate""Don't rush into anything"Don't rush me!""Don't say ___""Don't spread this around"Don't stay out here""Don't stop!""Don't strain""Don't sweat it""Don't take another step!"Don't take offense at th"Don't take ___ seriously"Don't tase me, ___!""Don't tell a soul""Don't tell anyone!""Don't tell ___ can't ..."Don't tell ___!""Don't tell!""Don't think so!""Don't think so""Don't throw bouquets ___"Don't touch that ___!""Don't Tread ___" (old fl"Don't try any more trick"Don't wanna""Don't waste your breath!"Don't worry about a thin"Don't worry about it""Don't worry about me""Don't you believe it!""Don't you forget about m"Don't you just ___ it wh"Don't you know there's _"Don't You Know" hitmaker"Don't You Know" singer"Don't You Know" singer D"Don't you recognize the "Don't you recognize this"Don't you ___ for no fav"Don't you ___?""Don't ___ anything!""Don't ___ dumb""Don't ___ fool!""Don't ___ it!""Don't ___ me, bro!""Don't ___ on me""Don't ___ on me" (slogan"Don't ___ soul!""Don't ___ stranger""Don't ___ surprised""Don't ___ word!""Don't ___!""Don't ___" (comment afte"Dona ___ and Her Two Hus"Dona ___ pacem" (Catholi"Donald's Cousin ___" (19"Donnie Brasco" grp."Donnie ___" (2001 cult f"Doo ___ (That Thing)" (#"Doo" follower"Doonesbury" cartoonist"Doonesbury" character ba"Doonesbury" journalist H"Doonesbury" reporter Hed"Double Fantasy" artist"Double Fantasy" musician"Double Fantasy" performe"Double Fantasy" singer"Double Indemnity" author"Double Indemnity" noveli"Double letter score" ref"Double" facial feature"Doubt" co-star, 2008"Doubtful""Doughnut," in baseball l"Dover Beach" poet"Down the Field" singer, "Down the ___!" (drinker'"Down with ...!": Fr."Down with the bull!""Down with the glue facto"Down with thee!""Down with you!""Down with!," in Dijon"Down with," at the Basti"Down ___" (1967 Janis Jo"Down ___" (Janis Joplin "Down, boy!""Downtown" singer Clark"Downtown" singer Petula"Dr. Strangelove," e.g."Dr. Zhivago" locale"Dr. Zhivago" name"Dr." in a 1964 film titl"Dr." with Grammys"Dracula" and "Frankenste"Dracula" author Stoker"Dracula" creature"Dracula" girl"Dracula" miss"Draft Dodger Rag" singer"Drag ___ Hell" (2009 mov"Dragnet" force, for shor"Dragnet" force, in brief"Dragnet" org."Dragnet" set?"Dragnet" signature sound"Dragnet" star"Dragonwyck" author Seton"Dragonwyck" writer Anya"Drat!""Drat!" and "Egad!""Draw one," in diner slan"Drawing is putting a lin"Dream a Little Dream of "Dream Baby" singer, 1962"Dream Children" essayist"Dream Lover" singer, 195"Dream on!""Dream on""Dream On" protagonist"Dream-Children" author, "Dream-Land" poet"Dreaming of You" singer"Dreams From My Father" w"Dress nice and silky," woman remarked in turn"Dressing Rich" author Fe"Drink to me only with th"Drinking one beer in there won't hurt" - department have a wild night out"Drive" pop group"Driving Miss Daisy" co-s"Driving Miss Daisy" play"Driving Miss Daisy" sett"Driving takes away all y"Drop City" novelist, 200"Drop ___ line""Dropped" drug"Drove my Chevy to the __"Drug arrest" in dog Latin?"Drugs kill" bar"Drums Along the Mohawk" "Dry," e.g."Dry-clean only," e.g.?"Du jour" item"Dubliners" author"Duchess of Alba" painter"Duchess of ___" (Goya wo"Duchess of ___," Goya pa"Duck soup!""Duck soup""Duck Soup" performers"Duck" call?"Duck, duck" follower"Dude," in Kingston"Dueling ___""Duino Elegies" poet"Duke of ___" (1962 hit)"Dulce et Decorum Est" po"Dumb & Dumber" actress"Dumb and Dumber" actress"Dumb ___" ("Blondie" for"Dumb ___" (old comic str"Dumb ___" (old comic)"Dumb" comics girl"Dumb" girl of comicdom"Dumb" girl of old comics"Dumb" one and namesakes"Dumb, dumb, dumb!""Dundee: Terrible food. W"Dune" director"Dune" director David"Dunno""Durn it!""Dutch Interior" painter"Duty, Honor, Country" sp"Dying / Is ___, like any"Dynasty" actor Michael"Dynasty" actress"Dynasty" co-star of 1980"Dynasty" conniver"Dynasty" star"Dynasty" vixen"E pluribus unum," e.g."E pluribus unum," e.g.?"E" is embarrassingly accurate"E" on a baseball scorebo"E'en ___ "E," "pluribus" or "unum""E-cars""E-w-w-w!""E.R." doctor"E.R." regulars"E.R." venue"E.T." actress"E.T." follower"E.T.," e.g."Early Sunday Morning" pa"Earn straight A's, Karl""Earth in the Balance" au"Earth in the Balance" su"Earth's Children" series"Earthlight" author, 1955"East of Eden" brother"East of Eden" character"East of Eden" co-star"East of Eden" director"East of Eden" family nam"East of Eden" girl"East of Eden" role"East of Eden" son"East of Eden" twin"East of Eden" woman"East River" novelist, 19"EastEnders" network"Easter, 1916" poet"Easy as pie!""Easy as pie""Easy does it!""Easy now ...""Easy peasy!""Easy Rider" biker"Easy there!""Easy!""Easy, boy""Easy, there! Easy!""Eat at ___""Eat hearty!""Eat to Win" author Rober"Eat your ___!" (mom's or"Eat!""Eating ___" (1982 black "Eazy-___-It" (double-pla"Ecce homo!" utterer Pont"Ecco pur ch'a voi ritorn"Ecstasy" actress, 1933"Ed Sullivan Show" mouse "Ed Wood" director Burton"Ed Wood" star, 1994"Ed Wood" title role play"Eden Concert" artist"Educating Rita" star"Educating ___" (1983 fil"Edward Scissorhands" sta"Edward ___""Eeew!""Eeeww!""Eek!""Eek!," e.g."Eeny-meeny-miney-mo" act"Egad!""Egads!""Eh up!", pants Spice Girl appearing halfway through Glee"Eh""Eh?""Eight Is Enough" wife"Eight Men Out" star"Eighty-eight""Eine kleine Nachtmusik" "Einstein was smart" and "Either he goes ___ go!""Either plagiarism or rev"Either way""Either you say it ___ wi"Either you ___ ...""El Capit"El Capitan" composer"El Espolio" artist"El ___ vive!" (revolutio"El ___" (1983 film)"El ___" (1998 documentar"Elder" of ancient histor"Elder" or "Younger" Roma"Eldorado" grp."Eldorado" poet"Eldorado" rock group"Eldorado" rock grp."Electric" swimmers"Elektra" composer"Elements" author"Elements" writer"Eleni" author Nicholas"Eleni" director Peter"Eleni" star"Elephant Boy" actor"Elephant Boy" boy"Elephant Boy" star"Elijah" and others"Elijah" or "The Creation"Ella and ___!" (1963 jaz"Elvis" for "lives", e.g."Embraced by the Light" a"Emerald Point N.A.S." ac"Emerald Point ___" of 80"Emma" studio"Empedocles on ___" (Arno"Empedocles on ___" (Matt"Employee of the Month," "En garde" weapon"En ___!""Enchanted April" setting"Enchanted" girl of child"Encore!""End of discussion!""End of story!""End of the line" letter on valentine's card to Mrs Simpson?"Endless Streams"? [David"Endymion" poet"Endymion" writer"Enemies, A Love Story" a"England hath long been m"English Suites" composer"Enid and ___ dine" (pali"Enigma Variations" compo"Enjoy the honey-heavy de"Enjoy the honey-heavy __"Enjoy yourself!""Enjoy yourself?" in Jaka"Enoch ___," Tennyson poe"Enough already ... relax"Enough already!""Enough joking around!""Enough rain already!"?"Enough! You've convinced"Enough!""Enough!" in El Salvador"Enough" star, 2002"Enough, Enrico!""Enough, Jorge!""Enough, you're killing m"Enter Talking" autobiogr"Entertaining Mr. ___" (J"Entertaining Mr. ___" (O"Entourage" agent Gold"Entourage" cable channel"Entourage" network"Entrée de Chanel 20", as they might say in Paris"Entry of Christ Into Bru"Episode VI" returnee"Epitaph for a Spy" autho"Equal Time" co-host, onc"Er ... uh ...""Er ... um ...""Er ...""ER" actor"ER" actor Epps"ER" actor La Salle"ER" actor LaSalle"ER" actress Christine"ER" and "C.S.I.," for tw"ER" character"ER" command"ER" doc"ER" doctor"ER" doctor played by Lau"ER" extra"ER" extras"ER" extras, for short"ER" network"ER" order"ER" replaced it on NBC's"ER" roles"ER" roles, briefly"""Era la notte" opera"Eraserhead" star Jack"Ere Heaven shall ___ her"Erie Canal" mule"Erin is great!" - slogan originally spread by its leaders?"Eris ___ sum" ("You will"Erotica" singer"Escape" co-star, 1940"Esm"Eso ___" (Paul Anka hit)"Espolio" artist"Esq." titleholders"Essay on Conics" author"Essay on Man" author"Essays of ___""Essays of ___," 1823"Essential to contain it" I alleged at the beginning"Essential" things"Et tu, Brute?," e.g.?"Et tu, ___?""Et voil"Et ___!""Eternal Spring" sculptor"Etta ___""Eugene Onegin" mezzo"Eugene Onegin" mezzo-sop"Eugene Onegin" sister"Eugene ___" (1832 Bulwer"Eureka!""Eureka!" cause"Eureka" or "Excelsior""Eva is leaving""Evangeline" setting"Even Homer nods" writer"Even if it'll never happ"Even though we've never "Even ___ speak ...""Even ___ speak...""Every day ___ new day""Every good boy does fine"Every second counts in my work", tell rustic type"Everybody Hurts" band"Everybody Jam!" singer _"Everybody Loves Raymond""Everybody loves somebody"Everybody Loves ___" (Jo"Everybody's Talkin'" sin"Everyone Says I Love You"Everyone welcome""Everyone's a ___""Everything can't work ou"Everything is going to b"Everything will ___" ("D"Everything you see I owe"Everything ___ place""Everything's accounted f"Everything's cool""Everything's going to be"Everything's under contr"Evil empire" initials"Evil empire" of the '80s"Evil Woman" band, for sh"Evil Woman" group, for s"Evil Woman" grp."Evil Woman" rock grp."Evil ___" (comics series"Evita" character"Evita" narrator"Evita" role"Evita" setting"Ew-w-w!""Eww! Gross!""Eww!""Eww, gross!""Ewww!""Ex-x-xactly!""Exactly right!""Excalibur" star Williams"Excellent!""Excellent!," in slang"Exciting nights are fiction""Excuse me "Excuse me ...""Excuse me""Excuse me, I seem to hav"Excuse me...""Excusez-___!""Executives, today's less"Exercises make me exhausted" - the answer, ultimately, is a step-counter"Exodus" actor"Exodus" actor Sal"Exodus" author"Exodus" author Uris"Exodus" character"Exodus" hero"Exodus" hero ___ Ben Can"Exodus" protagonist"Exodus" role"Explosive" roller coaste"Extreme Machines" networ"Eydie Swings the Blues" "Eye of ___, and toe of f"EZ Streets" actor Ken"Ezio" composer"F"F Troop" corporal"F Troop" role"F Troop" sergeant"F" on a quiz"Fa la la la la la la la "Fa-a-ancy!""Fabien ___ Franchi" (Osc"Fables in Slang" author"Fabulous bird grabs bloke" - English love story"Fabulous!""Face/Off" actress Gersho"Face/Off" director John"Fahrenheit 451," e.g."Faint heart ___ won ...""Fairies' midwife" in "Ro"Fairly well""Fairy tale""Fairy tales""Falcon Crest" actress"Falcon Crest" co-star"Fall" guy"Falling From Grace" actr"Falling Man" novelist Do"Falstaff" and "Fidelio""Falstaff" and others"Falstaff" mezzo-soprano"Falstaff" or "Fidelio""Falstaff" soprano"Fame and Obscurity" auth"Fame" actress"Fame" singer"Familiar Spirits" author"Family Affair" star of 1"Family Feud" host Anders"Family Feud" phrase"Family Guy" creator MacF"Family Guy" mayor, or th"Family Guy" mom"Family Guy" wife"Family Matters" dweeb"Family Ties" boy"Family Ties" family"Family Ties" kid"Family Ties" mom"Family Ties" mother"Family Ties" role"Family Ties" son"Famous" cookie guy"Famous" cookie maker"Famous" cookie name"Famous" name"Fan-tastic!""Fancy that!""Fancy ___!""Fanfare for the Common M"Fanny" novelist"Fanny's First Play" play"Fantabulous!""Fantaisie" composer"Fantasia" creator"Fantasia" dancers"Fantasia" frames"Fantastic Mr. Fox" autho"Fantastic Voyage" actres"Fantastic!""Fantastic" figure of chi"Fantasy Island" prop"Fantasy Island" props"Far From Heaven" directo"Far from it""Far out!""Far out""Far out, man!""Farewell""Farewell, Fran"Farewell, My Lovely" nov"Farewell, ___" (Dylan so"Farewell, ___," 1965 top"Fargo" brothers"Fargo" creators Ethan an"Fargo" director"Fargo" director Joel"Farm" dwellers"Farm" letters"Farmer in the Dell" syll"Fashion Emergency" host"Fashions fade, ___ is et"Fast Money" network"Faster!""Fat chance!""Fat chance""Fat chance, laddie""Fatal Attraction" actres"Fatal Attraction" direct"Fatal Instinct" director"Fates Worse Than Death" "Father Knows Best" famil"Father Knows Best" setti"Father Murphy" extras"Father ___ ," hit 1990s "Faust" dramatist"Faust" or "Don Giovanni""Faust," e.g."Favorite" one"Favorite" person"Fawlty Towers" airer"Fe fi fo ___!""Fear City" director Ferr"Fear is pain rising from"Fear not", no unorthodox form of greeting?"Fear not, ___ be dismaye"Fear of Fifty" writer Jo"Fear of Flying" author J"Fear of Flying" writer J"Fear Street" series auth"Feather Gown" sculptor"Fee fi fo fum" sayer"Fee fi fo ___""Fee ___ foe fum""Fee, fi, fo, fum" caller"Fee, fi, fo, fum" speake"Fee, fi, fo, ___""Fee, ___, foe, fum""Feed me!""Feed me""Feels good!""Feels great!""Feels so good!""Feels won-n-nderful!""Feh!""Felix Holt" novelist"Feliz ___ Nuevo!""Feliz ___ nuevo""Fellow institute should look up to", he argued with passion?"Fer ___!""Fer-de-Lance" mystery no"Fernando" group"Fernando" singers"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"Fess up!""Few can be induced to la"Few love to hear the ___"Fiddle-faddle!""Fiddler on the Roof" mat"Fiddler on the Roof" mil"Fiddler on the Roof" rol"Fiddler on the Roof" set"Fiddler on the Roof" sta"Fiddler" matchmaker"Fiddlesticks!""Fidelio" jailer"Fidelio" protagonist"Fidelio" setting"Fidelio," for one"Field of Dreams" actress"Field of Dreams" setting"Fiery" things, to Shakes"Fiesque" composer"Fighting" athletes"Fighting" Big Ten team"Fighting" N.C.A.A. team"Filthy" money"Final answer?" asker"Final Jeopardy" feature"Finally finished!""Finally!""Find out how good we rea"Finding ___," 2003 film"Finding ___," 2008 comed"Fine""Fine, tell me""Finger food often eaten at breakfast" suggests screenwriter?"Finger-lickin' good" res"Fingers crossed!""Fini!""Finished!""Finlandia" composer"Finlandia" composer Sibe"Finnegans Wake" wife"Fire away!""Fire!" preceder"Fire" preceder"First ...""First Blood" character"First Blood" director Ko"First Blood" hero John"First I'll read, then wa"First in Latin, almost", I swaggered"First in, first out," e."First Knight" star"First Wives Club" member"First ___ "First, ___ harm" (medica"Fish Magic" and "Twitter"Fish Magic" painter"Fish""Fisherman With ___" (186"Fistful of Dollars" dire"Five gold rings!" garbled aunt in country"Five Weeks in a Balloon""Five Women" author Jaffe"Fix""Flags of Our Fathers" se"Flaming ___" (1960 Elvis"Flash Gordon" cartoonist"Flash Gordon" originator"Flash Gordon" villain __"Flashdance ... What a Fe"Flashdance" actor Michae"Flashdance" director Adr"Flipping hit it ref!" English Queen gulped"Float like a butterfly, "Flood cleanup wears me o"Floor it!""Flop two," in diner slan"Floral" film of 1986 bas"Floral" film of 2006 wit"Floral" film that was th"Flow gently, sweet ___ ."Flow gently, sweet ___":"Flower Drum Song" actor"Flower Petal Gown" sculp"Flower power" musical"Flower": hard for audience to spot this means a body of water"Flowers for Algernon," e"Flowing hair", as the canal flight fan said?"Fly Me to the Moon" and "Fly the friendly skies" "Fly ___ the Moon""Flying Down to Rio" stud"Flying Down to ___""Flying Down ___" (1933 m"Fo' sho""Follow me!""Follow me""Follow my lead""Follow orders in this pl"Follow the Fleet" co-sta"Follow us!""Folsom Prison Blues" sin"Fool (If You Think It's "Fooled Around and Fell i"Fools Die" author"Fools rush in where ange"Football Night in Americ"Football Team Leaves L.A"Footloose" singer, 1984"For a long and healthy l"For an avid philatelist "For another thing ...""For as long as ___""For Better or for Worse""For every Bird ___": Emi"For example ...""For God's sake hold your"For goodness sake!""For goodness ___!""For heaven's ___!""For here ___ go?""For instance ...""For Me and My ___""For me? You shouldn't ha"For me?""For more ___ ...""For real!""For rent""For shame!""For starters ...""For sure!""For sure, Fernando!""For sure?""For the Boys" co-star, 1"For the Boys" grp."For the Boys" subj."For the Future of Israel"For the life ___ ...""For the life ___...""For the ___ and radiant "For want of ___ ...""For Your Eyes Only" sing"For Your Eyes ___""For ___ a ...""For ___ a jolly ...""For ___ a jolly good fel"For ___ a jolly...""For ___ all know ...""For ___ jolly...""For ___ sake!""For ___ sow...""For ___ the Bell Tolls""For ___ time, call ...""For ___ us a child ...""For ___ us a child is bo"For ___ us a child...""For" votes"Forbidden" perfume brand"Ford ___ better idea" (o"Fore!" some characters repeatedly snarled, with no mistakes"Fore" site"Fore" site?"Foreign Affairs" author "Foreign Affairs" Pulitze"Forest primeval" figure"Forever Blue" singer Chr"Forever Your Girl" hitma"Forever Your Girl" singe"Forever""Forever, ___" (1996 humo"Forget about it!""Forget about it""Forget I said anything""Forget I said that""Forget it!""Forget it, Little Red He"Forget the excuses!""Forgive ___ trespasses "Forgot About ___" (1999 "Forgot About ___" (2000 "Forgot the lyrics" sylla"Fort Apache" actor, 1948"Fort Apache, The Bronx" "Forty Miles of Bad Road""Forty Modern Fables" wri"Forward!" in Italy"Foucault's Pendulum" aut"Foul Play" star"Foul!""Foul!" caller"Foundation Trilogy" auth"Foundation" trilogy writ"Four Essays on Liberty" "Four Quartets" poet"Fourscore and seven year"Fourth base""FoxTrot" pet, in the fun"Frank & Jesse" co-star"Frank TV" airer"Frankenstein" props"Frasier" actress Gilpin"Frasier" actress Peri"Frasier" character"Frasier" dog"Frasier" honor"Frasier" producer"Frasier" role"Frasier" setting"Frasier" terrier"Fraud" novelist Brookner"Freaks" star Baclanova"Fred Basset" cartoonist "Free" people"Free" whale of film"Freedom ___ free""Freeze!""French" dog"Fresh Air" airer"Fresh as a daisy" and ot"Fresh Prince of Bel Air""Frida" star Salma ___"Friday the 13th" prop"Friday the 13th" staple"Fried Green Tomatoes" au"Friend or ___?""Friend" wants name included in credit"Friendly" action"Friendly" things, in old"Friends" actress"Friends" actress Lisa"Friends" actress, famili"Friends" baby"Friends" character"Friends" co-star"Friends" co-star Courten"Friends" follower"Friends" friend"Friends" network"Friends" role"Friends" spinoff"Friends" who aren't real"Friends, Romans, country"Friends, ___, countrymen"Friends," e.g."Frisco ___" (1945 crime "Frisky nature" describes a spring newborn"From Bed to Worse" write"From hell's heart I stab"From Here to Eternity" a"From Here to Eternity" B"From Here to Eternity" c"From Here to Eternity" i"From Here to Eternity" n"From Here to Eternity" w"From knowledge, sea powe"From my perspective ...""From my perspective," ar"From Russia With Love" a"From Russia With Love" B"From Russia With Love" o"From the Earth to the Mo"From the Terrace" author"From the top!""From where ___ ...""From where ___...""From ___ shining ..." (""From ___ to Eternity""From ___ to Mozart" (198"Frost at Midnight" poet"Frost/Nixon" director's "Frost/___," 2008 nominee"Fruit", a reversal for 1Ac"Fudge!""Fuggedaboutit!""Fuhgeddaboudit!""Full House" actress Loug"Full House" star"Full" or "half" wrestlin"Full" sign"Fun, Fun, Fun" car"Funeral Blues" poet and "Funny About Love" star C"Funny Face" director Sta"Funny Girl" actor"Funny Girl" co-star"Funny Girl" composer"Funny Girl" composer Jul"Funny Girl" director Gar"Funny meeting you here!""Funny running into you h"Funny strange or funny _"Funny Way of Laughin'" s"Funny!""Fur ___" (Beethoven dedi"Further ...""Fusses" is a form of it"Futurama" creator Groeni"Futurama" genre"Future Shock" author"Fuzzy Wuzzy ___ fuzzy""G"G'bye!""G'day" recipient"G'day, ___!""G.W.T.W." extras"g2g" follower"Gabriela, Clove and Cinn"Galaxy Quest" characters"Galifianakis wants you t"Gallipoli" director"Galveston" crooner Campb"Galveston" songwriter Ji"Game" played to get info"Game, ___, match!""Games People Play" autho"Gandhi" setting"Gandhi," for one"Gangs of New York" actre"Gangsta's Paradise" rapp"Gangsta's Paradise" sing"Ganja" smokers"Garden of Earthly Deligh"Garfield" canine"Garfield" dog"Garfield" waitress"Garfield: ___ of Two Kit"Gargantua and Pantagruel"Gaslight" Oscar winner, "Gaspard de la Nuit" comp"Gather Together in My Na"Gay" city"Gee whillikers!""Gee whiz!""Gee!""Gee," in Glasgow"Geez Louise!""Geez! That stings!""Geez, Louise!""Gender blender," e.g."General Hospital" actres"General Hospital", e.g. (2 wds.)"General Hospital," e.g."General Hospital," for o"Generally speaking ...""Generation of Vipers" au"Generations of healthy, "Generously" bill"Gentille" one of song"Gentle ___ Mind" (countr"Gentleman Jim" portrayer"Gentleman's Agreement" a"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"Gentlemen, you are welco"George of the Jungle" el"George of the Jungle" st"George the Third/ Ought never to have occurred. One can only wonder/ At so grotesque a blunder.", for example"George Washington ___ he"Georges paints as he ple"Georgia on My Mind" comp"Georgy Girl" star"Georgy Girl" star Lynn"Geppetto" star, 2000"Germinal" author"Geronimo!," e.g."Geronimo," e.g."Gerontion" poet"Gesundheit!""Gesundheit!" evoker"Gesundheit!" preceder"Get a clue!""Get a grip!""Get a little closer" bra"Get a load of ___!""Get a move on!""Get a ___ of that!""Get a ___!""Get away!""Get clean" program"Get comfy""Get cracking!""Get down boy", did you say?"Get going now!""Get going!""Get going!," and a hint "Get Happy" songwriter"Get help!""Get it?""Get lost!""Get lost, kitty!""Get my point?""Get out of here! Fast!""Get out of here!""Get out of here, fly!""Get out of my seat!""Get out!""Get out" key: Abbr."Get outta here!""Get ready for the camera"Get ready!""Get real!""Get rid of your inhibiti"Get Shorty" co-star"Get Shorty" novelist Leo"Get Smart" org."Get that away from me!""Get that first down ... "Get the lead out!""Get the picture?""Get with it!""Get your hands off me!""Get your idea across?" i"Get your pretty self ove"Get ___ hence": I Kings "Get ___ here!""Get ___ here!" ("Scram!""Get ___ it!""Get ___ of yourself!""Get ___ on yourself!""Get ___ on!""Get ___ the Church on Ti"Get ___ Up" (John Mellen"Get ___ writing!""Get ___ writing""Get ___ Ya-Ya's Out!" (S"Get ___!" ("Stop procras"Get ___!" (90's catch ph"Get ___!" (boss's order)"Get ___!" (modern catch "Get ___!" (victim's cry)"Get ___" (1957 hit)"Get ___" (1958 hit)"Get ___" (1967 hit for t"Get ___" (doo-wop classi"Get ___," 1967 hit for t"Get""Gets the red out" slogan"Getting close""Getting to ___" (best se"Gewehr ___!" (German mil"Ghost Whisperer" skill"Ghost" co-star"Ghostbusters" co-star"Ghostbusters" director I"Ghosts of the ___" (Jame"Ghosts" playwright"Ghosts" writer"Gianni Schicchi," e.g."Giant Brain" of the 1940"Giant" and "Cimarron," e"Giant" author Ferber"Giant" in "Honey, I Shru"Giant" writer Ferber"Gibraltar may be strong,"Gift" to be skeptical of"Gigi" co-star"Gigi" composer"Gigi" lyricist"Gigi" star"Gigi" star Leslie"Gil Blas" author"Gil Blas" novelist"Gil Blas" novelist Lesag"Gil Blas" writer"Gil ___""Gilgamesh," e.g."Gilligan's Island" actre"Gilligan's Island" casta"Gilmore Girls" co-star A"Gilmore Girls" daughter"Gimme a break!""Gimme a C ...!," e.g."Gimme a C! ...," e.g."Gimme a C!" etc."Gimme a C...!" is one"Gimme a dozen donuts. An"Gimme an A ...!," e.g."Gimme an A!...," e.g."Gimme ___ ding!""Gimme ___! "Gimme ___!""Gimme ___!" (Alabama che"Gimme ___!" (Auburn chee"Gimme ___!" (frequent Al"Gimme ___!" (part of a D"Gimme ___!" (repeated cr"Gimme ___!" (rude order)"Gimme ___!" (start of a "Gimme ___!" (start of an"Gimme!""Gimme""Giovanna d'___" (Verdi o"Girl 6" director"Girl" lead-in"Git out!""Git ___ Little Dogies""Git!""Giuliani: Nasty Man" aut"Give it a rest!""Give it a shot!""Give it a shot""Give it ___!""Give it ___!" ("Quit har"Give it ___!" ("Try!")"Give it ___""Give me a mudpack," e.g."Give me a round of appla"Give me a straight answe"Give me a woman who loves __ and I will conquer the world""Give me an A...," e.g."Give me an example""Give me an example, smar"Give me another chance,""Give me your answer""Give peace ___ time, O L"Give that ___ cigar!""Give the dog ___""Give this some flair!""Give ___ break!""Give ___ break""Give ___ for "Give ___ go!""Give ___ go""Give ___ little time""Give ___ rest!""Give ___ rest""Give ___ the play": "Ham"Give ___ thought!""Give ___ to Cerberus" (G"Give ___ while longer""Give ___ whirl""Give ___!" ("Try!")"Given the situation ...""Gladiator" director"Gladiator" garment"Gladiator" setting"Gladiator" star"Glasgow: Awful weather. "Glengarry Glen Ross" pla"Glengarry Glen Ross" Ton"Gloria all'Egitto" opera"Gloria in excelsis ___""Glorioski!""Glory be!""Glory, Glory" singer"Gnarly waves, dude!""Gnarly!""Go ahead and ask""Go ahead with your propo"Go ahead!""Go ahead""Go ahead" hand gestures"Go ahead, ask!""Go ahead, ask""Go ahead, shoot!"?"Go ahead, tell me""Go and catch a falling s"Go away!""Go back!" on a PC"Go back" computer comman"Go back," on an edit men"Go Down, Moses" and othe"Go easy""Go easy, please""Go fast!," to a driver"Go fly a kite!""Go fly ___!""Go get 'em!""Go get it, Fido!""Go Green!" newsletter or"Go jump in the lake!""Go on "Go on ...""Go on!""Go on""Go on...""Go right ahead!""Go right ahead""Go team!""Go Tell It on the Mounta"Go ___ , young man""Go ___ your mother""Go ___!""Go! Go! Go!""Go!""Go" square in Monopoly, "Go, and catch a falling "Go, bullfighter!""Go, go, go!""Go, go, go" sorts"Go, man, go!""Go, team!""Go, team!" screamer"Go, team, go!" and other"Go, ___!""Goblin Market" poet Chri"God Bless America" compo"God bless us every one!""God bless us every one,""God bless" preceder"God ha' mercy on such __"God is our refuge and st"God is tripartite" confused one trying to mislead his audience"God Knows" author"God Rest Ye Merry, Gentl"God Save the Queen," e.g"God shed His grace on __"God strengthens" in Hebr"God willing!""God willing""God ___ America""God ___ our side""God ___ refuge ...": Psa"God ___ refuge" (start o"God ___""God's Little ___""God's Little ___" (Erski"God's ___ heaven, all's "God, home and country" o"Godspeed!""Goin' Gone" singer Kathy"Goin' to Chicago Blues" "Going Rogue" author"Going to the dogs," e.g."Going ___, going...""Going, going, ___!""Gold" Fonda role"Golda's Balcony" subject"Goldberg Variations" com"Golden Boy" dramatist"Golden Boy" playwright"Golden Boy" playwright C"Golden" one"Golden" song"Golden" things"Golden" tune"Goldengirl" star, 1979"Goldfinger" actress Mall"Goldilocks" character"Golf Begins at Forty" au"Golf Begins at Forty" wr"Golf for Dummies" as rea"Goll-lee!""Golly!""Golly""Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C." st"Gomer ___, U.S.M.C.""Gone With the Wind" acto"Gone With the Wind" esta"Gone With the Wind" plan"Gone With the Wind" sett"Gone with the Wind" setting"Gone With the Wind" stud"Gone With the Wind" surn"Gone," at an auction"Goners' ledger" prepared here in London?"Gonna Let It Shine" sing"Gonna ___ with a little "Good ...", say, for highest characters"Good boy""Good boy" of rhyme"Good buddy""Good Christian Men, Rejo"Good comeback!""Good day" wisher"Good going!""Good golly!""Good gracious!""Good grief!""Good Guys Wear Black" st"Good heavens!""Good job!""Good joke!""Good King Wenceslas," e."Good luck!" ... and a hi"Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff""Good morrow, cousin," fo"Good Night" girl of song"Good night, Chet," "Good"Good night, sweet ladies"Good one!""Good question""Good shot!""Good Stykeeping" award?"Good Times" actress Esth"Good Times" matron portr"Good Times" star, in 70'"Good Will Hunting" actre"Good Will Hunting" direc"Good Will Hunting" setti"Good Will Hunting" star "Good work!""Good ___" (1966 Young Ra"Good ___" (quaint greeti"Good!" in Genoa"Good" cholesterol, brief"Good" rate"Good," to "bad""Good-night, ___" (old TV"Goodbye Columbus" author"Goodbye Porkpie Hat" or "1,000 lost, sadly"?"Goodbye" and "amen," usu"Goodbye, Columbus" co-st"Goodbye, Luc!""Goodbye, Mr. Chips" star"Goodbye, place I used to"GoodFellas" co-star"GoodFellas" group"GoodFellas" Oscar winner"Goodness gracious!""Goodness Had Nothing to "Goodness me!""Goodness!""Goodnight ___""Goodnight ___" (1950 hit"Goodnight" girl of old s"Goodnight" girl of song"Goodnight, Irene" singer"Goodnight, ___" (#1 hit "Goody goody gumdrops!""Goody!""Goose Feathers of Monte "Goosebumps" author"Goosebumps" author R. L."Goosebumps" creator"Goosebumps" creator R. L"Goosebumps" series autho"Gorillas in the Mist" au"Gorillas in the Mist" re"Gorillas in the ___""Gosford Park" character "Gosford Park" role"Gosh almighty!""Gosh darn!""Gosh!""Gosh!" = "ok""Gosh""Gosh, will you look at t"Gossip" co-star Headey"Got it!""Got it""Got it," jocularly"Got it?""Got me beat""Got me!""Got milk?" request"Got milk?" request?"Got that right!""Got that right""Got ya!""Got you""Gotcha!""Gotcha""Gotcha," formally"Gotcha," humorously"Gotcha," to a beatnik"Gotta go!""Gotta go," in chat rooms"Gotta hand ___ ya ...""Gotta have it" sloganeer"Gotta love him!""Gotta run!""Gr-r-ross!""Grab ahold!""Grab ___!""Grace Before Meat" pen n"Gracias" response"Grand Hotel" studio"Grand Ole Opry" airer"Grand""Grand" backdrop for "Sha"Grand" hotel"Grand" hotels"Grand" ice cream brand"Grand" island"Grand" or "petit" dance "Grand" piece of furnitur"Grand" place"Grand" range"Grand" thing"Grand" things"Grapes of Wrath" author"Grease" co-writer Jim"Grease" singer"Great blue" bird"Great Expectations" girl"Great Expectations" hero"Great job!""Great Scott!""Great shot!""Great taste ... less fil"Great taste since 1905" "Great white" bird"Great!""Great" Asian landmark"Great" Australian landma"Great" beasts"Great" birds"Great" boy detective"Great" Catherine, for on"Great" creature"Great" czar"Great" detective of chil"Great" detective of kid "Great" guy"Great" kid-lit detective"Great" ocean predators"Great" red feature of Ju"Great" words from Jerry "Greatest Love ___" (#1 W"Green Acres" co-star"Green Acres" star Gabor"Green Eggs and Ham" as r"Green Eyes" singer Helen"Green Gables" girl"Green ___""Green ___" of 1960s TV"Green" brand of mineral water is withdrawn"Green" prefix"Green" sci."Green": Prefix"Greetings ___..." (postc"Greetings!""Greetings""Greetings" org."Greetings, Mr Yorke. Everything's beginning to strike a chord?""Grey's Anatomy" actor"Grey's Anatomy" extra"Grey's Anatomy" hookups"Grey's Anatomy" locales,"Groovy!""Groovy""Gross!""Groundhog Day" director"Growing Young" author As"Grumpy Old Men" co-star"Guarding ___" (1994 MacL"Guarding ___" (1994 movi"Guernica," e.g."Guerrilla Warfare" autho"Guilty or not?""Guilty" or "not guilty""Guilty," e.g."Guilty," in a Latin lega"Guinness Book" suffix"Guitar Town" singer Stev"Gullible's Travels" writ"Gulliver's Travels" and "Gulliver's Travels" brut"Gulliver's Travels" crea"Gulliver's Travels" feat"Gulliver's Travels," e.g"Gunfight at the O.K. Cor"Gunga Din" distributor"Gunga Din" setting"Gunsmoke" appeared on it"Gunsmoke" bartender"Gunsmoke" deputy"Gunsmoke" Doc"Gunsmoke" setting, infor"Gunsmoke" shower"Gunsmoke" star"Gunsmoke" star James"Gutsy" woman appearing in silent broadcast"Guys and Dolls" composer"Guys and Dolls" is based"Guys and Dolls" locale"Guys and Dolls" song"Guys and Dolls" tune"Guys and Dolls" writer"Gymnopedies" composer"Gypsy" composer Jule"Gypsy" star, 1989"Gypsy" Tony winner"H"H-E-L-P!""H-Houston -- half of it's broken -- we have a problem""H.M.S. ___""Ha! That's ___ one!""Ha!""Ha, that was funny""Ha-ha," online"Habanera" from "Carmen" "Had enough?""Had to take day off," Jack repeated, "for pilgrimage""Had ___ and couldn't kee"Hah!""Hail Asgard!" stirred up legendary swordsman"Hail Mary" counter"Hail!," to Horace"Hail, Caesar!""Hail, Stanford, Hail!," "Hair of the dog" alterna"Hair" co-writer"Hair" co-writer James"Hair" composer MacDermot"Hair" extra"Hair" hairstyles"Hair" of the intestine"Hair" producer"Hair" producer, 1967"Hair" song "___ Baby""Hair" song with birthday"Hair" song with the lyri"Hairspray" actor"Hairspray" mom"Hairspray" mom and other"Hairspray" role"Half ___ ...""Half ___ is better ...""Half ___ is better than "Half ___ is better...""Half-Breed" singer"Hallelujah, ___ Bum""Hallelujah, ___ Bum" (19"Hallelujah, ___ Bum" (Al"Halloween ___""Halloween ___" (1983 fli"Halt!""Halt!" caller"Halt!" to a salt"Halt!," at sea"Halt, salt!""Hamlet" and "Macbeth""Hamlet" composer"Hamlet" court fop"Hamlet" courtier"Hamlet" has five"Hamlet" highlight"Hamlet" locale"Hamlet" quintet"Hamlet" setting"Hamlet" soliloquy starte"Hamlet" star, 1990"Hand-Made Fables" writer"Hands Across the Sea" co"Hands down" and "cold fe"Hands off!""Handy" man"Handy" one"Hang in there!""Hang in there""Hang on ___!""Hang on!""Hannah and Her Sisters" "Hannah Montana" star Mil"Hansel and Gretel" local"Hansel and Gretel" prop"Hansel and Gretel" role"Hansel and Gretel" setti"Hansel and Gretel," for "Happy Anniversary" write"Happy birthday" follow-u"Happy birthday" follower"Happy Birthday" playwrig"Happy birthday" wish"Happy Birthday" writer"Happy Birthday" writer, "Happy Birthday" writers"Happy Birthday, Mr. Pres"Happy Birthday, Sweet Si"Happy Days Are Here Agai"Happy Days" actress"Happy Days" boy"Happy Days" catchphrase"Happy Days" character"Happy Days" cool cat, wi"Happy Days" event"Happy Days" father, info"Happy Days" fellow"Happy Days" malt shop ow"Happy Days" network"Happy Days" role"Happy Days" type"Happy Gilmore" star, 199"Happy Motoring" brand"Happy Motoring" company"Happy Motoring" sloganee"Happy to be of service!""Happy" first name"Happy" sorts"Hard Cash" author Charle"Hard Cash" novelist"Hard Hearted Hannah" com"Hard Hearted Hannah" of "Hard Lines" poet"Hard Road to Glory" auth"Hard ___!""Hard ___!" (captain's or"Hard ___!" (helm command"Hard ___!" (nautical cry"Hard ___!" (nautical ord"Hard ___!" (sailor's yel"Hard ___!" (ship command"Hard-boiled" writer"Hardball" broadcaster"Hardball" channel"Hardly!""Hardy Boys" character"Harlem Nocturne" compose"Harlem Nocturne" instrum"Harlequin's Carnival" pa"Harlequin's Carnival," f"Harlot's Ghost" subj."Harmony in Red" artist"Harold and Maude" co-sta"Harold and Maude" direct"Harold ___" (old comic s"Harper Valley P.T.A." ac"Harper Valley ___""Harry and Tonto" star"Harry Potter" character "Harvey" character Elwood"Harvey" hero Elwood P. _"Harvey" role ___ P. Dowd"Has 1,001 ___""Has our waiter even made"Hast thou ___ like God?""Hasta la vista!""Hasta la ___, baby!""Hasta luego!""Hasta ___!""Hasta ___""Haste makes waste," e.g."Hath ___ sister?": Shak."Haughty Juno's unrelenti"Havana" actress"Havana" actress Olin"Have a bite!""Have a good time!""Have a great time!""Have a Little Faith ___""Have a nice weekend "Have mercy on me!," e.g."Have mercy" in Masses"Have mercy," in a Mass"Have one""Have some!""Have some""Have you started without"Have you ___?""Have ___ and a smile" (o"Have ___ day!""Have ___ day""Have ___!" ("Make yourse"Have ___" (host's words)"Have ___" (waiting room "Haven't a clue""Haven't heard a word""Having indigestion?" in "Having shingles is serious" computer returns"Haw!""Haw""Hawai'i ___" (island son"Hawaii Five-O" airer"Hawaii Five-O" broadcast"Hawaii Five-O" extra"Hawaii Five-O" locale"Hawaii Five-O" name"Hawaii Five-O" network"Hawaii ___" (island song"Hawaii" novelist"Haystack at Giverny" art"Haystacks" artist"Haystacks" artist Claude"Haystacks" painter"Hazel" cartoonist Key"He always asked a lot of"He doesn't have ___ bone"He eateth grass as ___":"He fain would write ___""He had a very special ef"He loves," in Latin"He phones the pizzeria a"He seemed like such ___ "He that ___ over men mus"He used to make up unbel"He was a fast learner""He was a real character""He was always looking up"He was my prize student""He who hesitates is lost"He who laughs last ...""He who meanly admires me"He wore a diamond" in "C"He" and "she" follower"He's looking for an open"He's making ___ and chec"He's prepared a ___ of p"He's ___ nowhere man ..."He's ___ nowhere man" (B"He-e-ere's Johnny!," e.g"Head Secretary"? [Willia"Headliners & Legends" ho"Headlines" presenter"Heads for the hills" loc"Heads up!""Heads up!" and others"Heads up!," e.g."Heads ___ "Heads ___, tails ...""Heads" side of a coin"Health club exercise is "Heart and Soul," to youn"Heart of Georgia""Heart of the Tin Man" au"Heartbreak House" writer"Heartburn" author Ephron"Heartlight" singer, 1982"Heat traps" in houses"Heat" co-star, 1995"Heat" star, 1995"Heaven forbid!""Heaven's Gate" director"Heavens to Betsy!""Heavens ___!""Heavens!""Heavy" music genre"Heavyweight" of 1960s fo"Hedda Gabler" playwright"Hee Haw" character"Hee Haw" co-host, 1969-8"Hee Haw" humor"Hee ___""Heh-heh," for one"Heidi" setting"Heimskringla" stories"Hel-l-l-lp!""Hel-l-lp!""Hell ___ no fury ...""Hell ___ no fury...""Hell's Angels" star Ben"Hellboy" star Perlman"Hello ___" (old comedy i"Hello ___" (Todd Rundgre"Hello! BB's little sister Joanna, I presume?""Hello""Hello" Down Under"Hello" sticker"Hello, Dolly!" composer"Hello, Dolly!" jazzman"Hello, Don Ho!""Hello, I Love You" band,"Hello, sailor" is appropriate, when moving"Hello-o-o!""Hells Bells" band"Hellzapoppin'" actress"Hellzapoppin'" star Ole"Hellzapoppin'" star, of "Help wanted" letters"Help yourself!""Help yourself""Help ___ the way!""Help!""Help!" and such"Help!" in France"Help!" key"Help!" mate"Help!"... and a hint to "Help!," e.g."Help, quick!""Helping doctors help pat"Helsinki: At the bank to"Henry & June" author"Henry & June" character"Henry & June" role"Her ___" ("Miss Saigon" "Her ___" (song from "Mis"Hercules" TV spinoff"Here Come the ___" (Abbo"Here comes the judge!" u"Here comes trouble!""Here comes trouble""Here he is now!""Here I ___ Worship" (con"Here is a noble railway" - sentence from a glossy magazine"Here Is Your War" author"Here we go!""Here ___ ...""Here ___ again""Here ___ Again" (1987 #1"Here ___ Again" (1987 Wh"Here ___ comes, Miss Ame"Here ___ trouble!""Here ___!""Here ___, there...""Here!""Here's a pleasant surpri"Here's Johnny!" memoiris"Here's looking ___!""Here's mud in your eye!,"Here's to ...," e.g."Here's to you!""Here's to you!" and othe"Here's to you" recipient"Here's ___ your eye!""Here, have one""Here, I can help you""Here, piggies!""Here, try some!""Here, try this""Herman" cartoonist Unger"Hernando's Hideaway," e."Heroes" actress Larter"Heroic Stanzas," for one"Herzog" author Bellow"Hey "Hey ... over here!""Hey Girl" hitmaker, 1971"Hey Girl" singer, 1971"Hey Jude" chorus"Hey Jude" sounds"Hey there!""Hey you!""Hey ___" (1963 pop hit)"Hey! "Hey!""Hey!?""Hey, babe, wanna sit wit"Hey, bud!""Hey, buddy! You're not t"Hey, buddy!""Hey, buddy""Hey, check that out!""Hey, come back a bit""Hey, good lookin'!""Hey, hey, hey!""Hey, I never thought of "Hey, just a second!""Hey, Mac!""Hey, mister!""Hey, over here!""Hey, sailor!""Hey, see what I got!""Hey, there!""Hey, wait ___""Hey, way to go!""Hey, what's going ___ th"Hey, you!""Hey, you""Hey, ___!" (Jamaican gre"Hey. You. Yeah, you!""Hi & Lois" child"Hi and Lois" family pet"Hi ___!" (fan's message)"Hi""Hi, honey!" follower"Hi, Jos"Hi-___, Hi-Lo" (1953 fil"Hi-___, Hi-Lo" (1953 hit"Hi. It's me. Mark McGwir"Hidalgo" co-star, 2004"Hideaway" actress"High Hopes" lyricist"High Hopes" lyricist Sam"High Hopes" songwriter"High Noon" heroine"High Noon" lawman"High Noon" marshal"High Noon" sheriff Will "High Noon" wife ___ Kane"High priority!""High Sierra" actress"High Sierra" star"High Spirits" star, 1988"High ___" (Anderson play"High ___" (Bogart classi"High ___," 1941 film"High" hilarity"High" time"High," in the Homeland S"Highest Mountains" or "W"Hightail it out of here!"Highway to Hell" band"Hike!" callers in footba"Hill Street Blues" actre"Hill Street Blues" star"Hip Hop Is Dead" rapper"Hippolyte et Aricie" com"Hiroshima" author, 1946"Hiroshima" writer"Hiroshima" writer, 1946"His eyes are ___ fire wi"His Master's Voice" co."His Master's Voice" labe"His Master's Voice" slog"His posterior goes all t"Histoire de ___," first "History of England" auth"History of My Life" auto"History of Rome" author"History of the Standard "Hit back!" Lady not content to stop at home (president's a well-known player)"Hit it!""Hit me," in blackjack"Hit the bricks!""Hit the road!""Hmm ...""Hmm, don't think so""Hmm, I didn't know that!"Hmm, I don't know!""Hmm, yes ...""Hmm...!?""Hmm?" inducer"Hmmm ...""Hmmm""Hmmm, it's not coming to"Ho ho ho" crier"Ho, ho, ho" sayer"Ho, ho, ho," e.g."Hoc ___ in votis""Hoc ___ in votis": Horac"Hoffman" co-star Cusack"Hogan's Heroes" colonel"Hogan's Heroes" corporal"Hogan's Heroes" figure"Hogan's Heroes" sergeant"Hogan's Heroes" setting"Hogan's Heroes" villains"Hogwash!""Holberg Suite" composer"Hold everything!""Hold it right there!""Hold it ___!""Hold it!""Hold it!," on 27-/44-Acr"Hold it, buster!""Hold it, horse!""Hold Me" country Grammy "Hold on ... what's going"Hold on a moment!""Hold on a ___!""Hold on a ___""Hold on there!""Hold On Tight" band"Hold On Tight" group"Hold On Tight" grp."Hold On Tight" rock band"Hold On Tight" rock grou"Hold On Tight" rock grp."Hold on ___!""Hold on!""Hold on""Hold on, I've changed my"Hold the Line" rock grou"Hold the rocks," at a ba"Hold up!""Hold yer horses!""Hold your horses!""Hold your tongue!""Hold ___ your hat!""Holding Out for ___" (19"Holiday in Havana" star,"Hollyoaks" actress ___ A"Hollywood Homicide" actr"Hollywood Squares" line"Hollywood Squares" squar"Hollywood Squares" win"Holy cats!""Holy cow!""Holy cow!" overseas"Holy mackerel!""Holy moly!""Holy smoke!""Holy smoke!," e.g."Holy smokes!""Holy smokes!," to a teen"Holy Sonnets" poet"Holy Toledo!""Holy" one"Homage to Clio" poet"Homage to Clio" poet and"Homage to Sextus Propert"Home Alone" actor"Home Alone" actor Joe"Home Improvement" actor "Home Improvement" prop"Home of the brave""Home to Harlem" author C"Home to Harlem" novelist"Home ___""Home ___," Macaulay Culk"Home, ___!""Homeowners get excited w"Homer and ___ Hail Mary "Homey!""Honest to God!""Honest to goodness!""Honest!""Honest""Honest" man"Honest" one"Honest" President"Honest" prez"Honestly, man!""Honey in the Horn" jazzm"Honey in the Horn" trump"Honey, I just forgot to "Honey, you're wearing TH"Honor is ___ scutcheon":"Honor Thy Father" author"Hoo" preceder"Hoo-ey!""Hoobert Heever," e.g."Hook" producer Fayed"Hooked on Classics" comp"Hooked on Classics" reco"Hooked on Swing" jazzman"Hoops""Hooray for Love" compose"Hooray for me!""Hooray!""Hooray, Jos"Hop ___!""Hop-Frog" writer"Hopalong Cassidy" actor"Hor." neighbor, on old T"Horatio, thou art ___ as"Horrible" comics charact"Horrors!""Horrors!," online"Horse Feathers" stars"Horsefeathers!""Horton Hears ___""Hospital smell" chemical"Hostel" director Roth"Hot Diggity" singer"Hot Shots!" actor, 1991"Hot!""Hot" food"Hot" one"Hot" political topic"Hot-diggity-dog!""Hotel all right?" "I don't know what to tell you – it's rubbish""Hotel de ___" (1959-60 T"Hound Dog" man"House Call" airer"House Hunters" cable cha"House of Dracula" direct"House of Frankenstein" d"House of Meetings" novel"House" actor"How 'bout them ___?" (cl"How 'bout ___?!""How about that!""How about that?!""How about ___?""How adorable!""How awful!""How Can We Be Lovers" si"How can you ___...?" (st"How Can ___ Sure" (1967 "How Can ___ Sure?" (1967"How can ___?""How come?""How come?" comeback"How could you say such a"How could ___ this happe"How could ___?""How cute!""How cute""How dare you!""How did ___ this happen?"How disgusting!""How Do I Live" singer, 1"How do I love ___?""How Do ___" (1997 LeAnn "How Dry ___""How dumb of me!""How exciting!""How fa-a-ancy!""How foolish ___!""How I Spent My Summer Va"How is this possible?""How lu-u-uxurious!""How luxurious!""How many months have 28 "How much ___ much?""How nice!""How now! ___?": Hamlet"How obvious!""How pallid, chill and __"How revolting!""How rude!""How Sleep the Brave," fo"How Stella Got ___ Groov"How stupid of me!""How Sweet It Is" singer"How sweet ___!""How Sweet ___""How the Other Half Lives"How the West Was Won" an"How then ___ he now see?"How to Handle a Woman" l"How to Make an American "How to Murder Your Wife""How to Read a Book" auth"How to" explanations"How very nice!""How was ___ know?""How wonderful!""How ya doin'?""How ___ ...""How ___ Has the Banshee "How ___ is the candle of"How ___ love thee? Let m"How ___ the little busy "How ___ you?!""How ___ Your Mother""How ___!""How ___?""How ___?" (question to a"How'm I doin'?" asker"How's it goin', man?""How's it going?""How's it hangin', bro?""How's it ___?""How's that again?""How's the health?""How's tricks?""How's ___?""How-to" book"Howards End" author"Howards End" director"Howards End" novelist"Howards End" role"Howdy!""Howdy!" sayer"Howdy""Howdy, ma'am," e.g.?"However ...""Hubba hubba!""Huckleberry Finn" author"Huckleberry Finn" charac"Hud" director"Hud" Oscar winner"Hud" Oscar winner Patric"Hud" Oscar-winner"Hud" star"Huddled" group inscribed"Huh ...?!""Huh-uh""Huh?!""Huh?""Hulk" director Lee"Human Concretion" artist"Human Concretion" sculpt"Humble" dwelling"Humble" home"Humble" place"Humbug!""Humph!""Humpty Dumpty ___ great "Hungaria" composer"Hungarian Rhapsodies" co"Hungry Like the Wolf" ba"Hunny" bear"Hup, two, three, four" c"Hurlyburly" playwright"Hurlyburly" playwright D"Hurlyburly" Tony winner "Hurrah!""Hurrah!," e.g."Hurray for me!""Hurray!""Hurray!" and "Oh, no!""Hurry up and ___""Hurry up!""Hurry up!" to a person a"Hurry up!" to a person p"Hurry up!" to a person s"Hurry!""Hurry!" on a memo"Hurry, please!""Hush!""Huzzah!""Huzzah!," e.g."Hyperion" poet"I agree completely!""I agree completely""I agree completely, dog-"I agree!""I agree""I ain't buyin' it!""I Ain't Marching Anymore"I almost forgot ...!""I already ___""I Am ... ___ Fierce," #1"I Am a Camera" setting"I am a deeply superficia"I am an idiot!""I am beautiful, famous a"I am miserable""I am not what I am" spea"I Am Spock" autobiograph"I am such a dope!""I am the literary equiva"I am the ___" (Beatles l"I Am Woman" singer, 1972"I am, like, ___ stupid!""I am," in Italy"I appreciate it," in tex"I asked for tomato bisqu"I before E except after "I before E" rule, e.g."I beg of you""I beg to differ!""I beg to differ""I Believe" singer"I Believe" singer, 1953"I bet you won't go bunge"I bid you ___ farewell""I Cain't Say No" musical"I call 'em as I ___""I can get by with that""I can give you a lift""I can only ___ much""I can resist everything "I can take ___!""I Can ___ Rainbow" (clas"I can ___""I can't believe it!""I can't believe it!": 2 "I can't believe ___ ...""I can't believe ___ the "I can't believe ___...""I can't blame anyone els"I can't drink beer this "I can't find a thing to "I can't hear you!""I can't read your handwr"I can't remember if I __"I can't sing ___""I can't use my Q..." (19"I can't wait!""I can't ___ satisfaction"I can't ___ thing!""I can't ___ thing""I can't ___" (Stones ref"I CAN'T!" Bossy heartless ridiculous pigheadedness"I cannot tell a ___""I cannot tell ___""I cannot ___ lie!""I cannot ___ lie""I caught you!""I Ching""I come to bury Caesar, n"I concur!""I concur""I could eat a horse," e."I Could Fall in Love" si"I Could Have Danced All "I Could Write ___" (Rodg"I could ___ horse!""I could ___ unfold...": "I couldn't agree with yo"I couldn't ___!""I dare you!""I dare you""I demand to see cash up-"I did it!""I did no such thing!""I didn't do it!""I didn't do it," for one"I didn't know I had it _"I didn't know that!""I didn't mean to do that"I didn't need to know al"I didn't need to know th"I Didn't Slip, I Wasn't "I didn't think you'd be "I didn't understand a th"I do ___!""I do" or "Drat!""I do" preceder"I do" sayer"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, "I do," at the altar"I do," e.g."I do," for one"I don't appreciate the h"I don't believe it!""I don't believe it!," on"I don't believe this!""I don't buy it!""I don't buy it""I don't care if they do""I don't get no respect,""I don't give ___!""I don't have time to ans"I don't know" lead-in"I don't mean to pry, but"I don't mean to sound bi"I don't mean to ___...""I don't need to hear tha"I don't see it""I don't think so""I don't want any part of"I don't want to achieve "I don't want to hear abo"I don't want to hear any"I don't ___ bit""I don't ___ you!""I double-___ you!""I doubt that!""I Dream of Jeannie" sett"I Dream of Jeannie" star"I dropped it!""I earn that ___": "As Yo"I Enjoy Being ___" (Rodg"I Fall to Pieces" singer"I fall upon the thorns o"I feel as old as yonder "I feel great!""I feel the earth move un"I feel the same way""I feel the same""I figured it out!""I finally finished!""I finished""I found it!""I get it already!""I get it now""I get it!""I get it""I get it" responses"I get it," humorously"I Get ___" (Beach Boys h"I give up!""I give!""I got it!""I got ___ ...""I Got ___" (1973 song)"I guess it just proves t"I guess that's true""I guessed it!""I had no ___!""I Had ___ When I Came In"I hadn't thought of that"I hate it when that happ"I hated it""I Hated, Hated, Hated Th"I have an idea ...""I have an idea!""I have been half in love"I have half ___ to...""I have measured out my l"I have never been hurt b"I have no face cards" ac"I have no idea!""I have no preference""I have no problem with t"I have not told half of "I have the answer!""I have the heart of a sm"I have ___ good authorit"I haven't a care in the "I haven't a thing to ___"I haven't finished yet!""I haven't the foggiest!""I hear ya!""I hear you!" replied the"I heard you! I heard you"I Just Can't Wait to Be "I just had an idea!""I just met a girl named "I Just Wanna Stop" singe"I kid you not!""I Kid You Not" autobiogr"I kid you not" speaker"I kiss'd thee ___ kill'd"I kissed thee ___ I kill"I knew a man Bojangles a"I knew it all ___!""I knew it!""I know it's not my busin"I know not why I ___ sad"I know that one!""I know the answer!""I know what you're think"I know what you're up to"I Know Who Killed Me" ac"I know you're in there!""I Know" singer Farris"I lack iniquity" speaker"I like that!""I like your thinking""I like ___""I Like ___" (old campaig"I live!""I lost my train of thoug"I Love a Mystery" actres"I Love a Parade" compose"I Love Lucy" appeared on"I Love Lucy" co-star"I Love Lucy" executive p"I Love Lucy" neighbor"I Love Lucy" role"I Love Lucy" star"I Love Lucy" venue"I Love Lucy," usually"I Love Rock 'n Roll" roc"I Love Rock 'n Roll" sin"I love this!""I love tipples on vacation" reflected Patsy"I Love You Because" sing"I love you, Juanita""I love you," in a teleno"I love you," in Spanish"I love," in Latin"I love," to Livy"I love," to Yvette"I loved, loved, loved th"I Loves You, Porgy" sing"I mean it!""I must have missed the _"I must submit to an epit"I must've forgot ...!""I need instructions on c"I needed it by yesterday"I needed it yesterday" a"I Never Played the Game""I never ___ moor": Emily"I noticed you use the __"I only have eyes for you"I pass""I pity the fool" speaker"I Pity the Fool" star"I played already""I Puritani," for one"I quit!" - football manager loses his head over miss"I ran out of gas," e.g."I read you loud and clea"I read you""I reckon not""I reckon so""I reckon""I remember when...""I respect a man who know"I said - ___!""I said ... out!""I said that's enough!""I said ___!""I Saw ___ Again" (1966 h"I saw ___ kissing Kate ."I saw ___ sawing wood .."I saw," Caesar-style"I say!" sayer"I second that!""I see!""I see""I see" sounds"I see," facetiously"I see," kiddingly"I shall not want Honor i"I shall return," e.g."I Shot Andy Warhol" actr"I Shot Andy Warhol" star"I should have guessed as"I should say ___!""I should ___ die with pi"I shouldn't have done th"I smell ___!""I smell ___""I Spy" co-star"I Spy" co-star Bill, fam"I Spy" co-star Robert"I Spy" star Bill"I Still See ___" ("Paint"I suppose ...""I suppose it might seem "I suppose so""I surrender!""I swear ...""I swear I ___ art at all"I swear!""I swear...!""I sympathize""I take it back""I tawt I taw a puddy tat"I tawt I taw a putty ___"I think ...""I think I goofed""I think we should say no"I think we should""I think you overshared,""I think, therefore I wre"I think," briefly"I think," succinctly"I thought I ___ ...""I thought ___!" ("My fee"I told you so!""I tought I taw a putty _"I trust him about ___ .."I understand now""I understand!""I understand""I understand, sir!""I understand," facetious"I used to catch him pass"I used to do drugs. ___""I Wanna Be Bad" singer _"I wanna try!""I wanna!""I want in!""I want in" or "I want ou"I want it, and I want it"I want my ___!" (1980's "I want to, as well""I Want ___" (Rodgers and"I Was a Teen-Age Werewol"I was at a movie theater"I was out of town at the"I Was ___ War Bride""I wasn't expecting that!"I wasn't expecting you!""I will avoid UN aid questions," initially annoyed every critic of Trump!"I Will Follow ___" (1963"I will play the ___, and"I will sing ___ the Lord"I Will Survive" singer"I Will Survive" singer G"I wish you a meretriciou"I Wish" rapper ___-Lo"I won the lottery!" feel"I won! I won!," e.g."I won't ask again""I won't bore you with th"I won't miss it""I won't ___ word""I would say ...," in tex"I wouldn't bet on it!""I wouldn't change a thin"I wouldn't do that""I wouldn't say so""I yam what I yam" speake"I ___ amused!""I ___ appreciate ...""I ___ at the office""I ___ bored!""I ___ Camera" (1955 film"I ___ Dark Stranger" (De"I ___ dead!""I ___ differ""I ___ for animals""I ___ Grow Up" ("Peter P"I ___ idea!""I ___ it!" (cry of succe"I ___ it!": Red Skelton"I ___ it""I ___ kick...""I ___ Lover" (1979 John "I ___ man who wasn't the"I ___ point ...""I ___ ready!""I ___ reason not to""I ___ return""I ___ Right to Sing the "I ___ Rock" (1966 hit)"I ___ shepherd of those "I ___ Song Go Out of My "I ___ sorry!""I ___ tell!""I ___ that!""I ___ the day ...""I ___ the opinion "I ___ the opinion...""I ___ to recall...""I ___ vacation!""I ___ Walrus""I ___ you one!""I ___ you one""I ___ you!""I ___" (ancient Chinese "I ___', says educated girl, living for ever"I" and "M" in I. M. Pei:"i" completer"i" finisher"I" for Claudius"i" lid"i" piece"I" problem"I" problem?"I" problems"i" topper"i" toppers"I"-opening experience?"I'd be delighted!""I'd be glad to!""I'd be miserable without"I'd consider ___ honor""I'd do it all over again"I'd hate to break up ___"I'd like to buy ___""I'd like to buy ___, Pat"I'd like to give it a tr"I'd like to see ___""I'd like to throttle Liberal" (left-winger looked dim)"I'd rather not hear abou"I'd rather not""I'd walk ___ for ...""I'll alert ___": Hobson,"I'll be a son of a gun""I'll Be Around" composer"I'll be back in ___!""I'll be darned!""I'll Be Doggone" singer,"I'll be finished in a mi"I'll be right there!""I'll be seeing you every so often," said nice guy"I'll Be There for You" f"I'll be through in a min"I'll be with you shortly"I'll be ___ of a gun!""I'll Do Anything" star"I'll do it ___""I'll do it!""I'll do that right away!"I'll do that""I'll get right ___!""I'll get this round"?"I'll get this""I'll get ___!""I'll give you $100 for t"I'll give you $500 for t"I'll give you ___ ...""I'll go along with that""I'll grant you that. How"I'll have another""I'll have the ___""I'll Have to Say I Love "I'll have ___ this one o"I'll help!""I'll Make Love to You" G"I'll never do it again,""I'll pass""I'll raise the preparati"I'll second that""I'll see you in the park"I'll speak a prophecy __"I'll take 'The New York "I'll take another""I'll take Potpourri for "I'll take that as ___""I'll take whatever help "I'll Take ___" (Bob Hope"I'll think about it""I'll try to think of som"I'll wait""I'm a Believer" band, wi"I'm a bit leery of dogs "I'm a rabbi"I'm a Stranger Here Myse"I'm afraid not!""I'm all ears!""I'm all ears""I'm all ___""I'm an unattractive woma"I'm busy then""I'm busy!""I'm countin' on it!""I'm done after this""I'm done!""I'm dying, Egypt, dying""I'm free!" for example?"I'm freezing!""I'm game if you're game!"I'm game!""I'm game""I'm glad I came""I'm glad that's over!""I'm going to heaven!""I'm gone""I'm gonna make you ___""I'm gonna use mah new __"I'm Gonna Wash That Man "I'm happy" in Siamese?"I'm Henry VIII, I am" si"I'm history!""I'm impressed!""I'm impressed""I'm impressed, man!""I'm in a rush!""I'm in!""I'm innocent!""I'm just kidding!" indic"I'm kidding!""I'm king of the world!,""I'm late!""I'm less than impressed""I'm listening""I'm listening, bro""I'm making a quilt," e.g"I'm more than pleased" said Violet Elizabeth, "but no Wembley this year""I'm not done yet!""I'm not gonna stand in t"I'm not interested in ha"I'm not kidding!""I'm not listening ...""I'm not listening to you"I'm not making that up!""I'm not quite done yet""I'm Not Rappaport" Tony "I'm not the only one?""I'm not volunteering!""I'm not ___ complain ..."I'm Not ___," 1975 #1 co"I'm O.K. with it""I'm off!""I'm OK - You're Okay" au"I'm outta here!""I'm outta here""I'm ready - let's hear i"I'm ready for anything!""I'm ready for the weeken"I'm ready for your quest"I'm ready to leave""I'm Real" singer's nickn"I'm right there with you"I'm serious!""I'm smarter than the ave"I'm so bored" feeling"I'm so glad!""I'm sorry, Dave" speaker"I'm stumped""I'm such a ___!" (klutz'"I'm telling you the trut"I'm to enter a new arrangement", articulated performer"I'm very disappointed in"I'm very impressed!""I'm waiting""I'm With Stupid" shirt f"I'm with you!""I'm with you""I'm working ___!""I'm working ___""I'm ___ and didn't know "I'm ___ here!""I'm ___ in Love" (1975 h"I'm ___ you now!""I'm ___ you!""I'm ___ your tricks!""I'm ___!""I'm ___!" ("Can do!")"I'm ___!" ("Will do!")"I've been better""I've been framed!""I've fallen ... ___ can'"I've got a mule, and her"I've got a mule, her nam"I've got it!""I've got my ___ you!""I've Got the Music in Me"I've Got the World on a "I've Got ___ in Kalamazo"I've had 18 straight whi"I've had enough!""I've had enough!'"I've had enough""I've had it!""I've had it!" inspiratio"I've heard enough!""I've heard enough, retai"I've said ___ thousand t"I've ___ had!""I've ___ Strings" (Pinoc"I've ___ up to here!""I've ___!""I've ___!" (cry of impat"I, Claudius" figure"I, Claudius" network"I, Claudius" role"I, Claudius" schemer"I, Claudius" setting"I, Claudius" star"I, Robot" author"I, Robot" extras"Ia Orana Maria" painter"I’m upset over nothing in basic education," one reflects"Iceland" star"Ich bin ___ Berliner""Ich ___ dich" (German wo"Ici on ___ fran"Ick!""Ick!" evoker"Idiot," Iranian once declared to be slander"Idomeneo," e.g."Idylls of the King" char"Idylls of the King" figu"Idylls of the King" lady"Idylls of the King" woma"If a body ___ body...""If a ___ is happy, it ca"If all goes well ...""If all ___ fails ...""If all ___ fails...""If asked, yes""If at first you don't su"If at first, the ___ is "If elected I will not se"If He Walked Into My Lif"If I could digress for a"If I could dwell / Where"If I Could Turn Back Tim"If I Had a Hammer" singe"If I had a little humili"If I Had ___ Like You" ("If I Had ___" (Lyle Love"If I Knew You Were Comin"If I Loved You" musical"If I may ...""If I Needed ___" (Harris"If I Only Had the Nerve""If I remember ___...""If I Ruled the World" ra"If I Were a Rich Man" si"If I were king of the fo"If I Were ___ Man""If I ___ ...""If I ___ betting man...""If I ___ Care" (Ink Spot"If I ___ guess ...""If I ___ hammer ...""If I ___ hammer...""If I ___ rich man ...""If I ___ Rich Man""If I ___ the World" (pop"If it ain't broke, don't"If it were now to die, /"If it ___ broke ...""If looks could kill" loo"If memory serves ...""If only ...""If only that were true!""If only things had turne"If only ___ known ...""If only ___ listened ..."If only ___ listened!""If only!""If the ___ is concealed,"If they could ___ now "If things were to contin"If this ___ any help ..."If today is the 18th, th"If you ask me ...""If you ask me," in a cha"If you ask me," online"If You Asked ___" (Celin"If You Believe" musical,"If You Could ___ Now""If you don't meet my dem"If You Knew ___" (Eddie "If you play your cards r"If you shoot at mimes, s"If you ___ ...""If you ___ now...""If you ___" (words of de"If you ___...!" (threat)"If ___ a Hammer""If ___ a nickel...""If ___ a rich man ...""If ___ be so bold ...""If ___ be so bold...""If ___ be the food of lo"If ___ broke...""If ___ I should leave..."If ___ make it there...""If ___ nickel...""If ___ only knew!""If ___ say so myself""If ___ suggest ...""If ___ told you once ..."If ___ Would Leave You""If ___ you "If ___ you ...""If ___ You" (#1 Alabama "Ignorance ___ excuse""Ignore the red, white an"Il "Il convivio" writer"Il mio tesoro," e.g."Il Postino" poet"Il Trovatore" heroine"Il Trovatore" soprano"Il Trovatore," e.g."Iliad" and "Odyssey," e."Iliad" city"Iliad" figure"Iliad" king"Iliad" locale"Iliad" or "Aeneid," e.g."Iliad" or "Odyssey""Iliad" setting"Iliad" warrior"Iliad" wife"Iliad," "Odyssey" and th"Iliad," e.g."Iliad: The Movie"?"Illmatic" rapper"Imagine that!""Imagine ___!""Imitation is the sincere"Immaculate Conception" a"Immediately!""Immediately!," in the op"Immediately""Immediately," in the O.R"Imperfect Sympathies" es"Impossible!""Impossible""Impossible" achievement"Impossible" activity!"Impossible" discovery"Impossible" response to "Impression, Sunrise" pai"Impressive!""Imus in the Morning" air"In & Out" director, 1997"In & Out" star, 1997"In a cowslip's bell ___""In a hurry, are we?""In a minute""In a pig's eye!""In addition ...""In America" novelist Sus"In an ___ world ...""In bad company," per Amb"In case you didn't hear "In case you weren't list"In dreams begin responsi"In Dreams" actor, 1999"In excelsis ___""In His will is our peace"In just this way""In Living Color" segment"In memoriam" item"In Memoriam," e.g."In my dreams!""In my mind ...""In my opinion ...""In my opinion""In My Own Fashion" autob"In My Own Words" mission"In one era and out the o"In order to divide, inve"In other words ...""In other words...""In principio ___ Verbum "In principio ___ Verbum""In Search Of "In Search of Identity" a"In that area""In that case "In that case ...""In the Bedroom" actress"In the Bedroom" actress,"In the Good Old Summerti"In the Heights" Tony win"In the Mood," e.g."In the name of ___""In the Night Kitchen" au"In the Valley of ___" (2"In the ___" (Nixon book)"In the," in Italy"In what way?""In your dreams!""In your face!""In ___ Shoes" (2005 film"In ___ veritas""In ___" (#1 Nirvana albu"In ___" (1993 #1 album)"In ___" (Nirvana album)"In ___, where love is ki"In ___," Nirvana album"In""In" group"In" place"Incidentally ...""Incidentally," in chat r"Incidentally," to texter"Incompleteness theorem" "Inconceivable!""Incredible" one"Indeed!""Indeed!" overseas"Indeed""Independence Day" actor"Independence Day" fleet"Independence Day" invade"Independence Day" villai"Indiana Jones" genre"Indoors ___?""Indubitably!""Indubitably""Inferno" author"Inferno" poet"Inferno" writer"Infidel" author Ayaan Hi"Inglourious Basterds" or"Inherit the Wind": Defen"Inherit the Wind": Prose"Inka Dinka ___""Inner Circles" memoirist"Insane!""Inside Nascar" channel"Inside Politics" broadca"Inside the Third Reich" "Instant Karma" singer"Institutio principis Chr"Institutiones Calculi In"Interest paid on trouble"Interested in coming?""Interested?""Interesting ...""Interesting""Internal Affairs" star, "Intersection" star, 1994"Interview With the Vampi"Intimations of Immortali"Into the Wild" actor Emi"Intolerance" actress"Intolerance" actress Lil"Invaders From ___" (1953"Invasion of the Body Sna"Inventions of the Monste"Invisible Man" novelist"Invisible Man" setting"Irish Lullaby" starter"Irish" dog"Iron is its middle name""Iron John" author Robert"Is Anybody Goin' to San "Is anybody listening ..."Is everything all right?"Is it just ___ ...""Is it not so?""Is it O.K. if I come in?"Is it soup ___?""Is it worth the chance?""Is Sex Necessary?" autho"Is so!" rebuttal"Is so!" retort"Is that a fact!""Is that a new man you're"Is that a ___?""Is that all right?""Is that so!""Is that so?!""Is that so?""Is that someone I should"Is that what you expecte"Is that your final ___?""Is that ___?!""Is that ___?""Is that ___?" ("Really?""Is there anyone here I h"Is There Life Out There""Is there no ___ this?""Is this thing on?""Is ___ all there is?""Is ___ joke?""Is ___, Lord?""Is ___?""Isaac's Storm" author La"Isabella" poet"Ishtar" director"Ishtar" director, after "Ishtar" extras"Ishtar" or "Heaven's Gat"Ishtar" sights"Isn't anyone interested?"Isn't it funny / How a b"Isn't it ___?""Isn't that always true?""Isn't that beautiful?!""Isn't that beautiful?""Isn't that cute!" exclam"Isn't that nice!""Isn't that obvious?!""Isn't that so?," to Rous"Isn't ___ bit like you a"Israel in the World" aut"Israfel" writer's monogr"It ain't hard!""It ain't over till it's "It all comes clear""It can't be!""It comes ___ surprise""It could be dyspepsia", said this journalist, hiccuping"It could go either way""It could not slake mine "It didn't work out""It doesn't matter ... an"It doesn't matter""It Don't Come Easy" sing"It Don't Come Easy" was "It floats" sloganeer"It follows that "It follows that ...""It Had to Be You" compos"It Had to Be You" lyrici"It Had to ___""It Happened One Night" d"It Happened One Night" p"It Happened One Night" s"It has come to my attent"It is equally an error t"It is the night of ___ d"It is the sea / Gone wit"It is the ___, and Julie"It is to laugh!""It is ___ told by an idi"It just isn't ___""It looks that way to me!"It makes sense to me""It Must Be Him" singer a"It Must Be Him" singer V"It Must Be Him" singer, "It must be him, ___ shal"It must be him, ___..." "It must be ___ news day""It Must Be ___""It must have been ___ ne"It must've been somethin"It seems evident that .."It seems to me ...""It seems to me," in comp"It slipped my mind!""It slipped my mind""It takes all ___""It takes two" dance"It takes two" to do this"It takes ___ know...""It Walks by Night" autho"It Walks by Night" novel"It Was a Lover and His _"It was all my fault, gun"It was nice getting acqu"It was nothing, really""It was the best of times"It was the ___ I could d"It was ___ and ...""It was ___ and stormy ni"It was ___ joke!""It was ___ mistake!""It was ___ mistake""It was ___ vu all over a"It will come ___ surpris"It won't be missed""It won't hurt ___""It would ___ me "It ___ add up!""It ___ All Velvet" (Mel "It ___ Be You""It ___ Fair" (Sammy Kaye"It ___ laugh""It ___ me!""It ___ Necessarily So""It ___ pretty!""It ___ so""It ___ to Be You""It ___ to me ...""It ___" (reply to "Who's"It ___; be not afraid" ("It""It" - the heroin-dropping, techno top band"It" author Glyn"It" in the old slogan "G"It" star"It'd be my pleasure""It'll be fine""It'll be ___ day in hell"It'll ___ you""It's a group effort, guy"It's a mystery to me""It's a mystery""It's a package deal""It's a sin to tell ___""It's a Sin to Tell ___" "It's a snap!""It's a Wonderful Life" a"It's a Wonderful Life" d"It's a Wonderful Life" r"It's a Wonderful Life" s"It's a ___!""It's a ___""It's about time!""It's absolutely terrific"It's all here" sloganeer"It's all ___!""It's all ___""It's all ___" ("I can't "It's Alright" singer"It's anybody's guess""It's been real""It's been ___ pleasure""It's been ___!""It's been ___""It's break time!""It's c-c-c-cold!""It's c-c-cold!""It's cold!""It's d"It's dark in here!""It's digestible" slogane"It's either you ___""It's freezing!""It's fruitless""It's fun to stay at the "It's game time ...!""It's getting late!" abro"It's hard to be humble w"It's Impossible" crooner"It's in the Bag" star, 1"It's just a must!""It's my fault""It's My Party" singer Le"It's MY treat!""It's my work, ___ say, a"It's News to Me" columni"It's no ___!""It's no ___!" (cry of de"It's nobody ___ business"It's not clear-cut""It's Not Easy to ___""It's not easy ___ green""It's not fair!", shouted fish out loud"It's not my fault!""It's not TV, it's ___""It's not TV. It's ___""It's now or never" time"It's O.K. with me""It's on me!""It's on me""It's only ___!""It's only ___""It's possible""It's rather rude, the way the swastika letter ends. Yours, H. Himmler & co.""It's really true!""It's safe ___ ...""It's so good," in Paris"It's So Nice to Have ___"It's so obvious!""It's stifling in Post Office", newspaperman snapped"It's the end of ___""It's the truth!""It's the truth""It's the ___ I can do""It's the ___!""It's Time to Cry" singer"It's time to fly" advert"It's Too Late Now" autob"It's true!""It's us against ___""It's worse than you thou"It's worth ___!""It's worth ___""It's you ___""It's your ___""It's ___ against time""It's ___ bet!""It's ___ cause""It's ___ cry from...""It's ___ for!" ("I love "It's ___ in the right di"It's ___ Kiss" (1964 hit"It's ___ move""It's ___ nothing""It's ___ of the times""It's ___ real!""It's ___ real""It's ___ than that!""It's ___ time!""It's ___ to tell a lie""It's ___ Unusual Day""It's ___ vu all over aga"It's ___ World" ('62 sit"It's ___ world": Dickens"It's ___ you!""It's ___!""It's ___!" ("Simple!")"It's ___!" ("I give up!""It's ___!" ("Okay!")"It's ___!" ("See you the"It's ___!" ("You're on!""It's ___!" ('74 thriller"It's ___!" (cry in a pol"It's ___!" (phrase of co"It's ___!" (proud parent"It's ___!" (thumbs-up re"It's ___" ("I'm buying")"It's ___" ("Maybe it's m"It's ___" ("There's no d"It's ___" (Pet Shop Boys"It's ___-brainer""It's ___...World""Itself," in a phrase"Ivan IV" composer"Ivanhoe" author"Ivanhoe" events"Ivanhoe" novelist"Ivanhoe" weapons"Ivanhoe" writer"Ixnay!""Ixnay""j" topper"J'accuse" author"J'accuse" penner"J'accuse" subject"J. ___," 2011 film"Jabberwocky" opener"Jabberwocky" start"Jabberwocky" starter"Jabberwocky," for one"Jack and the Beanstalk" "Jackie Brown" actress Pa"Jackson""Jacta est ___" ("The die"Jake's Thing" author"Jake's Thing" novelist"James and the Giant Peac"James Joyce" author Leon"Jane Eyre" et al."Jane Eyre" girl"Jane Eyre" prequel"Jane Eyre" writer"Jane ___""Janie's Got a Gun" rock "Java" blower"Java" man"Java" player Al"Java" trumpeter"Jaws" boat"Jaws" menace"Jaws" setting"Jaws" sighting"Jaywalker" of late-night"Jaywalking" personality"Jazz From Hell" Grammy w"Jazz in Silhouette" comp"Je ne ___ quoi""Je suis happy", say"Je t'___" (French words "Je te plumerai le ___" ("Je vous ___""Je ___ fran"Jeepers Creepers" lyrici"Jeepers!""Jeez!""Jefferson in Paris" star"Jelly's Last Jam" dancer"Jennie Gerhardt" author"Jeopardy!" contestants, "Jeopardy!" creator ___ G"Jeopardy!" fodder"Jeopardy!" format"Jeopardy!" host"Jeopardy!" host Fleming"Jeopardy!" host Trebek"Jeopardy!" offering"Jeopardy!" phrase"Jeopardy!" staple"Jeopardy!" whiz Jennings"Jerry Maguire" actor Jay"Jerry Maguire" director"Jerry Springer" topic?"Jersey Shore" airer"Jerusalem Delivered" poe"Jesus ___" (shortest Bib"Jesus ___" (shortest ver"Jewel Song," e.g., in "F"JFK" actor"Jingle Bells" sleighing "Jingle Bells" starter"Jo's Boys" author"Joe""John Adams" airer"John Brown's Body" poet"John Q" actress Kimberly"Johnny Mnemonic" actor"Johnny ___""Join the club""Join the ___""Jolly good!""Joseph and His Brothers""Jour de F"Jour de Fete" star"Journal to Eliza" author"Journey Into Fear" myste"Journey to ___" ("Sesame"Joy of Cooking" author R"Joy to the World" and ot"Joy to the World" penner"Joyeux ___" (French gree"Joyeux" time"Juarez" Oscar nominee Br"Jubilate ___" (hymn of p"Jubilee Trail" novelist "Judge Dredd" villainess"Judge Judy" figure"Judge ___, ...""Judging Amy" actress"Judging Amy" co-star"Judgment at Nuremberg" d"Judith" composer"Jug handles""Juice": Abbr."Juke Box Baby" singer"Juke Box Baby" singer, 1"Julia" star"Julius Caesar" costume"Julius Caesar" role"Julius Caesar" setting"Julius" in Gaius Julius "Jump between the sheets with energy for a ****" (did you hear what I did there?)"Jumpin' at the Woodside""Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's"Jumpin' Jehosaphat!""Jungle Fever" actress"Junior" politician"Juno and the Paycock" wr"Jurassic Park" actress"Jurassic Park" actress R"Jurassic Park" beast, br"Jurassic Park" beast, fo"Jurassic Park" giant, in"Jurassic Park" girl"Jurassic Park" mathemati"Jurassic Park" menace"Jurassic Park" menace, b"Jurassic Park" mosquito "Jurassic Park" novelist"Jurassic Park" sound"Jurassic Park" star Sam"Jurassic Park" terror"Just a Closer Walk With "Just a cotton-pickin' mi"Just a Gigolo" singer, 1"Just a little off" at th"Just a little""Just a moment ...""Just a ___!""Just a ___""Just a ___" (1931 hit)"Just a ___" (Marlene Die"Just Another Girl on the"Just as I suspected!""Just as I thought!""Just because""Just do it" shoes"Just do it" sloganeer"Just do it," e.g."Just for the heck ___..."Just for the taste of it"Just for the thrill ___""Just forget about this""Just Give Me a Cool Drin"Just hear ___ sleigh bel"Just hold everything!""Just in Time" composer"Just keep doing what you"Just kidding!""Just kidding" signals"Just like that!""Just look ___!""Just married" car decora"Just my luck""Just one cotton-pickin' "Just one gosh-darn minut"Just Say I Love ___" (hi"Just say no," for instan"Just Shoot Me" co-star"Just simmer down!""Just So Stories" author'"Just the facts, ma'am" s"Just the facts, ___""Just the opposite!""Just this time ...""Just this ___...""Just watch me!""Just you wait!""Just you wait, ___ 'iggi"Just ___ suspected!""Just ___ thought!""Just ___!""Just ___!" ("Hold on!")"Just ___""Just ___" ("Hold on")"Justine" author"Justine" author, 1791"Justine" novelist"Justine" star"Justine" star, 1969"Kansas City" director, 1"Kapow!""Kate & Allie" actress"Kate & Allie" actress Me"Kate & ___""Kathy Griffin: My Life o"Kazaam" star, familiarly"Keen!""Keep as is""Keep dreaming!""Keep going!""Keep it down""Keep it in""Keep it in" notations"Keep it simple""Keep it simple, ___""Keep it under your hat!""Keep it up, fella!""Keep it""Keep them coming, Juan!""Keep this""Keep your distance!""Keep your eyes open!""Keep your ___ the prize""Keep ___ alive!""Keeper of the Keys" was "Keeps the teeth white" s"Ken I have ___ 'stead of"Kenilworth" author"Ker-bam!""Key Largo" actress"Key Largo" Oscar winner "Key Largo" Oscar winner"Key Largo" singer ___ Hi"Key" menu item"Keystone Kops" producer"Kid" of jazz"Kid-tested" breakfast ce"Kid-tested, mother-appro"Kidnapped" author's init"Kill Bill" co-star Thurm"Kill the ___!" (ball par"Killer" PC program"Killer" program"Killing cat", a disastrous sort of ode"Killing Me Softly" pop g"Kilroy was ___""Kinda" suffix"King Cotton" composer"King Creole" setting"King David" star, 1985"King Joe" composer"King Kong" co-star, 1933"King Kong" star"King Kong" studio"King Lear" bowdlerizer"King Lear" daughter"King Lear" or "Hamlet": "King of Hearts" star"King Olaf" composer"King Rat" novelist"King Rat" star"King Richard II" lord"King Solomon's Mines" pl"King ___ Lives" (much-ba"King ___" (1950-65 comic"King ___" (Elgar cantata"King ___," song premiere"King" Cole's first name"Kinsey" star, 2004"Kiss me as if it were th"Kiss Me Kate" co-star, 1"Kiss me""Kiss me" miss"Kiss me, quick!" - one's relative standing in it"Kiss Me, ___""Kiss my grits" lady"Kiss of the Spider Woman"Kiss, Kiss" author"Kitchy-___!""Kitty Foyle" Oscar winne"Kitty ___" (1940 movie r"Kitty ___" (Beyonc"Klondike Annie" star"Knight, Death and the De"Knock it off!""Knock it off" or "get it"Knock on ___ Door" (Boga"Knock that off!""Knockin' on Heaven's Doo"Knots Landing" actress _"Knots Landing" co-star"Knotty" wood"Knowing Me, Knowing You""Kojak" star"Kon-___""Koochie-___!""Kramer vs. Kramer" direc"Krapp's Last Tape" playw"Krazy ___""Krazy" one"Kudlow & Cramer" channel"Kung Fu" actor Philip"Kwanzaa" comes from it"Kyrie ___" ("Lord, have "Kyrie ___" (Mass petitio"L'Absinthe" painter"L'Amour avec ___" (Frenc"L'Apr"L'Arl"L'chaim!""L'chaim," literally"L'enfant prodigue" compo"L'heure d'___" (2008 Jul"L'Isle joyeuse" composer"L'Oca ___ Cairo" (Mozart"L'Orfeo" composer"L'Shana ___" (Rosh Hasha"L'shanah ___!" (Rosh Has"L'___ c'est moi""L'___ c'est moi": Louis "L'___ d'Amore" (Donizett"L'___, c'est moi""L.A. Law" actor, literal"L.A. Law" actress"L.A. Law" Golden Globe w"L.A. Law" lawyer"L.A. Law" role"La Bamba" actor Morales"La Belle et la ___""La Belle et la ___" (Fre"La Boh"La Cage aux Folles" Tony"La Campagne de Rome" art"La Classe de danse" arti"La Clemenza di Tito" com"La Cousine Bette" noveli"La D"La Danse des Nymphes" ar"La Dolce Vita" actress"La Dolce Vita" setting"La Dolce ___""La Gare Saint-Lazare" ar"La Gioconda" mezzo-sopra"La Gioconda," familiarly"La Grande Parade" artist"La Grenouill"La Isla ___" (Madonna so"La L"La la" preceder"La Loge" and "La Grenoui"La Loge" artist"La Marseillaise," e.g."La Naus"La Navarraise" heroine"La Reine Margot" novelis"La Resurrezione" compose"La Scala di ___" (Rossin"La Storia" novelist Mora"La Toilette" artist"La Traviata" composer"La Traviata" lead"La Traviata" lover Alfre"La Traviata" mezzo"La Traviata" role for 21"La Traviata," e.g."La Vie Boh"La Vie en Rose" singer"La Vie en Rose" singer E"La vita nuova" author"La Vita Nuova" poet"La vita nuova" writer"La ___ Bonita" (Madonna "La ___ Conquista" (hit 1"La ___ di seta" (Rossini"La ___ du R"La ___""La ___" (opera)"La ___" (traditional Mex"La ___," 1946 Dolores de"La-la" lead-in"La-la" preceder"Laborare est ___" ("to w"Labour with vigour" - a new catchphrase"Labyrinth" star, 1986"Lackaday!""Ladders to Fire" novelis"Ladders to Fire" writer"Ladies and gentlemen ..."Ladies of Leisure" direc"Lady for a Day" director"Lady Jane Grey" dramatis"Lady Lindy""Lady Love" singer"Lady Love" singer Lou"Lady Marmalade" singer _"Lady Oracle" novelist"Lady Sings the Blues" st"Lady T" singer ___ Marie"Lady ___ Train" (1945 fi"Lady" preceder, often"Lah-di-___!""Lake Wobegon Days" write"Lakm"Land of the free": Abbr."Land ___!""Language that rolls up i"Laramie" and "Laredo""Larry King Live" channel"Larry King Live," for on"Las Meninas" painter"LASSIE ___" (1943 FILM)"Last Dance" singer, 1978"Last Essays of ___," 183"Last one ___ ...""Last one ___ a rotten eg"Last Resorts" author, 19"Last Time I Saw ___" (Di"Last Train to London" gr"Last ___ in Paris""Late Show" host, colloqu"Later!""Later""Later, alligator!""Later, amigo!""Later, dude!""Later, gator!""Laugh-In" actress"Laugh-In" airer"Laugh-In" co-host"Laugh-In" comedian Johns"Laugh-In" giggler"Laugh-In" man"Laugh-In" regular on old"Laugh-In" segment"Laughable Lyrics" writer"Laughed myself silly!""Laughing" animal"Laughing" animals"Laughing" bird"Laughing" scavenger"Laughing" scavengers"Laura" author Caspary"Laura" director Preminge"Laura" star, 1944"Laus ___" (words atop th"Laverne & Shirley" landl"Law & Order" actress ___"Law & Order" detective B"Law & Order" fig."Law & Order" role: Abbr."Law & Order" spinoff, fo"Law & Order" spinoff, in"Law & Order" type: Abbr."Law & Order," e.g."Law & Order: S.V.U." act"Law & Order: ___""Lawrence of Arabia" city"Lawrence of Arabia" comp"Lawrence of Arabia" star"Lawrence of Arabia," for"Lay it on me""Lay it ___!""Lay Lady Lay" singer"Layla" has one"Lazy" one"Le Bestiaire" artist Duf"Le Bon Bock" artist"Le Cid" composer"Le coeur a ___ raisons.."Le Comte Ory" composer"Le Comte ___" (Rossini o"Le Coq ___""Le D"Le Docteur miracle" comp"Le Fifre" artist"Le Misanthrope" playwrig"Le Morte d'Arthur" autho"Le Morte d'Arthur" figur"Le Moulin de la Galette""Le Neophyte" artist"Le Penseur" sculptor"Le Repos" artist"Le Rhinoc"Le Roi d'Ys" composer"Le Vase Bleu" painter"Le Viol" painter"Le ___ d'Arthur""Le ___ d'Or""Le ___ des cygnes""Le ___ Goriot""Le ___ Prince""Le ___" (Jules Massenet "Le ___," Picasso paintin"Lead ___ King Eternal" ("Lean on me""Lean ___""Least bad" megacorp?"Leather," in baseball"Leave as is""Leave business to ___, a"Leave in," to a proofer"Leave it in" mark"Leave It to Beaver" acto"Leave It to Beaver" boy"Leave it to Beaver" catc"Leave It to Beaver" pal"Leave It to Beaver" smoo"Leave it," to a typesett"Leave me alone!""Leave me ___!""Leave the shower curtain"Leave ___ Beaver""Leave ___ that!""Leave!""Leaves of Grass" poet"Leaving Brooklyn: ___!" "Leaving Home" author"Leaving Las Vegas" actre"Leaving Las Vegas" co-st"Leaving Las Vegas" star"Leaving on ___ Plane""Leaving ___ Vegas""Left ___ own devices ..."Left!""Legally Blonde" blonde"Legally Blonde" girl"Legends of the Old Plant"Legs" band, 1984"Legs" rock trio"Lemme ___!""Lemme!""Lemon Tree" singer Lopez"Lent" body part"Les Femmes Savantes" pla"Les Girls" actress Taina"Les Mains Sales" playwri"Les Mis"Les Miserables" protagon"Les Miz" setting"Les Mots" autobiographer"Les Mouches" dramatist"Les nuits d'___""Les Trois Mousquetaires""Les Voyages Extraordinai"Les ___""Less filling" brand"Less Than Zero" author"Less Than Zero" novelist"Let 'em have it!""Let it be true""Let It Snow! Let It Snow"Let It Snow" lyricist"Let It Snow, Let It Snow"Let it stand""Let it stand" orders"Let It ___ " (Everly Bro"Let me demonstrate "Let me explain ...""Let me go!" e.g."Let me help with the dis"Let me in," facetiously"Let me know if ___ help""Let me live my own life!"Let me repeat ...""Let me repeat""Let me repeat...""Let me show you how it's"Let me sleep ___""Let me tell you ...""Let me think ...""Let me think about it""Let this be our little s"Let Us Now Praise Famous"Let us spray," e.g."Let ___ Cake""Let ___!""Let ___!" ("Go ahead!")"Let ___""Let ___" ("Quit worrying"Let's be reasonable ...""Let's call it ___" ("We'"Let's call ___ day""Let's call ___ night""Let's Cook It Right" aut"Let's do it!""Let's Eat Right to Keep "Let's eat!""Let's Fall in Love" song"Let's Get It On" singer"Let's Get ___" (1973 #1 "Let's give ___!""Let's go elsewhere""Let's go for a spin!""Let's go!""Let's go, amigo!""Let's go, Miguel!""Let's go, Pedro!""Let's go, team!""Let's have it""Let's hear it!""Let's hear it""Let's hep preserve our n"Let's just leave ___ tha"Let's leave ___ that""Let's Make a Deal" choic"Let's Make a Deal" host"Let's Make a Deal" optio"Let's make ___ true Dail"Let's Make ___""Let's not do anything cr"Let's not forget ...""Let's not go there""Let's play!""Let's roll!""Let's roll""Let's take that gamble""Let's take ___""Let's Talk About Sex" hi"Let's wait""Let's ___ There" (old NB"Let's ___!""Let's ___""Lethal Weapon 2," "... 3"Lethal Weapon" force: Ab"Letting Go" novelist"Letting Go" novelist Phi"Li'l Abner" cartoonist"Li'l Abner" creator"Li'l Abner" mother"Li'l Abner," once"Li'l ol' me?""Li'l ___" (Al Capp strip"Li'l" guy"Li'l" one in the comics"Liar Liar" star"Liberate My Sons" by Art"Lid""Lido Shuffle" singer Boz"Life in London" author P"Life is a banquet" lady"Life Is Beautiful" hero"Life is hard ...""Life Itself: A Memoir" a"Life of Brian" outfits"Life of Christ" painter"Life of Pi" author ___ M"Life preservers," in din"Life ___ a dream""Life ___ beach""Life ___ cabaret""Life ___ short ...""Lifestyles of the Rich a"Lift ___ Voice and Sing""Lifted""Light My Fire" band"Light touch" government's capital cuts uncovered"Light" and "dark" orders"Light" dessert?"Light" weapons"Lighten up!""Lighten up, will ya?!""Like a Rock" rocker"Like a Rock" singer Bob"Like a Rock" singer, 198"Like a Rolling Stone," e"Like a Virgin" followed on the radio"Like a virgin" singer"Like it ___""Like me""Like Niobe, all ___": Ha"Like no other" sloganeer"Like taking candy from a"Like that would really h"Like that'll ever happen"Like water off a duck's "Like what, say""Like ___ not ...""Like ___ not!""Like ___ not""Like ___ out of ...""Like ___!""Like, I get it""Like, no way!""Like, now!""Like, totally cool!""Likely story""Likewise""Likewise, for me""Lili ___" (1944 hit)"Lili" star"Lincoln Heights" actress"Lines on the Mermaid Tav"Lion of the Desert" role"Liquid diet" devotee"Liquor is quicker" poet"Listen Like Thieves" ban"Listen up!""Listen!""Listen!," old-style"Listen, ___ ...""Little Birds" writer"Little Boy" in 8/6/45 ne"Little buddy" of 60's TV"Little Caesar" character"Little Caesar" gangster"Little Caesar" role"Little Claus and Big Cla"Little Darlings" actress"Little Diane" singer, 19"Little Eyolf" playwright"Little House on the Prai"Little Iodine" cartoonis"Little Johnny Jones" com"Little Men" author"Little Mermaid""Little Miss Sunshine" co"Little Movie Glossary" a"Little Nemo" cartoonist "Little of this, little o"Little Orphan Annie" cha"Little Orphan Annie" hen"Little Orphant Annie" po"Little piggy""Little Red Book" ideolog"Little Red Riding-Hood" "Little Shop of Horrors" "Little woman""Little Women" author"Little Women" sister"Little Women" woman"Little Women" writer"Little ___ Annie""Little ___ in Slumberlan"Little ___ Sunshine""Little ___""Little ___" (1961 Elvis "Little ___" (early comic"Little ___' Pea" (1936 c"Little ___, you're reall"Little ___," 1994 Russia"Little" '60s singer"Little" 60's singer"Little" barnyard bird wi"Little" boy of early com"Little" car in a 1964 to"Little" car of song"Little" children's book "Little" comics fellow"Little" Dickens characte"Little" Dickens girl"Little" digit"Little" extraterrestrial"Little" girl in "David C"Little" girl of "Uncle T"Little" girl of a Bob Dy"Little" girl of old comi"Little" ones from afar"Little" shepherdess of c"Little" storybook charac"Little" Stowe character"Little" Stowe girl"Little" title figure in "Little" woman of '60s mu"Live at Five" clip"Live Free or Die Hard" d"Live Free or Die," for N"Live free or die," to Ne"Live Free ___" (New Hamp"Live Free ___" (state mo"Live ___!""Live!" co-host"Live""Lively young thing", a duke observed in short communication"Livin' la Vida ___""Livin' la Vida ___" (Ric"Livin' La ___ Loca""Livin' on a Prayer" band"Livin' on ___ time" (lyr"Livin' Thing" band, for "Livin' Thing" group, in "Livin' Thing" rock grp."Livin' With the Blues" s"Liza With a Z" Emmy winn"Lo and behold, a trifle gaga""Lo and ___!""Lo! in ___ brilliant win"Lo's Diary" author ___ P"Lo, here ___, / Never to"Local" group"Local" groups"Lock Up" star"Locksley Hall" poet"Lohengrin" lass"Lohengrin" role"Lohengrin" soprano"Lohengrin," e.g."LOL!""Lola" band"Lolita" star Sue"London Fields" author"London Fields" novelist,"Lone Star" director John"Lonely Boy" singer"Lonely Boy" singer Paul"Lonely Boy" singer/write"Lonesome" tree"Long ago and ___ away .."Long Day's Journey Into "Long Island" sound"Long live the king! Long"Long time ___!""Long time ___""Long Walk to Freedom" wr"Long ___ and far away .."Long" or "short" amount"Long," in Hawaii"Look at Me, I'm Sandra _"Look at me, ___ helpless"Look at me, ___...""Look at that!""Look Back in Anger" play"Look Back in Anger" wife"Look both ways before cr"Look Forward in Anger" c"Look happy!""Look here!""Look here, old chap!""Look Homeward, Angel" he"Look how great I did!""Look how perfectly I per"Look on the bright side "Look out below!," e.g."Look out ___!""Look out!""Look out...""Look over here!""Look twice before crossi"Look west," to a drill s"Look what I did!""Look what we have here!""Look What ___ Done to My"Look what ___!""Look who just showed up!"Look ___ hands!""Look ___ Talking""Look ___ ye leap""Look ___!""Look ___!" (showoff's wo"Look ___" (1975 #1 R & B"Look ___...""Look!" in La Mancha"Look!," in Latin"Look, bonehead!""Look, ma, no cavities!" "Look, ma, no cavities!,""Lookie there!""Looks good to me""Looks like I goofed""Looks like trouble!""Looks ___ everything""Looky here!""Looky there!""Looky who's here!""Loose ___ sink ships""Loose" things"Loot" dramatist"Loot" playwright"Lord Jim" actor, 1965"Lord Jim" or "Lucky Jim""Lord Jim" star, 1965"Lord of the Flies" leade"Lord of the Rings" actor"Lord of the Rings" lette"Lord of the Rings" menac"Lord of the Rings" studi"Lord ___""Lord's Prayer" pronoun"Lord, is ___?""Lord, is ___?": Matt. 26"Lord, is ___?": Matthew"Lord, it is good for ___"Lord, ___ long?": Isaiah"Lord, ___ this food" (gr"Lord, ___?""Lord, ___?" (biblical qu"Lord, ___?" (Last Supper"Lorenzo's Oil" star, 199"Lorna ___""Lorna ___" (1869 novel)"Lorna ___" (1869 romance"Los Olvidados" director "Lose Yourself" rapper"Lose" at the office"Losing My Religion" rock"Lost Horizon" setting"Lost in America" vehicle"Lost in Space" family na"Lost in Space" figure"Lost in Yonkers" charact"Lost our lease" event"Lost time is never found"Lost" actor Daniel ___ K"Lost" actor Somerhalder"Lost" actress Raymonde"Lost" airer"Lost" category"Lost" character Ana Luci"Lost" character Jin-Soo "Lost" Emmy nominee Henry"Lost" filming locale"Lost" shelter"Lou Grant" newspaper, wi"Lou Grant" paper, for sh"Lou Grant" paper, with ""Lou Grant" star"Louder!""Louis the Fat" and other"Love Affair" star, 1994"Love and Basketball" co-"Love and Death on Long I"Love and Marriage" lyric"Love and Squalor" girl o"Love handles""Love in the Ruins" autho"Love Is a Battlefield" s"Love Is a Hurtin' Thing""Love is blind," e.g."Love is just around" it "Love is reciprocal ___":"Love Is the Drug" group,"Love Jones" actress, 199"Love Letters in the Sand"Love Me Do" vis-"Love of loves""Love Song" band, 1989"Love Story" actress"Love Story" author"Love Story" author Erich"Love Story" author Segal"Love Story" composer"Love Story" composer Fra"Love Story" score compos"Love surfeits not, ___ l"Love the skin you're in""Love thy neighbor" is on"Love Train" singers, wit"Love ___ Around" (1968 T"Love ___ Ball" (1963 com"Love ___ leave ...""Love ___ neighbor ...""Love ___ Sickness" (Dani"Love ___ Song Without En"Love ___ the air""Love ___""Love ___" (Beatles song)"Love, constant, above all" - Boatman's sea creatures"Lovely ___" (1967 song)"Lovely ___, meter maid" "Lovely!," in dated slang"Lovely" Beatles girl"Loverboy" actress who ma"Loverboy" singer, 1984"Lovergirl" singer ___ Ma"Lowdown" singer Boz ___"Loyal order" member"Luann" cartoonist Greg _"Luann" or "Blondie""Lucas de Clercq" portrai"Lucia di Lammermoor" bar"Lucia di Lammermoor" com"Lucia di Lammermoor" fea"Lucia di Lammermoor" lor"Lucid" stream, to Thomas"Luck and Pluck" author"Luck of the Draw" singer"Lucky Jim" author"Lucky Jim" author Kingsl"Lucky Jim" novelist"Lucky Jim" novelist, 195"Lucky Number Slevin" act"Lucky" dice rolls"Lucky" numbers, in Franc"Lucky" throws"Lucrezia Borgia" compose"Luff, you lubber" speake"Lullaby," for one"Lulu" composer"Lulu," e.g."Lumber" collector in a p"Luncheon on the Grass" a"Luncheon on the Grass" p"Lux et Veritas" collegia"Lycidas" poet"Lydia" poet"Lyin' Eyes" singers"Lying thief," e.g."M"M" director Fritz"M" director, 1931"M" or "V""M" star"M" star, 1931"M*A*S*H" actor"M*A*S*H" cast member"M*A*S*H" characters"M*A*S*H" clerk"M*A*S*H" co-star"M*A*S*H" cops, for short"M*A*S*H" corporal"M*A*S*H" Emmy winner"M*A*S*H" Emmy-winner"M*A*S*H" extra"M*A*S*H" extras, for sho"M*A*S*H" figs."M*A*S*H" locale"M*A*S*H" logo, e.g."M*A*S*H" private Stramin"M*A*S*H" procedure"M*A*S*H" prop"M*A*S*H" regular"M*A*S*H" role"M*A*S*H" setting"M*A*S*H" soft drink"M*A*S*H" soldier"M*A*S*H" staffers: Abbr."M*A*S*H" star"M*A*S*H" star in Indiana"M," "W." or "Z""M. Butterfly" Tony winne"M.T.A." singers, 1959"Ma Jolie" artist"Ma momma's from Virginny"Ma! He's Making Eyes ___"Macbeth" figures"Macbeth" has five"Macbeth" quintet"Macbeth" theme"Macbeth" witch"Macho man may finally behave like adult, ignoring women": researchers"Mack the Knife" composer"Mack the Knife" singer"Mack the Knife" songwrit"Mad About You" cousin"Mad Love" star, 1935"Mad Max" extra"Mad Men" actor Hamm"Mad Men" extra"Mad Men" extras"Mad Men" network"Mad Money" airer"Mad Money" network"Mad TV" rival"Mad TV" rival, for short"Madam, I'm ___""Madama Butterfly" wear"Madame Bovary" subject"Madame Butterfly" settin"Madame Butterfly" wear"Madame Butterfly," updat"Made in the ___""Madness" month"MADtv" alternative"Magic Hour" novelist Sus"Magician" Messi evades Ronaldo's lunges in netting headers"Magnet and Steel" singer"Magnificat anima ___ Dom"Magnum P.I." setting"Magnum, P.I." setting"Mahalo nui ___" ("Thank "Mahalo ___ loa" ("Thank "Mahogany" star, 1975"Mahoning" painter"Maid of Athens, ___ part"Maid of Athens, ___ We P"Mail Order Bride" co-sta"Main" color in "Rule, Br"Mais ___!""Major Barbara" playwrigh"Major" animal"Major" name"Make a reduction in class", we’re told"Make hay while the sun s"Make it quick!""Make it snappy!""Make it ___!" ("Hurry!")"Make me do it""Make me""Make yourself ___""Make ___ double""Make ___ good one!""Make ___ good one""Make ___!""Make ___!" (birthday cry"Make ___!" (captain's or"Make ___" (captain's dir"Make" or "break""make.believe" sloganeer"Makes no difference to m"Makes no difference""Makin' Whoopee" songwrit"Making something out of "Malcolm in the Middle" b"Malcolm X" director"Mama" sayer"Mama" speaker"Mama's Special Garden" b"Mambo Diablo" musician"Mambo No. 5" singer ___ "Mame" director of stage "Mamma Mia!" group"Mamma Mia!" song"Mamma Mia" group"Mamma Mia" pop group"Mamma Mia" quartet"Mamma Mia" singers"Mamma ___!""Mamma ___""Mamma" follower"Man alive!""Man and Superman" playwr"Man in Black" autobiogra"Man in Revolt" author Br"Man in the Shower" carto"Man is a ___-using anima"Man is by nature a ___ a"Man of Constant ___" (ol"Man of La Mancha" produc"Man of La Mancha" tune, "Man oh man!""Man ___ Mancha""Man ___!""Man!""Man's best friend""Man's the ___, and Wealt"Man, do ___ a drink!""Man, it's cold!""Man, oh, man!""Man, that hurts!""Man, that's fun!""Mangia!""Mangia!" dish"Manhattan Mary V" artist"Manifesto" writer"Mansfield Park" author"Many good nights, my lor"Maradona, in contest, so needs to be sent sprawling" (27)"Marat/Sade" playwright"Marat/Sade" playwright P"Marauder" content to thank Ken Higgs for an upset"March comes in like ___ "March!" opener"Marchers" through the an"Marching Along" autobiog"Marcus Welby, M.D." actr"Marcus Welby, M.D." netw"Mares eat oats and ___ e"Maria ___""Maria ___" (1933 song)"Maria ___" (1933 tune)"Maria ___" (1940's hit)"Maria ___" (1941 hit son"Maria ___" (1941 hit)"Maria ___" (1963 hit)"Maria ___" (Dorsey tune)"Maria ___" (hit of 1941)"Maria ___" (Jimmy Dorsey"Maria ___" (old tune)"Maria ___," 1940's hit"Maria ___," 1941 #1 hit"Maria ___," Jimmy Dorsey"Marie Antoinette" star, "Marines' Hymn" city"Marjorie Morningstar" no"Mark of a Big Movie: Aut"Mark of the Vampire" act"Marmaduke" cartoonist An"Marriage at ___" (Verone"Married ... With Childre"Married filing separatel"Married lady" in a "Funn"Married to the ___" (198"Married...With Children""Mars Attacks!" genre"Marshal of Cripple Creek"Marshall ___ Money Guide"Martha" or "Norma""Marty" director Delbert "Marvy!""Mary Had a Little Lamb,""Mary Poppins" fellow"Mary ___ little lamb""Mask" star"Mask" star, 1985"Massive" British trip hop artist being difficult …"Master and Commander" st"Master of the World" dir"Master""Master" of "stream", say"Masterpiece Theatre" air"Masterpiece ___""Matilda" author"Matilda" author, 1988"Matilda" star ___ Wilson"Matter of Fact" columnis"Maude" star Arthur"Max ___ Returns" (1983 f"May I have your attentio"May I help you?""May I interrupt you?""May I speak?!""May I ___ question?""May I ___ silly question"May It Be" singer, 2001"May ___ excused?""May ___ frank?""May ___ now?""May ___ of service?""May ___ to You" (Eddie F"May ___ your order?""Maybe later""Maybe yes, maybe no""Maybe""Maybe" music?"Maybe" musical"Maybellene" singer"Mayberry ___""Mayor" author"Mazel ___!""McHale's Navy" craft"McMillan & Wife" network"McQ" star"McSorley's Bar" artist"McSorley's Bar" painter"McTeague" novelist Frank"Me and Bobby McGee" sing"Me neither!""Me neither""Me too!""Me too""Me too" response"Me" follower"Me, me, me" attitude"Me, me, me" sort"Me, Myself & ___" (2000 "Me, Myself & ___," 2000 "Me, myself ___""Me, too!""Me, too""Me, ___ cheerful twinkle"Me? In real trouble?" (D. Green)"Measure for Measure" vil"Measure twice, cut once,"Measure" of evidence"Meat and two __ ""Medea" Tony winner, 1994"Medical Center" co-star "Medical Center" star"Meet John Doe" director"Meet John Doe" director,"Meet John Doe" star"Meet Me at the ___""Meet the Fockers" co-sta"Meet the Press" guest, m"Meet the Press" host Rus"Meet the Press" network"Meet you then!""Mefistofele" composer"Mefistofele" role"Mefistofele" soprano"Mein Gott!""Melancholia" engraver"Melodies and Memories" a"Melrose Place" actor"Melrose Place" actress"Melrose Place" role"Melt in your mouth" cand"Members ___""Memory" musical"Memphis ___" (1990 war f"Memphis" director Simone"Men always hate most wha"Men Behaving Badly" co-s"Men in Black" actor"Men in Black" figures"Men in Black" menace"Men in Black", e.g."Men in Trees" actress An"Men ___ From Mars...""Mending Wall" poet"Mens sana in corpore ___"Merci beaucoup" : France"Mercure" composer"Mercy!""Mermaids" actress"Mermaids" actress, 1990"Merrily we roll ___""Merrily, we roll ___""Merry Christmas" precede"Merry Christmas" to Dane"Merry Christmas" to Ital"Merry Christmas" to Span"Merry Christmas" to the "Merry Company" artist"Merry Mount" composer"Merry old" king of rhyme"Merry Toper" painter"Message received and understood""Message received""Messiah" composer"Messiah," e.g."Metamorphoses" author"Metamorphoses" poet"Metaphysica" writer"Metaphysics of Morals" w"Meteorologica" writer"Metropolis" director"Metropolis" director Fri"Mexicali Rose" singer"Mi casa ___ casa""Mi chiamano Mimi" and ot"Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g."Mi Vida ___," gritty 199"Mi ___ Loca" (Pam Tillis"Miami Vice" cop"Michael Collins" actor"Michael Collins" actor, "Michael Collins" org."Michael Collins" title r"Michel Strogoff" author"Mickey" singer Basil"Middlemarch" author"Middlemarch" novelist"Midnight Cowboy" charact"Midnight Cowboy" nicknam"Midnight Cowboy" role"Midnight Lace" actress, "Midnight Whispers" autho"Mighty Aphrodite" co-sta"Mighty Lak' a Rose" comp"Mighty stream so deep an"Mighty ___ a Rose""Mighty" fine home for a "Mighty" man who struck o"Mighty" one who struck o"Mighty" things"Mila 18" author"Mila 18" novelist"Military service leaves "Milk's favorite cookie,""Milord" chanteuse"Min and Bill" Oscar winn"Mine!""Mine," repeatedly claims songwriter"Minimum" amount"Minister backing mentor": New Statesman"Minnie the Moocher" sing"Mir"Miracle on 34th Street" "Miracle on 34th Street,""Miracle" team of 1969"Miracle" workers of 1969"Mirror in My House" auto"Misery" co-star, 1990"Misery" Oscar winner Bat"Misery" star"Miss America" appears on"Miss America" might be p"Miss Julie" composer Ned"Miss Pym Disposes" myste"Miss Saigon" setting"Miss You Like Crazy" sin"Miss ___ Regrets""Miss ___ Regrets" (1934 "Missing You" singer John"Mission possible" group?"Mission: Impossible" act"Mission: Impossible" ass"Mission: Impossible" fig"Mississippi Burning" par"Mississippi Masala" dire"Mississippi ___" (1992 f"Mississippi ___" (Denzel"Missouri Waltz," e.g."Mister ___" (1957 Tony C"Mister!""Misty" composer Garner"Mitla Pass" author"Mm-hmm!""Mm-hmm""Mm-hmm, mm-hmm""Mmm! So satisfying!""Mmm!""Mmm-mmm!""Mmmm ... Toasty!" slogan"Mo' Better Blues" direct"Moby Dick" captain"Moby Dick" whaler"Moby-Dick" captain"Mocking of Christ" paint"Mockingbird" singer Foxx"Moesha" actress Wilson a"Moesha" broadcaster"Mogambo" threat"Moi, ___" ("Me, too": Fr"Moll Flanders" author"Moll Flanders" author, 1"Molly ___ Can't Say That"Molly ___," popular Iris"Molly" title role player"Mom" in a heart, maybe, "Momma" cartoonist Lazaru"Momo" author Michael"Mon dieu!""Mon Oncle" star"Mon Oncle" star Jacques"Mon ___!""Mon ___" (1958 French co"Mona Lisa" features that"Mona Lisa" painter"Mona Lisa," e.g."Mona Lisa," for one"Mona ___""Monday Night Football" c"Monday Night Football" s"Monday Night Football," "Money ___ everything!""Money ___ everything""Money ___ object!""Money ___ object""Money, Money, Money" ban"Monk" org."Monster Jam" airer"Monster" actor, 2003"Monsters, ___""Monsters, ___" (2001 ani"Mont Sainte-Victoire" pa"Monty Python and the Hol"Monty Python" airer"Monty Python" birds"Monty Python" comic"Monty Python" player"Monty Python" segment"Moo" makers"Moon Over Parador" actre"Moon Over Parador" star,"Moon River" composer"Moon River" lyricist"Moonlight Gambler" singe"Moonlight" and "Farewell"Moonstruck" actress"Moonstruck" star"More colorful" sloganeer"More later," on a sched."More than I need to know"More!""Morning Dance" band Spyr"Morning Edition" airer"Morning Joe" TV channel"Morning Mystery" and "Bo"Morning Train" singer, 1"Moscow on the Hudson" ac"Moses in Egypt" composer"Moses" author"Moses" novelist"Moses" novelist, 1951"Most certainly!""Most definitely!""Most likely ...""Most miserable hour that"Mother Courage and Her C"Mother Goose in Prose" a"Mother Goose Suite" comp"Mother of all rivers""Mother of the believers""Mother time" appropriated by children turning over antique jar"Mother ___" (old standar"Mottke the Thief" noveli"Moulin Rouge" actress"Mourning Becomes Electra"Move it!""Move on already!""Move on""Move your mind" sloganee"Move ___!""Move!""Movin' Out" choreographe"Movin' Out" Tony winner"Movin' ___""Movin' ___" ("The Jeffer"Moving forward" sloganee"Moving on then ...""Moving right ___...""Mowing" painter, 1907"Mr. Apollinax" poet"Mr. Apollinax" writer"Mr. Basketball" Holman e"Mr. Belvedere" actress G"Mr. Belvedere" co-star"Mr. Belvedere" star"Mr. Clemens and Mark Twa"Mr. Cowell, grab that 'A"Mr. Dieingly ___" (1966 "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" Osc"Mr. Jock, TV quiz Ph.D.,"Mr. Jones" star"Mr. Mom" co-star"Mr. Mom" co-star and oth"Mr. Pim Passes By" playw"Mr. Roboto" band, 1983"Mr. Tambourine Man" grou"Mr. Wrong" actress, 1996"Mr. X""Mr. ___ risin'" (classic"Mr. ___ Steps Out" (Leo "Mr. ___" (1983 film)"Mr. ___" (1983 Styx hit)"Mr. ___," 1983 comedy"Mr." at the candy counte"Mr." whose first name is"Mrs. Battle's Opinions o"Mrs. Bridge" author Conn"Mrs. Bridge" novelist Co"Mrs. Warren's Profession"MS. Found in a Bottle" w"MTV generation" member"Much Ado About Nothing" "Much Ado About Virtue" b"Much obliged!""Much ___ About Nothing""Much ___ About Nothing" "Much" preceder"Mud""Mule Train" singer"Mule Train" singer, 1949"Mulholland Falls" actor"Mulholland Falls" actor,"Multiplicity" director, "Mum!" I announced loudly at first - after one minute, it's irrelevant"Mum's the word!""Munich" arms"Murder by Death" actor"Murder Must Advertise" w"Murder on the ___ Expres"Murder, She Wrote" airer"Murder, She Wrote" local"Murder, ___" (1960 film)"Murmansk: Fabulous hotel"Murphy Brown" bar owner"Murphy Brown" star"Mus"Music for Airports" comp"Music for Films" musicia"Muslim leaders reject onion" - sure that's the answer?"Must be something ___""Must be ___ news day""Must've been something _"Must-___" (NBC slogan)"Mutiny on the Bounty" lo"Mutiny on the Bounty" st"My apologies""My baby at my breast," i"My bad!""My bad""My bad," for one"My best soldiers," accor"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"My boy""My Brother ___" (Gratefu"My cat foe a bobcat" - weird suggestion overruled by Sir David Attenborough?"My comment was serious""My country" follower"My country, ___ ...""My country, ___ of thee""My Cousin Vinny" actress"My Cousin Vinny" Oscar w"My Cousin Vinny" star"My cousin" in a 1992 fil"My Cup Runneth Over" mus"My Cup Runneth Over" sin"My dad's bigger than you"My dear fellow""My dear lady""My dear man""My deepest apologies""My Dinner With Andre" di"My Dinner With Andre" pl"My Dog Skip" actress"My dog ___ fleas""My Eyes Have Seen" singe"My Fair Lady" actor Robe"My Fair Lady" character"My Fair Lady" composer"My Fair Lady" director G"My Fair Lady" horse race"My Fair Lady" lady"My Fair Lady" lyricist"My Fair Lady" role"My Fair Lady" scene"My Fair Lady" song"My Faith Looks Up to The"My Favorite Martian" pro"My Favorite Year" star"My Friend Flicka" author"My Friend Irma" star"My Friend ___" (1949 fli"My Friend ___" (old radi"My Friend ___" of 1950s "My Friend" at the movies"My Friend" of 1950's TV "My Friend" of 50's TV"My Friend" of old radio"My friend," in Marseille"My Gal ___""My gal""My gal" et al."My gal" of song"My Generation" group"My God!," as cried by Ki"My God," in Aramaic"My God," in the Scriptur"My gold dress isn't back"My goodness!""My Heart Skips ___""My Heart Will Go On" sin"My heavens!""My kingdom ___ horse!""My lecture's done, but w"My Left Foot" Oscar-winn"My Life as ___" (1985 fi"My Life in Court" author"My Life on Trial" author"My Life on Trial" autobi"My life ___ open book""My Life" autobiographer,"My Life" singer, 1978"My lips ___ sealed""My little chickadee""My Little Chickadee" sta"My little" girl of early"My love is like a red, r"My mama done ___ me ...""My mama done ___ me""My man!""My Many Colored Days" au"My Michael" author Oz"My mistake ... big deal!"My mistake!""My Name Is Asher ___""My Name Is Asher ___" (C"My parents are gonna kil"My People" author"My People" subject"My People" writer"My pet""My Philosofy" poet"My pleasure!""My pleasure""My Roomy" storywriter"My secret's out"My So-Called Life" actor"My soldiers, my companions""My soul is full of disco"My stars!""My suitcase is better th"My sweetie" in a 1957 hi"My teacher," in Hebrew"My Three Sons" son"My treat next time!""My treat!""My treat""My turn!""My Uncle" star"My view is "My Way" lyricist"My Way" songwriter"My Way" writer"My Wicked, Wicked Ways" "My word!""My ___ and Only""My ___ Private Idaho," 1"My ___ Sal""My ___!""My ___" (#1 hit for the "My ___" (Clinton autobio"My ___" (dinner host's o"My ___, the doctor""My!""My" girl in a 1979 hit"My, my, old chap!""Myra Breckinridge" autho"Myra Breckinridge" novel"Myra Breckinridge" star"Myself was stirring ___ "Mysterious" locale"Mystery Date" actress __"Mystery!" broadcaster"Mystery!" host Diana"Mystery!" shower"Mystic River" co-star, 2"MythBusters" subj."N.Y. State of Mind" rapp"N.Y.P.D. Blue" alerts"N.Y.P.D. Blue" creator"N.Y.P.D. Blue" network"N.Y.P.D. Blue" setting"Nadja" actress L"Nah!""Naked Maja" artist"Naked Maja" painter"Name him!""Name That Tune" clue"Nana" actress"Nana" author"Nana" author "Nana" star Anna"Nana" star, 1934"Nancy" cartoonist Bushmi"Nanny and the Professor""Napoleon" director Gance"Napoleon" director, 1927"Nascar Now" broadcaster"Nascar Now" channel"Nashville" actress"Nashville" co-star"Nashville" director Robe"Natch!""National Treasure" group"National Velvet" author "National Velvet" horse"National Velvet" star"Natural History" author"Naturally!""Naturally""Nature concentrated," pe"Nature" essayist"Nature's lay idiot, I ta"Nature's pharmacy""Naughty you!""Naughty!""Naughty, naughty!""Nausea" author"Navy Blue" singer Renay"Naw""Nay""Nay" sayer"Nay" sayers"Nearer the Moon" author "Nearer, My God, to ___""Neato!""Need help?" response"Need You Tonight" band"Need You Tonight" band, "Need You Tonight" rock g"Need your cup refilled?""Nel ___, dipinto ..." (1"Nell" director Michael"Nerts!""Network" co-star"Network" director"Network" star"Never Cry Wolf" author F"Never follow" sloganeer,"Never gonna happen""Never mind!""Never mind""Never mind" to an editor"Never on Sunday" star __"Never Wave at a ___" (19"Never Wave at ___" (Rosa"Never ___ tell thy love""Never!""Nevermore" speaker"Nevertheless ...""New and Improved!" might"New Jack City" co-star"New Jack City" star"New Look" designer"New Look" designer of 19"New Piano in Town" music"New Sensation" band, 198"New York City Rhythm" si"New York, New York" has "New York, New York" lyri"New" drink of the 80's"Newhart" actor Tom"Newhart" setting"News ___""Newsweek" rival"Next ...""Next subject, please""Next" network"Ni-i-ice!""Niagara" star, 1953"Nice going!""Nice shot!""Nice ___!""Nice!""Nick at Nite" staple"Nick of Time" Grammy win"Nifty!""Night Fever" group"Night Music" playwright"Night of the Living Dead"Night Watch" writer Flet"Night" author Wiesel"Night" novelist"Night" novelist Wiesel"Night" writer"Nightline" competitor, i"Nightline" host Koppel"Nightline" name"Nightline" presenter"Nightly she sings on ___"Nightmare ___," 1997 Dis"Nightmare" street"Nights in Rodanthe" star"Nightswimming" band"Ninotchka" actress, 1939"Ninotchka" director Lubi"Ninotchka" director ___ "Nip/Tuck" character Moor"Nixon in China," for one"No argument here""No bid""No contest," for one"No dice!""No dice""No doubt!""No doubt""No Escape" star, 1994"No Exit" dramatist"No Exit" playwright"No fair!""No fighting, please""No food or drink" site, "No fooling!""No go""No god but God" author _"No good ___ plot can be "No guarantees""No harm, no foul""No horsing around!""No idea""No ifs, ___ ...""No ifs, ___ or buts!""No ifs, ___ or buts""No introduction needed" "No kidding!""No kidding!?""No kidding""No legacy is so rich as "No lie!""No Love (But Your Love)""No man is an island" poe"No man is an island" wri"No man is ___ to his val"No man ___ island "No man ___ island ...""No man ___ island""No man ___ island...""No man ___...""No matter what you choos"No men allowed" area"No more delaying!""No more for me""No more for me, thanks""No More I Love You's" si"No more mercy in him tha"No more Mr. Nice Guy!""No more!""No more""No more, Luigi!""No more, thanks""No nation is permitted t"No need to elaborate""No need to tell me""No need to wake me!""No one else""No one knows ...""No opinion""No prob!""No prob""No problem here""No problem!""No problem""No problem, really," in "No problemo""No question""No respect," for Rodney "No return""No returns""No seats available""No seats left""No seats left" sign"No seats" sign"No shirt, no shoes, no s"No siree!""No sirree""No smoking" symbol, e.g."No Strings Attached" ban"No Strings Attached" pop"No Such Thing" blues roc"No surprise to me""No sweat ...""No sweat!""No sweat""No thank you""No thanks necessary""No thanks""No Trump" declarer?"No use arguing with me""No way that's gonna happ"No way that's true!""No way!""No way!" - sound angry with lack of women around this establishment"No way""No way, laddie!""No way, no how!""No way, no how""No way, ___!""No whispering!""No worries""No ___ allowed""No ___ traffic""No ___!" ("Easy!")"No ___!" ("Of course!")"No ___!" ("Stop!," in Sp"No ___!" ("Uncle!," in S"No ___!" (slangy O.K.)"No ___!" (slangy reply)"No ___!" (Spanish cry)"No ___" ("Beats me")"No ___" ("Piece of cake""No ___" (Chinese menu no"No ___" (Chinese menu ph"No ___" (menu phrase)"No ___, no foul""No!""NO" follower"No" irrelevant before "yes""No" vote from a horse?"No, I meant tomorrow ..."No, it doesn't make you "No, mein Herr""No, No" girl of Broadway"No, No, Nanette" lyricis"No, no, this one's on me"No, really""No, you go, really""No, you're not" retort"Noble" element"Nobody doesn't like ___ "Nobody doesn't like" her"Nobody panic""Nobody's Fool" star Paul"Noises Off" co-star, 199"Nolo," e.g."Nolo," for instance"Non ___ andrai" (Figaro "None But the Lonely Hear"None for me, thanks""None missing""None of the above""None of the above," esse"None of the leading sale"None of your business""None shall slumber ___ s"Nonsense!""Nope!""Nope""Nope, still not right""Nor heady-rash provoked "Nor I," informally"Norma Rae" director"Norma Rae" director Mart"Norma ___""Norma ___" (Field film)"Norma" and "Don Carlos""Norma" composer"Norma" librettist Felice"Northward Over the Great"Norwegian Wood" instrume"Nosferatu, ___ Symphonie"Nosiree!""Nostromo" author"Not a chance!""Not a chance""Not a Pretty Girl" singe"Not a problem""Not a true Blue", John Terry finally admitted"Not again!""Not another word!""Not bad at all!""Not down there!""Not for me""Not guilty," e.g."Not guilty," for one"Not I!" hearer"Not if ___ help it!""Not in my experience""Not me""Not much longer""Not nice!""Not now ...""Not on your life!""Not on ___!""Not on ___!" ("No way!")"Not on ___""Not only that ...""Not only that...""Not possible""Not returnable""Not right now""Not so fast!""Not so loud!""Not so!""Not that!""Not to mention ...""Not to mention...""Not to my recollection""Not to worry!""Not too ___""Not true!""Not very likely!""Not you ___!""Not you ___!?""Not ___ bet!""Not ___ eye ...""Not ___!""Notch" on Orion's belt"Note to ___ ...""Notes on a Scandal" dire"Notes on Camp" essayist"Notes ___ Scandal," 2006"Nothin' doin' ""Nothin'""Nothing beats ___" (beer"Nothing doing!""Nothing for me, thanks""Nothing runs like a ___""Nothing to get upset abo"Nothing to it""Nothing to worry about ."Nothing ___ sleeve""Nothing ___!""Nothing ___" (bargainer'"Nothing's broken""Nothing's going to happe"Notorious" company"Notorious" film studio"Notorious" setting"Notorious" setting, 1946"Nous serons" she translated with only a little English"Nova" network"Nova" subject"Now do you believe me?""Now he remembers setting"Now he's got the pizza -"Now he's spotted the piz"Now hear this!": Abbr."Now hear ___!""Now I get it ... not!""Now I get it!""Now I get it," facetious"Now I remember!""Now I remember""Now I see!""Now I see""Now I understand!""Now is the winter of ___"Now it all makes sense!""Now it ___ told""Now it's clear!""Now it's clear""Now listen!""Now that's sexy!""Now We Are Six" poet"Now we're in for it!""Now where ___?""Now you see it, now you "Now you ___, now ...""Now you ___, now...""Now you ___...""Now you're making sense!"Now you're making sense""Now you're talking!""Now ___ it!""Now ___ me down...""Now ___ seen everything!"Now ___ talkin'!""Now ___ theater near you"Now ___ was I?""Now ___ you ...""Now ___ you!""Now ___ you...""Now!""Now!," in a memo"Now!," in Nicaragua"Now, about "Now, about ...""Now, about...""Now, hold on a minute he"Now, was ___ bad?""Now, where ___?""Now?""Nowhere ___" (1966 hit)"Numb3rs" airer"Numb3rs" network"Number 10" Abstract Expr"Number one, each way" contains search that's intended to produce certain result"Number two with a Coke,""Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang""Nuts ___!""Nuts!""Nutty" role for Jerry Le"Nymph"NYPD Blue" actor Morales"NYPD Blue" Emmy winner G"O Babylon!" playwright D"O Canada," e.g."O Captain! My Captain!,""O Come, O Come Emmanuel,"O Come, ___ Faithful""O come, ___...""O curse of marriage ...""O curse of ___!": Othell"O Deus, Ego ___ Te" (Lat"O For a Thousand Tongues"O Fortuna" composer"O Henry, ___ thine eyes!"O joy", leader expressed, on island's remoteness"O Kaplan! My Kaplan!" au"O mighty Caesar! ___ tho"O mio babbino ___" (Pucc"O my prophetic ___!": Ha"O naked Moon full-___!":"O patria mia" singer"O patria mia" source"O patria mia," e.g."O patria ___" ("Aida" ar"O Pioneers!" setting"O Sanctissima," e.g."O say can you see" or "T"O Sole ___""O tempora! O mores!" ora"O tempora, O mores!" spe"O terra, addio," e.g."O the cannons ___ their "O Tibbie, I ___ seen the"O wad some Pow'r the ___"O ___ babbino caro" (Puc"O ___ Mio""O ___ Night""O" follower"O" in old radio lingo"O" in the old Army phone"O" may open it"O'Hara's Choice" novelis"O, beware, my lord, of J"O, gie me the ___ that h"O, sing to the Lord a ne"O, what a noble mind is "O, ___ me the lass ...":"O-o-oh""O.G. Original Gangster" "O.K. ... go!""O.K. then""O.K.!""O.K.""O.K., captain!""O.K., he's ordered the p"O.K., O.K. ... tell me!""O.K., play!""O.K., why not?""O.S.S." star, 1946"Ob-vi-ous-ly!""Obey your thirst" slogan"Oblomov" novelist Goncha"Obviously""Obviously, Einstein!""Ocean's Eleven" cast mem"Octopussy" setting"Ocupado""Odd choice of choirs", said chap in outlying region of France"Odds ___ ...""Ode on Melancholy" poet"Ode to Billie Joe," e.g."Ode to Broken Things" po"Ode to Psyche" poet"Ode to the Confederate D"Odyssey" enchantress"Odyssey" high point"Odyssey" morsels"Odyssey" peak"Odyssey" setting"Odyssey" sorceress"Odyssey" temptress"Odyssey" trees"Odyssey," e.g."Odyssey," for one"Oedipe" composer"Oedipe" opera composer, "Oedipus Rex" uses it"Of all the luck!""Of course ...""Of course!""Of course""Of course, Jorge!""Of course, se"Of course, what would I "Of Mice and Men" charact"Of the," in Oviedo"Of thee" follower"Of wrath," in a hymn tit"Of ___ I Sing""Off for now, love""Off the Court" autobiogr"Off the Court" writer"Off we go""Off with you!""Ogives" composer"Oh ...""Oh boy!""Oh dear!""Oh dear!" cried the wais"Oh dear, that was careless!""Oh man, you're killing m"Oh me, oh my!""Oh my heavens!""Oh My My" singer, 1974"Oh my stars!""Oh my ___!""Oh Say Can You Say?" aut"Oh sure, that'll ever ha"Oh wad some power the gi"Oh well""Oh wow!""Oh yeah ...," in a text "Oh yeah, that'll happen!"Oh yeah, uh-huh!""Oh yeah? ___ who?""Oh yes, I love that dres"Oh! Carol" singer, 1959"Oh! Susanna" closer"Oh!""Oh!" in "Oh!" overseas"Oh""Oh" de Cologne?"Oh" overseas"Oh, also ...," in text m"Oh, baloney!""Oh, be serious!""Oh, bother!""Oh, brother!""Oh, bushwa!""Oh, by the way" comment"Oh, clever!""Oh, come ... on!""Oh, come on!""Oh, cruel world ...""Oh, crumb!""Oh, dear!""Oh, for Pete's ___""Oh, fudge!""Oh, get off it!""Oh, give me ___ ...""Oh, give me ___""Oh, give ___ home ...""Oh, go on!""Oh, golly!""Oh, goody!""Oh, heck!""Oh, I don't know""Oh, I give up!""Oh, I see""Oh, joy!""Oh, joy!," e.g., typical"Oh, Lady, Be Good" write"Oh, man""Oh, my aching head!," e."Oh, my stars!""Oh, my ___ back!""Oh, my!""Oh, No! It's ___" (1982 "Oh, no!""Oh, nonsense!""Oh, phooey!""Oh, please""Oh, pooh!""Oh, pretty please?""Oh, puh-leeze!""Oh, really?""Oh, right!""Oh, right""Oh, so that's it""Oh, stop your joshin'!""Oh, sure!""Oh, sure""Oh, that'll ever happen!"Oh, that'll happen!""Oh, that's definite""Oh, that's silly""Oh, that's what you mean"Oh, uh-huh""Oh, very funny!""Oh, well""Oh, were it not true!""Oh, what am I to do?""Oh, what the hell""Oh, what's the ___?""Oh, why not?""Oh, woe!""Oh, wow!""Oh, yeah!""Oh, yeah, that's funny""Oh, yeah?!""Oh, yeah?""Oh, you wish!""Oh, you're back""Oh, ___ Golden Slippers""Oh, ___ kind of guy...""Oh, ___ Love Jesus" (hym"Oh, ___ up!""Oh, ___!" ("Wow!")"Oh, ___!" (Pooh expressi"Ohhh""Ohhhh ...""Oho!" and such"Oho, dear chap!""Oil!" author Sinclair"Oil""Okay, I pulled the plug."Okey-doke""Oklahoma!" aunt"Oklahoma!" bad guy"Oklahoma!" choreographer"Oklahoma!" gal"Oklahoma!" girl"Oklahoma!" set piece"Oklahoma!" vehicle"Ol"Old China" essayist"Old Conservative caught riding social worker," reveals insider"Old Deuteronomy" writer "Old Folks at Home" river"Old Gringo" author Carlo"Old King Cole" artist's covered"Old MacDonald Had a Farm"Old MacDonald" refrain"Old MacDonald" sound"Old man""Old pal" of song"Old Uncle" in a Stephen "Old ___" (1957 Disney fi"Old ___" (1989 Jane Fond"Old" country"Old" ship's name"Olde" establishment"Ole ___" (1976 album)"Oliver Twist" character"Oliver Twist" creep"Oliver Twist" girl"Oliver Twist" villain"Oliver ___" (2003-04 sit"Oliver!" choreographer W"Oliver!" composer"Oliver!" composer Lionel"Olympia" artist"Olympia" painter"Olympia" painter "Olympic track events are"Om," e.g."OMG!," quaintly"OMG, that's sooo funny!""Omigod!""Omigosh!""Omnibus" host"Omoo" island"Omoo" setting"On & On" singer Erykah _"On a similar note," e.g."On Airs, Waters and Plac"On Broadway" co-writer C"On call" device"On First Looking Into Ch"On Golden Pond" wife"On Language" columnist"On second thought, forge"On the Beach" author"On the Beach" author Nev"On the Beach" heroine"On the Beach" novelist"On the double!""On the house""On the Malice of Herodot"On the other hand ...""On the Other Hand" autob"On the Rebound" pianist "On the Road Again" singe"On the Road" as read by "On the Road" narrator __"On the Road" writer"On the Soul" writer"On the Sunny Side of the"On the Town" actor"On the Town" characters"On the Town" performer"On the Town" theme"On the Waterfront" direc"On the ___ hand ...""On This Night of a Thous"On your feet!""On Your Toes" composer"On ___ Majesty's Secret "On&On" singer Erykah"On&On" singer Erykah ___"On/off" surrounder"Once bitten, twice ___""Once in Love With Amy" s"Once in Love With ___""Once more ...""Once You ___ Stranger" ("Once ___ ...""Once ___ a time...""Once ___ Enough""Once ___ Honeymoon""Once ___ Honeymoon" (194"Once ___ midnight dreary"One Day at ___""One day ___ all make sen"One fleeces society to make out" - The Queen"One Flew Over the Cuckoo"One for My Baby" compose"One great face deserves "One if by land, two if b"One L" author"One Life to Live" airer"One Life to Live," e.g."One Man's San Francisco""One man's ___ is another"One Mic" rapper"One more thing ...""One more time!""One of ___ days, Alice "One of ___ days, Alice.."One sec""One Song Glory" musical"One Touch of Venus" comp"One way" symbol"One ___ customer""One ___ Jump""One ___ Soldier" (antiwa"One ___!""One ___, please""One" on a coin"One" on a one"One" on a penny"One-horse open sleigh" f"One-L lama" poet"One-touch" sport"Only bad witches are ugl"Only the hand that ___ c"Only the Paranoid Surviv"Only Time" singer"Only Time" singer, 2001"Only When I Laugh" actor"Only You" group, with "t"Only ___" (NPR program)"Onward!," in Italy"Ooh, aren't you special!"Ooh, tasty!""Ooh-la-la!""Oops! I made a mistake""Oops!""Oops!" list"Oops!" to a paramecium?"Oops!," to a shooter"Oops""Oops...""Open 24 hours" sign, may"Open sesame!" sayer"Open the claret, me? Not so" - its landlord might say?"Open up!""Open wide" sound"Open ___ 9" (shop sign)"Open ___ midnight""Open ___!""Open ___""Open ___" (magical comma"Open, sesame!" speaker"Opening" word"Operation Bikini" co-sta"Oprah & Friends" airer"Opticks" writer"Or ___ froth amid the bo"Or ___ what?""Or ___!""Or ___!" (threat)"Orfeo ed Euridice" god"Orfeo" composer Luigi"Orfeo," e.g."Original father of harmo"Original Gangster" rappe"Original or crispy" offe"Origins of Biological Evolution" - lecturer is sound"Origins of Totalitariani"Orinoco Flow" singer"Orlando Furioso" poet"Orlando" novelist"Orph"Orpheus in the Underworl"Oryx and Crake" novelist"Otello" librettist"Otello," e.g."Othello" character who s"Othello" courtesan"Othello" director, 1952"Othello" fellow"Othello" provocateur"Othello" role"Othello" villain"Other" category: Abbr."Others" in a Latin phras"Otherwise...""Ouch!""Oui" and "s"Our Boarding House" oath"Our Father which ___ hea"Our Gang" affirmative"Our Gang" approval"Our Gang" dog"Our Gang" girl"Our Gang" kid"Our Gang" member"Our Gang" pooch"Our Gang" schoolteacher "Our Lady" of the Roman C"Our Lips Are Sealed" ban"Our Miss Brooks" star of"Our Mutual Friend", say, which makes the set?"Our quest ___ an end!""Our Town" family"Our Town" family name"Our Town" heroine"Our Town" role"Our ___ Sunday" (radio s"Our ___""Oust from practice, then"Out of Africa" author"Out of Africa" author Di"Out of Africa" director"Out of Africa" name"Out of Africa" novelist "Out of my way!" indicato"Out of sight!""Out of the Blue" rock gr"Out of the question""Out of the Silence" nove"Out with it!""Out!""Out!" or "Safe!""Out, dagnabbit!""Out, damned ___!""Out, ___ spot!": Lady Ma"Outlaws of the Range," e"Outstanding, man!""Outta my way!""Outta sight!""Over and out""Over here ...""Over here!""Over here""Over my dead body!""Over my dead body!" / Al"Over the Rainbow" compos"Over the Rainbow" vocali"Over there!""Over There" composer"Over There" songwriter"Overboard" actress, 1987"Ox-eyed lady" in the "Il"Oxford Blues" star, 1984"Oy ___!""Oy, vey!" cause"Oye Como Va" band"Oysters ___ season""Oz" airer"Oz" character"Oz" network"P"P.D.Q., doc!""P.S. I Love You" and "Re"P.T.L. Club" couple, onc"P.U.!" cause"P.U.!" inducer"Pagliacci" baritone"Pagliacci" clown"Pagliacci" role"Pagliacci" soprano"Pagliacci," e.g."Paint the Sky With Stars"Paint Your Wagon" mother"Painter of the soul": D'"Pajama Party," e.g."Pal Joey" lyricist"Pale Rider" actor Richar"Palooka" star, 1934"Pamplona: At last! Relax"Pancho Villa" star, 1972"Panic Room" actress Fost"Pants on fire" person"Paper Moon" actor"Paper Moon" actor or act"Paper Moon" father and d"Paper Moon" girl"Paper or plastic?" item"Paper Roses" singer Mari"Papillon" star"Parade de Cirque" artist"Paradise City" rocker"Paradise Lost" author"Paradise Lost" character"Paradise Lost" figure"Paradise Lost" illustrat"Paradise Lost" setting"Paradise Lost," e.g."Paradise of exiles": She"Paradiso" writer"Parallel Lives" author"Parallel Lives" biograph"Pardon me""Pardon me, are you from "Pardon me, Arturo ...""Pardon me, Marcello""Pardon me, Pasquale""Pardon me," in Parma"Pardon the Interruption""Pardon""Pardonnez-___!""Parlez-vous fran"Parlez-___ fran"Partie de Campagne" arti"Party hearty!""Pass the Courvoisier" ra"Pass ___!""Passages" writer Gail"Passion According to St."Passion" director"Passion" star Negri"Pastorals" poet"Patience ___ virtue""Patriot Games" grp."Patriot Games" villains:"Patton" vehicles"Paul Bunyan," for one"Pay attention!""Pay in cash and your sec"Pay to ___" (check words"Pay ___ mind""Pays for ___!""Peace be with you" and o"Peace out""Peace ___ time""Peachy keen!""Peachy!""Peachy""Peacock" network"Peanuts" boy"Peanuts" boy with a blan"Peanuts" character"Peanuts" figure ... or s"Peanuts" surname"Peanuts," e.g."Peanuts," for one"Pearls Before Swine," e."Pearly Shells" singer"Pebble in the Sky" autho"Pee-wee's Big Adventure""Pee-wee's Playhouse" mai"Peek" follower"Peek-a-boo girl" of 40's"Peek-___!""Peek-___""Peek-___, I see you!""Peekaboo" follower"Peel ___ grape""Peer Gynt Suite" dancer"Peer Gynt" character"Peer Gynt" composer"Peer Gynt" composer et a"Peer Gynt" dancer"Peer Gynt" dramatist"Peer Gynt" mother"Peer Gynt" playwright"Peer Gynt" princess"Peer Gynt" writer"Peer ___""Peg o' My Heart" hitmake"Peg ___ Heart""Pennies ___ Heaven""Penny Lane," not "Strawb"Penny wise, pound foolis"Penny, Leonard, I'm working with: NASA, Dr A Noel ... and DNA Leonard!" as an example"People Are People" rock "People have told me ...""People who live in glass"People Will Say We're in"People" composer"Pepe ___ Skunk Tales" (a"Pepto" go-with"Per ardua ad astra" org."Per Ardua ad ___" (Royal"Perelandra" novelist"Perfect""Perfection under fire" p"Perfectly clear, man!""Perhaps ...""Perhaps""Period!""Perpetual Peace" thinker"Perry Mason" climax"Perry Mason" feature"Perry Mason" scene"Personal Injuries" autho"Personal Witness" author"Pet" annoyance"Pet" that's a plant"Petals in the Wind" auth"Pete ___ Greatest Hits" "Peter and the Wolf" bird"Peter and the Wolf" duck"Peter and the Wolf" musi"Peter and the Wolf" name"Peter Pan" character"Peter Pan" dog"Peter Pan" fairy, for sh"Peter Pan" heroine"Peter Pan" man"Peter Pan" pirate"Peter Pan" playwright"Peter Pan" pooch"Peter Pan" role"Peter Pan" villain"Peter Rabbit," for one"Peter ___ Greatest Hits""Peter ___" of 50's-60's "Petticoat Junction" sett"Peyton Place" actor"Peyton Place" producer J"PG" cause"Ph"Phaedra" playwright"Phantom Lady" actress, 1"Phantom Lady" star, 1944"Phew!""Phew!" inducer"Phi, chi, psi" follower"Philadelphia" director J"Philosophy in the Bedroo"Phineas Finn" character "Phoenissae" playwright"Phooey! It's shearing ti"Phooey!""Photographs & Memories" "Physician, ___ thyself""Piano Man" performer Bil"Piano Man" singer"Piano," literally"Pick a card, ___ card""Pick a number, ___ numbe"Pick me! I know the answ"Pick ___ ...""Picnic" planner"Picnic" playwright"Picnic" playwright's kin"Picnic" Pulitzer-winner "Picnic" writer"Pictures ___ Exhibition""Piece of cake!""Piece of cake!" (and a h"Piece of cake""Piece of My Heart" singe"Piece" org."Pieces of Me" singer McK"Piggy""Pillow Talk" actress"Pinball Wizard" group"Pineapple""Pines of Rome" composer"Pink Panther" films acto"Pink Shoe Laces" singer "Pink" 1979 Broadway musi"Pinky" Best Actress nomi"Pinocchio" character voi"Pinwheel and Flow" artis"Pipe down!""Pipe down, Pierre!""Pirate Jenny" musical, w"Pirates of the Caribbean"Pish posh!""Pistol Packin' ___""Place" name on TV"Plain Language From Trut"Planet of the Apes" plan"Planet of the Apes" sava"Planet of the Apes" spoi"Planet of the ___""Platoon" actor Willem"Platoon" prize"Platoon" setting"Platoon" setting, for sh"Play it again!""Play it ___ lays""Play it, Sam" speaker"Play Time" actor and dir"Play ___ for Me""Playing" critter"Pleading Guilty" novelis"Pleasant dreams""Pleasant" place in a Wor"Please be ___""Please consider playing "Please Don't Eat the Dai"Please help me with dire"Please refrain from pers"Please ___" (invoice req"Please ___" (invoice sta"Please," in Potsdam"Please," to Franz"Please? Please? Please?""Please?""Please?" elicitor"PM ashen," said policeman"Pocket billions in sleep""Poetry is ..." (E. E. Cu"Poetry is ..." (Edith Si"Poetry is ..." (Joseph R"Poetry is ..." (Pablo Ne"Poetry makes nothing hap"Poetry Man" singer"Pogo" cartoonist Kelly"Point taken""Pok"Pole lifted stolen goods" - that's an informer"Polish here!" - asking for ID to work"Political Discourses" au"Politically Incorrect" h"Politics is the ___ of t"Politics ___ beanbag" (M"Politics" writer in eigh"Pollyanna" penner Porter"Pollyanna" writer ___ H."Pomp and Circumstance" c"Pooch! That sweet sauce!", as Spooner might do well to say"Pooh!""Pooh-Bah" source"Poor Little Fool" singer"Poor me!""Poor Richard's Almanack""Poor venomous fool," in "Poor venomous fool," to "Poorly managed reef, greater action necessary" - Kenyan oceanologist taking sides"Popeye" cartoonist"Popeye" creator"Poppycock!""Popular Fallacies" write"Por ___ Cabeza" (tango s"Pore Jud Is ___..." ("Ok"Pore ___ Is Daid" ("Okla"Porgy and Bess" soprano"Porgy" author ___ Heywar"Porgy" novelist ___ Heyw"Porky""Port's stolen", boozer admitted"Porte ___ Lilas" (Oscar-"Portnoy's Complaint" aut"Portrait of the Artist" "Positive thinker" Norman"Positive thinking" expon"Positive Thinking" propo"Possibly""Potemkin" port"Potemkin" setting"Potent Potables for 200,"Potent Potables for 400,"Potpourri for 1,000, ___"Pow! Right in the ___!""Pow!""Power corrupts," e.g."Power Lunch" channel"Power Lunch" network"Power" star, 1986"Pr"Prague: At the bank agai"Praise be to ___!""Praise be to ___""Praise be!""Praise the Lord!""Prego" preceder"Prelude ___" (1942 Frank"Prepare to do a spoof on"Present""Present" in bad kids' Ch"Presto!""Presumed Innocent" autho"Presumed Innocent" novel"Pretty amazing!""Pretty Boy" of crime"Pretty fishy, if you ask"Pretty good!""Pretty nice!""Pretty please?""Pretty stupid, huh?" dec"Pretty Woman" and "Waiti"Pretty Woman" star Richa"Pretty ___""Pretty ___" (Richard Ger"Previously ...""Price be damned!""Prices ___""Pride and Prejudice" act"Pride and Prejudice" aut"Pride and Prejudice" bea"Pride and Prejudice" sta"Pride's Crossing" playwr"Prima Ballerina" artist"Primal Fear" star"Primal Fear" star, 1996"Primary Colors" author"Primary Colors" author, "Primitive" feelings"Prince Valiant" cartooni"Prince Valiant" princess"Prince ___" ("Aladdin" s"Princess Caraboo" star, "Princess ___" (1884 prem"Private - keep out""Private Benjamin" actor"Prizzi's Honor" heroine"Prizzi's ___""Pro" votes"Probably ...""Probably""Proceed slowly""Proceed!""Profiler" actress Gimpel"Project Runway" host Klu"Prometheus Bound" playwr"Prometheus Unbound" char"Prometheus" muralist"Promised Land" author"Pronto!""Pronto""Proper" speech"Prosit!" relative"Prove it!""Proved!" letters"Provided that is the cas"Pshaw!""Pshaw!," to a Valley gir"Psssst!" source"Psst! In the balcony!""Psst! Pass ___!""Psst!""Psst!" follower, maybe"Psst!" follower, perhaps"Psych"Psychic" Geller"Psycho" actress Miles"Psycho" co-star"Psycho" co-star, 1998"Psycho" feature"Psycho" figure"Psycho" motel name"Psycho" psycho"Psycho" set"Psycho" setting"PT 109" actor"Ptui!""Public diplomacy" broadc"Public house""Public" or "private" body part"Puh-lease!""Puh-leeze!""Pulp Fiction" co-star __"Pumping ___""Punk'd" airer"Punk'd" cable channel"Punk'd" host Kutcher"Punkin" cover"Punkin" coverer"Puppet ___ String" (1965"Puppy Love" singer"Puppy Love" singer Paul"Puppy Love" singer, 1960"Pure Moods" singer"Pure ___" (1994 jazz alb"Pure ___," 1994 jazz alb"Purgatorio" writer"Purple ___" (song played"Purple" writing"Purty" one"Pushing Daisies" star __"Pushover" singer James"Puss in Boots" figure"Put a lid on it!""Put a lid ___!""Put a sock ___!""Put a tiger in your tank"Put it back in""Put it back""Put me down as a maybe""Put me down, too""Put me out of my misery!"Put your feet up""Put Your Head on My Shou"Put your purse away""Put your rear down!""Put your wallet away""Put your wallet away, I'"Put ___ Happy Face""Put ___ in it!""Put ___ my tab""Put ___ on it!""Put ___ writing!""Put ___ writing""Puttin' on the ___" (Ber"Puzzle by Peter Gordon,""Pygmalion" dramatist"Pygmalion" monogram"Pygmalion" playwright"Pygmalion" writer"Q & A" star"Q ___ queen""Q: Are We Not Men? A: We"QB VII" author"Qu"Quality Is Our Recipe" f"Quantum Leap" co-star"Quantum Leap" star Scott"Que es ___?""Que ___ es?" (Spanish 10"Que ___?""Que" follower, in song"Queen of denial," e.g."Queen of Hearts" vocalis"Queen of Outer Space" st"Queen of the Damned" aut"Queen of the Hop" hitmak"Qui"Quick!""Quickest way to Harlem,""Quickly!""Quickly!," on an order"Quickly," quickly"Quiet down!""Quiet on the ___!""Quiet!""Quiet!" locale"Quiet, please!""Quincy, M.E." actor"Quit cryin'""Quit fighting!""Quit it!""Quit that!""Quit your crying!""Quit your crying""Quit ___ joshin'!""Quite contrary" nursery "Quite possibly""Quo Vadis" character"Quo Vadis" role"Quo Vadis?" director Mer"Quo Vadis?" emperor"Quo vadis?" speaker"Quo ___?""R" card in Uno, in effec"Rabbit food""Rabbit Redux" as read by"Race Horses" artist"Racy" neckwear"Rad!""Radio Free Europe" rock "Rag Doll" singer, 1964"Rag Mop" singers the ___"Ragged Dick" author"Ragged Dick" writer Hora"Raggedy" doll"Raggedy" one"Raging Bull" co-star"Ragtime" writer"Rah!""Raid on Entebbe" airline"Raid on Entebbe" role"Raiders of the Lost Ark""Rain Man" family name"Rainbow After a Storm" a"Rainbow Six" author"Raise the Titanic!" as r"Rama Lama Ding Dong" sin"Rama ___ Ding Dong" (196"Ramblin' Rose" singer, 1"Ramblin' Wreck From Geor"Rambling Wreck From Geor"Rambo" actor Richard and"Ran" director Kurosawa"Ran" preceder"Rapture" singer Baker"Rapunzel" and others?"Raspberry Beret" singer"Ratatouille" rat and nam"Ratatouille" rat chef"Rats!""Rats!" and others"Rawhide" prop"Rawhide" role"Rawhide" singer"Rawhide" singer Frankie"Read Across America" grp"Reader, I married him" w"Reading Rainbow" network"Reading" ability"Ready or ___ ...""Ready to go?""Ready ___ ...""Ready ___, here ...""Ready ___...""Ready" follower"Ready, ___!""Ready, ___...!""Real Love" singer Watley"Real Time With Bill ___""Real Time" host"Real Time" moderator"Really and truly""Really! It's MY treat!""Really!""Really, now!""Really, you don't have t"Really?!""Really?""Rebecca of Sunnybrook Fa"Rebel Without a Cause" a"Recess is over""Recipient" of a Bugs Bun"Red Corner" star"Red hot" person"Red Red Wine" and "Gitar"Red River" and others"Red River" woman ___ Mil"Red Roses for a Blue Lad"Red state" grp."Red Storm Rising" grp."Red" or "White" baseball"Red" or "white" tree"Red" tree"Red, White & ___" (2005 "Redemption" author"Reeling in the Years" ro"Reflections on Ice-Break"Reginald" author"Reginald" writer"Regnava ___ silenzio" (D"Regrettably ...""Rehab" singer Winehouse"Rel"Relaciones Espirituales""Relativity" artist"Relax!""Relax, and that's an ord"Relax, bro!""Relax, private!""Relax, soldier!""Relax, soldiers!""Reliable Sources" broadc"Remember the ___!""Remember the ___!" (cry "Remember the ___!" (rall"Remember the ___""Remembrance of Things Pa"Remington ___" of 1980's"Remington ___" of 1980s "Renaissance College Girl"Render therefore ___ Cae"Render ___ Caesar ...""Rent" composer Jonathan"Rent-___""Rent-___" (1988 flick)"Rescue 911" action"Rescue 911" network"Rescue me!""Resolved: that ...," for"Respect for Acting" auth"Resume speed," to a musi"Return of the Jedi" crit"Return of the Jedi" danc"Return of the Jedi" girl"Return of the Jedi" moon"Return of the Jedi" tagl"Return of the Jedi" vill"Return to Earth" autobio"Revelations" choreograph"Revenge of the ___""Reversal of Fortune" sta"Revolution 9" collaborat"Revolution From Within" "Revolution" or "P.S. I L"Revolution," to "Hey Jud"Revolutionary Road" nove"Revolutionary" piece by "Reward" for poor service"Rhapsodie Hongroise" com"Rhapsodie norv"Rhinoceros" playwright"Rhoda" and "Frasier""Rhyme Pays" rapper"Rhyme Pays" singer"Ri-i-ight!""Rich gifts wax poor when"Rich Harbor" and others"Rich Man, Poor Man" acto"Rich Man, Poor Man" Emmy"Rich Man, Poor Man" nove"Richard ___""Ricochet" actor, 1991"Ricochet" co-star"Riddle me, riddle me ___"Riddle-me-___""Riddle-me-___" ("Guess!""Riders of the Purple Sag"Riders to the Sea" write"Ridiculous!""Rig-Veda" selections"Right as the Rain" songw"Right away!""Right away, boss!""Right back at cha!""Right height? Yes. 1 Down?" might do - for something rather like this clue"Right now!""Right now!," to a doctor"Right now?""Right on!""Right on, brother!""Right Place Wrong Time" "Right Place, Wrong Time""Right there with you""Right you ___!""Right""Right, included with promotion, you mean?" lowering head with difficulty"Right?""Rigoletto" composer"Rigoletto" has three"Rigoletto" trio"Rikki-___-Tavi""Rin Tin Tin" shower"Rin Tin Tin" star of 50'"Rin Tin Tin" TV night: A"Ring out the thousand __"Rinkitink ___" (L. Frank"Rio Lobo" actor"Rio ___" (John Wayne fli"Ripe" stage of life"Ripley's Believe ___ Not"Rise and Fall of ___ Ami"Rise and shine!""Rise and ___!""Rise, Glory, Rise" compo"Risen From the Ranks" wr"River ___ Return" (Mitch"Riverdance" composer Bil"Road Rules" airer"Road to ___" (1947 flick"Road ___" (Hope/Crosby f"Road" destination of 194"Road" film destination"Road" picture destinatio"Road" picture partner fo"Rob Roy" author"Rob Roy" star, 1995"Rock 'n' Roll Is King" b"Rock 'n' Roll Is King" g"Rock 'n' Roll Is King" r"Rock and Roll, Hoochie _"Rock Me ___" (1984 hit)"Rock of Ages" accompanim"Rock'd the full-foliaged"Rock-a-bye, baby" spot"Rockaria!" grp."Rockaria!" rock group"Rocket Man" John"Rocket Man" rocker"Rocket to Russia" group,"Rocks""Rocky and Bullwinkle" vi"Rocky II" climax"Rocky II," e.g."Rocky III" actor"Rocky III" co-star"Rocky IV" villain ___ Dr"Rocky ___""Rocky" score composer"Rodeo" composer Aaron"Roger that" sayer"Roger ___ Book of Film""Roger, ___ and out!""Roger, ___ and out""Roll Over Beethoven" ban"Roll ___ bones!""Rolling stone""Rolling" things"Rom"Roma" symphonic composer"Roman Elegies" author"Roman Holiday" princess"Romance de Barrio" and o"Romance languages intere"Romanian Rhapsodies" com"Romanzero" poet"Rome ___ "Romeo and Juli"?"Romeo and Juliet" settin"Romeo Is Bleeding" actre"Romeo Must Die" actor, 2"Romola" writer"Roots" actor Rhodes"Roots" author ___ Haley"Roots" Emmy winner"Roots" Emmy winner, 1977"Roots" name"Roots" role"Roots" writer"Roots," e.g."Roots," for one"Rope-a-dope" boxer"Rosamund" composer"Rose is a rose is a rose"Rose of ___""Rose ___ rose ...""Roseanne" broadcaster"Roseanne" star"Roseanne" star's employe"Roses ___ red "Roses ___ red ...""Roses ___ red...""Rosmersholm" playwright"Rotten" missile"Rouen Cathedral" painter"Rouge" and "noir""Rough winds do shake the"Roughly speaking, its use is passed on from father to son", I interjected"Round-on-way" line"Roustabout" star"Route 66" car"Row, Row, Row Your Boat""Roxanne" star"Royal Wedding" star, 195"Royal" action film, 2002"Royal" Bogart/Hepburn fi"Royal" film based on a c"Rub"Rubber Soul," "Revolver""Rubbish!""Ruby Baby" singer, 1963"Rubyfruit Jungle" noveli"Rude" sound"Rue Morgue" writer"Rugrats" baby"Rugrats" dad"Rugrats" father"Rugrats" mom"Rule Britannia" composer"Rule Britannia" songwrit"Rule, Britannia" compose"Rumble in the Bronx" sta"Rumor has it ...""Run about looking lively!" is instruction to players"Run ___ Run" (1998 film)"Run ___ Run" (1998 thril"Runaround Sue" singer"Runaround Sue" singer, 1"Runaway Bride" co-star, "Runaway" singer ___ Shan"Running on Empty" actres"Running" amount"Ruralia Hungarica" compo"Rusalka" composer"Rush Hour" star, 1998"Rush!""Rush!" on an order"Rush!" order"Rush!," on an order"Rush, Rush" hitmaker, 19"Russlan and Ludmilla" co"Ruthless People" star"S"S O S!""S O S," e.g."S" abbreviated means "shields""S" on a French shaker"S" shaker"S'long!""S.N.L." alum"S.N.L." alum Cheri"S.N.L." alum Fey"S.N.L." alum Kevin"S.N.L." alum Oteri"S.N.L." alum who co-star"S.N.L." announcer Pardo"S.N.L." bit"S.N.L." character Baba _"S.N.L." offering"S.N.L." segment"S.N.L." skits, e.g."S.N.L." specialty"S.N.L." star of 1984-85"S.N.L." veteran Gasteyer"S.O.S." band"Sabrina the Teenage Witc"Sabrina" star Julia"Sad to say ...""Sad ___ "Safe" or "out""Safety Last" star Harold"Saffron-robed" goddess, "Sail ___ Ship of State!""Sailing to Byzantium" wr"Saint Joan" playwright"Salad!", Edward belted"Salome" role"Salus populi suprema lex"Salut!," in Scandinavia"Salute to the sun" disci"Same for me""Same goes for me""Same here!""Same here""Same thing, really""Same Time, Next Year" st"Sands of ___ Jima""Sanford and Son" aunt"Sanford and Son" setting"Sanford and Son" son"Sanity clause" and other"Santa Baby" hitmaker, 19"Santa Baby" singer"Santa Baby" singer, 1953"Santa Fe Songs" composer"Santa Maria!""Sarah Palin's ___" of 20"Sartor Resartus" essayis"Satanic Verses" author"Satires" author"Satisfactory" secondary school getting Ofsted's fifth X at beginning of term"Saturday Night Fever" mu"Saturday Night Fever" tr"Saturday Night Live" ann"Saturday Night Live" bit"Saturday Night Live" gen"Saturday Night Live" has"Saturday Night Live" seg"Saturday ___," 1976 Eart"Saturn Devouring His Chi"Saul and David" composer"Savage Streets" actor La"Save me ___""Save me ___" (latecomer'"Save me ___" (movie requ"Save me!," e.g."Save me""Save the explanation""Saved by the ___!""Saving Fish From Drownin"Saving Grace" airer"Saving Private Ryan" cra"Saving Private Ryan" dep"Saving Private Ryan" eve"Saving Private Ryan" re-"Saving Private Ryan" sub"Saving Private ___""Savvy?""Saw the air too much wit"Say again?""Say cheese!""Say good night, ___""Say it ain't so!""Say it isn't so!""Say it ___ so!""Say Say Say," say"Say that thou ___ forsak"Say what?""Say You, Say Me" singer,"Say ___!""Say ___""Say ___" (1940 Andrews S"Say ___" (1940 Glenn Mil"Say ___" (1940 hit)"Say ___" (doctor's order"Say ___" (pourer's reque"Say ___?""Say, is it hot in here ."Say, what?""Saying ___ thing, doing "Sayonara!""Says ___?""Sc"Scandalized Masks" paint"Scarface" gangster"Scarface" gangster (2 wds.)"Scarface" star Al"Scarface" star, 1932"Scary Movie" actress, 20"Scat!""Scat, cat!""Scatter while fleeing""Scenes From a ___" (Wood"Scenes of Clerical Life""Scent of a Woman" Oscar "Scent of a Woman" star"Scheherazade" locale"Schindler's List" villai"Schindler's ___""School Daze" director"Science Friday" carrier"Science Friday" host Fla"Science made clear": Coc"Scooby-Doo" girl"Scots Wha ___" (Burns po"Scram!""Scratch that!""Scream" actress Campbell"Scream" director Craven"Scream" extra"Scream" genre"Scream" star Campbell"Scrooged" actor Robert"Scrubs" actor Braff"Scrubs" co-star ___ Braf"Scrubs" Emmy nominee"Scrubs," e.g."SCTV" segment?"Se7en" star, 1995"Sea of Love" star Barkin"Sealed With ___""Search interrupted by odd bits of rain?" one asks"Search me!""Search me""Seascape" playwright"Season of Glass" artist"SEAT Ibiza extremely racy," she snarled"Seats sold out" sign"Secret Window" star, 200"Secretary, what about getting into bed?" "No time for that, it's shoddy""Secretive Student Monito"Secrets & Lies" director"Seduced" senator of film"Seduction of the Minotau"See for yourself!""See if I care!""See if ___""See It Now" producer of "See my point?""See what I mean?""See who ___""See ya later""See ya!""See ya!" overseas"See ya""See ya, idiot!"?"See you 'round""See you again!""See you later!""See you later""See you later, alligator"See you then!""See you""See you," in Sorrento"See ___ care!""See ___ care""See ___!""See ___?""See!""See" follower in a footn"See, how she leans her c"See?!""See?""See?" follower"Seeing red" feeling"Seems likely""Seems possible""Seems that way""Seems to be the case""Seinfeld" character"Seinfeld" co-star"Seinfeld" designation"Seinfeld" gal"Seinfeld" guy / Comment"Seinfeld" lady"Seinfeld" miss"Seinfeld" pal"Seinfeld" regular"Seinfeld" role"Seinfeld" uncle"Seinfeld" woman"Selena" star, familiarly"Semi-Tough" actress"Semiramide" composer"Semper Fi" grp."Semper Fi" org."Semper Fidelis" composer"Semper Fidelis" grp."Semper fidelis" person"Sempre libera" e.g."Send help!""Send In the Clowns" open"Send me""Sending out an ___" (rep"Senior" in French names"Sense and Sensibility" a"Sense and Sensibility" d"Sense and Sensibility" h"Sense and Sensibility" s"Senses Working Overtime""Sentimentally Yours" sin"Separate Tables" playwri"September 1, 1939" poet"September ___" (Neil Dia"Serenade" painter"Serendipities: Language "Seriously ...""Seriously!""Seriously, don't bother""Seriously?""Serpico" author"Serpico" author Peter"Serpico" director Sidney"Serpico" novelist"Serpico" producer De Lau"Servant of the Bones" wr"Sesame Street" airer"Sesame Street" broadcast"Sesame Street" channel"Sesame Street" character"Sesame Street" creator J"Sesame Street" grouch"Sesame Street" learning"Sesame Street" lessons"Sesame Street" Muppet"Sesame Street" network"Sesame Street" regular"Sesame Street" skills"Sesame Street" subject"Sesame Street" tune, wit"Set phasers to ___""Set right pace finally when chasing" said running coach"Set ___ the doors, O sou"Set?""Settle down!""Seven Samurai" director "Seven Samurai" director"Seven Seas of ___" (earl"Seven Years in Tibet" st"Seven ___ blow" (boast i"Seven" or "10," e.g."Sex and the City" actres"Sex and the City" airer"Sex and the City" author"Sex and the City" charac"Sex and the City" shower"Sex for Dummies" author"Sextette" was her last f"Sexual Behavior in the H"Sexual Honesty" compiler"Sexy!""Sexy" Beatles girl"Sexy" lady of a Beatles "Sexy" lady of Beatles so"Sez ___?""Shabby, if clean" - how Pres referred to public figure for a spell"Shadowland" singer, 1988"Shake a leg!""Shake It Up" band, with "Shake ___ Feather" (1967"Shake ___!""Shake, Rattle and Roll" "Shakespeare in Love" Osc"Shakespeare in Love" rol"Shakespeare in Love" sta"Shall I compare thee to "Shall We Dance" dancer"Shall We Dance?" star, 2"Shall we go?""Shall we ___?""Shall ___?" ("Want me to"Shallow ___" (2001 Jack "Shalom!""Shalom""Shame on you!""Shame ___!""Shame!""Shampoo" co-star"Shampoo" screenwriter Ro"Shane" man"Shane" star"Shane" star Alan"Shane," e.g."Shanghai Express" actor"Shank," in prison lingo"Sharp Dressed Man" band"Shave ___ haircut""She Believes ___" (Kenny"She Done ___ Wrong""She loved to do homework"She loves me ___""She loves me, she loves "She turned me into a ___"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"She ___ Dian's wit": Rom"She" or "him", for example"She's a Fool" songstress"She's a Lady" songwriter"She's as headstrong as a"She's gonna blow!""She's Got You" singer, 1"She's Gotta Have It" gir"She's Like the Wind" sin"She's the Man" actress B"She's the One" actress"She's ___ doll" (4 Seaso"She-Goat" artist"Sheep May Safely Graze" "Sheesh!""Sheesh!," south of the b"Shell and Head" sculptor"Shh! I know this""Shh...""Shhh!""Shhh!," not so politely"Shhh...""Shhhh!""Shhhh!" follower"Shhhh!" prompter"Shhhh!" response"Shifting gears a little""Shiloh" novelist Shelby"Shine a Little Love" grp"Shine a Little Love" roc"Shine On, Harvest Moon,""Shiny Happy People" band"Ship of Fools" actor Wer"Ship of Fools" painter"Shoe" waitress"Shoe" waitress, in the c"Shogun" apparel"Shogun" sequel"Shoo!""Shoot me""Shoot!""Shoot""Shop ___ you drop""Shortfin" or "longfin" f"Shot Heard 'Round the Wo"Should I say 'Come here "Should that come to pass"Should ___ acquaintance "Should ___ shouldn't ..."Shoulda listened to me!""Shoulda, woulda, coulda""Shouldn't have done that"Show Boat" author Ferber"Show Boat" cap'n"Show Boat" composer"Show Boat" composer Jero"Show Boat" girl who sing"Show Boat" novelist Ferb"Show Boat" show-stopper"Show Girl" tune"Show me!""Show pity, ___ die": "Th"Shrek!" author William"Shrek" princess"Shrovetide Revelers" art"Shucks!""Shucks""Shush!""Shut up already!""Shut up!""Shut up!" ... or a phone"Shut up!" Bill's back interrupting nitpicker"Shut yo' mouth!""Shut your mouth!""Shut your pie hole!""Shut your ___!""Sic 'em!""Sic et Non" theologian"Sic semper tyrannis!" cr"Sic semper tyrannis" sho"Sick as a dog," for inst"Sick Noggin: Autobiograp"Sick!""Sicut ___ in principio" "Sid the Science Kid" net"Siddhartha" author"Siddhartha" writer"Sidereus Nuncius" author"Sigh!""Signs point to ___" (Mag"Silas Marner" author"Silas Marner" foundling"Silas Marner" girl"Silas Marner" novelist"Silas ___""Silence of the Lambs" ro"Silent Movie" actor"Silent Movie" co-star"Silent Movie" co-star, 1"Silent Night" adjective"Silent Night" or "Away i"Silent Spring" author Ca"Silent Spring" subj."Silent Spring" subject"Silent Spring" topic"Silent" one"Silent" prez"Silent, upon a peak in _"Silk Stockings" star"Silkwood" actress"Silly Cow" playwright Be"Silly" birds"Silver Spoons" family na"Simmer down!""Simon says act like a bi"Simon says imitate a sol"Simon says pretend you'r"Simone" star Al"Simple""Simply thunderous shot! Unbelievable Jeff - leaders turned over!""Simpsons" bartender"Sin City" actress, 2005"Since Marie Has Left ___"Since ___ You Baby" (195"Sing lead, Horace""Sing me a song of a ___ "Singin' in the Rain" co-"Singin' in the Rain" dir"Singin' in the Rain" rol"Singin' in the Rain" stu"Singing journalist" Phil"Sink or Swim" author"Sir ___ and the Green Kn"Sir", as he is British originally"Sire""Sister Carrie" author"Sistine Madonna" artist"Sit yourself down""Sit" follower"Sitting Bull" star, 1954"Six Characters in Search"Six Days, Seven Nights" "Six Degrees of Separatio"Six Feet Under" characte"Six Feet Under" creator"Six Feet Under" network"Six Feet Under" role"Six Feet Under" son"Six Feet Under" star Pet"Six ___ and half a dozen"Sixteen Tons" singer, 19"Sk8er ___" (2002 top 10 "Skedaddle!""Skeletons From the Close"Sketches by ___" (1836 b"Sketches by ___" (1836 s"Sketches by ___," 1836"Skin Deep" star"Skint!", one dental nurse said monotonously"Skip me""Skip to My ___""Skip to ___""Skip ___ Lou...""Skittle Players" artist"Skunk egg""Sky Dragon" detective"Slander" author Coulter"Slaves of New York" actr"Slaves of New York" auth"Slavonic Dances" compose"Sleep ___""Sleep" and "Spain," for "Sleepers" co-star Jason"Sleepers" co-star, 1996"Sleeping Beauty" fairy"Sleeping Gypsy," "The Sn"Sleeping" sensation"Sleepless in Seattle" wr"Sleepy Time Gal" songwri"Sleepy Time ___" (1925 s"Sleepy Time ___" (1926 h"Sleigh Ride" composer An"Sleuth" co-star"Sliding Doors" star, 199"Slipped" backbone part"Slippery" tree"Slippery" trees"Slips my mind""Slither" star"Slither" star, 1973"Slithy" creatures"Slow and steady wins the"Slow Churned" brand"Slow down!""Slumdog Millionaire" gar"Slumdog Millionaire" loc"Slumdog Millionaire" set"Slung" dish"Smart decision""Smart" guys"Smart" one"Smart" ones"Smelling ___" (Mike Leig"Smile!""Smile!" show"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes""Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,"Smoke""Smoke" to chew on"Smoking or ___?""Smoking ___?""Smoking!""Smooth Operator" chanteu"Smooth Operator" singer"Smooth sailing!""Smudge" gets to identify an apostle"Snakes on a Plane," e.g."Snap out of it!" actions"Snazzy!""Snow Falling on Cedars" "Snow White and the Seven"Snow White" dwarf"Snow White" meanie"Snow-Bound" setting"Snowy" bird"Snuffy Smith" parent"Snug as ___ ...""So ...?""So be it""So beauuutiful!""So chic!""So cool!""So cute!""So I ___!""So I ___""So is that ___?""So it is""So it's you!""So long!""So long""So long, dahling""So long, mon ami""So long, Pierre!""So might I, standing on "So Much in Love" singers"So nice!""So satisfying!" sounds"So soon?""So sorry!""So that's it!""So that's what you mean""So that's what you meant"So that's your game!""So that's your secret!""So then what?""So there you are!""So there!""So true!""So what else ___?""So what ___ is new?""So what ___?!""So what?!""So you're the culprit!""So you've said""So ___ be on my way / In"So ___ have I invoked th"So ___ me!""So ___ say""So ___ to you, Fuzzy-Wuz"So ___!""So ___!" ("Me, too!")"So ___""So's your old man!" and "So's your old man!," e.g"So's ___ mother!""So's ___ old lady!""So's ___ old man!""So, it's YOU!""So-Called Chaos" singer "So-o-o cute!""So...?""So?!""So?""Soap" actor Jimmy"Soap" family"Soap" family name"Soap" spinoff"Soap," for one"Soapdish" actress"Society and Solitude" au"Sock it to me!" show"Sock it ___!""Sock ___ me!""Socrate" composer"Socrate" composer Erik"Sod the rich" sprayed somewhere in East London"Soft drink?", one snorts"Soft flowing" stream of "Solaris" author"Solaris" author Stanisla"Solaris" novelist"Sold out" sign"Solomon and ___," 1959 b"Solve for x" subject"Some busy and insinuatin"Some Enchanted Evening,""Some friend you are," mo"Some Girls Do" author __"Some help would be nice,"Some Like It Hot" co-sta"Some Like ___""Some nerve!""Some of this, some of th"Some Words With a Mummy""Some ___ meat and canna "Somehow everything gets "Someone ___ America" (19"Something just crossed m"Something of Value" auth"Something really ought t"Something really should "Something to Talk About""Something's not kosher""Something's not right he"Sometime...""Sometimes a Great Notion"Sometimes you feel like "Somewhere in Time" actor"Somewhere in Time" star"Sommersby" star"Sommersby" star, 1993"Son of Darius, please co"Son of Frankenstein" rol"Son of ___!""Son of" story"Son of," in Arabic names"Son ___ gun!""Sonata for Two Pianos an"Song of the Golden Calf,"Song of the Islands" co-"Song of the South" song "Songs My Mother Taught M"Sonnets to Orpheus" poet"Sons and Lovers" Oscar n"Soon It's ___ Rain" ("Th"Sophie's Choice" author"Sophie's Choice" narrato"Sophie's Choice" Oscar w"Sophie's Choice" star"Sophie, ___ and Belle" ("Sorrow indeed!" said old philosopher"Sorry 'bout that!""Sorry about that!""Sorry if that rude word "Sorry to bother you, but"Sorry to intrude ...""Sorry to say ...""Sorry!""Sorry""Sorry, Charlie!""Sorry, Charlie""Sorry, I did it""Sorry, no can do""Sorry, no more""Sorry, none left""Sorry, too busy!""Sorry, Wrong ___""Sort of" ending"Sort rubbish? We must go outside" - put down characters without script?"SOS" pop group"SOS" singers"Soul Food" actress, 1997"Sound off - one, two ..."Sounds about right to me"Sounds good to me!""Sounds good to me""Sounds good!""Sounds like ___!""Soup's on!""South Pacific" director "South Pacific" hero"South Pacific" heroine"South Pacific" lass"South Pacific" nurse"South Pacific" prop"South Pacific" role"South Pacific" song"South Park" boy"South Park" boy who's al"South Park" brother"South Park" character le"South Park" kid"South Park" parka wearer"South Park" sibling"Southland" airer"Sovereign""Space cadet""Spaceballs" and the like"Spaceballs" star"Spamalot" lyricist"Spare me!," e.g."Spare the ___, spoil ..."Spare tire""Spare tire," essentially"Spare" items"Spare" items at a barbec"Spare" part"Spare" part of the body"Spare" thing at a barbec"Spare" things"Spartacus" actress"Spartacus" attire"Spartacus" setting"Speak of the devil!""Speak!" response"Speak" response"Speaker poor," a Tory admits"Speaking machine" develo"Speaking personally "Speaking personally ...""Specials," often"Speckled" fish"Speed" actor"Speed" name"Speed" speeder"Speed" star"Speed-the-Plow" playwrig"Spellbound" singer, 1991"Spenser: For Hire" star"Spider Baby" star, 1964"Spider-Man" co-star, 200"Spider-Man" director"Spider-Man" director Sam"Spider-Man" series direc"Spiders!""Spill it!""Spin City" actor"Spirits raised, one's claiming Universal Credit from the start," country not concluding!"Spitting" snake"Splendid!""Splendor in the Grass" a"Splendor in the Grass" O"Splendor in the Grass" s"Splendor in the Grass" w"Splish Splash" singer, 1"Split" soup ingredients"Sport", author unknown"SportsCenter" channel"Sprechen ___ Deutsch?""Spring ahead" hrs."Spring forward" hrs."Spring forward" to this:"Springtime-fresh" smokes"Spritely" - that's the Spanish and French conclusion"Spy Game" star"Spy vs. Spy" magazine"Square" thing"Squawk Box" airer"Squawk on the Street" ai"Ssss" maker"St. Elmo's Fire" actor"St. Elmo's Fire" actor R"St. Elmo's Fire" singer "St. Elsewhere" actor Dav"St. Elsewhere" roles"St. John the Baptist" pa"St. Ludmilla" composer"St. Mark" artist"St. Martin and the Begga"St. Matthew Passion" com"Stainless" metal"Stalag 17" extras"Stalag 17" star"Stalag 17" star, 1953"Stand and Deliver" Oscar"Stand and Deliver" star "Stand and Deliver" star"Stand and Deliver" star,"Stand By Me" director"Stand By Me" singer ___ "Stand ___!""Stand" band"Stand" band, 1989"Stand" rock group"Star Trek engineer"Star Trek II" ship"Star Trek" alien"Star Trek" captain"Star Trek" catch phrase"Star Trek" character"Star Trek" command"Star Trek" directive"Star Trek" director, 200"Star Trek" empath"Star Trek" extra"Star Trek" extra: Abbr."Star Trek" fig."Star Trek" genre"Star Trek" helmsman"Star Trek" lieutenant"Star Trek" navigator"Star Trek" off."Star Trek" peoples"Star Trek" rank: Abbr."Star Trek" record"Star Trek" regular Walte"Star Trek" role"Star Trek" series, to fa"Star Trek" setting"Star Trek" speed"Star Trek" TV series, to"Star Trek" villain"Star Trek" weapon"Star Trek" weapon settin"Star Trek" yeoman ___ Ra"Star Trek: D.S.9" charac"Star Trek: First Contact"Star Trek: T.N.G." couns"Star Trek: T.N.G." role"Star Trek: The Next Gene"Star Trek: Voyager" capt"Star Trek: ___""Star Wars" and "Battlest"Star Wars" and the like"Star Wars" character"Star Wars" character ___"Star Wars" character, in"Star Wars" characters"Star Wars" creature"Star Wars" critter"Star Wars" director"Star Wars" director Geor"Star Wars" droid"Star Wars" droid, inform"Star Wars" extras, for s"Star Wars" figure"Star Wars" figure, infor"Star Wars" gangster ___ "Star Wars" genre"Star Wars" guru"Star Wars" knight"Star Wars" lovely"Star Wars" name"Star Wars" order"Star Wars" planet"Star Wars" princess"Star Wars" role"Star Wars" sage"Star Wars" surname"Star Wars" title"Star Wars" villain"Star Wars" villain ___ t"Star Wars" walk-ons"Star Wars" warrior"Star Wars" weapon"Star Wars", e.g."Star Wars," e.g."Star Wars: The Phantom M"Star ___""Star ___," biggest movie"Star-Spangled Banner" pr"Star-Spangled Banner" wo"Starpeace" performer"Starpeace" recorder, 198"Starry Night Over the Rh"Stars above!""Stars and Stripes Foreve"Start ... now!""Start doing your job!""Start on ugly birds!" - blue comic"Start playing!""Start worrying""Stat!""Stat""State aid is turning up in pub" - anonymous source"State and Main" director"State Fair" setting"State Fair" state"Stay away from the swamp"Stay free of discomfort,"Stay!""Stay""Stay" singer Lisa"Stay" singer ___ Loeb"Stayin' ___" (disco hit)"Steady as ___ goes""Steady ___ goes""Steal This Book" writer "Steamboat ___," first Mi"Steee-rike!" caller"Steeeerike!", e.g."Steel Magnolias" co-star"Steele Justice" actress"Steep Trails" author"Steinbrenner!" author Di"Step aside, I'll do it""Step aside, I'll help""Step on it!""Step right in!""Step right up!""Step the meek fowls wher"Step ___!""Steppenwolf" author"Steppenwolf" novelist"Steppenwolf" wife"Steppenwolf" writer Herm"Steppin' Out" singer"Steps in Time" autobiogr"Steve Canyon" cartoonist"Stick 'em up!""Stick around!""Stifle!""Still ...""Still Crazy" star"Still Crazy" star Stephe"Still Life - Fast Moving"Still Me" autobiographer"Still waters run deep," "Still ___" (1999 rap son"Stille ___" (Christmas c"Stillmatic" rapper"Sting like a bee" athlet"Sting like ___""Stompin' at the ___""Stompin' at the ___" (19"Stoned Love" singers, wi"Stop acting up!""Stop already!""Stop avoiding responsibi"Stop behaving like a chi"Stop bugging me!""Stop by!""Stop equivocating!""Stop fooling around!""Stop it!""Stop it!" Youngsters do show shame"Stop living in your fant"Stop procrastinating!""Stop right there!""Stop right there""Stop right where you are"Stop rowing" command"Stop stalling!""Stop talking!""Stop that!""Stop that!" ... and a hi"Stop waiting around!""Stop Whining, Start Livi"Stop worrying about pica"Stop worrying!""Stop yelling ___!""Stop yer joshin'!""Stop your gabbin'!""Stop your moping!""Stop! You're killing me!"Stop! You've got it all "Stop!""Stop!" ... or what you d"Stop!" at sea"Stop!," to Popeye"Stop" sign"Stop, matey!""Stopping By Woods on a S"Stormy Weather" composer"Stormy Weather" singer H"Stormy Weather" songwrit"Stormy" sea bird"Stormy" seabird"Straight Line" star, 198"Strange as it may seem.."Strange Magic" band, for"Strange Magic" rock band"Strangers and Brothers" "Strangers on a Train" ch"Strap yourselves in, kid"Streamers" playwright"Streamers" playwright Da"Streets of ___" (classic"Streets of ___" (cowboy "Streets" of Venice"Stressful" impact he might make"Stretch" car"Stretch" car, in brief"Stripes" actor, 1981"Striving to better, oft "Strong Poison" author"Stronger than dirt" slog"Stupid me!""Stupid of me not to know"Stupid ___ stupid does""Stupid," in Spanish(!)"Stupidest thing I ever h"Su-u-ure""Submission" in Arabic"Success is counted ___ /"Such a pity ...""Such a pity""Such a tragedy""Such Good Friends" novel"Such is life""Suddenly" singer, 1985"Suddenly, as ___ things "Suddenly, Last ___" (195"Sufferin' succotash!" sp"Suffice ___ say...""Suffocated, in a way" medic admitted"Sugar Babies" co-star"Sugar Lips" jazzman"Sugar Lips" trumpeter"Suggestions welcome!", I said initially, leading to problems"Suicide Blonde" rock gro"Sula" novelist Morrison"Sum" preceder"Summa Contra Gentiles" t"Summer and Smoke" heroin"Summer Nights" musical"Summertime," e.g."Summertime," e.g., in "P"Sun kiss," in diner slan"Sun Valley Serenade" sta"Sunflowers" setting"Sunny" egg parts"Sunny" singer Bobby"Sunrise at Campobello" s"Sunset Boulevard" actres"Sunset Boulevard" Tony w"Super Duper ___" (anime "Super Hits" company"Super Trouper" group, 19"Super!""Super" sight"Super" star"Super-duper!""Superior" one"Superman and the Mole Me"Superman II" villainess"Superman ___""Superman" role"Superman" villain"Superman" villainess"Support Turkey!" - American Senate's leader"Suppose ...""Suppose they gave ___ an"Suppose they gave ___..."Supposing ...""Sure looks that way""Sure thing!""Sure thing""Sure thing" for Speedy G"Sure thing, pard!""Sure thing, skipper!""Sure!""Sure""Sure, but ...""Sure, count me in""Sure, go ahead""Sure, go ahead" ... and "Sure, I'm game""Sure, I'm up for it""Sure, why don't we?!""Sure, why not""Sure, why not?!""Sure, why not?""Surely you ___!""Surely you ___""Surf City" singers, 1963"Surfin' ___""Surfin' ___" (Beach Boys"Surprised by Joy" autobi"Survivor" homes"Survivor" network"Survivor" setting"Survivor" setting, 2004"Survivor" setting, often"Survivor" setting, somet"Survivor" shelter"Survivor" sight"Survivor" team"Suspect" star, 1987"Suspicion" studio"Suuure!""Suzanne" songwriter"Swan Lake" attire"Swan Lake" bend"Swan Lake" garb"Swan Lake" heroine"Swan Lake" maiden"Swan Lake" piece"Swan Lake" piece?"Swan Lake" role"Swan Lake" siren"Swan Lake" skirt"Swan Lake" swan"Swans Reflecting Elephan"Sweeney Todd" prop"Sweet and healing medici"Sweet Caroline" singer"Sweet Liberty" star"Sweet Swan of ___!": Jon"Sweet ___""Sweet ___" (1937 Oscar s"Sweet!""Sweet" age in ancient Ro"Sweet" bloomer"Sweet" herb"Sweet" O'Grady of song"Sweet" stream in a Burns"Sweet" stream of poetry"Sweet" stream, to Burns"Sweet" things"Swell!""Swept Away" director Guy"Swingin' the Blues" song"Swish!""Swiss Family Robinson" a"Swiss Family Robinson" p"Swoosh" brand"Swoosh" company"Sword ___ oath, and oath"Symphonie Espagnole" com"Symphonie fantastique" c"Symphonie Fantastique" n"Symphony in Black" and o"Symphony in Black" artis"Symposium" author"Syriana" actress Amanda"T" or "F": Abbr."T" size: Abbr."T. J. Hooker" actor Adri"T. J. Hooker" actor Jame"Ta-da!""Ta-ta!""Ta-ta""Ta-___ Boom-de-ay""Table for ___?""Table Talk" essayist"Tag, ___ it!""Tails," e.g."Tais-___!" (French "Shut"Take a Chance on Me" gro"Take a Chance ___" (Abba"Take a chill pill!""Take a chill pill""Take a load off!""Take a look!""Take a number" place"Take a sip""Take care of that!""Take it easy!""Take it easy""Take it from me, electio"Take it! It's yours!""Take Me as ___""Take me ___ am""Take my wife ... please!"Take my word for it""Take On Me" pop trio"Take one!""Take one""Take out the trash," rep"Take that!""Take the filly in the fi"Take this job and shove "Take this!""Take two" was his motto"Take your choice""Take your hands off me!""Take your pick""Take your time""Take ___ a compliment""Take ___ a sign""Take ___ at this!""Take ___ breath""Take ___ face value""Take ___ from me "Take ___ from me ...""Take ___ from me!""Take ___ from me""Take ___ leave it!""Take ___ the Limit""Take ___ the River" (Tal"Take ___ Train""Take ___ your leader""Take ___!" ("Get lost!")"Take ___!" (track coach'"Take ___""Take ___" (1994 Madonna "Taken" star, 2008"Takes ___ know ...""Takin' It ___ Streets" ("Takin' ___ the Streets" "Taking Heat" memoirist F"Tales From the Vienna Wo"Tales of a Wayside Inn" "Talk of the Nation" aire"Talk to Me" singer, 1985"Talk to ___," 2002 Almod"Talk to ___," Pedro Almo"Talk turkey," e.g."Talking in Your Sleep" s"Talking Straight" author"Talking" done with the h"Taltos" writer"Tamburlaine the Great" p"Tamerlane" dramatist Nic"Tamerlane" tragedian"Tancredi" composer"Tank Girl" actress Petty"Tantum ___" (part of a E"Tao Te Ching" author"Tap" star"Taps" hour"Taps" time"Taras Bulba" author"Tardy at Eight" by Georg"Tarzan of the ___""Tarzan" actor"Tarzan" extra"Tarzan" star Ron"Tarzan, the Ape Man" sta"Taste that beats the oth"Tastes great!""Tasty!""Tattered Tom" author"Tauromaquia" artist"Taxi Driver" tagline?"Taxi" co-star"Taxi" singer"Te ___ Coraz"Te ___" (hymn)"Tea with Piglet" - funny start to book"Teach not thy lip such _"Teach" at a college"Telephone Line" band, br"Telephone Line" grp."Telephone Line" rock grp"Tell Laura ___ Her" (196"Tell Mama" singer James"Tell me I'm dreaming!""Tell me more ...""Tell me more""Tell Me More" author"Tell Me More" network"Tell me!""Tell me""Tell ___ lies""Tell ___ Mama" (2009 Nor"Tell ___ My Heart" (1987"Tell ___ story""Tell ___ the judge!""Tell ___ the judge""Tell ___ the Marines!""Tempest," for one"Tempus edax rerum" write"Ten North Frederick" nov"Ten North Frederick" wri"Ten-hut!" undoer"Ten-hut!" yeller: Abbr."Tender Mercies" actress"Tender ___" (1983 Robert"Tennis, ___?""Terminal Bliss" actress "Terrace at Le Havre," e."Terrible pity""Terrible" czar"Terrible" one"Terrible" time"Terrif!""Tess of the D'Urberville"Texaco Star Theater" hos"Texaco Star Theater" sta"Th"Th-th-th-that's all, fol"Thank goodness!""Thank Heaven for Little "Thank heaven that's over"Thank U" singer Morisset"Thank you for ___...""Thank You" singer, 2001"Thank you, Henri""Thank you, ___!""Thanks a ___!""Thanks for ___ Memory""Thanks so much!""Thanks ___!""Thanks, but don't bother"Thanks, but I already __"Thanks, but I'm O.K.""Thanks, Gerhard""Thanks, Pierre!""Thar ___ blows!""That ... can't be ...""That blew right by me""That clarifies it""That doesn't bother me a"That doesn't sound good""That feels good!""That feels gooood!""That feels great""That feels so-o-o good!""That Girl" girl"That greeny flower" in a"THAT guy!""That high lonesome sound"That hit the spot!""That hurt!""That hurts!""That hurts!" cries"That I have but one life"That is clear""That is completely the w"That is correct""That is so funny""That is so wrong!""That is so-o-o-o cute!""That is to say "That is to say ...""That is to say...""That is ___ ..." (in oth"That is ___ 80's!""That is ___ expected""That is ___!" (debate ch"That is ___...""That is...""That issue is in the pas"That just might work!""That little darkroom whe"That Lucky Old Sun" sing"That mad game the world "That made no sense to me"That makes sense!""That makes sense""That makes two of us""That may be true, but .."That means ___!""That Night in ___" (1941"That proves it!""That really happened!""That really hurts!""That seems to be the cas"That smarts!""That so?" reply"That sorta thing""That sounds about right""That steams me!""That stinks!""That stinks!," quaintly"That suits me to ___": 2"That thar was an appropr"That Thing ___!" (Tom Ha"That ticked me off!""That was a close one!""That was awesome of me!""That was bad""That was close!""That was close!'"That was easy""That was my best effort""That was sure something!"That was the best ice cr"That was the last straw!"That was the turnoff!""That was Zen, this is __"That was ___ ...""That wasn't a joke!""That wasn't an empty thr"That wasn't good!""That wasn't nice!""That will be ___ the set"That ___ ...""That ___ Devil Called Lo"That ___ excuse!""That ___ for the record "That ___ hay!""That ___ it should be""That ___ lady ...""That ___ lie!""That ___ my question""That ___ so bad""That ___ so bad...""That ___ unfair!""That ___ you!""That ___...""That'd be fine""That'll be the day!""That'll Be the Day" star"That'll do""That'll show 'em!""That'll show you!""That'll teach you!" look"That's a fact""That's a go""That's a good one!""That's a great price!""That's a joke, ___!""That's a laugh!""That's a lie!""That's a lie!," e.g."That's a shame""That's a taboo topic""That's a ___ off my mind"That's all false, and yo"That's all I ___""That's all right, ___" ("That's all there ___ it!"That's all ___ wrote""That's all, folks!" voic"That's amazing!""That's Amore" setting"That's an ___!""That's awesome!""That's awful!""That's awful""That's big news, dude!""That's brilliant!""That's cheating!""That's clear to me" in b"That's clear""That's clear, man""That's completely wrong!"That's disgusting!""That's easy""That's enough out of you"That's enough!""That's enough, I guess ."That's finally done!""That's fine""That's fine," in France"That's for sure""That's funny!," in an e-"That's good enough""That's gorgeous!""That's gotta hurt!""That's great ... not!""That's great news!""That's gross!""That's hardly amusing""That's hogwash!""That's horrid!""That's how I see it, too"That's how it looks to m"That's hysterical!""That's impossible!""That's incredible!""That's it for me""That's it for now!""That's it!""That's it""That's just silly!""That's just what I neede"That's just ___ feel""That's just ___!""That's keen!""That's life!," e.g."That's life""That's mine!""That's more like it!""That's more than I wante"That's my cue!""That's my final offer""That's my opinion, too""That's my two cents""That's my understanding""That's nasty!""That's news to me!""That's ni-i-ice!""That's nice!""That's nice""That's nonsense!""That's not fair!""That's not news!""That's not what I ___!""That's not what ___!""That's not ___!" (parent"That's nothing new to me"That's nothing!," for ex"That's O.K. with me""That's of little importa"That's one small step fo"That's patently ridiculo"That's really cheap!""That's repulsive!" ... o"That's revolting!""That's rich!""That's right!""That's right""That's show ___!""That's so good!""That's so pretty!""That's so sad!""That's something ___""That's swell!""That's terrible!""That's that""That's the spot!""That's the spot""That's the truth!""That's the way the cooki"That's the ___ I can do""That's too bad""That's very fitting!""That's what I'm talkin' "That's what I'm talking "That's what you think!""That's what ___!""That's your game, eh?""That's ___ . . . ""That's ___ ...""That's ___ ask!""That's ___ blow!""That's ___ for the books"That's ___ haven't heard"That's ___ one!""That's ___ quit!""That's ___ shame""That's ___ subject""That's ___ sure!""That's ___ to me!""That's ___!""That's ___!" ("Not true!"That's ___!" (angry reto"That's ___!" (cry at a l"That's ___!" (debate cry"That's ___!" (director's"That's ___" ("It's done""That's ___" (cautionary "That's ___-brainer""The $64,000 Question," e"The 12 Days of Christmas"The 39 Steps" star"The 5,000 Fingers of ___"The 59th Street Bridge S"The A-Team" actor"The A-Team" muscleman"The A-Team" star"The Aba ___ Honeymoon""The ability to describe "The Abyss" star, 1989"The Accumulation of Capi"The Addams Family" actor"The Addams Family" co-st"The Addams Family" cousi"The Addams Family" role"The Admirable Crichton" "The Adventures of Milo a"The African Queen" co-st"The African Queen" direc"The African Queen" scree"The African Queen" scrip"The African Queen" write"The Age of Anxiety" auth"The Age of Anxiety" poet"The Age of Bronze" artis"The Age of Bronze" sculp"The Age of Reason" write"The Alchemist" novelist "The Alchemist" painter"The Alchemy of Finance" "The Aldrich Family" catc"The Alexandria Quartet" "The Alienist" author"The Alienist" author Car"The Allegory of Love" wr"The Amazing Race" host K"The Amazing Race" necess"The Amazing Race" networ"The American Crisis" pam"The American Language" a"The Amityville Horror" a"The Amityville Horror" s"The Andy Griffith Show" "The answer ___!""The answer ___""The Apostle" author Shol"The Appeal" novelist"The Apprentice" TV genre"The aristocrat of pears""The Arraignment of Paris"The Art of Arousal" auth"The Art of Arousal" writ"The Art of Beauty" autho"The Art of Fugue" compos"The Art of Hitting .300""The Art of Love" poet"The Asparagus" painter"The Astonishing Elephant"The Atom ___ Show" (1960"The Audacity of Hope" au"The Autobiography of Mis"The Aviator" actor, 2004"The Aviator" Oscar nomin"The Awakening" protagoni"The Bad News Bears" actr"The Bait" poet"The Balcony" playwright"The Bald Soprano" dramat"The Bald Soprano" playwr"The Ballad of ___," 1967"The Banana Boat Song" wo"The Banger Sisters" co-s"The Bank Dick" actor"The Baptism of Christ" p"The Barber of Baghdad" t"The Barber of Seville" c"The Barber of Seville," "The Bartered Bride" comp"The Bartered Bride" mezz"The Basement ___" (1975 "The Bathers" painter"The Battle Hymn of the R"The Battle With the Slum"The Battleship Potemkin""The Beggar's Opera" writ"The Bell Jar" author"The Bell Jar" writer"The Bells of St. ___""The Bells ___ Mary's""The Bells" poet"The Bells" writer"The Benefactor" novelist"The best is yet to come,"The Best Little Whorehou"The Best Man" star Diggs"The best of animals," in"The best pal that I ever"The best part of the job"The best ___ to come!""The best ___ to come""The Beverly Hillbillies""The Bicycle Thief" direc"The Big Bang Theory" net"The Big C" airer, briefl"The Big Chill" director"The Big Country," for on"The Big Heat" director"The Big Lebowski" direct"The Big Parade" co-star,"The Big Sleep" co-star"The Big Sleep" film genr"The Big Trail" or "The B"The bill and coo of sex""The Birdcage" co-star"The Birdcage" drag queen"The Birth of a Nation" g"The Black Camel" detecti"The Black Cat" writer"The Black Stallion" boy"The Black Stallion" lad"The Black ___" (2006 fil"The Blackboard Jungle" a"The Blessed Damozel" poe"The Blonde Bombshell" bi"The blood-red blossom of"The Blue Boy" and others"The Blue Dahlia" star"The Blue Knight" author"The Blue Max" actress"The Blues Brothers" dire"The Body Snatcher" autho"The bolt alone is suffic"The Bonesetter's Daughte"The Book of Hours" poet"The Book of ___""The Book of ___" (2010 f"The Boondocks" cartoonis"The Bostonians" actor, 1"The Bostonians" star, 19"The Bottle ___" (Stevens"The Bourne Identity" aut"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" "The Boy Who Cried Wolf,""The Brady Bunch" girl"The Brady Bunch" houseke"The Break-Up" co-star, 2"The Breakfast Club" acto"The Breakfast Club" actr"The Breakfast Club" co-s"The Breakfast of Charlat"The Bridge at Narni" art"The Bridge on the River "The Bridge" poet"The Bridges of Madison C"The Broken Tower" poet"The Bronx Zoo" star"The Bronx ___...""The Bronx? No thonx" wri"The buck stops here" pre"The Buddy Holly Story" s"The Bungalow Mystery" so"The Burial of Count Orga"The Burning Giraffe" pai"The Butcher Boy" star, 1"The butler ___ it""The Caine Mutiny" captai"The Call of Cthulhu" wri"The Call of the Wild" au"The Call" autobiographer"The Canterbury Tales" ch"The Canterbury Tales" pi"The Canterbury Tales" tr"The Canterbury ___""The Canterville Ghost" a"The Cape Cod Lighter" wr"The Capeman" composer"The capital of UAE is Riyadh", Miles snarled, leaving close to apoplexy"The Captain and the Kids"The car stopped on a dim"The Card Players" artist"The Carpet-Bag," in "Mob"The Carpetbaggers" co-st"The Case of the Musical "The Castle" novelist"The Cat and the Curmudge"The Cat in the Hat Knows"The Cat in the Hat" writ"The Cat's Meow" actor, 2"The Catcher in the Rye,""The Catcher in the ___""The Celestial Country" c"The Censor" of ancient R"The chair doesn't recogn"The Chairs" playwright"The Charge of the Light "The check is in the mail"The chief nurse of Engla"The child of Pride," acc"The Children of Men" aut"The Children of Men" nov"The Children of the Poor"The Chinese Parrot" hero"The Chosen" author Chaim"The Chris Rock Show" sho"The Christian Hero" auth"The Christmas Song" co-c"The Christmas Song" co-w"The Chronicles of Clovis"The Chronicles of Narnia"The Cider House Rules" c"The Cider House Rules" O"The Clan of the Cave Bea"The Clemency of Titus" c"The Cloister and the Hea"The Closer" airer"The Closer" cable channe"The Closer" star Sedgwic"The Colbert Report" and "The Colbert Report" ends"The Colbys" co-star"The Color Purple" protag"The Color Purple" role"The Color Purple" woman"The Colossus" poet"The Comancheros" actress"The company for women" s"The Company of Women" au"The Compleat Angler" wri"The Complete Book of Run"The Conning Tower" colum"The Conqueror Worm" poet"The Conscious Lovers" pl"The Conspiracy Against C"The Constant Gardener" h"The Cosby Show" actor Ri"The Cosby Show" actress"The Cosby Show" actress "The Cosby Show" boy"The Cosby Show" co-star"The Cosby Show" kid"The Cossacks" novelist"The Cotton Club" co-star"The Cotton Club" star"The Count of Monte Crist"The Count of Monte ___""The Country Girl" playwr"The Country ___" (1936 O"The County Chairman" pla"The Court Jester" star, "The Courtship of Miles S"The Creation" composer"The Crimes of Love" auth"The Crisis" essayist"The Crucible" locale"The Crucible" setting"The Crucifixion" painter"The Crying Game" actor"The Crying Game" Oscar n"The Crying Game" spoiler"The Crying Game" star"The Cryptogram" playwrig"The Da Vinci Code" albin"The Da Vinci Code" prior"The Da Vinci Code" schol"The Da Vinci Code" seque"The Danny ___ Show" of t"The dapple in the eighth"The Dark at the Top of t"The Dark Knight," for on"The Dating Game" contest"The Daughter of Time" au"The Daughter of Time" no"The Daughters of Joshua "The Day the Earth Stood "The Daytrippers" actress"The Dead Zone" novelist"The Dead" writer"The Death of the Heart" "The Death of ___" (Jacqu"The Deer Hunter" event"The defense ___""The Defiant Ones" co-sta"The Delta of Venus" auth"The Demon Box" writer, 1"The Devil and Daniel Web"The devil looks after hi"The Devil Wears ___""The devil ___ the detail"The Devil's Dictionary" "The Diamond Smugglers" a"The Diary of Anne Frank""The Diary of ___ Frank""The Dick Van Dyke Show" "The die is cast," to Cae"The Divided Self" author"The Divine Comedy" autho"The Divine Comedy" poet"The Divine Comedy" write"The Divine Comedy," for "The Divine Miss M""The Divorcee" actress Sh"The doctor ___""The dog ate my homework""The dog ate my homework,"The Dolly Sisters" co-st"The door's open!""The door's open""The Downeaster ___" (Bil"The Dragons of Eden" aut"The Dram Shop" author"The Dream of Gerontius" "The Drew Carey Show" set"The driver's crew decide"The Drowned and the Save"The Dublin Trilogy" dram"The Dukes of Hazzard" de"The Dukes of Hazzard" ne"The Dukes of Hazzard" sp"The Dunciad" poet"The Dunciad" writer"The Dunwich Horror" star"The Dying Animal" noveli"The Eagle has ___""The earth orbits the sun"The East ___" (1960s Chi"The East ___," song of t"The Ecstasy of St. Teres"The Ecstatic" rapper"The Egg ___""The eighth continent," t"The Eighth Wonder of the"The Electric Kool-Aid Ac"The Elements of Style" c"The Elements of Style" u"The Elephant Celebes" pa"The emerald of Europe""The Emperor Jones" star,"The Emperor's Snuff-Box""The End of Eternity" aut"The End of the Affair" a"The End of the Road" nov"The enemy is upon us!""The English Patient" Osc"The English Patient" set"The Entertainer" musical"The Entry of Christ into"The Epic of American Civ"The Erl-King," for one"The Essence of ___," Foo"The eternal teenager""The Europeans" star"The even mead, that ___ "The evidence of things n"The Executioner's Song" "The Experimental Novel" "The eye" network"The Eyes of ___" (public"The Eyre Affair" novelis"The Fabulous Baker Boys""The Facts of Life" actre"The Facts of Life" house"The Faerie Queene" chara"The Faerie Queene" divis"The Fall of the House of"The Fall" guy?"The Fall" novelist"The Family Circus" carto"The Far Country" actress"The Far Pavilions" autho"The Far Shore of Time" a"The Far Side" cartoonist"The Far Side" exclamatio"The Farm" or "Still Life"The Farmer in the Dell" "The Farmer's ___" (1928 "The faster the better""The fatal egg by Pleasur"The Fathers" novelist"The fault, dear Brutus, "The Feast of Herod" pain"The Feast of St. Nichola"The Female Eunuch" autho"The Feminine Mystique" s"The Fife Player" painter"The final frontier""The Firm" author"The first network for me"The First Wives' Club" m"The first word of the an"The first ___, the angel"The Fisher King" directo"The Five Orange Pips" sl"The Five Red Herrings" a"The fix ___""The flavor can't be matc"The Flies" dramatist"The Flintstones" mother"The Flintstones" pet"The Flintstones" setting"The flood of deadly hate"The flower of my heart,""The Flowering Peach" pla"The flowers that bloom i"The Fly" star, 1958"The Flying Dutchman" ten"The fog has lifted""The Fog of War" director"The Foggy, Foggy Dew," f"The Food of the Gods" no"The Fool on the Hill" ba"The football fan is fing"The Fountainhead" author"The Fountainhead" charac"The Fountainhead" hero"The Fountainhead" writer"The Four Quartets" write"The Four Seasons" compos"The Four Seasons" direct"The Four Seasons" star"The Four-Chambered Heart"The Fox and the Grapes" "The Franchise Affair" no"The French Connection" h"The Frogs Who Desired a "The Front Page" co-write"The Fugitive" pursuer"The Fugitive" star of 60"The Furys" novelist Jame"The Future Lies Ahead" c"The Galloping Gourmet" h"The Gambler" star, 1974"The game ain't over till"The game is ___""The game is ___": Holmes"The game is ___": Sherlo"The Gang That Couldn't S"The Gangs of New York" a"The Gauntlet" actress, 1"The Gene Krupa Story" ti"The George & ___ Show" ("The Getaway" star, 1972"The Giant" of wrestling"The Gift of the Magi" fe"The Gift of the Magi" gi"The Gift of the Magi" he"The Gift of the Magi," e"The Girl With the Hatbox"The Giving Tree" author "The Glamorous Life" sing"The Glass Bead Game" nov"The global high sign" sl"The global high-sign" sl"The Goat" playwright Edw"The Godfather Part II" O"The Godfather" actor"The Godfather" actor's r"The Godfather" actress"The Godfather" author"The Godfather" author Pu"The Godfather" co-star"The Godfather" composer "The Godfather" crowd, wi"The Godfather" novelist"The Godfather" organization"The Godfather" score com"The Godfather" story lin"The Godfather, Part II,""The Godfather: Part II" "The Gold Bug" author"The Gold Bug" author's i"The Gold Bug" writer"The Gold-Bug" writer"The Goldbergs" catch phr"The Goldfish" painter"The Gondoliers" flower g"The Gondoliers" girl"The Gondoliers" nurse"The Gong Show" panelist "The Gong Show" regular J"The Good Apprentice" nov"The Good Earth" heroine"The Good Earth" mother"The Good Earth" wife"The Good German" actor, "The Good Girl" star, 200"The good ol'" place"The Good Old ___" (song "The Good Shepherd" direc"The Good-Natur'd Man" pl"The Goodbye Girl" actres"The Goodbye Girl" direct"The Goodbye Girl" star s"The Goose That Laid the "The Government Inspector"The Graduate" daughter"The Graduate" role"The Grapes of Wrath" fam"The Grapes of Wrath" fig"The Grapes of Wrath" nam"The Grapes of Wrath" sta"The Grapes of Wrath" sur"The great aphrodisiac," "The Great Broxopp" playw"The Great Caruso" actres"The Great Dictator" co-s"The Great Dictator" Osca"The Great Forest" painte"The Great Gatsby" gamble"The Great Gatsby" locale"The Great Gatsby" settin"The Great God Brown" pla"The great instructor," p"The Great Movies" author"The Great Railway Bazaar"The Great Santini" novel"The Great White Hope" wo"The Great Ziegfeld" co-s"The Great ___ Pepper" (1"The Great ___ Pepper," 1"The Great ___" (1979 fil"The Great ___" (Pat Conr"The Greatest American He"The Greatest Generation""The Greatest Show on Ear"The Greatest""The Greek" of film"The Green Hornet" role"The Gremlins" author"The Grey Room" novelist "The Guardsman" star"The Guiding Light" airer"The Guns of August" figu"The Guns of Navarone" no"The guy's going to shoot"The Gypsy ___" ("Anythin"The Hairy Ape" playwrigh"The Haj" author"The Haj" novelist"The Haj" writer"The Hallucinogenic Torea"The Harder They Come" se"The Haunted Palace" poet"The heat ___!""The Heat ___""The heck with it""The heck with you!""The hell with it!""The hell you say!""The Hermits" painter Sch"The Herne's Egg" playwri"The High Road" novelist "The Highwayman" poet Alf"The Highwayman" setting"The Highwayman" singer"The History of Mr. Polly"The History of the Stand"The History ___" (Tony-w"The Hitch-Hiker" directo"The Hobbit" character"The Hobbit" hero"The Hobbit" hero Baggins"The Hobbit" locales"The hold is loaded to capacity, Admiral""The Hollow Men" poet"The Homecoming" playwrig"The Honeymooners" catch "The Hoosier Folk-Child" "The Horse Whisperer" wri"The Horse's Mouth" novel"The Hot Zone" topic"The Hot Zone" virus"The Hound of the Baskerv"The hour ___ hand""The Hours" role for whic"The House of Blue Leaves"The House of Dies ___" ("The House of the Seven G"The House of the Spirits"The House Without a Key""The House Without ___" ("The Human Comedy" noveli"The Human Condition" aut"The Human Stain" novelis"The Humbugs of the World"The Hunchback of Notre D"The Hundred Secret Sense"The Hunt for Red October"The Hurt Locker" locale"The Hurt Locker" setting"The Hustler" Oscar nomin"The Hustler" prop"The Hymn of Jesus" compo"The Ice Maiden""The Ice Storm" director "The Iceman Cometh" playw"The Iceman ___""The Idylls of the King" "The Ill-Made Knight" nov"The Imaginary Invalid" p"The Immoralist" author"The Impresario" composer"The In-Laws" co-star"The Informer" author O'F"The Insect Play" playwri"The Intimate ___" (1990 "The Island of the Day Be"The IT Crowd's baloney - endless baloney" the BBC put out"The Italian Job," e.g."The Jackie Gleason Show""The Jazz Singer," e.g."The jeans that built Ame"The Jeffersons" co-star"The Jewel in the Crown" "The jig ___!""The joke's ___!""The joke's ___""The Joy Luck Club" autho"The Joy Luck Club" direc"The Joy Luck Club" write"The Joy of Cooking" auth"The Joy of Cooking" writ"The Joys of Yiddish" aut"The judges put the names"The Jumblies" poet"The Jungle Book" bear"The Jungle Book" hero"The Jungle Book" python"The Jungle Book" setting"The Jungle Book" wolf"The Karate Kid" co-star"The Karate Kid" star Pat"The Katzenjammer Kids," "The Killing Fields" acto"The King and I" actress"The King and I" characte"The King and I" co-star"The King and I" film dir"The King and I" role"The King and I" setting"The King and I" tutor"The King and I" woman"The King of Comedy" star"The King ___""The King""The King's Stilts" autho"The King's ___""The Kingdom and the Powe"The Kiss" sculptor"The L Word" creator/prod"The Labors of Hercules" "The lady ain't for turning" – the initial form of Thatcher's mantra"The lady in red" betraye"The Lady or the Tiger?" "The lady ___ protest ..."The Lady ___""The Lady ___" (Henry Fon"The Ladykillers" star, 2"The Lake ___ of Innisfre"The Lamp-Lighter" painte"The Last Command" locale"The Last Days of Pompeii"The Last Don" sequel"The Last of the Mohicans"The Last of the Plainsme"The Last of ___" (1973 w"The Last Samurai" extras"The last shall be first" in the aforementioned spirit of the age"The Last Supper" artist"The Last Supper" city"The Last Supper" locale"The Last Supper," e.g."The Last Supper," for on"The Last Time I Saw Pari"The Last Time ___ Paris""The Last Tycoon" directo"The Laughing Cavalier" a"The Laughing Man" author"The Lay of the Host of _"The Leap Luck Club" by A"The Leaves of Life keep "The Legend of Sleepy Hol"The Legend of ___""The Lesson" dramatist"The Liberty Tree" writer"The lie that enables us "The Life of the Insects""The light dawns!""The light has dawned!""The Light in the Forest""The Lineup" grp."The Lion and the Mouse" "The Lion in Winter" quee"The Lion in Winter" role"The Lion in Winter" star"The Lion King II: ___ Pr"The Lion King" character"The Lion King" daughter"The Lion King" hero"The Lion King" lion"The Lion King" lioness"The Lion King" queen"The Lion King" role"The Lion King" villain"The Little Clock" poet W"The Little Engine That C"The Little Foxes" playwr"The Little Mermaid" badd"The Little Mermaid" fell"The Little Mermaid" hero"The Little Mermaid" prin"The Little Mermaid" vill"The Little Red Hen" resp"The Loco-Motion" singer "The Loco-Motion" singer,"The Lone Ranger" catch p"The loneliest guy in tow"The loneliest number""The loneliest number," i"The Lonely Goatherd" per"The Long Goodbye" direct"The Long Kiss Goodnight""The Longest Day" directo"The Lord is my light and"The Lord of the Rings" a"The Lord of the Rings" b"The Lord of the Rings" c"The Lord of the Rings" d"The Lord of the Rings" e"The Lord of the Rings" f"The Lord of the Rings" h"The Lord of the Rings" m"The Lord of the Rings" r"The Lord of the Rings" t"The Lord of the Rings," "The Lord ___ shepherd .."The Lost World" menace"The Lost World" menace, "The Love Boat" actress L"The Lovely Bones" compos"The Lower Depths" playwr"The lowest form of humor"The Luck of Roaring Camp"The Lucy-___ Comedy Hour"The Lux Show" star of 50"The Magic Flute" parts"The Magic Flute," e.g."The Magic Kingdom" novel"The Magic Mountain" nove"The magic word""The Magnificent Seven" g"The Magus" setting"The Maids" playwright"The majority of British "The Makropulos Affair," "The Maltese Falcon" actr"The Maltese Falcon" role"The Mambo Kings" co-star"The Mambo Kings" star, 1"The Mammoth Hunters" her"The Man in the Iron Mask"The Man Who Fell to Eart"The Man Who Knew Too Muc"The Man Who Mistook His "The Man With the Golden "The Man Without ___" (19"The Man" of Cardinals hi"The Manchurian Candidate"The Many Loves of ___ Gi"The Marshal of Cripple C"The Martha ___ Show" of "The Martyrdom of ___" (c"The Martyrdom of ___" (M"The Mary Tyler Moore Sho"The Mask of Dimitrios" s"The Masque of Alfred" co"The Master Builder" play"The Match Game" host Ray"The Matrix" hero"The Matrix" lead role"The Matrix" role"The Matrix", e.g."The Maximus Poems" write"The Memory of Trees" Gra"The Men Who Tread on the"The Mephisto Waltz" star"The Merchant of Venice" "The Merry Adventures of "The Merry Drinker" paint"The Merry Widow" compose"The Messiah" Keano & co in the heart of the melee"The Metamorphosis" chara"The Mickey Mouse Club" r"The Mighty Ducks" star"The Mikado" accessories"The Mikado" attire"The Mikado" character"The Mikado" wardrobe ite"The Mill on the Floss" a"The Mill on the Floss" w"The Millinery Shop" pain"The Millionairess" actre"The Millionairess" star"The Minstrel" poet"The Mischievous Dog" aut"The Misfits" co-star"The moan of doves in imm"The Mocker Mocked" artis"The Mod Squad" co-star"The Mod Squad" co-star, "The Mod Squad" do"The Mod Squad" role"The Mod Squad" studio"The Monkey's Paw" author"The moon is ___; I have "The moon was a ghostly _"The more I think about i"The more ___ the less vi"The Morning Show Murders"The Morning Watch" autho"The Morning Watch" novel"The Morning Watch" write"The Mosquito Coast" hero"The Most Beautiful Girl""The most beautiful woman"The Most Happy Fella" so"The most trusted name in"The mother of corruption"The Mothers-in-Law" co-s"The Mothers-in-Law" star"The Mummy," for one"The Munsters" actress sa"The Murder Room" novelis"The Murders in the Rue M"The Music Man" setting"The Music Man" woman"The Mysterious Island" a"The Mysterious Island" c"The Mystery of ___ Vep" "The Mystery of ___ Vep,""The Naked and the Dead" "The Naked Gun," for one"The Naked Jungle" menace"The Naked Maja" and "The"The Naked Maja" artist"The Naked Truth" star T"The Naked ___" (1960's b"The Name Above the Title"The Name of the Rose" au"The Name of the Rose" fi"The Name of the Rose" wr"The Nanny" actress Dresc"The Nanny" butler"The Nanny" nanny"The Nanny" network"The Natural" baseballer "The Natural" game"The Natural" role Roy __"The Nazarene" author Sho"The Nazarene" novelist"The Nazarene" novelist S"The Nazarene" writer"The Nazarene" writer Sho"The Neon Bible" novelist"The nerve!""The Nevadan," e.g."The never failing vice o"The Neverending Story" a"The NeverEnding Story" w"The New Colossus" and th"The New Language of Poli"The Newlywed Game" conte"The Night Listener" nove"The Night of the Hunter""The Night Watch" painter"The Nine Tailors" author"The note accompanying th"The Novel of the Future""The Nutcracker" girl"The Oath" author Frank"The Oblong Box" author"The Oblong Box" writer"The Odd Couple" director"The Odd Couple" role"The Odd Couple" slob"The Odd Couple," for one"The Office" address?"The Office" city"The Office" or "House""The Office" unit"The Official Preppy Hand"The Old Curiosity Shop" "The Old Wives' Tale" dra"The Old Wives' Tale" pla"The Omega Man" star, 197"The Once and Future King"The One and Only" broadcast; millions scoffed"The one beer to have whe"The One I Love" group"The One I Love" singers"The one that got away""The one that got away," "The one-l lama," to Ogde"The only poor fellows in"The only rule is that th"The only thing we have t"The Open Window" story w"The Open Window" storyte"The Open Window" writer"The Optimist's Daughter""The Oriental Ballet" des"The Origin of Species" c"The original sneaker" sl"The Origins of Totalitar"The Osbournes" dad"The Osbournes" mom"The Other Side of Oz" au"The other white meat""The Other" author and ot"The Outlaw ___ Wales""The Outlaws Is Coming" s"The Outsiders" actor"The Outsiders" author"The Over-Soul" essayist"The Palindrome" Symphony"The Paper Chase" author "The Paper Chase" topic"The parishioners ignored"The Partridge Family" ac"The Passion of the Chris"The Pastoral," formally"The Pearl Fishers" compo"The Pearl Fishers" sopra"The Pekoe Towers" by J. "The Pelican Brief" autho"The People and Its Leade"The People vs. Larry Fly"The People's Choice" his"The People's Court" judg"The People's Princess""The Perfect Fool" compos"The Perfect Storm" setti"The Periodic Table" auth"The Persistence of Memor"The Phantom Menace" crea"The Phantom Menace" plan"The Phantom of the Opera"The Phantom" star Billy"The Phil Silvers Show" s"The Philosophy of Right""The Pianist" extra"The Piano Lesson" painte"The Piano" co-star"The Pilot's Wife" author"The Pirates of Penzance""The pizza is $9.75 ... h"The pizzeria's out of mu"The Place of Education" - bit of propaganda penned by French author"The Plague" city"The Plague" setting"The Plains of Passage" a"The Planets" composer"The Planets" composer Gu"The Plastic ___ Band "The Play About the Baby""The Playboy of the Weste"The Plough and the Stars"The point being ...?""The poison of life," per"The possession of fools""The Postman Always Rings"The pot's all yours""The Poverty of Philosoph"The Power and the Glory""The Power Broker" author"The Power of Positive Th"The powerful scent of re"The Practice" and "Bosto"The Practice" role: Abbr"The Praise of Chimney-Sw"The Praise of Folly" aut"The Praise of Folly" wri"The Praise of Folly," e."The Pregnant Widow" auth"The Premature Burial" au"The pressure ___""The Price Is Right" anno"The Price Is Right" phra"The primary factor in a "The Prince and the Paupe"The Prince of Tides" sta"The Prince" writer"The Princess Bride" char"The Princess Bride" dire"The Principles and Pract"The Prisoner of Zenda" l"The Prisoner of Zenda" s"The Prisoner of ___""The Prisoner" author"The Private Eyes" co-sta"The Private Lives of Eli"The Producers" character"The Producers" director"The Producers" extra"The Producers" role"The Professor and the Ma"The proof ___ the puddin"The Prophecy of the ___""The Prophet" author Kahl"The Prophet" poet"The Psychedelic Reader" "The Purloined Letter" de"The Purloined Letter" wr"The Purple Cow" rhyme sc"The Purple People Eater""The Puttermesser Papers""The Puzzle Palace" org."The Puzzled Heart" myste"The Quare Fellow" playwr"The Queen" Oscar winner"The Quiet American" star"The race ___!""The Race ___" (1965 hit)"The Race ___" (1965 song"The racer's edge""The Racer's Edge" slogan"The Raggedy Man" poet"The Rain in Spain" compo"The Randi Rhodes Show" n"The Rape of the Lock" co"The Raven" maiden"The Raven" opening"The Raven" poet"The Raven" writer's init"The Raven" writer's mono"The Razor's Edge" star, "The Reader" actress Lena"The Real McCoys" co-star"The Real World" airer"The Rebel" essayist"The Red House Mystery" n"The Red Skelton Show" re"The Red Tent" author Dia"The Rehearsal" painter"The Remains of the Day" "The reporter heard the N"The Republic" philosophe"The Republic" writer"The results ___!""The results ___""The Return of the Native"The Right Stuff" org."The Right Stuff" role"The Right Stuff" subj."The Rights of Man" write"The Rights ___""The Road Ahead" author"The Road Runner" backgro"The Road to Ensenada" si"The Road" star Mortensen"The Rocky Horror Picture"The roof of the world""The Rose Tattoo" Tony wi"The Rub"The Ruffian on the Stair"The ruler of the univers"The Rules of the Game" f"The Rum ___ Tugger" (son"The Russia House" author"The Sacred Wood" essayis"The Sacred Wood" writer"The Sacred Wood" writer,"The same," in condition"The Samurai" novelist Sh"The Sand Pebbles" actor,"The Sandbox" playwright"The Sands of ___" (Arthu"The Santa Clause," for o"The Satanic Verses" auth"The Satanic Verses" nove"The Scandalized Masks" p"The Scarlet Letter" hero"The Scarlet Letter" subj"The Scarlet Letter" woma"The scavenger of misery,"The School for Wives" pl"The Science Guy" on TV"The scourge of the fashi"The Screwtape Letters" w"The Seagull" ingenue"The Second Coming" poet"The Second Gratitude" by"The Secret History" nove"The Secret Life of Salva"The Secret Life of Walte"The Secret of NIMH" figu"The Secret of the Old Cl"The Secret of ___" (1982"The Seduction of Joe Tyn"The Seven Joys of Mary,""The Seven Year Itch" co-"The Seven Year ___""The Severn Suite" compos"The shadow of Virtue": S"The Shanghai Cobra" hero"The Sheik of ___" (1920'"The Shelters of Stone" a"The Shelters of Stone" h"The shoe ___ the other f"The Sibylline ___" (anci"The Sicilian" author"The sign of extra servic"The significance being "The Silence of the Hams""The Silence of the Lambs"The Silent Clowns" autho"The Silmarillion" creatu"The Simpsons" bartender"The Simpsons" bully"The Simpsons" bus driver"The Simpsons" character "The Simpsons" character"The Simpsons" clerk"The Simpsons" creator Gr"The Simpsons" dad"The Simpsons" girl"The Simpsons" grampa"The Simpsons" neighbor"The Simpsons" neighbor _"The Simpsons" regular"The Simpsons" saxophonis"The Simpsons" schoolteac"The Simpsons" shopkeeper"The Simpsons" storekeepe"The Simpsons" tavern"The Simpsons" tavern own"The Simpsons" teacher Kr"The Simpsons" teacher wh"The Simpsons" voice man "The Sirens of ___," Kurt"The situation looks bad""The Situation Room" aire"The Sixth ___""The Sleeping Gypsy" pain"The smile of beauty" too"The Snake Pit" director "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"The Social Contract" phi"The Song of the Earth" c"The Song of ___," old Fr"The Sonnets of Orpheus" "The Sopranos" actor"The Sopranos" airer"The Sopranos" clip? ... "The Sopranos" Emmy winne"The Sopranos" figure"The Sopranos" matriarch"The Sopranos" network"The Sopranos" restaurate"The Sopranos" roles"The Sopranos" weapon: Va"The Sorrow Dance" poet _"The soul ___ itself": Di"The Sound and the Fury" "The Sound of Music" back"The Sound of Music" extr"The Sound of Music" fami"The Sound of Music" figu"The Sound of Music" hit"The Sound of Music" lady"The Sound of Music" name"The Sound of Music" sett"The Sound of Music" song"The Sound of Silence" songwriter (2 wds.)"The South-Sea House" ess"The Spanish Gypsy" autho"The Spanish Tragedy" dra"The Spectator" essayist"The speech of angels": C"The Spirit of Australia""The Spirit" cartoonist W"The Spirit" creator Will"The sport of kings""The Sport of the Gods" a"The Square Egg" author"The Square Egg" writer"The stage ___""The Star-Spangled Banner"The State and Revolution"The Statue" actress Virn"The Stepford Wives" actr"The Stepford Wives" auth"The Sterile Cuckoo" actr"The Steve Allen Show" re"The stockings ___ hung.."The Story of Civilizatio"The Story of ___ H""The Story-Teller" storyt"The straight path""The Strange Love of Mart"The stroke of death ___ "The Stunt Man" star"The Sultan of Sulu" writ"The Sum ___" (Russell Cr"The Sun ___ Rises""The Surrender of ___" (D"The Suze ___ Show""The Sweet Hereafter" scr"The Sweet Hereafter" wri"The sweet small clumsy f"The sweetest gift of hea"The Sweetest Taboo" sing"The Sweetheart of Sigma "The Swiss Family Robinso"The Sword in the Stone" "The Taking of Pelham One"The Taking of ___ One Tw"The Talmadge Girls" auth"The Taming of the Shrew""The Taming of the ___""The Tao of ___" (2000 fi"The Tao that can be told"The Tatler" writer"The Tattooed Girl" autho"The teacher found that _"The Tell-Tale Heart" wri"The Tempest" character"The Tempest" event"The Tempest" king"The Tempest" spirit"The Tempest" sprite"The Temptation of St. An"The Ten Commandments" di"The Ten Commandments" lo"The Ten Commandments" ro"The Ten Commandments" st"The Ten Commandments," f"The tenth Muse," per Pla"The Terminator" heroine"The Terminator" man Kyle"The Terminator" woman"The Thief of Bagdad" sta"The Thief of Baghdad" di"The Thief of Baghdad" ro"The Thief's Journal" aut"The Thin Blue Line" dire"The thin form I have!", said lingerie model"The Thin Man" actress"The Thin Man" canine"The Thin Man" co-star"The Thin Man" detective"The Thin Man" dog"The Thin Man" pooch"The Thin Man" producer H"The Thin Man" role"The Thin Man" terrier"The Thin Man" wife"The Thin Man," for one"The Thin Red Line" novel"The Things We Do for Lov"The things we do to make"The Thinker" creator"The Thinker" sculptor"The Thinker," for one"The Thinking Eye" artist"The Third Man" setting"The Third of May" painte"The Thorn Birds" and oth"The Thorn Birds" novelis"The thoughtful soul to s"The Three Faces of ___""The Three Faces ___""The Three Musketeers" ac"The Three Princes of ___"The Three Sisters" siste"The Three ___" (old ball"The Threepenny Opera" co"The Thrill Is Gone" blue"The Thrill Is Gone" hitm"The Thrill Is Gone" sing"The Tiger and the Pussyc"The Time Machine" leisur"The Time Machine" people"The Time Machine" race"The Time Machine'" race"The Tinker's Wedding" pl"The Tomorrow Show" host"The tongue of the mind":"The tongue of the mind,""The Tonight Show" announ"The Tonight Show" nickna"The Tonight Show" perfor"The Tonight Show" piece"The Tortoise and the Har"The Touch of Your Hand" "The Tower" poet"The trade of kings": Dry"The Tramp" and "The Gene"The Transcendence of the"The Treachery of Images""The Treasure of the Sier"The Trojan Women" playwr"The Trouble With Dick" a"The Trouble With Harry" "The True Believer" autho"The Trumpet of the Swan""The Tudors" airer, brief"The Tudors" airer, in br"The Turtle" poet"The Twentieth Century" p"The Twilight Zone" host"The Twittering Machine" "The Two Gentlemen of ___"The Two Sisters" painter"The Two ___" (Martha Fin"The Unanswered Question""The Unbearable Bassingto"The uncertain glory of a"The Unity of India" auth"The Untouchables" charac"The Untouchables" compos"The Untouchables" extras"The Untouchables" villai"The Usual Suspects" sett"The usual," e.g."The usual," say"The Valley of Horses" no"The Vengeance of ___" (1"The Verdict" actor, 1982"The very minute bids the"The very ___!""The View From Castle Roc"The View" co-host"The View" co-host Joy"The View," essentially"The Violent Land" author"The Virginian" actor"The Virginian" author Wi"The Virginian" role"The Virginian" star"The Virginian" writer"The Virtue of Selfishnes"The Volcano Lover" novel"The Voyage of the Beagle"The Vulture" star Tamiro"The Wah Watusi" singers,"The wait is over!""The waitress will be hea"The Waltons" actor"The Waltons" grandpa"The Waltons" son"The Waltons" star"The Wanderer" singer, 19"The Wandering Heir" nove"The War Is Over" writer/"The War of the Worlds" a"The War of the Worlds" b"The War of the Worlds" i"The washday miracle" slo"The Waste Land" inits."The Waste Land" monogram"The Waste Land" poet"The Waste Land" poet's m"The Way I Am" autobiogra"The way I see it ...""The way of nature""The Way of Perfection" w"The way things are ...""The Way to Natural Beaut"The Way We Were" writer "The Way We ___""The way""The Weakest Link" host R"The Weakest Link" phrase"The Well-Tempered Clavie"The West Wing" actor"The West Wing" actor who"The West Wing" chief of "The West Wing" co-star"The West Wing" network"The West Wing" star"The Whiffenpoof Song" si"The White Horse ___" (op"The White House," for "t"The whole of ___ consist"The Whole ___ Yards""The wicked flee when ___"The Wild Bunch" director"The Wild Duck" dramatist"The Wild Duck" playwrigh"The Wild One" star"The Wild Swans at Coole""The Wind in the Willows""The Winding Stair" poet"The Windsor Beauties" pa"The Winslow Boy" playwri"The Wire" shower"The Witch of the Low Tid"The Witches of Eastwick""The Witches" author"The Witches" director Ni"The Witching Hour" autho"The Wizard of Oz" actor"The Wizard of Oz" co-sta"The Wizard of Oz" compan"The Wizard of Oz" compos"The Wizard of Oz" costum"The Wizard of Oz" coward"The Wizard of Oz" dog"The Wizard of Oz" figure"The Wizard of Oz" locale"The Wizard of Oz" produc"The Wizard of Oz" prop"The Wizard of Oz" scarec"The Wizard of Oz" settin"The Wizard of Oz" studio"The Wizard of Oz" weathe"The Wizard ___""The Wolf in Sheep's Clot"The wolf ___ the door""The wolf"/"the door" con"The woman will behave ou"The Woman ___" (1984 fil"The Woman," to Sherlock"The Wonder Years" teen w"The word""The Words" autobiographe"The World According to _"The World Is My Home" me"The World of Suzie ___" "The World of Suzie ___""The World of ___ Wong""The World of ___ Wong" ("The worst is upon us" me"The Worst ___ in London""The Wreck of the Mary De"The Wreck of the Mary __"The Wrecking Crew" actre"The X-Files" agent"The X-Files" extra"The X-Files" extras"The X-Files" extras, bri"The X-Files" figure"The X-Files" figures"The X-Files" fodder"The X-Files" grp."The X-Files" network"The X-Files" subj."The X-Files" subject"The Yankee Years" co-wri"The young get nutrients from this cola" - Sky broadcast"The young lambs ___ pret"The Young Man From Atlan"The Zoo Story" playwrigh"The Zoo Story," e.g."The ___ Adventure" ("Sta"The ___ Altarpiece," a p"The ___ Baltimore" (Lanf"The ___ Boating Song""The ___ Bride" (Rimsky-K"The ___ Bunch" of 1970s "The ___ Cat" (Tom and Je"The ___ Club""The ___ Club" (1970's-80"The ___ Daba Honeymoon""The ___ Diaries" (2007 b"The ___ Divorcee""The ___ doing for a bob", said the old scout, a stickler for rules"The ___ Erwin Show" of 1"The ___ Falcon""The ___ File" (Forsyth n"The ___ File," 1965 film"The ___ Game" (1965 Shir"The ___ Gave My Heart To"The ___ has landed""The ___ have almost forg"The ___ have it""The ___ Identity" (Ludlu"The ___ in the Hat" (rhy"The ___ Incident" (1943 "The ___ is out there" (c"The ___ Kid""The ___ lama, he's a pri"The ___ Left Behind Me" "The ___ Love""The ___ Love" (1987 hit)"The ___ Love" (Gershwin "The ___ Love" (hit by 42"The ___ Love" (R.E.M. hi"The ___ Mutiny""The ___ near!""The ___ near""The ___ o' the Green" (o"The ___ of Confucius""The ___ of English Poesi"The ___ of Fife had a wi"The ___ of Frankenstein""The ___ of Malta," Chris"The ___ of Physics" (197"The ___ of Reading Gaol""The ___ of the Ancient M"The ___ of the Courtiers"The ___ of the spheres""The ___ of Wakefield""The ___ Quartet" (Indian"The ___ Ranger""The ___ redden in the su"The ___ Report""The ___ Report" (1976 be"The ___ Report" (1998 re"The ___ Report," 1976 be"The ___ Sanction""The ___ Sanction" (1970'"The ___ Sanction" (Treva"The ___ Squad""The ___ Squad" of '60s-'"The ___ stayeth for no m"The ___ Story" (Audrey H"The ___ Story," Jimmy St"The ___ Tailors," Doroth"The ___ the Deal""The ___ the limit!""The ___ the limit""The ___ thickens""The ___ trick in the boo"The ___ Trilogy" (1955-5"The ___ Williams Christm"The ___ Williams Show" o"The ___ Witch Project""The ___ With the Dragon "The ___!" (perturbed cry"The ___" (Uris novel)"The ___," next-to-last s"The, uh, stuff that drea"Them""Them" novelist"Them's fightin' words!""Them's the breaks!""Them," to "us""Theme From 'Summer of '4"Then again" follower"Then what ...?""Then what happened?""Then what?""Theogony" figure"Theogony" poet"Theoria motuum lunae" wr"There but for the grace "There is little reason i"There is no greater ___ "There is no ___ team""There Is Nothin' Like a "There Is ___ ..." (song "There is ___ in 'team'""There is ___ in team""There it is!""There ought to be ___!""There oughta be ___!""There Shall ___ Night" ("There there""There was a time ...""There was an old man ..."There was an Old Man wit"There was ___ woman...""There you are!""There you go!""There ___ 'I' in 'team'""There ___ atheists...""There ___ colors in the "There ___ excuse!""There ___ free lunches""There ___ goes...""There ___ losers...""There ___ Mountain" (196"There ___ old saying ..."There ___ stupid questio"There ___ the neighborho"There ___ tide...""There ___ words ...""There ___ young..." (com"There! ___ Said It Again"There!""There'll be ___ time ..."There's a Girl in My Sou"There's a problem!""There's a Wocket in My P"There's an app for that""There's many ___ 'twixt "There's many ___...""There's more for your li"There's no accounting fo"There's no hope!""There's No Place Like __"There's no such thing __"There's no turning back "There's no way""There's Something About "There's ___ chance of th"There's ___ every crowd!"There's ___ in 'team'""There's ___ in My Bucket"There's ___ In My Soup" "There, there""These Dreams" singer, 19"These ___ the times that"They almost got me!""They Died With Their Boo"They have many faces," said Horace, drunk"They have prepared ___ f"They Like ___" (song fro"They'll never suspect me"They're in my hot little"They're ours!""Thieves' Highway" star"Thimble Theater" name"Thimble Theatre" name"Thimble Theatre" sea-dwe"Thimble Theatre" surname"Thin Ice" star Sonja"Thin" coin"Thing from Another World", screened by school?"Things are becoming clea"Things are great for me""Things aren't looking go"Things aren't so bad!""Things Fall Apart" autho"Things Fall Apart" novel"Things to do" and others"Things""Think big" company"Think big" sloganeer"Think Fast, Mr. ___" (19"Think nothing ___""Think of it!""Think" or "Think differe"Think" sloganeer"Thinking ...""Third Rock From the Sun""Third Watch" actress Tex"Thirteen" actress ___ Ra"Thirty days ___ November"thirty-something" actor"Thirtysomething" actor"thirtysomething" co-star"thirtysomething" star"This American Life" radi"This answer ends in a T,"This Boy's Life" author "This can't be good""This can't be happening!"This can't be!""This could lead to somet"This doesn't look good""This early?""This foolishness must __"This Gun for Hire" star"This guy walks into ___ "This has got me fuming!""This I gotta hear""This I Promise You" band"This I Promise You" grou"This I ___ you ...""This instant!""This instrument used to be difficult to get to grips with" - Diddley"This is a disaster!""This is bad!""This is disastrous!""This is fu-u-u-un!""This is fun!""This is how it's done""This is how it's really "This Is How ___ It" (199"This is no joke!""This is not ___" (warnin"This is on the level""This is only ___""This is serious!""This is so-o-o relaxing!"This is terrible!""This is the last straw!""This is the thanks ___?""This is totally new!""This is where ___""This is ___ "This is ___ for Superman"This is ___ new to me!""This is ___ two can play"This is ___!" (police cr"This is ___""This isn't a good time""This isn't a joke""This isn't good!""This isn't looking good "This isn't looking good""This isn't looking good."This isn't worth arguing"This just in ..." announ"This just in ..." fare"This looks bad""This looks like the end "This looks like trouble!"This looks ver-r-ry bad!"This looks verrry bad fo"This Love of ___" (1945 "This means business" loo"This means trouble!""This means ___!""This might be of interes"This might get ugly!""This must ___ place""This Old House" address"This one's incredible!""This one's on me""This one's ___!""This one's ___""This other Eden … " is partly spoken in defiance"This puzzle is really, r"This round's ___!""This round's ___""This scepter'd ___" (Eng"This shindig rocks!""This should come ___ sur"This should ___!""This tastes horrible!""This way" sign"This weighs a ___!""This will ___ further!""This will ___ further""This won't hurt ___!""This won't hurt ___""This would be a first fo"This you don't want to h"This ___ ... Then" (Jenn"This ___ a drill!""This ___ be!""This ___ better be good!"This ___ bust!""This ___ fair!""This ___ fine how-do-you"This ___ good as it gets"This ___ joke!""This ___ laughing matter"This ___ life!""This ___ my day!""This ___ of those things"This ___ outrage!""This ___ shall pass""This ___ sudden!""This ___ surprise!""This ___ test ...""This ___ test""This ___ test...""This ___ what I expected"This ___ You're Talking "This ___ Youth" (Kenneth"This ___" (1979 Loggins "This ___" (carton label)"This ___" (Michael Jacks"This ___" (phone phrase)"This ___" (shipping labe"Thomas and Sally" compos"Thong Song" rapper"Those rumors were correc"Thou art not lovelier th"Thou art the thing ___":"Thou canst not then be f"Thou pleasing, dreadful "Thou soft-flowing" strea"Thou ___ I have more fle"Thou ___ make me clean" "Thou ___ not "Thou ___" (Jesus' respon"Thou ___, most ignorant "Though banish'd, yet a _"Thousand Island" first class cocktail"Three cheers" recipient"Three coins "Three Coins ..." fountai"Three Coins in the Fount"Three Days of the Condor"Three deuces and a four-"Three in One" melody about Queen and Empress"Three men in ___""Three Men ___ Baby""Three Musicians" artist"Three Pieces in the Shap"Three Places in New Engl"Three Sisters" sister"Three wishes" giver"Three wishes" granter"Three's a crowd""Three's Company" actress"Three's Company" co-star"Three's Company" role"Three's Company" roommat"Thrilla in Manila" airer"Thriller" singer's nickn"Thriller" singer, in tab"Through the Looking-Glas"Throw thine eye / On ___"Throw ___ Kiss" (song of"Thug" and "loot" derive "Thumbnail" writings"Thumbs up""Thumbs up" response"Thumbs up" signification"Thumbs way up!" review"Thumbs-up" responses"Thundering" group"Thus ...""THX 1138" director, 1971"Thy Neighbor's Wife" aut"Thy servants ___ spies":"Thy word is ___ unto...""Ti ___" ("I love you," i"Ti ___" (Casanova's decl"Ti ___" (Pavarotti album"Ticket to ___""Tickle Me" boy"Tickle me" doll"Tickle me" guy"Tickle-me" character"Tiger Lilies" novelist S"Tiger Rose" actress Leno"Tight" ones"Tigrane" composer"Tijuana Taxi" performer"Till next time!""Till we meet again""Time After Time" singer "Time Cycle" composer Luk"Time in a Bottle" singer"Time is money," e.g."Time Is ___ Side" (Rolli"Time Out of Mind" Grammy"Time out!" signal"Time out" hand signal sh"Time to Be in Earnest" a"Time to get moving!""Time to get started""Time to go""Time to have a foal"?"Time to rise!" ("Up and "Time to rise, sleepyhead"Time was ...""Time ___ ...""Time ___ a premium""Time ___ My Side" (Rolli"Time ___ My Side" (Stone"Time ___ the essence""Time ___" (1990s sci-fi "Time ___" (bygone sci-fi"Time ___" (old sci-fi se"Time ___," 1990's sci-fi"Time's a-wastin'!""Time's Arrow" author"Time's fun when you're h"Timecop" actress"Timecop" star Van ___"Times of Your Life" sing"Timon of Athens," e.g."Tinker to ___ to Chance""Tiny Alice" dramatist"Tiny Alice" playwright"Tiny Alice" playwright E"Tiny Bubbles" singer"Tiny" Albee character"Tiny" Archibald"Tip-Toe Thru the Tulips "Tip-Toe Thru' the Tulips"Tippecanoe and Tyler ___"Tippecanoe and ___ too""Tired blood" tonic"Titanic" co-star, 1997"Titanic" extras"Titanic" foe"Titanic" soundtrack sing"Titanic" tagline?"Titanic," e.g."To a ..." poem"To a Skylark," for one"To a Steam Roller" poet"To Autumn" poet"To Autumn," e.g."To be honest "To be or not to be" soli"To be or not to be" spea"To be, or not to be" sol"To be," to Brutus"To be," to Titus"To begin with "To boldly go where no ma"To Catch a Thief" settin"To do" list"To Evening," e.g."To fetch ___...""To give her poor dog ___"To govern or not to gove"To happiness!," e.g."To Helen" writer's inits"To Kill a Mockingbird" n"To knit or not knit" sounds like some wisdom"To know me ___ ...""To life!""To Live and Die ___""To Live and Die ___" ('8"To Live and Die ___" (fi"To recap ...""To reiterate ...""To repeat ...""To Sir With Love" singer"To sum up ...""To the best of my knowledge, Caesarean's largely safe," I snarled"To the Moon" and others"To the moon, ___!" ("The"To the Poets," for one"To thine own ___ be true"To what do I ___ ...?""To what do I ___...""To whom it may concern" "To wrap up ...""To you, Antonio, ___ the"To your health!""To your health!," e.g."To ___"To ___ and a bone ...": "To ___ deeply is to live"To ___ his own""To ___ human "To ___ human ...""To ___ human""To ___ is human ...""To ___ is human...""To ___ it may concern""To ___ not to ...""Toad of Toad Hall" playw"Toads cause warts," e.g."Toast of the Town" host"Tobermory" writer"Today" co-host"Today" forecaster"Today" rival, for short"Toe" of the Arabian Peni"Told ya so!" looks"Told ya!""Told you so!""Tom Jones" beat it for B"Tom Jones" script writer"Tom Sawyer" author"tom thumb" star Tamblyn"Tom Thumb" star Tamblyn,"Tom ___" (#1 Kingston Tr"Tomb Raider" adventuress"Tomb raider" Croft"Tommy Boy" co-star"Tommy" rockers"Tommy" tune"Tomorrow" musical"Tomorrow" show"Tone it down!""Tonight My Love, Tonight"Tonight ___ Comes" (hit "Tonka" star, 1958"Tony n' ___ Wedding" (Of"Tony n' ___ Wedding" (th"Too bad!""Too bad""Too bad, so sad!""Too great a burden to be"Too Hot" rapper"Too many cooks spoil the"Too much to go into now""Too rich for me""Too rich for my blood""Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-___""Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-___" ("Toodle-oo!""Toodle-oo""Toodles!""Toodles""Toodles," in Milan"Took back control of nothing": expression of disdain, bearing much tedium"Tootsie" co-star"Tootsie" Oscar nominee"Tootsie" Oscar winner"Top Chef" host Lakshmi"Top Gun" org."Top Gun" planes"Top Gun" target"Top Hat" dancer"Top Hat" film studio"Top Hat" star"Top Hat" star Fred"Top o' the mornin' to ye"Top ___ mornin'!""Topaz" author"Torchwood" was spun off "Toreador Song," e.g., in"Tortilla Flat" character"Tosca" number"Tosca" or "Tha"Tosca" tune"Tosca," e.g."Tosca," for one"Total Recall" director P"Total Recall" setting"Total Request Live" netw"Total ___" (1990 film)"Totally cool!""Totally""Totem and Taboo" writer"Touch"Touch me with noble ___""Touch of Evil" director,"Touched by an Angel" ang"Touched by an Angel" cha"Touched By an Angel" co-"Touched By an Angel" sta"Touching" Olympic event"Tough!""Tour" grp."Tout le monde en ___" (""Toward Freedom" autobiog"Toy Story 3" character"Toy Story" animation com"Toy Story," for one"Tr"Traffic" actress Christe"Traffic" cop"Tragedy" pop group, with"Traitor" Assange rethinks taking a new approach"Travelin' Thru" singer"Travels in the Congo" wr"Treasure Island" author'"Treasure Island" boy"Treasure Island" charact"Treasure Island" hero"Treasure Island" illustr"Treasure Island" inits."Treasure Island" monogra"Treasure Island" pirate "Treasure Island," e.g."Treasure Island," for on"Treat Me ___" (1957 Elvi"Treatise on Money" autho"Tree person" on plantation"Trees" with T at the front!"Trent's Last Case" autho"Trick or ___""Trick" body part"Trick" joint"Trick" joint, maybe"Trinity" author"Trinity" novelist"Trionfo di Afrodite" com"Trip to ___" (1968 Susan"Tristan ___ Isolde""Tristia" poet"Tristram Shandy" author"Troilus and Cressida" ro"Troilus and Cressida" se"Tropic Thunder" director"Tropical plant", one says in cod Italian style?"Tru" Tony winner"True Blood" actress"True Blood" network"True blue" and gold team"True!""True""True, alas""Truly!""Trust No One" TV series,"Trust ___" (1937 hit)"Truth!""Truthful words are not b"Try before you buy" prod"Try it!""Try me" preceder"Try not to stand out""Try someone else""Try this!""Try to ___ my way ...""Try ___ for size""Try ___ might ...""Try ___ see""Tsk!""Tsk, tsk!""Tsk, tsk""TTYL""Tubby the Tuba" lyricist"Tubby" musical instrumen"Tubism" artist"Tuesday ___" (Count Basi"Tumbleweeds" cartoonist "Tuna Fishing" artist"Tuning in the U.S.A." br"Turandot" composer Ferru"Turandot" role"Turandot" slave"Turandot" slave girl"Turandot" tenor"Turkey on white, hold th"Turn On, Tune In, Drop O"Turn right""Turn to Stone" grp."Turn up the heat!""Turn! Turn! Turn!" songw"Turnin ___" (2009 Keri H"Tush!""Tut-tut""Tutte le feste," e.g."Tutte ___ cor vi sento" "TV Funhouse" show, for s"Twelfth Night" character"Twelfth Night" countess"Twelfth Night" duke"Twelfth Night" lover"Twelfth Night" role"Twelfth Night" sir"Twelfth Night" woman"Twelve Days of Christmas"Twenty Love Poems and a "Twenty Years After" auth"Twenty-One""Twenty-One" host of 50's"Twice as much for a nick"Twilight" protagonist"Twilight," e.g."Twin Peaks" actor Jack"Twin Peaks" actress Sher"Twin Peaks" victim ___ P"Twittering Machine" arti"Two by Two" role"Two cents plain" drink"Two clubs," e.g., in bri"Two Mules for Sister ___"Two owls and ___ ...": L"Two to go" situation"Two Treatises of Governm"Two Treatises on Governm"Two Virgins" musician"Two Women" actress"Two Women" co-star, 1961"Two Women" Oscar winner"Two Women" star"Two Women" star Sophia"Two Years Before the Mas"Two Years Before the ___"Two-Faced Woman" star, 1"Typee" sequel"Tyranny, like hell, is n"Tzigane" composer"U Can't Touch This" sing"Ubu Imperator" artist, 1"Ugh!""Ugly Betty" actress Orti"Uh ... excuse me""Uh, excuse me ...""Uh, excuse me""Uh, hold on! That's wron"Uh, pardon me""Uh-huh""Uh-huh" equivalent"Uh-huh, sure it is""Uh-oh""Uh-uh!""Uh-uh""Uh-uh, bad!""Ulalume" poet"Ulysses" author"Ulysses" hero Stephen"Ulysses" poet"Ulysses" star, 1967"Ulysses," for one"Um ... all right""Um ... er ...""Um ... O.K.""Um ... sure""Um ... well ... it's lik"Um ...""Um, excuse me""Um, I hate to interrupt "Um, pardon me""Un Ballo in Maschera" ar"Un Ballo in maschera" he"Un bar aux Folies-Berg"Un Homme et une Femme" a"Un-American" is long-established term to describe Left"Una voce poco fa," e.g."Unaccustomed ___ am...""Unaccustomed ___...""Unbelievable!""Uncertainty principle" mathematical physicist, d. 1976 - begins here"Unchain My Heart" singer"Uncle Moses" novelist Sh"Uncle Tom's Cabin" autho"Uncle Tom's Cabin" girl"Uncle Tom's Cabin" woman"Uncle Tom's Cabin" write"Uncle Vanya" role"Uncle Vanya" wife and ot"Uncle Vanya" woman"Uncle ___ Cabin""Uncle!""Uncle!" criers, perhaps"Uncle""Uncle" of early televisi"Uncle" of old TV"Undeniably""Under a Glass Bell" auth"Under a Glass Bell" writ"Under Siege" star"Under Siege" star Steven"Under the Boardwalk," e."Under the Pink" singer T"Under the Volcano" star,"Under Two Flags" novelis"Underboss" author Peter"Understand?""Understood!""Understood""Understood, man""Undetermined" ulterior motives are finally shown in a different light"Undo" mark"Undoubtedly""Une ___ mari"Unfaithful" director Adr"Unfaithful" star"Unforgettable" duettist "Unforgettable" singer"Unforgettable" singers"Unfortunately ...""Unfortunately, that's th"Unfortunately...""Unh-unh""Unhand me!""Unholy Loves" author"Unimaginable as ___ in H"Universe Symphony" compo"Unlikely""Unsafe at Any Speed" aut"Unsung, the noblest deed"Unthinkable!""Until Every One Comes Ho"Until next time ...""Unto the Sons" author"Unto the Sons" author Ga"Unto us ___ is given""Untouchable" Eliot"Unyielding Sweetheart: A"Up and ___!""Up in Smoke" co-star, 19"Up in the Air" actress K"Up on the Roof" singers,"Up the creek," e.g."Up the Down Staircase" n"Up to ___," 1952 game sh"Up up and away" co."Up Where We Belong," for"Up yours!" - brute pinching book"Up!""Up" positions"Up" side"Upidstay" language"Upper" person, perhaps"Upstairs, Downstairs" se"Urban Cowboy" star, 1980"Urgent!""Us" or "them" in "It's u"Use brighter colors!"?"Use the Force, ___""Usted ___ espa"V for Vendetta" actor, 2"V" extras"V" villain"Va-va-va-___!""Vacancy" shower"Vacancy" sign site"Valentine's Day" co-star"Valley Girl" singer-song"Valley of the Dolls" act"Valley of the Dolls" co-"Valley of the Dolls" gir"Valley of the Dolls" nov"Valley of the Dolls" wom"Vamoose!""Vanilla Sky" actress"Variations on 'America'""Varsity Blues" actor Sco"Vas ___ Vas" (former der"Vassal state" falsely, say, taken over?"Vaya Con Dios" hitmaker,"Veddy" British actor Rob"Vega$" detective Tanna"Vega$" star"Vega$" star Robert"Venerable" English monk"Venerable" English write"Venerable" monk"Veni ...""Veni""Veni, vidi, vici" speake"Veni, vidi, vici," e.g."Veni, vidi, ___""Veni, ___, vici""Veni," translated"Venice Preserved" dramat"Venus and Adonis" painte"Venus of Urbino" painter"Venus" singer"Ver-r-ry funny!""Veronica Mars" star Bell"Verrry sexy!""Very cool!""Very funny ... not!""Very funny!""Very funny""Very soon""Very well""Very well, mademoiselle""Vexations" composer"Vic and ___" of oldtime "Victory is mine!""Victory ___" (1954 film)"Victory!""Video Companion" author"Vidi," translated"Vienna Blood" composer"View From the Summit" me"View of Delft" painter"View of Toledo" and "Ado"View of Toledo" artist"View of Toledo" painter"Vigilant ___ to steal cr"Ville d'Avray" painter"Villette" novelist"Vincent & ___" (1990 Rob"Virginia Woolf" dramatis"Virtute et Armis" and ot"Vissi d'arte" opera"Vissi d'arte" singer"Vissi d'arte," e.g."Vissi d'___""Vissi d'___," "Tosca" so"Vissi d'___," from "Tosc"Vitruvian Man" artist"Viva Maria!" actress, 19"Viva Zapata!" star"Viva Zapata!" star, 1952"Viva ___!""Vive le ___!""Vive ___!""Vive ___!" (old French c"Vive" follower"Vogliatemi ___" (aria fr"Voi ___ sapete" (Mozart "Voice of Israel" author"Voices Carry" pop group"Voices Carry" vocalist M"Voil"Voila!""Volare (___ Blu Dipinto "Volare (___ Blu, Dipinto"Volpone" penner"Volver" actress, 2006"Von ___ Express" (1965 f"Votre toast," for one"Voulez-vous coucher avec"Voulez-Vous" pop group"Vous "Vous ___ ici""Vous ___ ici" (French ma"Vox populi, vox ___""Voyage in the Dark" nove"W. C. Fields and Me" sta"W." director"W." director, 2008"Wabash Cannonball" singe"Wagon Master" actress Jo"Wagon Train" network, 19"Wahoo!""Wailing" instrument"Wait a minute!""Wait a sec!""Wait a ___!""Wait for it ...""Wait just a minute!""Wait just ___!""Wait Till the Sun Shines"Wait till you're ___" (p"Wait Until Dark" co-star"Wait Wait ... Don't Tell"Wait your turn!""Wait ___ Dark""Wait ___!""Wait'll you see this!""Wait, it'll come to me ."Waiting for God" philoso"Waiting for Godot" prop"Waiting for Lefty" playw"Waiting for the Robert _"Wake of the Ferry" paint"Wake Up Little ___""Wake Up Little ___" (195"Wake up!""Waking ___ Devine" (1998"Walk Away ___" (1966 hit"Walk Like ___""Walk on the Wild Side" s"Walk right in!""Walk ___" (1964 hit)"Walk ___" (1964 Warwick "Walk ___" (Dionne Warwic"Walk, Don't Run" setting"Walkabout" director Nico"Walkin' After Midnight" "Walking on Broken Glass""Walking on Thin Ice" sin"Wall Street" actor"Wall Street" character G"Wall Street" theme"Waltz for Eva and ___" ("Wanna hear a secret?""Wanna ___?""Wannabe" hitmakers"Want to explain that?""Want to grab a bite?""Want to hear a secret?""War and Peace" author"War and Peace" heroine"War and Peace," e.g."War is not the answer" p"War is ___""War Scenes" composer"War With the Newts" nove"War's Embers" poet Gurne"War's ___": Cowper"WarGames" grp."WarGames" org."WarGames" setting"Warm""Warm" or "cold""Warmer" or "colder""Warrior Princess" of TV"Warszawa" instrumentalis"Was it ___ I saw?" (clas"Was that so hard!?""Was ___ blame?""Was ___ hard ...?""Washboard" body parts"Washboard" muscles"Washington Journal" aire"Washington Week" airer"Washingtons""Wasn't my fault!""Wassup, ___?""Wassup?!""Waste not, want not," e."Watch it!""Watch it, buster!""Watch out now""Watch out!""Water Lilies" painter"Water Lilies" painter Cl"Water Music" composer"Water that moves you" sl"Waterlilies" painter"Waterlilies" painter Cla"Waterloo" band"Waterloo" pop group"Watermark" vocalist"Watermill" composer Teij"Watership Down" author R"Watership Down" director"Watership Down" novelist"Waterworld" actress Majo"Waterworld" girl"Wavy waste," to Thomas H"Way cool!""Way out!""Way to go!""Way to go, bro!""Way to go, dude!""Way," literally"Wayne's World 2" actor J"Wayne's World" actress"Wayne's World" catchphra"Wayne's World" co-star"Wayne's World" sidekick"We are not amused" speak"We are not ___": Queen V"We can discuss this full"We can't delay!""We can't squeeze any mor"We cannot all be masters"We definitely should""We deliver for you" slog"We didn't do it!""We Do Our Part" org."We earn our wings every "We got trouble!""We have different styles"We Help Heal" sloganeer"We hold ___ truths...""We Know Drama" cable cha"We know drama" channel"We know drama" sloganeer"We love to fly, and it s"We made the right choice"We Need a Little Christm"We shun it ___ it comes""We the Living" author"We the Living" author Ra"We totally should!""We try harder" company"We want ___!" (baseball "We were just talking abo"We Were Soldiers" settin"We will ___ undersold!""We ___ ball!""We ___ Family""We ___ Not Alone""We ___ Not Alone" (1939 "We ___ not amused""We ___ Overcome""We ___ please""We ___ the Champions" (Q"We ___ the World""We'll always have ___" ("We'll give a long cheer "We'll go to ___, and eat"We'll tak ___ o' kindnes"We'll ___ there to greet"We're #1!," e.g."We're constantly attacke"We're finished here""We're in trouble!""We're in trouble""We're looking for ___ go"We're more popular than "We're not getting back t"We're not supplying liqu"We're number ___!""We're Off to See the Wiz"We're off ___ the Wizard"We're on!""We're on""We're ___ way!""We're ___!""We've been ___!""We've got a deal!""We've got ___!""We've waited long enough"We, the Living" novelist"Web ___" (ESPN segment s"Wedding Album" performer"Wedding Album" recording"Wedding Bell Blues" sing"Wedding Crashers" co-sta"Weeds" channel, briefly"Weekend Update" show, fo"Weir of Hermiston" autho"Welcome aboard" sloganee"Welcome to Maui!""Welcome to my humble ___"Welcome to the human net"Welcome to the islands""Welcome to the Jungle" r"Welcome" bearer"Welcome" offerer"Welcome" rug"Welcome" sights"Welcome" site"Welcome" sites"Well begun is half done""Well done!""Well done!" in Italy"Well played!""Well said!""Well!""Well, almost!""Well, did you ___?""Well, Did You ___?" (Col"Well, duh!""Well, golly""Well, gosh darn!""Well, I declare!""Well, I ___!""Well, I'll be!""Well, I'll be!," as it m"Well, I'll ___ monkey's "Well, lah-di-___""Well, lah-___!""Well, let me see "Well, let me think ...""Well, look at you!""Well, look here!""Well, look who's back!""Well, look ___!""Well, lookee here!""Well, lookee here!""Well, looky here!""Well, obviously!""Well, old chap!""Well, perhaps ...""Well, sorr-r-r-y!""Well, sorr-ry!""Well, that beats all!""Well, that was stupid of"Well, that's obvious!""Well, that's odd""Well, then ...""Well, well!""Well, well, well ...""Well, well, well!""Well, whaddaya know!""Well, whaddya know!""Well, whaddya know?!""Well, what do you ___?!""Well, what have we here?"Well, what ___?!""Well, what's this?!""Well, yeah!""Well, ___ be!""Well, ___ darn!""Well, ___ here!""Well, ___ monkey's uncle"Well, ___ that special!""Well, ___!""Well, ___!" ("Ain't you "Well, ___-di- dah!""Well, ___-di-dah!""Well,___-di-dah!""Wellaway!""Wellaway!" updated"Welll...?""Wellll ...?""Were I the Moor, I would"Were that so!""Were ___ do it over ...""Werewolves of London" si"West Side Story" character"West Side Story" fellow"West Side Story" fight s"West Side Story" gang"West Side Story" gang me"West Side Story" ganglea"West Side Story" girl"West Side Story" number"West Side Story" Oscar w"West Side Story" role"West Side Story" shout d"West Side Story" song"West Side Story" tune"West Wing" extra"Western Star" poet"Wet," to "dry""Whaddaya know!""Whaddya waitin' for?!""Whadja say?""Wham ___!""Wham!""What a comic!""What a dope!""What a Girl Wants" singe"What a girl" lead-in, in"What a good boy ___!""What a kidder!""What a moron I am!""What a nightmare!""What a pity!""What a pleasant surprise"What a relief!""What a ride!""What a shame your footwe"What a shame!""What a shame""What a surprise!""What a view!""What a ___!""What a ___!" (beach comm"What am I, invisible?""What am ___ do?""What an idiot I am!""What are the ___...?""What are the ___?""What are you waiting for"What are you, some kind "What can ___ to help?""What Child Is ___?""What did Bill do to earn"What did Delaware?" "I d"What did I do to deserve"What did I tell you?""What did you say?""What did ___ deserve thi"What Do You Do With ___ "What do you have to lose"What do ___?""What else...?""What else?""What foolishness!""What fools these mortals"What God has joined toge"What happened next...""What happened next?""What hath God wrought" s"What have I done?!""What have we here?!""What have you been up to"What have you been ___?""What have ___?""What he said""What if" feeling"What Is Man?" essayist"What is the sound of one"What Is to Be Done?" pam"What Is to Be Done?" wri"What Is ___?" (Tolstoy e"What Kind of Fool Am I" "What Kind of Fool ___""What Kind of Fool ___" ("What Kind of Fool ___?""What moves you" sloganee"What next?""What nonsense!""What now?!""What rotten luck!""What rubbish!""What should I ___?""What so ___ we hailed .."What the ...?""What the Butler Saw" pla"What the ___!""What thou ___, write": R"What time ___?""What to do? What to do?""What was ___ believe?""What was ___ do?""What was ___ think?""What were ___ thinking?""What will you ___?""What Women Want" actress"What would you like in y"What would you like to k"What you propose is not going to happen!""What ___ be done?""What ___ Believes" (Doob"What ___ blow!""What ___ boy am I!""What ___ can I say?""What ___ could I do?""What ___ Did" (classic c"What ___ do to deserve t"What ___ for Love" ("A C"What ___ God wrought?""What ___ I do?""What ___ I saying?""What ___ is new?""What ___ Is" (1988 #1 co"What ___ Man?" ("Pal Joe"What ___ now?""What ___ of the face is "What ___ our chances?""What ___ said""What ___ the chances?""What ___ the odds?""What ___ thou?""What ___ thou?" (biblica"What ___ to do?""What ___ wrong?""What ___ you getting at?"What ___ you saying?""What ___ you?" (doc's qu"What ___!""What ___!" ("Don't pass "What ___!" ("Groovy")"What ___!" ("Hilarious!""What ___!" ("Ho-hum")"What ___!" ("It's so dir"What ___!" ("So funny!")"What ___!" ("That was fu"What ___!" ("That was ra"What ___!" ("That's rich"What ___!" ("This place "What ___!" (cry of despa"What ___!" (possible res"What ___!" (words of reg"What ___" ("Ho-hum")"What ___" (1996 Sublime "What ___, chopped liver?"What ___?""What ___?" (clerk's ques"What ___?" (snippy reply"What'd I say?!""What'd I tell ya?""What'd I tell you?!""What'll you have?" abroa"What'll ___?""What'll ___?" (bartender"What's all this?""What's Eating Gilbert Gr"What's Going On" singer "What's Going On" singer"What's Going On" singer,"What's going ___ there?""What's gotten ___ you?""What's Hecuba to him ___"What's in a ___?": Julie"What's in ___?""What's it all about, ___"What's it all about?" gu"What's it gonna be?""What's Love ___ Do With "What's more ...""What's more...""What's My Line?" feature"What's My Line?" panelis"What's My Line?" partici"What's New Pussycat?" re"What's New, Pussycat?" c"What's one plus one?" read out in addition"What's shakin', ___?""What's shaking?""What's that knitter doin"What's that?""What's the big idea?!""What's the big ___?""What's the idea?!""What's the ___ that can "What's the ___ that coul"What's the ___?!""What's the ___?""What's the ___?" ("So wh"What's this ___ ...?""What's this!""What's this, Pedro?""What's to become ___?""What's up wit ___?""What's up, Doc?" speaker"What's up, ___?""What's with ___?""What's your sign?" is on"What's your sign?," for "What's your ___?""What's ___ for me?""What's ___ pleasure?""What's ___ you?""What's ___?""What's ___?" (informal g"What'sa ___ you?""What've you been ___?""What, again?!""What, are they growing t"What, me ___?""What?!""What?""Whatcha ___?""Whatever happened to ..."Whatever it ___ don't ca"Whatever Lola Wants" mus"Whatever shall I do?!""Whatever will I do?""Whatever you want""Whatever ___ wants ...""Whatever ___ Wants" (195"Whatever!""Whatever""Whazzat?""Wheel of Fortune" action"Wheel of Fortune" bonus"Wheel of Fortune" buy"Wheel of Fortune" buys"Wheel of Fortune" catego"Wheel of Fortune" choice"Wheel of Fortune" option"Wheel of Fortune" phrase"Wheel of Fortune" purcha"Wheel of Fortune" reques"Wheel of Fortune" songst"Wheel of Fortune" spinne"Wheels""When 2 ___ Love" (1988 P"When a man is nervous ab"When Flower ___ Knightho"When hell freezes over!""When I am dead and gone,"When I grow up to ___ ma"When I was a ___ ..." (s"When I was ___ ...""When I Was ___""When I was ___...""When in ___ ...""When in ___ tell the tru"When it comes to "When it rains, it pours""When it's ___" (old ridd"When pigs fly!""When the angry trumpet s"When the ___ Breaks" (ol"When Twiggy first modelled" - cryptic clue to a T?"When We Dead Awaken" dra"When We Were Kings" prof"When We Were Kings" subj"When We Were Very Young""When Will ___ Loved""When You Are Engulfed in"When you get ___..." (pa"When You Wish Upon ___""When You ___ Love" (1912"When Your Child Drives Y"When ___ door...?""When ___ eat?""When ___ is punished, it"When ___ Love" (Van Hale"When ___ said and done.."When ___ See You Again" "When ___ You" (Irving Be"When"?"Whenever""Where America's Day Begi"Where Angels Fear to Tre"Where blossomed many an "Where did ___ wrong?""Where Do ___?" ("Hair" p"Where Eagles Dare" novel"Where Have All the Flowe"Where Have All the Leade"Where is my clock?""Where or When" lyricist"Where people go to dance"Where the heart is""Where the Sidewalk Ends""Where there's a will, th"Where there's smoke, the"Where there's ___ ...""Where ___ from "Where ___ go wrong?""Where ___ sign?""Where ___ we?""Where ___ you?""Where ___?""Where ___?" (digression "Where" or "who" follower"Where's Charley?" compos"Where's Daddy?" dramatis"Where's Daddy?" playwrig"Where's my serpent of ol"Where's ___?""Where's ___?" (1970 film"Wherefore ___ thou Romeo"Wherever Law ends, ___ b"Whether times are good _"Whether ___ ...""Whether ___ nobler...""Whew! The workweek's alm"Whew!""Whew!" to an office work"Which came first?" choic"Which Way ___?" (1977 fi"While I'm away on vacati"While we're in the air, "While We're Young" songw"While you ___ out ... ""While you're ___ ...""While ___ it ...""Whip It" band"Whip It" group"Whip It" rock group"Whip It" singers"Whipped Cream & Other De"Whistle While You Work" "White Christmas" dancer "White Christmas" setting"White Fang" author"White Flag" singer, 2003"White Rabbit" singer is "White rump," in Shawnee"White trash," e.g."White Writing" painter M"White" and "scarlet" bir"Whither thou ___...""Who am ___ judge?""Who am ___ say?""Who can that be?" respon"Who cares?""Who cares?" (2 wds.)"Who Do ___ Kill?" (1992 "Who does he think ___!""Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"Who has an answer?""Who has seen the wind? N"Who has seen the wind?" "Who is it?" prompter"Who is John ___?" (quest"Who is Zoë Ball?" starts reverberating where she works"Who knew?!""Who knows not where a wa"Who knows what ___ lurks"Who knows?!""Who Let the Dogs Out" ba"Who Let the Dogs Out" gr"Who Moved My Cheese?" as"Who stole the cork from "Who Wants to Be a Millio"Who wants to go next?""Who Will Answer?" singer"Who ya ___ call?""Who ___ to say?""Who ___ we kidding?""Who ___ what evil ..." ("Who ___ you?""Who ___?!""Who ___?""Who ___?" (common riddle"Who ___?" (knock respons"Who ___?" (slangy query)"Who ___?" (song from "Le"Who'd a thunk it?!""Who'd like to volunteer?"Who'll volunteer?""Who's Afraid of Virginia"Who's Next?" singer/song"Who's on first?" asker"Who's Poisoning America""Who's That Girl" rapper"Who's That Girl?" rapper"Who's the Boss?" co-star"Who's the Boss?" role"Who's the Boss?" woman"Who's there?" reply"Who's there?" response"Who's ___?""Who, me?""Who?," e.g."Whoa! Calm down!""Whoa!""Whoa, boy!""Whoa, ___!""Whoever named it necking"Whoever you ___ love you"Whole ___ Love" (1970 hi"Whole ___ Shakin' Goin' "Whole" thing"Whoo ... whoo ..." calle"Whoo" caller"Whoo-ee!""Whoopee!""Whoops!""Whose Life ___ Anyway?" "Whose woods these ___ th"Whose ___ these are I th"Whoso diggeth ___ shall "Why Can't the English?" "Why Can't This Be Love" "Why did ___ this happen?"Why don't we?!""Why don't we?""Why is this happening to"Why is this night differ"Why not!""Why not?!""Why not?""Why should ___ you?""Why would ___?""Why're you acting strang"Why, certainly!""Why, of course!""Why, what ___ am I!" (Ha"Why, ___ delighted!""Why? Because ___ so!""Why?""Wicked Game" singer, 199"Wide open""Wide Sargasso Sea" autho"Wide Sargasso Sea" novel"Wie geht es ___?" (Germa"Wielding ___ Sword" (Pie"Wild and crazy guy" on t"Wild Kingdom" host Marli"Wild Orchid" locale, 199"Wild Thing" band, with ""Wild Thing" group, with "Wild!" to a dude"Wild" flowers in a Sara "Wild" one"Wild" ones"Will & Grace" actress Mu"Will & Grace" co-star Me"Will be," to Doris Day"Will the long-winded ___"Will ya look at that!" s"Will you marry me?," e.g"William Tell" component"William Tell" composer"William Tell" part"Willow Song" opera"Willow Song," e.g."Win a Date With ___ Hami"Win some, lose some""Win ___ of ..." (contest"Windows to the soul""Windsor Forest" poet"Wine, Women and Song" co"Wine-dark" sea"Wine?" "Yes", from Franz Ferdinand, going first"Wings on My Feet" autobi"Winnie the Pooh and Tigg"Winnie ___ Pu""Winnie-the-Pooh" baby"Winnie-the-Pooh" charact"Winnie-the-Pooh" donkey"Winnie-the-Pooh" writer"Winning Bridge Made Easy"Winning the Future" auth"Winning ___ everything""Wise men learn much from"Wise" bird"Wiseguy" actor Ken"Wishing Will Make ___""Wishing won't make ___""Wit Offensive" on radio makes you grouse?"With a wink and ___ ...""With a wink and ___""With All Disrespect" hum"With any luck""With malice toward ___ ."With or Without You" sin"With Reagan" author"With Reagan" memoir writ"With Reagan" writer"With Reagan: The Inside "With the jawbone of ___ "With this ring ___ wed""With ___ in My Heart""With ___ of thousands!" "With ___ of thousands""Withhold no atom's atom "Without a doubt!""Without a doubt""Without delay""Without further ado ...""Without further ___ ...""Without ___" (Grateful D"Without ___, the crudene"Witness" actor Haas"Witness" co-star"Witness" director Peter"Wittle" toe"WKRP in Cincinnati" role"WKRP" actress Anderson"WKRP" character"Wo! ___ was!" (German cr"Woe is me!""Woe is me" soliloquy"Woe ___ ...""Woe ___!""Woe ___""Woe ___" (best-selling g"Woe ___" (classic book f"Woe ___" (grammar guide)"Woe ___" (Patricia T. O'"Woman With a Crow" artis"Woman With a Pearl" pain"Woman With Fan" artist"Woman" writer"Women and Love" author"Women and Love" author S"Women and Love" writer"Women Ironing" artist"Women Who Run With the W"Women, Race & Class" aut"Won-der-ful!""Wonderful!""Woo-hoo!""Woodstock" songwriter Mi"Woof!," e.g."Work ___" (Beyonc"Working as fast as possible" at the heart of perverse "British complaint""Working Girl" girl"Working" writer"Works and Days" poet"World Factbook" compiler"World News Now" airer"World of Magic" Emmy nom"Would I lie?!""Would that it were so!""Would they let me?""Would you like some more"Would you like to see __"Would you look at that!""Would you look at that?!"Would you mind ...?""Would you not ___ breath"Would ___ to you?""Would ___ to You?" (1985"Would ___?""Would ___?" (sleazeball'"Wouldn't It Be Loverly" "Wouldn't that be nice!""Wouldn't that be nice""Wouldn't ___ Loverly?""Wow!""Wow""Wow, congrats!""Wow, I didn't know that!"Wow, totally crazy!""Wowie zowie!""Wozzeck" and "Jenufa""Wozzeck" composer ___ Be"Wozzeck," e.g."Wrapping up ...""Write me""Write!""Wrong!""Wunderbar!""Wunnerful, Wunnerful!" a"Wuthering Heights" setti"Wyoming Outlaw," e.g."X Games" airer"x" in an equation"X" may mark it"X-Files" org."X-Men" actress Paquin"X-Men" creator"Xanadu" band, for short"Xanadu" band, to fans"Xanadu" grp."Xanadu" rock band"Xanadu" rock group"Xanadu" rock group, for "Xanadu" rock grp."Xena: Warrior Princess" "y" ending, in superlativ"Y" sporters"Y" wearer"Y"-sporting collegian"Y'know what ___?""y," when compared"Ya got me!""Ya ready and able?" in A"Ya think?!""Yada yada yada""Yada, yada, yada ...""Yada-yada-yada""Yadda, yadda, yadda""Yadda-yadda-yadda""Yahoo!""Yakety ___," 1963 hit"Yale ___" (1901 song)"Yankee Doodle Dandy" son"Yanks" star Eichhorn"Yay!""Yay, team!""Ye gods!," for one"Ye" follower, sometimes"Yea""Yea, verily""Yeah ... whatever!""Yeah!""Yeah""Yeah, like that'll ever "Yeah, r-i-i-ight!""Yeah, right!""Yeah, right!" in teenspe"Yeah, right""Yeah, sure!""Yeah, sure""Yeah, that'll ever happe"Yeah, wanna start someth"Yeah, we've got that," e"Yeah, you're right""Yeah, ___!""Yeah, ___""Years ___ ...""Yecch!""Yech!""Yee-___!""Yellow Dog" author Marti"Yellow-bellied coward" a"Yentl" actress Irving"Yep" negator"Yep, unfortunately""Yer darn ___!""Yertle the Turtle" autho"Yes we can" sloganeer"Yes ___!""Yes ___?""Yes! Yes!""Yes!""Yes""Yes" follower"Yes" signal"Yes" vote"Yes, alas""Yes, captain!""Yes, go on""Yes, I see!""Yes, I'm a Witch" musici"Yes, if you ask me""Yes, indeed""Yes, it's clear now""Yes, madame""Yes, Scottie""Yes, there is ___!""Yes, Virginia, there ___"Yes, you are!" retort"Yes, ___!""Yes, ___""Yes," at a wedding"Yesterday" he wrote, accurately, "with slip-up forgotten, Mum finally relaxed""Yet do thy cheeks look _"Yield" as against "surrender""Yikes!""Yikes!," online"Yipe!""Yipes!""Yippee!""Yippee!" feeling"Yippee!," e.g."Yo te ___""Yo te ___" (words of end"Yo! ___ Raps""Yo!""Yo" man?"Yo, ___!""Yond Cassius has ___ and"Yonder window," accordin"Yoo-hoo!""Yoo-hoo" response"Yoo-__!""Yoo-___!""You ... will ... ___!""You ain't seen nothin' _"You and I are about to l"You and whose army?!""You are correct!""You are here" posting"You are here" symbol"You are mistaken!""You Are My Destiny" sing"You are not!" response"You are not!" retort"You are so!" preceder"You are too" response"You are, too!" preceder"You beat me""You Bet Your Life" airer"You Bet Your Life" spons"You bet!""You bet!" in Yucat"You bet!," south of the "You bet""You betcha!""You betcha""You betcha, Bartolom"You better believe it!""You called?""You can believe me!""You Can Call Me Al" sing"You can come out now""You can count on me!""You can do it!""You can fry an egg on th"You can have this""You can say that again!""You can say that ___!""You can stop trying to w"You can ___ horse to wat"You can't be serious!""You can't fool me!""You can't have it away in vehicle" - Tesla's boring motto"You can't judge ___ by i"You can't make me!""You can't mean me!?""You Can't Take It With Y"You can't teach ___ dog "You can't teach ___...""You come here often?" e."You could look at it thi"You could've knocked me "You couldn't be more wro"You couldn't have waited"You da ___!""You did it!""You dirty ___!""You do the ___!""You Don't Bring Me Flowe"You don't have to cook a"You don't know ___!""You don't mean little ol"You don't mean me?!""You Don't Mess Around Wi"You don't need to remind"You don't need to wake m"You don't say!""You don't say!," after ""You don't say""You don't think I'd do i"You fell for it!""You fool!""You get the idea": Abbr."You get the idea...""You go not till ___ you "You go ___""You go, ___!""You good to go?""You got it!""You got it""You got me there""You got me!""You got me!" look"You got that right!""You gotta be kidding me!"You gotta be kidding!""You Gotta Start Off Each"You guys...""You had your chance""You have my support""You have my word on it""You have no ___!""You have no ___""You have to see this!""You have to ___ ...""You haven't started yet,"You just missed her!""You just missed!""You know ... it's ... um"You know better than tha"You know what I hate? In"You know where I live""You know you want to!""You Light Up My Life" si"You listen to me""You lookin' ___?""You lose""You love," to Livy"You lucky ___!""You may say I'm a __""You mean me?""You mean, this isn't wat"You might also consider."You might want to check "You missed a ___!""You missed it""You must be joking ...""You Must Remember This" "You must ___""You naughty person!""You needn't worry about "You Only Live Twice" scr"You pay attention!""You put the ___ in the c"You rang" said Lurch, not ultimately happy, to Mr and Mrs Addams?"You rang?""You ready?""You said a mouthful!""You said it!""You said it!," in Sonora"You said it, baby!""You said it, brother!""You said it, sister!""You said it, ___!""You should be embarrasse"You should have known be"You should listen to me""You should really know b"You shouldn't have said "You shouldn't have!""You shouldn't have""You stink!""You sure got me""You sure got that right!"You sure said it!""You swear?""You talkin' to me?""You there!""You there?""You think I won't?!""You think I'm annoying? "You think you're so funn"You too?" "You wanted to see me?""You were saying ...""You will ___" (hypnotist"You win""You wish!""You won't find any ___ _"You wouldn't ___!""You ___ be there""You ___ Beautiful""You ___ Beautiful" (1975"You ___ bother ...""You ___ bother!""You ___ bother""You ___ bother...""You ___ Casanova" (Maria"You ___ handle the truth"You ___ here""You ___ it to yourself""You ___ kiddin'!""You ___ kidding!""You ___ Lucky Star" (193"You ___ me!""You ___ mouthful!""You ___ right!""You ___ say that""You ___ seen nothin' yet"You ___ So Beautiful""You ___ There""You ___ worry""You ___ worry...""You ___ wrong!""You ___!" ("No!")"You ___!" ("O.K.!")"You ___!" ("Yessiree")"You ___!" (cry while hit"You ___" (1982 Eddie Rab"You ___" (1983 hit)"You ___" (2004 Celine Di"You ___" (Lionel Richie "You ___?!""You ___?""You ___?" (butler's ques"You'd never have guessed"You'd ___ Nice to Come H"You'll enjoy this""You'll go ___!""You'll have to demonstra"You'll have to show me""You'll have to take my w"You'll love the way we f"You'll never ___!""You'll regret it otherwi"You'll regret that!""You're a Grand Old Flag""You're a lifesaver!""You're absolutely right""You're All ___ Got Tonig"You're asking me?""You're crushing the watc"You're doing it all wron"You're going to like us."You're going too fast fo"You're gonna pay!""You're in danger, tall h"You're it!" game"You're joshing!""You're killin' me!""You're lookin' at your p"You're looking at your g"You're lying!""You're mine!""You're mistaken""You're not famous until "You're not O.K. with tha"You're not paying attent"You're nothing but a pac"You're on!""You're on!" "You're probably going to"You're putting ___!""You're right""You're Sixteen" singer"You're so clever""You're so funny," sarcas"You're so right!""You're something ___!""You're Still the ___" (1"You're such ___ for help"You're such ___" (teen p"You're the One ___ Want""You're the ___ Care For""You're the ___" (Cole Po"You're welcome, Hans!""You're wrong!""You're ___ and don't eve"You're ___ friend""You're ___ friends""You're ___ One, Mr. Grin"You're ___ talk!""You're ___ trouble!""You're ___, ya know that"You've got a deal!""You've Got Mail" actress"You've Got Mail" co-star"You've got mail" co."You've got mail" hearer"You've got my support""You've got nothing to wo"You've got the wrong guy"You've got to be kidding"You've got yourself a de"You've got ___!""You've gotta be kidding!"You've Really Got a Hold"You've ___ Mail""You, in the front row!""You, there!""You, there""You," in a rebus puzzle"Young Frankenstein" hunc"Young Frankenstein" role"Young Frankenstein" woma"Young Indian brave" in a"Young ___ Boone" (short-"Young" TV physician"Your 15 minutes of fame "Your attention, please""Your children are not yo"Your Erroneous Zones" au"Your gamblin' days ___" "Your grades aren't what "Your majesty""Your Moment of ___" ("Th"Your mother wears army b"Your Movie Sucks" writer"Your place or mine?" and"Your point being "Your point being ...?""Your Precious Love" duet"Your safety is our prior"Your Show of Shows" name"Your Show of Shows" regu"Your slip is showing""Your turn""Your ___""Yours truly" and others"Yours truly" and the lik"Yours" alternative"Yow!""Yowie, zowie!""Yowzer!""Yuck!""Yuk!""Yum!""Yummy! Here comes your t"Yummy!""Yummy""Z" actor"Z" actor Montand"Z" director, 1969"Z" makers, in comics"Z" preceder?"Zapped!" co-star, 1982"Zelig" director"Ziegfeld Follies" costum"Zigeunerliebe" composer"Zip it!""Zip it""Zip your lip!""Zip your lips!""Zip" follower"Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" movie"Zip-___-Doo-Dah""Zoom-zoom" sloganeer"Zorba the Greek" setting"Zounds!""Zounds," e.g."Zuckerman Unbound" novel"Zzzzzz ...""__ et mon droit" (motto "__ maior, minor cessat" "__, Brute?""___ #1!""___ & Janis" (comic stri"___ & Janis" (comic)"___ & Louise," 1991 film"___ & Stitch," 2002 anim"___ & the Women" (Altman"___ 'em!""___ 'em, Rover!""___ 'er there!""___ 'er up!""___ 'nuff!""___ 'nuff""___ (So Far Away)" (1982"___ 1138" (1971 sci-fi f"___ 18" (Leon Uris book)"___ 18" (Leon Uris novel"___ 18" (Uris book)"___ 18" (Uris novel)"___ 4 and up""___ 911!" (comedy series"___ 911!" (former Comedy"___ a Blue World" (1940 "___ a borrower...""___ a chance""___ a customer""___ a dark and stormy ni"___ a date!""___ a deal!""___ a dream": King"___ a fool to ...""___ a girl!""___ a go!""___ a good time?""___ a Grand Old Flag""___ a gun!""___ a Hot Tin Roof""___ a Joke, Son" (1947 f"___ a Lady""___ a Lady" (Tom Jones h"___ a Letter to My Love""___ a lift?""___ a living""___ a man who wasn't the"___ a man with ...""___ a man with seven wiv"___ a Man" (Calder Willi"___ a Man," John Ciardi "___ a man...""___ a Mockingbird""___ a Moon Out Tonight" "___ a Name" (Jim Croce h"___ a New High" (1937 Li"___ a Nightingale""___ a partridge in a pea"___ a perfumed sea ...":"___ a pity""___ a Putty Tat" (Friz F"___ a Rebel" (1962 #1 hi"___ a Rebel" (1962 Cryst"___ a Rock""___ a Rock" (1966 hit)"___ a roll!""___ a small world...""___ a song go ...""___ a song go out "___ a Song Go Out of My "___ a Spell on You" (cla"___ a Symphony" (1965 hi"___ a Teen-age Werewolf""___ a Tramp" ("Lady and "___ a traveler ...": "Oz"___ a traveler from an a"___ a trip on a train..."___ a Woman" (Beatles tu"___ a Woman?" (Sojourner"___ Abby""___ abed and daylight sl"___ Abner""___ about had it up to h"___ about that?!""___ added expense""___ additional cost!""___ Adieux," a Beethoven"___ Adventures Under Gro"___ afraid of that!""___ again ...""___ again!""___ agnus Dei""___ agnus Dei" (Christia"___ ain't broke "___ ain't broke ...""___ Alibi" (1989 film)"___ Alibi," 1989 film"___ Alice" (1971 antidru"___ Alice" (classic 1971"___ Alive!" (1974 thrill"___ Alive""___ all frail": Angelo i"___ all possible""___ All That" (1999 come"___ All That" (Freddie P"___ all!""___ all!" ("Fini!")"___ all, folks!""___ Almighty" (2007 movi"___ Almighty" (Steve Car"___ Almighty," 2007 film"___ almost taste it!""___ alternative ...""___ Always a Woman" (Bil"___ always say "___ always say ...""___ always say...""___ Am" (Melissa Etherid"___ American Cousin" (18"___ Amigos" (1973 wester"___ amis ..." (start of "___ Amore""___ an accident!""___ an option""___ and away!""___ and Broomsticks" (mu"___ and Dolls""___ and Franklin," 1976 "___ and his money...""___ and Janis" (comic st"___ and Let Die" (Paul M"___ and Louis" (1956 due"___ and Lovers" (D. H. L"___ and Misdemeanors""___ and Monsters" (1998 "___ and out""___ and Prosperity" (Eis"___ and Punishment""___ and Sing!" (1935 pla"___ and the King of Siam"___ and the King" (Foste"___ and the Night Visito"___ and the Pussycats" ("___ and the Real Girl" ("___ and the Wolf""___ and whose army?""___ and ye shall receive"___ Andrea Gritti" (Titi"___ Andromeda" (British "___ Andronicus""___ Andy Warhol" (1996 m"___ Andy Warhol," 1996 f"___ Angel" (1933 comedy)"___ Angel" (Mae West fil"___ Angel," 1933 film"___ any drop to drink": "___ anything!""___ Anything" ("Oliver!""___ Apart" (2003 film)"___ Apart," 2003 Vin Die"___ app"___ appetito!""___ approved" (motel sig"___ are for kids" (ad sl"___ are milder" (old ad "___ Around" (#1 Beach Bo"___ as a winter swallow""___ as directed""___ as good as another""___ as I can see...""___ as I can tell ...""___ Ashes""___ ask ...""___ ask you!""___ at 'em!""___ at Duke's Place" (19"___ at End House" (Chris"___ at Large," 2003 Fox "___ at last!""___ at the Bat""___ at the office""___ at the pane": Robert"___ Athlete Dying Young""___ Autumn" (Woody Herma"___ Ba Yah" (campfire so"___ Baba and the 40 Thie"___ babbino caro" (Pucci"___ Baby" ("Hair" song)"___ bad moon rising" (19"___ Bangs" (Ricky Martin"___ Barry Turns 40" (199"___ Bath Book" (waterpro"___ be a cold day in ..."___ be a cold day in hel"___ be a cold day...""___ be a pleasure""___ be all right""___ be an honor""___ be back!""___ be in England ...""___ be in England""___ be in England": Brow"___ be in England...""___ be my pleasure!""___ be my pleasure""___ be O.K.""___ Be Stupid" (1985 Wei"___ be the day!""___ Be the Tie That Bind"___ be!""___ beam up" ("Star Trek"___ beaucoup""___ beauty, so to speak,"___ been had!""___ been real!""___ Been the One" (2006 "___ been there""___ been to the mountain"___ before beauty""___ Beginning to Look a "___ behold!""___ believe it!""___ Believer""___ Believer" (Monkees h"___ Bell" (Stephen Foste"___ Bells""___ ben Adhem""___ Ben Adhem" (English "___ Ben Adhem" (Leigh Hu"___ Ben Adhem," Leigh Hu"___ Ben Jonson!""___ Ben Jonson" (literar"___ Beso""___ Beso" (1962 hit)"___ Beso" (1962 song)"___ Beso" (Anka hit)"___ Beso" (Paul Anka hit"___ Beso" (Paul Anka son"___ better be good!""___ better be!""___ better to have loved"___ better?""___ bien!""___ bien""___ bien" (Spanish for ""___ big deal!""___ big deal""___ bin ein Berliner""___ bite!""___ bite""___ Bitsy Spider""___ bitten ...""___ bitten, twice shy""___ bitten...""___ blame you""___ Blanca" (1976 hit)"___ Blas" (Lesage novel)"___ bleu!""___ Blu, Dipinto di Blu""___ Blue""___ Blue?""___ Blue?" (1929 #1 hit)"___ Blue?" (1929 hit)"___ Blues" (1924 Paul Wh"___ Blues" (song on the "___ Blues" (track on the"___ body meet ...""___ body meet...""___ bon!""___ boom bah!""___ Boot""___ Boot" (1981 war film"___ Boots Are Made for W"___ Bowl of Tea" (1989 c"___ Box" (1992 pop music"___ Box" (1992 six-disc "___ boy!""___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)"___ Boy" (song of 1913)"___ Boys" (1886 novel)"___ Boys" (1886 sequel)"___ Boys" (Louisa May Al"___ bragh!""___ Brasco" (1997 Pacino"___ Bravo" (1959 film)"___ break?""___ Breaky Heart" (1992 "___ Breath You Take" (#1"___ Breckinridge""___ Brockovich""___ Brown" (Judi Dench f"___ Bulba" (Brynner film"___ Bully" (1965 hit)"___ But the Brave" (1965"___ but true""___ Buttermilk Sky""___ Buttermilk Sky" (194"___ by land ...""___ by land...""___ by me""___ by Sinatra" (1982 co"___ by Starlight""___ by the bell!""___ c'est moi""___ Cadillac" (1988 hit)"___ Caesar!""___ Called Wanda""___ calling!""___ calling""___ Calloways" (1965 Dis"___ Calloways" (Disney f"___ calls?""___ Came From the Holy L"___ Camera""___ Can Cook" (former co"___ Can Cook" (onetime P"___ can eat!""___ can survive everythi"___ can you see ...""___ can you see ...?""___ can" (campaign sloga"___ Can" (Sammy Davis Jr"___ can't be!""___ cannot be!""___ cannot wither her": "___ Canyon""___ Cardboard Lover" (No"___ Care of Business" (1"___ careful""___ cares?""___ Carter III," best-se"___ Cassio!": Othello"___ Cassius Clay" (1970 "___ Cassius has a lean ."___ Central Park" (1945 "___ certainly do not!""___ chance!""___ chance""___ changed my mind""___ changed""___ charge!""___ Charogne" (Baudelair"___ che penso" (Handel a"___ Cheerleaders" (1977 "___ chic""___ China" policy"___ Ching" (classic book"___ choice""___ Cinders" (old comic)"___ Cinders" of old funn"___ cloud nine!""___ cock-horse to Banbur"___ Cock-Horse" (nursery"___ coffee?""___ come as no surprise "___ come to that""___ Coming" (1969 hit)"___ Coming" (1969 Three "___ Como Va" (1971 hit)"___ Como Va" (1971 Santa"___ Comp"___ Company""___ company...""___ corny ...""___ cost to you!""___ cost you!""___ cost you""___ could have told you "___ Country" (James Bald"___ courtiers' knees ..."___ cow!""___ crammed with heaven""___ Crazy" (1977 Paul Da"___ Creator Spiritus" (L"___ Cried" (1962 hit)"___ Cried" (1962 top 10 "___ crime?""___ Crime?" (Judy Hollid"___ Croft Tomb Raider" ("___ Croft: Tomb Raider" "___ Croft: Tomb Raider""___ Crooked Trail" (1958"___ Crooked Trail" (Audi"___ crying over spilt mi"___ culpa""___ dabba doo!""___ Dalloway""___ Dance" (David Bowie "___ Dance" (Grieg favori"___ Dancer" (1973 Nureye"___ Dancer" (Nureyev doc"___ dare to eat a peach?"___ Darlin'" (1957 hit)"___ Darlin'" (1958 hit)"___ Darlin'" (jazz stand"___ Darlin'" (Neal Hefti"___ date!""___ date""___ Daughter" (1970 film"___ Daughter," 2003 Judi"___ Davis Eyes" (1981 #1"___ Dawn I Die" (Cagney/"___ Dawn I Die" (James C"___ Day Now" (1962 hit)"___ Day Will Come" (1963"___ Day" (1993 rap hit)"___ Day's a Holiday" (Ma"___ Day's Night""___ Day's Night" (Beatle"___ days gone by!": Rile"___ Days" (Schwarzenegge"___ de Castro" (John Cli"___ de Lune""___ De-Lovely""___ dead!" (worried teen"___ Dead?" (Mark Twain p"___ deal!""___ dear...""___ Death" ("Peer Gynt S"___ Death" (Grieg moveme"___ Death" (Grieg work)"___ Declassified School "___ Deep" (1999 Omar Epp"___ Defeats Truman" (inf"___ Dei""___ delighted!""___ depends...""___ Desire" (1953 Barbar"___ Deutsch, bitte" (Ger"___ Devil in His Own Hom"___ Diaboliques""___ Diana's altar to pro"___ Diary ...""___ Diary""___ Did It" (2007 memoir"___ did not!""___ die for!""___ die for""___ Dien" (Prince of Wal"___ Dies""___ dignus" (Latin motto"___ Din""___ Dinah" (1958 Frankie"___ Dinah" (Frankie Aval"___ directed""___ dispraise my lord .."___ disturb!" (and a hin"___ do for now""___ Do Is Dream of You""___ Do Is Dream of You" "___ do it""___ do not!""___ do you do?""___ do you good""___ do!" ("Stop it!")"___ do""___ do" ("Not possible")"___ do" ("That's fine")"___ doch!" (German reply"___ Does It Better" (197"___ does it!""___ does it""___ does nothing without"___ does what Nintendon'"___ dog!""___ doing ...""___ don't know about tha"___ don't know""___ don't!" (words of de"___ done deal""___ Done Him Wrong" (193"___ Doone""___ Doone" (1869 novel)"___ Doone" (romance)"___ Doone," 1869 histori"___ doubt but they were "___ Doubtfire""___ down now!""___ down!" ("Drop the gu"___ Dragon" (1977 Disney"___ Dream" ("Lohengrin" "___ Dream" (1967 hit)"___ Dream" from "Lohengr"___ dreaming?""___ Dreams" (1994 docume"___ Dreams," 1986 #1 hit"___ drink Pepsi, but ah'"___ Drives Me Crazy" (19"___ Drives Me Crazy," #1"___ du lieber!""___ du tout" ("Don't men"___ dunno ...""___ durn tootin'!""___ each life some...""___ each life...""___ ear...""___ ears!""___ ears""___ Easy" (1977 hit)"___ Eat Cake" (1930s mus"___ economy is always be"___ ed Euridice" (Gluck "___ eleison" ("Lord, hav"___ Eleven""___ Eleven" (Sinatra fil"___ ELO" (1976 album)"___ else fails ...""___ emergency ...""___ en paz, fierro en gu"___ en Rose" (Edith Piaf"___ Enchanted" (2004 fil"___ Enchanted" (2004 mov"___ Enchanted" (Anne Hat"___ Enchanted" (Gail Car"___ Enchanted" (Newbery-"___ end""___ End" (1971 Barbra St"___ Enfants Terrible""___ enough ...""___ enough!""___ ergo sum""___ Es el Amor" (classic"___ Es el Amor" (Spanish"___ est"___ est percipi" (Berkel"___ est percipi" (old La"___ et Magistra" (John X"___ et manus" (M.I.T.'s "___ et mon droit" (Briti"___ even!""___ ever so humble ...""___ ever so humble...""___ ever!""___ evil ...""___ evil""___ Evil" (Mia Farrow fi"___ example "___ Excited" (1984 hit)"___ Excited" (Pointer Si"___ expert, but "___ expert, but ...""___ Explains It All" (ca"___ extra cost!""___ extra cost""___ Eyes" (1969 hit)"___ Eyes" (1969 song)"___ Eyes" (Eagles hit)"___ Eyes" by the Eagles"___ Eyes," 1969 Guess Wh"___ Fables""___ Factor" (TV talent s"___ fair in love ...""___ fair in love and war"___ Fair" (1989 comedy)"___ Fall in Love""___ Fall in Love" (1961 "___ fallen ...""___ fallen and ...!""___ falls on him who goe"___ fan tutte""___ fancy you consult, c"___ far far better thing"___ far, far better thin"___ fast!""___ fast!" ("Hey!")"___ Fate" (Andr"___ Father ...""___ fault is it?""___ favor, amigo""___ Fell Out of Heaven" "___ Femme Mari"___ Ferienreisen" (Strau"___ Fideles""___ fideles...""___ Fine Day" (1963 Chif"___ Fire" (Springsteen h"___ fired!" (Trump catch"___ fired" (Trump catchp"___ first ...""___ first you ...""___ first you don't succ"___ first you don't...""___ first you...""___ first...""___ fit for a king""___ Flanders""___ fliegende Holl"___ Flor and Her Two Hus"___ flowing with milk an"___ Flux" (Charlize Ther"___ Fly Now" ("Rocky" th"___ follows virtue as if"___ fool ...""___ Fool Believes" (1979"___ Fool to Care" (1954 "___ Fool to Want You""___ Fool" (1965 hit)"___ Foolish Things""___ Foolish Things" (193"___ for Alibi""___ for All Seasons""___ for Cookie" ("Sesame"___ for igloo""___ for Innocent" (Graft"___ for Noose" (Sue Graf"___ for That" (1939 hit "___ for That" (1939 hit)"___ for the Misbegotten""___ for the poor""___ for you!" ("Seinfeld"___ for You" (1975 Tempt"___ Forget" (Harbach/Ker"___ forgive our debtors""___ forgive those who tr"___ forgive those...""___ form a more perfect "___ framed!""___ Freisch"___ friend, I ...""___ From Hawaii," 1973 E"___ From Muskogee""___ Frome""___ Fuehrer's Face" (194"___ Full of Grace" (2004"___ Full of Sky" (2004 T"___ Funny Feeling" (song"___ funny!""___ funny, McGee!""___ funny. Ha, ha!""___ Gang""___ Gang" (50's kids' sh"___ Gang" comedies"___ Gantry""___ gather""___ Gavotte," "My Fair L"___ geht's?""___ geht's?" ("How goes "___ geht's?" (German "Ho"___ Get a Witness" (Marv"___ get it!""___ get it!" ("Aha!")"___ Get Your Gun""___ Ghost" (Michael Onda"___ Gigolo""___ giorno!""___ Girl Friday" (1940 C"___ Girl Like You Loved "___ girl watcher" (1968 "___ girl!""___ Girls Go" (1948 musi"___ Girls""___ Girls" (1957 musical"___ Girls" (Gene Kelly m"___ Girls" (Kelly musica"___ Given Sunday""___ gloom of night...""___ Go Again" (1987 #1 s"___ go bragh!""___ go bragh""___ Go Crazy" (#1 Prince"___ go!""___ God!""___ goes according to pl"___ goes!""___ goes""___ Gold""___ Gold" (1997 film)"___ Gold" (Fonda film)"___ Gold," 1992 album th"___ Gone" (Hall & Oates "___ good cheer!""___ good time, call "___ Good Times Really Ov"___ good!""___ Got a Friend""___ got a girl for you!""___ Got a Secret""___ got an idea""___ Got No" ("Hair" song"___ Got Sixpence""___ Got the World on a S"___ Got Time for the Pai"___ Got You Under My Ski"___ got you""___ got your number""___ Gotta Be Me""___ Gotta Crow""___ Gotta Have it" (Spik"___ Grammatica" (classic"___ gratia artis""___ gratias""___ Green" (Kermit the F"___ Griffin's Crosswords"___ grip!""___ Grit" (John Wayne fi"___ Grosse L"___ Growing" (Temptation"___ Grows in Brooklyn""___ Gump""___ gut!" ("All right!")"___ gut" (German praise)"___ Ha'i""___ Ha'i" ("South Pacifi"___ had enough""___ had it!""___ Had It" (1959 hit)"___ hands are the devil'"___ happens ...""___ happens...""___ happy returns""___ hardly believe it!""___ harm" (medical maxim"___ has fleas" (uke-tuni"___ has it ...""___ has no age": Picasso"___ Hates Me," 2002 hit "___ hath an enemy called"___ have any say in the "___ have no ...""___ Have No Bananas""___ have thought ...?""___ Have to Do Is Dream""___ have to do""___ Have" (#1 Jennifer L"___ Have" (Jennifer Lope"___ having fun yet?""___ haw!" (cry of deligh"___ Haw""___ he drove out of sigh"___ hear""___ heard""___ Heartache" (#1 count"___ Heartache" (Bonnie T"___ Heartbeat" (1991 Amy"___ Heartbeat" (Amy Gran"___ heavens""___ Heldenleben" (Straus"___ help a lot!""___ Help Myself" (Four T"___ help you?""___ help?""___ helpless as a kitten"___ Her Go" (Frankie Lai"___ here long?""___ here!""___ here""___ here" ("Ditto")"___ here" (classic line "___ here" (store sign)"___ Herr" ("Cabaret" tun"___ hike!""___ him on a Monday" (Cr"___ him who believes in "___ his kiss" (1964 pop "___ His Kiss" (golden ol"___ Hit Parade""___ ho!""___ Holden," Irving Bach"___ hollers, let "___ hollers...""___ Hombres" (ZZ Top rec"___ Hombres," first Top "___ Home Baby" (1962 Mel"___ home?""___ homo""___ homo" (cry in John 1"___ homo" (declaration i"___ homo" (Pilate's word"___ Homo" (Titian painti"___ honest with you ...""___ Honey Are You?" (Fat"___ honor""___ hooks""___ hooks" (box caution)"___ hooks" (box warning)"___ hooks" (crate sign)"___ Hope""___ Hope" (former soap)"___ Hope," long-running "___ hope?""___ hoppen?""___ hora es?""___ Hora" (Ezra Pound po"___ House""___ House" (1991 hit)"___ House," 1970 Crosby,"___ House," 1983 Madness"___ Houston" of 1980s TV"___ Howdy Doody time!""___ Howdy Doody time...""___ humble opinion ...""___ Hundred" (early 60's"___ hungry I could...""___ I a stinker?""___ I a woman?": Sojourn"___ I can help it!""___ I Can Make It on My "___ I care!""___ I cared!""___ I Don't Have You" (1"___ I had heard of Lucy "___ I Kissed You""___ I known!""___ I let fall the windo"___ I might ...""___ I said so, darn it!""___ I say more?""___ I say, not ...""___ I!""___ I?""___ idea!""___ Ideas" (1951 Tony Ma"___ ideas?""___ if you ..." (bumper "___ Imroth" (Sandburg po"___ in a sentence""___ in apple""___ in Berlin" (1960 jaz"___ in Berlin" (1960 liv"___ in Black," Will Smit"___ in bloody thoughts, "___ in Calico" (1946 son"___ in Calico" (hit of t"___ in Calico" (jazz sta"___ in cat""___ in China""___ in every garage""___ in Every Port" (1952"___ in favor "___ in Full" (Tom Wolfe "___ in gloves catches no"___ in Her Ear" (classic"___ in his kiss" (1964 p"___ in Icarus" (1979 Fre"___ in ice""___ in London" (jazz alb"___ in Love With You""___ in Love" ("Kismet" s"___ in Love" (1973 film)"___ in my memory lock'd""___ in the bag""___ in the breath of hea"___ in the Dark""___ in the kitchen with "___ in the Money" (1933 "___ in the Morning""___ in the Rain""___ in the Stilly Night""___ in there!""___ in Toyland""___ in your mouth, not ."___ Indigo""___ Inferno" (Spencer Tr"___ Inside" (ad catchphr"___ Inside" (slogan)"___ insist!""___ int"___ intended""___ interested""___ Irae" (Latin hymn)"___ Irish Rose""___ is a jealous mistres"___ is an island ...""___ is an island""___ is an island": 2 wds"___ is as good as a wink"___ Is Betta Than Evvah!"___ Is Born""___ is gained as much by"___ is gettin' a bit tig"___ is human ...""___ is human""___ is it" (old slogan)"___ is just pink trying "___ is knowing that your"___ is life ...""___ is life""___ Is Love" (1962 hit)"___ is more beautiful th"___ is not to ...""___ is nothing but perce"___ is the only slight g"___ Is to Blame" (1986 h"___ Island With You" (19"___ Isn't So" (Hall & Oa"___ It a Pity" (1970 son"___ it a shame""___ it all!""___ It Be Magic" (Manilo"___ it from me...""___ It Goes" (Ellerbee b"___ It Grand, Boys" (Iri"___ It Kinda Fun" (1945 "___ it my best shot""___ it or lose it""___ it rich?""___ It Romantic?""___ it the truth!""___ It Time" (1977 hit)"___ it up and spit it ou"___ it!" ("Didn't fool m"___ it!" (cry of accompl"___ it!" (exhortation)"___ It" (1983 Tom Cruise"___ Jacques""___ Jacques" (children's"___ job""___ Job" (1958 hit)"___ Johnny!""___ joking!""___ jolly swagman..." (""___ joy keep you" (start"___ joy keep you": Sandb"___ Jubilee," weekly 195"___ Jury""___ Jury" (Spillane nove"___ just me or...?""___ Just Not That Into Y"___ Juvante" (Monaco's m"___ Juvante" (motto of M"___ Kampf""___ Kapital""___ Karenina""___ keepers ...""___ Kelly" (Jagger film)"___ Kett""___ kick from champagne."___ kick out of you""___ king in Narnia...": "___ kingdom come "___ kleine Nachtmusic""___ kleine Nachtmusik""___ knight doth sit too "___ know" ("O.K., O.K.")"___ known ...""___ known then ...""___ known then...""___ Knows" (1958 Dion an"___ Knows" (Dion & the B"___ Kommissar" (1983 hit"___ Kommissar" (1983 pop"___ Ky Yay" (1998 countr"___ la Douce""___ la Douce" (1963 film"___ la Douce," 1963 film"___ la guerre!""___ la guerre""___ la la!""___ la vie""___ la vista!""___ la vista""___ la vista, baby!""___ la vista, baby""___ Lady" (1971 hit song"___ Lady" (1971 hit)"___ Lake""___ Lama Ding Dong""___ Lama Ding Dong" (196"___ Lama Ding Dong," 196"___ Lang Syne""___ Lap" (1983 film)"___ laughs at probabilit"___ Lay Dying""___ Lay Me Down" (1995 h"___ lay me down...""___ lazy river ..." (Bob"___ le feste" ("Rigolett"___ Le Moko" (1937 Duviv"___ Le Moko" (1937 movie"___ le roi!""___ le roi!" (Bastille c"___ Lee" (classic song)"___ left his home in Tuc"___ let us in, knows whe"___ letter" (office orde"___ Liaisons Dangereuses"___ liebe dich""___ lied!""___ Life of Johnson" (cl"___ life!""___ Life" (Beatles song)"___ light is not dayligh"___ Like It Hot""___ Like You" (1967 hit)"___ likely!""___ Lincoln in Illinois""___ lineman for the coun"___ Lisa Smile" (2003 fi"___ Lisa""___ Little Girl," Shirle"___ little silhouetto .."___ little silhouetto of"___ little spice to your"___ Little Tenderness""___ Little Tenderness" ("___ live and breathe!""___ Live," 1992 multipla"___ Live," longtime Food"___ living""___ Liza Jane" (old glee"___ Lobo" (John Wayne fi"___ long story""___ Long Way to Tipperar"___ long...""___ longa, vita brevis""___ look like a mind rea"___ looking at you, kid""___ Loser" (Beatles song"___ losing it, or ...?""___ losing it?""___ lost his mind?""___ lost me""___ Louse" (Burns poem)"___ Love - not me": Dick"___ Love You""___ love!""___ Love" (1978 hit for "___ Love" (1986 hit)"___ Love" (Nicolette Lar"___ Love" (Tommy Dorsey "___ Love," 1957 #1 hit b"___ Love," 1975 Jackson "___ loves believes the i"___ loves me "___ loves me ...""___ Loves Me""___ Loves You""___ luck!""___ luck?""___ Lucy""___ luego!""___ luego""___ Luxemburg" (1986 fil"___ M for Murder""___ ma"___ Mable" (W.W. I best "___ Made to Love Her""___ Made to Love Her" (1"___ Madigan" (1967 film)"___ madly for Adlai" (19"___ Madness" (1966 Sean "___ Madonna" (Raphael pa"___ Magic Changes" ("Gre"___ magic!""___ magnifique!""___ Majesty" (last track"___ Majesty's Secret Ser"___ Make a Deal""___ make a long story sh"___ make a lovely corpse"___ makes suffering cont"___ makes the heart...""___ making myself clear?"___ Male War Bride" (194"___ Man Answers" (1962 B"___ Man Answers" (1962 c"___ Man Answers" (1962 f"___ Man Answers" (1962 m"___ Man Answers" (Sandra"___ man can tether time "___ man for himself""___ man walks into a bar"___ man who wasn't there"___ man with seven wives"___ man!""___ Man" (1984 movie)"___ Man" (1992 comedy)"___ Man" (1992 movie)"___ Man" (Estevez film)"___ Man," Emilio Estevez"___ Man," top 10 hit of "___ Maria""___ Maris Stella" (Latin"___ Marlene" (1944 song)"___ Marlene" (classic so"___ Marlene" (W.W. II so"___ Marlene," song of 19"___ Marner""___ Married an Axe Murde"___ match?""___ Mater" (hymn)"___ matter""___ Me a Break" (title f"___ me anything""___ Me Call You Sweethea"___ me down to rest me" "___ me my Highland lassi"___ me out""___ me""___ me" (phone comment)"___ me, Father" (confess"___ Me, O Lord" (spiritu"___ me, that's who!""___ me, villain!""___ me.""___ Me? I do not know yo"___ Means I Love You" (1"___ meeny miney mo""___ Meets Godzilla" (cla"___ mezzo del cammin di "___ mia!""___ Mia" (1965 hit)"___ Milk?""___ Millions" (Eugene O'"___ mind?""___ mine!""___ Mine" (1957 hit by t"___ Mine" (Beatles song)"___ Mine" (George Harris"___ Mine" (track on "Let"___ Miniver""___ minute""___ Mio""___ Mir Bist Du Sch"___ Mir Bist Du Schoen" "___ Mis"___ Misbehavin'""___ Miserables""___ Miss Clawdy" (#1 R&B"___ Miss Gibbs" (old mus"___ missing ...""___ Mistress," 1982 horr"___ Miz""___ moi...""___ moment!" ("Don't rus"___ moment""___ moment" (ad catchphr"___ momento""___ Mommy Kissing Santa "___ Most Wanted" ("best-"___ mouse!""___ move""___ Mrs. Jones" (#1 hit "___ Mucho" (1944 #1 hit)"___ Mucho," #1 hit for J"___ mud in your eye!""___ Mutual Friend""___ my Annabel Lee": Poe"___ my brother's keeper?"___ my case!""___ my case""___ my day!""___ my doubts""___ My Family" (Cranberr"___ my fault!""___ my flesh of brass?":"___ My Girl" (1967 hit)"___ My Hat in Haiti" (Fr"___ My Heart "___ My Heart at the Stag"___ My Heart in Monterey"___ My Heart in San Fran"___ My Heart""___ My Heart" (1930 song"___ my lips!""___ my pleasure""___ my reasons ...""___ My Shadow""___ my shorts!": Bart Si"___ My Sugar in Salt Lak"___ My Sugar Standing in"___ my way!""___ my way""___ My Way" ("Porgy and "___ my wit's end!""___ my wit's end""___ my word!""___ my words""___ Nacht" (Christmas ca"___ Nacht" (German carol"___ Nacht" (German Chris"___ Nacht" (German words"___ Nagila" (Hebrew folk"___ Nagila" (song title "___ Named Sue""___ natural""___ ne va plus" (roulett"___ Need" (1985 hit)"___ Need" (1985 Jack Wag"___ Network" (1980's com"___ never believe it!""___ never believe this!""___ never deceives us; i"___ never enough""___ Never Fall in Love A"___ never fly!""___ never know""___ never work!""___ never!""___ New World" (Arlen/Ge"___ New York minute""___ new?""___ Newt" (Cartoon Netwo"___ next?""___ Nice Clambake" ("Car"___ Night" (Christmas ca"___ No Angels""___ No Angels" (Bogart f"___ no evil ...""___ no idea!""___ no idea""___ no importance""___ No Mountain High Eno"___ No Sunshine" (1971 G"___ No Sunshine" (1971 h"___ no use""___ No Woman," 1973 hit "___ no-o-o "___ no-o-o ...""___ no?""___ Nobody" (1983 Chaka "___ noches""___ not back in an hour."___ Not Dressing" (Crosb"___ not fair!""___ not fight""___ not the time!""___ Not Unusual""___ not what your countr"___ not yield" (Macbeth "___ not!""___ not""___ not, want not""___ note to follow ...""___ Nous" (1983 film)"___ nous...""___ now the very witchin"___ now!""___ Now" (1968 R & B alb"___ Now" (Murrow series)"___ nuff!""___ number can play""___ O.K.""___ objections?""___ of Blue Eyes" (Thoma"___ of Cinderella" (1994"___ of Destruction," 196"___ of Eden""___ of God" (1985 film)"___ of God," 1985 film"___ of God," Jane Fonda "___ of Green Gables""___ of Her Own" (Clark G"___ of Lambeth" (Maugham"___ of life, an imp of f"___ of little faith ...""___ of Loving" (Stan Bar"___ of Old Smoky""___ of robins ...""___ of robins in her hai"___ of robins...""___ of Roses" (1995 adul"___ of Simple Folk" (Se"___ of Six" (Joseph Conr"___ of Solomon""___ of sweat will save a"___ of the Bells" (holid"___ of the D'Urbervilles"___ of the Flies""___ of the Mind" (Sam Sh"___ of the Mind" (Shepar"___ of the North" (1922 "___ of the Storm Country"___ of the Sun" (Jack Lo"___ of the Thousand Days"___ of the Times" (1966 "___ of the Times" (Petul"___ of the Year""___ of traitors!": Shak."___ of troubles": Hamlet"___ of Two Cities""___ of Wine, a Loaf of B"___ of Winter" (1992 Eri"___ of you ...""___ off to see the Wizar"___ off?""___ Old Cowhand" (1936 B"___ old cowhand...""___ old for this!""___ on $45 a Day""___ on a Grecian Urn""___ on a hill cannot be "___ on Down the Road""___ On Down the Road" (""___ on first?""___ on me""___ on Melancholy""___ on my bed my limbs I"___ on parle fran"___ on the Line" (Thomas"___ one "___ one..." (opiner's op"___ Only Had a Brain""___ Only Just Begun""___ only knew""___ only me""___ only money!""___ only trying to help""___ only""___ or charge?""___ or lose ...""___ or not...""___ or plastic?""___ Ordinary Man" ("My F"___ Organum" (1620 Franc"___ oui!""___ out of it!""___ out!" (shout by a 24"___ out!" (ump's call)"___ out!" (ump's cry)"___ Out," 2003 Tony winn"___ out?""___ out?" (dealer's quer"___ out?" (pet's choice)"___ out?" (poker query)"___ out?" (question to a"___ Over Beethoven""___ Over but the Shoutin"___ over!""___ Over" (1964 hit)"___ Own" (1994-95 sitcom"___ Own" (song from "Les"___ Own," 1989 #2 hit by"___ pa? He feelin' bette"___ Pagliaccio""___ pal""___ pal...""___ pales in Heaven the "___ Pan""___ paratus" (motto of t"___ Paris""___ Park" (1981 best sel"___ Park" (2001 whodunit"___ Parkington" (Greer G"___ partridge in ...""___ party time!""___ pasa?""___ Passes" (Browning po"___ Pastore" (Mozart ope"___ Peach" (Allman Broth"___ Peak" (1997 Pierce B"___ Pearl" (Jackson 5 hi"___ People" (Le Carr"___ Pepper's Lonely Hear"___ Perpetua" (Idaho's m"___ Pieces" (Peter and G"___ pig's eye!""___ pin and pick it up.."___ Pinafore""___ pinch of salt...""___ pis!" ("Too bad!," i"___ Place""___ Place," 1971 Orson W"___ plaintive anthem fad"___ plaisir!""___ plaisir""___ plaisir, monsieur""___ playing our song""___ Playing Our Song" (1"___ Plenty o' Nuttin'""___ Poetica""___ Pow! Enter the Fist""___ pray""___ Prayer" (1990 hit)"___ precaution ...""___ precaution...""___ pregnant!""___ Pretty" ("West Side "___ Pretty" (song for Ma"___ pro nobis""___ pro omnibus, omnes p"___ pronounce you man an"___ pronounce...""___ put it another way ."___ put our heads togeth"___ qu"___ quam videri" (North "___ questions?""___ quiet!""___ quote ...""___ Rainbow" (1947 music"___ ramblin' wreck ...""___ ramparts!""___ Ramsey" (1970s weste"___ Ramsey" (70's wester"___ Ramsey," 1970's TV w"___ Ran the Zoo""___ Rappaport""___ rather go naked than"___ real nowhere man" (B"___ Really Matter" (Jane"___ Rebel" (1962 #1 hit)"___ Rebel" (1962 hit)"___ Rebel" (Crystals son"___ recall ...""___ recall...""___ regret it!""___ Remember""___ Remember" (1960 song"___ reminds me ...""___ Report," influential"___ Republic""___ Restaurant""___ restless as a willow"___ Rhapsody" (1996 biop"___ Rheingold""___ Rhythm""___ ride""___ ride" ("Don't change"___ ride?""___ right?""___ River""___ River" (song from "S"___ Road" (1999 Maeve Bi"___ Road" (1999 Oprah's "___ Road," 1994 hit by t"___ Robin Gray" (classic"___ Rock""___ Rock" (Bob Seger hit"___ Rock" (Muppet show)"___ Rock" (Simon & Garfu"___ Rocker" (Springsteen"___ Roi" (Alfred Jarry p"___ roll!""___ roll!" (winner's cry"___ Room" (2001 children"___ Room" (Beach Boys hi"___ Rose" (song from "Th"___ Rosenkavalier""___ Ruled the World" (19"___ Run" (1976 sci-fi fi"___ Run" (classic sci-fi"___ Russia $1200" (Bob H"___ said ...""___ said it before ...""___ said many times ...""___ said to the..." (jok"___ said!""___ Said" (1961 hit)"___ Said" (Neil Diamond "___ said...""___ Saison en Enfer""___ salute!" (Italian dr"___ Sam" (2001 Penn-Pfei"___ Sans-G"___ sant"___ Santa Claus" (Angela"___ Satires & Epistles" "___ say ...""___ say a word""___ say it is good to fa"___ say more?""___ say!""___ say" ("Alas")"___ say, Rise up and wal"___ Say," 1939 #1 Artie "___ say...""___ says"___ says?!""___ says?""___ Sea" (Lemmon/Matthau"___ See for Miles" (song"___ see it "___ see it ...""___ see it my way" (Beat"___ see!""___ see""___ seeing things?""___ seems""___ seen enough!""___ sells seashells by t"___ sells""___ sells" (advertising "___ Sera, Sera""___ serious?""___ sesame""___ sez ...""___ Sharkey" of 1970s TV"___ she blows!""___ She Lovely""___ She Lovely" (Stevie "___ She Lovely?""___ She Sweet""___ She Sweet?""___ sher!""___ shocked - SHOCKED!""___ shocked ... SHOCKED!"___ shocked as you...""___ shocked!""___ Shoes" (old spiritua"___ Should Ever Leave Yo"___ should keep himself "___ show time!""___ show you!""___ showtime!""___ Si Bon" (1950's song"___ Si Bon" (1950s Earth"___ side are you on anyw"___ sight!""___ sign!""___ silly "___ silly question ...""___ silly question...""___ Silver, away!""___ Simple Man" (#1 Rick"___ sine scientia nihil "___ Sings Dylan" (1965 f"___ sir ...""___ skin off my nose!""___ Skylark" (ode)"___ slayeth the silly on"___ Sleep Comes Down to "___ Sleep, for Every Fav"___ small world!""___ small world""___ small world...""___ Smile" (1976 hit)"___ Smile" (Hall & Oates"___ Smile," first hit fo"___ smokes!""___ so appalling - it ex"___ So Easy""___ so fast!""___ So Fine""___ So Fine," #1 Chiffon"___ So Long" (1958 hit)"___ so right!""___ So Sweet" (gospel so"___ so?!""___ soit qui mal y pense"___ solemnly swear ...""___ something I said?""___ song of sixpence""___ Song" (#1 John Denve"___ Song" (John Denver #"___ Song" (John Denver h"___ Song" (John Denver t"___ sorry!""___ sorry...""___ soul man" (Blues Bro"___ sow ...""___ sow't with nettle-se"___ sow, so shall ...""___ speak""___ Speaks" (Jane Robert"___ Speech" (9/23/44 F.D"___ spiro, spero" (motto"___ sport!""___ sport""___ sport...""___ springs eternal""___ stand" (Martin Luthe"___ stands ...""___ star was glintin out"___ Stars," #1 hit for F"___ stirreth up strifes""___ Stop" (Bill Clinton "___ Story," 1989 best se"___ Story: A Journey of "___ straight!""___ Strange Loop," 2007 "___ Suave" (1991 hip-hop"___ sure you know...""___ Sylphides" (ballet)"___ Tag!""___ take arms against .."___ take arms against a "___ takers?""___ tale's best for wint"___ talk?""___ Talks" (1984 movie)"___ tard of this bad wea"___ Te Ching""___ Te Ching" (classic C"___ Te Ching" (old Chine"___ te llamas?" (Spanish"___ teaches you when to "___ Team""___ tedious old fools!":"___ Teen-age Werewolf" ("___ Teenage Frankenstein"___ that a lot""___ That a Shame""___ That a Shame" (#1 hi"___ That a Shame" (1955 "___ that again?""___ that cute?!""___ that special?!""___ that's your game!""___ the Agent" (old comi"___ the alert!""___ the bag""___ the bat hath flown /"___ the Beat" (1982 Go-G"___ the Beat" (Go-Go's h"___ the brinded cat hath"___ the case""___ the Conqueror" (Max "___ the Craziest Dream" "___ the day!" (Shakespea"___ the dotted line""___ the end of my rope!""___ the Explorer" (kids'"___ the Explorer" (Nicke"___ the fields ...""___ the fields we go""___ the fields we go...""___ the fire?""___ the glad waters of t"___ the hills and far aw"___ the Horrible""___ the housetop..." (Ch"___ the Ides of March""___ the jackpot!""___ the land of the free"___ the Last Rose of Sum"___ the last time ...?""___ the law""___ the Law" (Edward G. "___ the loneliest number"___ the long roll of the"___ the lookout!""___ the Magician" (old r"___ the Mirror" (1988 #1"___ the Mood for Love""___ the mornin'!""___ the morning!""___ the morning""___ the mother's milk ha"___ the night ...""___ the night before ..."___ the night before Chr"___ the night before...""___ the One That I Want""___ the One" (1996 comed"___ the only one?""___ the opinion that ..."___ the picture!""___ the races!""___ the ramparts ...""___ the ramparts we watc"___ the ramparts...""___ the Roof" (1963 hit)"___ the Roof" (Drifters "___ the sea and wind whe"___ the season "___ the season ...""___ the season to be jol"___ the season!""___ the season""___ the season...""___ the Sheriff" (1974 h"___ the Sheriff" (Eric C"___ the soles of her sho"___ the Sons" (Gay Tales"___ the steamer bore him"___ the Top""___ the towering steep" "___ the train a-comin' ""___ the Viking," 1989 fi"___ the Walrus""___ the Wanderer" (1820 "___ the Water to Charlie"___ the Wild Wind" (DeMi"___ the World""___ Theme" ("Doctor Zhiv"___ Theme" (1965 soundtr"___ Theme" (hit soundtra"___ then I said...""___ There Was You" (1997"___ there yet?""___ there!""___ there, done that""___ there?" (part of a k"___ These Hills" (Cherok"___ Thief" (1950 movie)"___ This Last" (series o"___ thou and peace may m"___ Thou Now, O Soul" (W"___ thought""___ thousand flowers blo"___ Three Lives""___ Three Lives" (TV old"___ Thro' the Rye""___ thyself": Emerson"___ Time transfigured me"___ time""___ Time" (1952 million-"___ Titanic" (1979 movie"___ to a Kill" (1985 Bon"___ to a Nightingale""___ to Avoid" (1966 hit)"___ to be alone" (words "___ to Be You""___ to bed""___ to Billie Joe""___ to Billie Joe" (1967"___ to Billy Joe""___ to break it to you, "___ to bury Caesar ...""___ to conjure with""___ to differ!""___ to differ""___ to every purpose "___ to every purpose": E"___ to help""___ to Hold" (1943 music"___ to Joy""___ to Kill" (Grisham no"___ to Kill" (Sandra Bul"___ to leap tall buildin"___ to Pieces" (1965 hit"___ to Pieces" (Patsy Cl"___ to please!""___ to please""___ to Power" (Frederick"___ to recall "___ to Remember," biopic"___ to say this, but ..."___ to that!""___ to the Church on Tim"___ to the Moon" (first "___ to the West Wind""___ to the wise ...""___ to Wake Up," 2006 Os"___ to worry""___ to you!""___ to you!" (Cockney to"___ to you""___ Too Late" (King hit)"___ Too Proud to Beg" (1"___ too shabby""___ touch!""___ Tough" (1989 #1 hit)"___ tov!""___ Town Too" (1981 hit)"___ Town""___ Tramp," Peggy Lee so"___ tree falls ...""___ trouble!""___ true!""___ true""___ true?""___ tu che macchiavi que"___ tu che macchiavi" (V"___ tu""___ Tu" (1974 hit)"___ Tu" (1974 song)"___ Tu" (70's hit)"___ tu" (aria for Renato"___ tu" (song sung by Re"___ tu" (Verdi aria)"___ Tune" (50's TV theme"___ turn up""___ U""___ uncertain actor on t"___ und Verkl"___ Union Woman" (old la"___ Unleashed!" (cartoon"___ Unplugged" (hit 1999"___ unrelated note ...""___ up!" (beach cry)"___ up!" (game cry)"___ up, why dontcha grab"___ up?""___ upon a time ...""___ upon a time""___ upon my bed I lay me"___ us a son is given""___ Vadis""___ Vadis?""___ Vie" (Maupassant nov"___ View" (1999 Broadway"___ vile" (epithet for F"___ vindice" (Confederac"___ virtute me involvo":"___ voce poco fa" (Rossi"___ volat propriis" (Ore"___ voltaje!" (Spanish w"___ Vos Prec" (T. S. Eli"___ votre permission""___ vous plait""___ Vous" (1927 song hit"___ voyage!""___ wait""___ Walks in Beauty" (By"___ walks in beauty, lik"___ Waltz," which begins"___ Wanna Cry," 1991 #1 "___ Wanna Do" (Sheryl Cr"___ want for Christmas "___ want for Christmas ."___ Want for Christmas""___ want to dance?""___ War" (Nick Stone boo"___ Warning" ("Das Rhein"___ was a cunning hunter"___ Was a Lady" (1932 so"___ Was a Lady" (Ethel M"___ Was a Rollin' Stone""___ was in our lips and "___ was in the beginning"___ was saying ...""___ was saying""___ Water" (Burns song)"___ way!""___ way!" ("You go, girl"___ way, please""___ way...""___ we all?""___ We All?" (old show t"___ we dance?""___ we forget "___ we forget ...""___ we forget""___ we forget...""___ We Got Fun?""___ we having fun yet?""___ we meet again""___ we now our gay appar"___ we there yet?""___ We" (1969 Richard Ha"___ we?""___ Weak" (1988 Belinda "___ Weapon""___ Wedding," Alan Alda "___ Wednesday" (Jane Fon"___ weites Feld" (G"___ well ...""___ well that ends well""___ well""___ well" ("Don't worry""___ went thataway!""___ were ...""___ were the days""___ were you ...""___ were you...""___ What Comes Natur'lly"___ what you say, but..."___ what you think!""___ what?""___ when?""___ Where My Money Goes""___ which will live in i"___ which will live in.."___ while they're hot!""___ White Season" (Andr"___ who?!""___ who?""___ Whoopee!" (1920's hi"___ Whoopee!" (1920s hit"___ Wiedersehen!""___ Wiedersehen""___ will be done ...""___ will be done""___ will ever guess!""___ will not!""___ will not""___ will throw thee from"___ Will" (Backstreet Bo"___ Wingrave" (Britten o"___ Winterbourne""___ wise guy, eh?""___ With a View""___ With a Z" (1972 Emmy"___ with history" (like "___ With Love""___ With Me" (popular hy"___ With Mussolini" (Zef"___ With the Falcon" (Ge"___ with you" (parting w"___ Without Windows" (19"___ without works is dea"___ Wolf," Michael J. Fo"___ Woman" (1972 #1 song"___ Woman" (1972 Eagles "___ Woman" (1975 hit)"___ Woman" (Maria Muldau"___ won't be afraid" ("S"___ won't be afraid" (19"___ won't!""___ won't!" (curt refusa"___ Wonderful Life""___ wondrous pitiful": ""___ Wood sawed wood" (st"___ Wood would saw wood "___ words were never spo"___ Work" (George F. Wil"___ World Turns""___ World""___ World" ("Sesame Stre"___ World," segment on ""___ worse than death""___ would seem""___ wrap!""___ X" (2003 Lisa Kudrow"___ y plata""___ y Plata" (Montana's "___ Yankees""___ yellow ribbon ...""___ yellow ribbon...""___ yer old man!""___ Yes!" (old political"___ you are!""___ you asked ...""___ you don't!""___ you glad you did?""___ You Glad You're You?"___ you glad?""___ you happy now?""___ you heard?""___ you kidding?!""___ you kidding?""___ You Love" (Nat King "___ you not""___ you nuts?""___ you one!""___ you one""___ you ready?""___ you serious?""___ you sleeping?""___ you so!""___ you sure?""___ you!""___ you!" ("Just try it!"___ you" ("You go first""___ You" (song from "The"___ you're satisfied now"___ you're told!""___ Young" (Nat King Col"___ your age!""___ your dime!""___ your disposal""___ your food" (mother's"___ your hearts faint": "___ your instructions .."___ your life!""___ Your Name" (Mamas & "___ your pardon!""___ your pardon?""___ your request ...""___ your thirst" (former"___ yourself!""___ Zoo," 1967 hit"___! Come back!" (1953 m"___! Humbug!""___! it is an ever-fixed"___! What fray was here?"___""___'able David" (classic"___'Clock Jump""___'Clock Jump" (1930's "___'Clock Jump" (1937 hi"___'Clock Jump" (Basie h"___, 'tis true I have go"___, bro?""___, brother!""___, Brute!""___, Brute?""___, captain!""___, danke""___, dislike it" (start "___, Duncan, Jack & Jane"___, fair sun, and kill "___, gorgeous!" (Fanny B"___, how love can trifle"___, humbug!""___, I do believe I fail"___, I'm sure""___, is it I?""___, Joy of Man's Desiri"___, like lightning, see"___, matey!""___, meeny, miney, mo""___, meine Freude" (Bach"___, My God, to Thee""___, O Ship of State!""___, of golden daffodils"___, old chap!""___, old chap""___, Our Help in Ages Pa"___, Pagliaccio" (aria)"___, please!" (Henny You"___, please" (announcer'"___, please" (awards sho"___, please" (diner's re"___, please" (operator's"___, poor Yorick! I knew"___, Pray, Love" (2006 E"___, right!""___, right""___, she's mine ..." (Ma"___, sing America": Lang"___, smile not at my sul"___, the Man," 1940 biop"___, though I walk ...""___, two, three, four..."___, upward thro' the go"___, verily""___, vidi, vici""___, vidi, vici" (Caesar"___, We Love Thee" (song"___, what eyes hath Love"___, With Love""___, you noblest English"___, you're it!""___, you've got me on my"___," said Tom according"___," said Tom fittingly"___," said Tom haltingly"___," said Tom patiently"___," said Tom presently"___," said Tom unremitti"___-A-Lympics" (old TV c"___-Bungay" (Wells novel"___-ce pas?""___-ching!""___-Cop" (1988 film)"___-daisy!""___-de-Lance" (debut of "___-Dee-Doo-Dah""___-Devil""___-Devil" (1989 Streep "___-Dick""___-haw!""___-haw!" (cry of deligh"___-haw!" (western rider"___-hoo!""___-in His Lamp" (Bugs B"___-Kid" (1995 comedy)"___-La-La" (1974 Al Gree"___-La-La" (Al Green hit"___-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral""___-Man" (1974 spy/sci-f"___-Pan" (1966 best sell"___-Tiki""___-Tikki-Tavi""___-Willow" ("The Mikado"___-Year Day" ("The Paja"___: Miami""___Cop""___girl!""___War," Shatner series "____ Sera, Sera"## # #: Abbr.# 1 ("Hogan's Heroes")# 2 (old radio/TV serials# 3 ("Sands of Iwo Jima")# 4 ("F Troop")# 5 (Beatles album)# 6 ("Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C# key####, to a proofreader#, to a typesetter#1#1 Beach Boys hit#1 Beatles hit "___ Fine"#1 Beatles hit with the o#1 Beatles tune of 1970#1 best sellers#1 Carole King song#1 country hit for Dolly #1 Danny & the Juniors hi#1 Dolly Parton country h#1 Ethel Waters hit#1 foreign-language song #1 Green Mountain Boy#1 hit#1 hit by the Byrds ... o#1 hit by the Crystals#1 hit for Brenda Lee#1 hit for Helen Reddy#1 hit for Jimmy Dorsey, #1 hit for Louis Armstron#1 hit for Marty Robbins#1 hit for McCartney and #1 hit for the Chordettes#1 hit for the Crystals#1 hit from the album "J.#1 hit of 1956#1 honor#1 in sports#1 instrumental hit of 19#1 movie of 1985#1 number two who became #1 Oak Ridge Boys hit#1 on Bravo's all-time "1#1 on the charts#1 on the Hot 100#1 position#1 producer of a leafy ve#1 R & B hit for Jean Kni#1 R&B hit for Little Ric#1 song#1 song hit whose title i#1 song of 1957-58#1 song of 1973 and 1996#1 spot#1 thing#1 to Avis's #2#1 Tommy Edwards hit of 1#1 ___ (gift T-shirt slog#10 on a table#13#19 of the Colts#2#2 at the 1994 U.S. Open#2 Bill Withers hit of 19#2 for a driver#2 in a prosecutor's offi#2 on a stand#2 on a table#2 on a ticket#2 or #3#2 or #3, say#2 with lots#2 with lots of hits#2's#2's, for short#2, famously#2, informally#24 of 24#26#26 of 26#2: Abbr.#2: Tea server?#3#3 hit from the 1997 albu#3 or #4, say#33 on a table#39 in a series#3: Golf pro?#4#4 on ice#41 or #43#4: Tree surgeon?#5#5 iron#50#5: Manicurist?#6#6: Justice of the peace?#7: Grocery store owner?#8: Disc jockey?#drugs?#metoo: it just takes the chap in#NAME?#smartandstylish#stew?#VanityFair's star figure$$ dispensers$$$$$$ convenience$$$ dispenser$$$ for old age$$$ head$$$ provider$$$ set aside for later y$, #, % or &$1$1 $1,000 $1,000 present for father of Prince, 29, perhaps$1,000 seal, please$1.09 a dozen, say$10 $10 bill enclosed in a Va$10,000 $10,000,000 award won in $100 $100 bill$100 bills, slangily$100,000/year, e.g.$2 on the gray mare, e.g.$20 $20 bill dispenser$20 bill dispenser, brief$20 dispensers$200 Monopoly properties:$200 Monopoly props.$200 purchases: Abbr.$25/hour and the like$5 bills$5 bills, slangily$5,000 $5.15/hour, e.g.$50 $50 Boardwalk outlay$50 for Boardwalk, in Mon$500 $60 property in Monopoly$75/night, e.g.$hopping season?&& & &&&&&&&&… dashed into Cooper’s Farm Feed Store?… occupied fellow, initially wearing monk’s apparel… one in a box dispatched by public transport?… prevention by early action… royals of note overwhelmed by costs“'I hope it gets sorted out” — Australia's premier for republic“A Greek”, this leading chap?“Arms to Iran” marine“Banter”, as in “nonsense”“Bugs” in garment in water rising to the surface“Crabby” types making a living, excellent actors originally“Crotchety” used to be an expression of contempt“Duck!” woman cried out“Every dog has his day” — including this wild one?“Grand total to decrease?” they report sensationally“Great goal” is all you’ll hear a girl raving“Harbour wave”“He’s no team player!” Aunt is livid I’d fouled up“I see a fox!”“Inhabiting the shore”? It sounds like a misprint“Look again”, said Queen Jane“Noggin”: word that’s contrived to cause offence“Paw” included in dictionary — or not?“Reduced Beauty Treatment” covering small shop sign“Stick together” — something eg colonel may say on phone?“Suddenly ordinary city” — quote recalled“The Saint” unexpectedly wavering“Well done” — welcoming a daughter’s courageous display“Yes, I am competent” is answer to this? That's pleasing‘‘Invest more somehow’’ — politician involved in reforms— — 15 Across, composer— 20 Across; — over— Alcohol; — violet— Barrel; — scratchings— Bellow, Nobel-winning author— Black, singer— Blyton, author— Boat; — buttress— Campbell, model— Caruso; — Fermi— Drummond— Fanning, US actress— Hughes, actress— Lawson, TV cook— Lear, nonsense poet— Masefield, poet— O'Connor, singer— Of Cancer; — of Capricorn— Osaka, tennis player— Picasso, artist— Ramsay, chef— Rees-Mogg— Regis, Sussex resort— Scale of wind speed— The Confessor— Tull, agriculturist— Twist— Variations (JS Bach)— Window; — toaster— Zola, French author£1,000 initially spent on young relative£10 brought up for cheesemaker£1000 getting a lot of rubbish wine£25 includes charges for returning minute new handle?£50 in bank that navigator gets hold of£51 meal, one omitting the food?’E tucked into girl’s meat’umble villain from superior sixties musical recalled… A justification to share out beer?… upset old British PM’s slumber…an island Oberon represented“A day, long time” — proverb“Eat up, girl!”“Exclusion principle” physicist“Nothing right!” — one going on about instrument“Say when” used regularly brings wonderment!“Sir", name possibly used in class‘Trout’ quintet composer— and Louise, 1991 film— And Son— And Sons (Dickens)— Armstrong, astronaut— Asimov, writer— Ballet, pop group— Beckett, Irish author— Bevan, politician— Board used in seance— Board, used at seances— Bonham Carter, actress— Braun, Hitler’s wife— Brava; — Blanca— Brezhnev, Soviet leader— Brooke-Taylor, comedian; — Minchin, comedian— Bruckner, composer— Buttress; — doctor— Caesar— Chaucer, writer— Christian Andersen, writer— Crusoe— D. Eisenhower— Davis Jr, singer, actor— Depp, actor— di Caprio, actor— Di Lammermoor, opera by Donizetti— Dickens— Dish, used for cultures— Duck; — Trump— Garbo, actress— Guevara— Heep, Dickens character— Holst, composer— Island, Welsh resort— Jackson, actress— Jobs, Apple founder— Jones, architect— Khayyam, poet— Lennox, singer— Lincoln, president— Lovelace, pioneer in computing— Mahal— Marner (Eliot)— Monkey; — factor— Monroe, actress— Moore, actress— Mulligan, US jazz saxophonist— Novello, composer— Number relates to speeds— Operandi— out means to fall heavily asleep (Z, not C)— Owl; — toad— Paige, singer/actress— Peake, author— Presley, singer— Previn, conductor— Rabbit (Uncle Remus)— Reed, singer— Rendell, novelist— Scales, actress— School; — pass— Scissorhands— Scrooge (Dickens)— Shakespeare— Shaw, jazz musician— Terfel, singer— Turing, mathematician— Van Gogh, artist— Whitman, US poet— Winehouse, singer— Wisdom, comedian£1000 people put on a new driver in big race£25 for small horse’Alt proceeding in court? Charming!’Er indoors?' ___ Brute? ''00's, now'00, e.g.'01, '02, etc.'02 or '03, e.g.'03, '04, etc.'04, '08 and others'06 Series winner'07, '08 and '09'08 and '12'08 classmate, now'09, '10, etc.'10 grad now, e.g.'10 or '11 person, now'13 grad in '11, e.g.'150 + 50' overwhelms Heather in Administration'1812', for one, is bound to have noisy climax and corny bit'33 Chicago World's Fair '45 battle site, for shor'50s Ford flop'50s monogram'50s prez'50s scare'50s teen star'50s two-seaters'52 campaign name'54 defense pact'54 N.L. home run leader,'60's civil rights org.'60s conflict site'60s guru Timothy'60s hallucinogen'60s hot spot'60s leftist grp.'60s protest / Skip, as a'60s radical grp.'60s service site'60s theater'60s war site'60s-'70s service site'63 Liz Taylor role'63 role for Liz'64 event for the Beatles'67 Summer of Love locale'69 Brando film'69 Series winners'70s sitcom producer'70s small-screen role fo'70s TV production co.'75 Wimbledon champ'84 Super Bowl celebrant'84 Super Bowl victor'90s singer Apple'92 campaign issue'93 accord signer'93 Sugar Bowl champs'96 Tony winner for Best '97 and '98, e.g.'98 Canyon of Heroes hono'A deer, a female deer''A man, a ___ , a canal: Panama!''A Nightmare on Elm Street', say'A Song for Europe'? Have to go to bed!'A' f-for agreement'Advanced' changed to 'Old' by country club'Advantage' means 'lateral''After dark' piece on the radio'Aha!', said solver, 'A stinker!''airy thing maybe hopping about capital'All in at election after touring', as country's leader once reputedly said'All you can inhale' - final 20% off charge on coke, say, but not ecstasy'Amusing' conservationists pinching lady's bum'Answer attack with force''Away' frequently - regret not going straight'Big Apple' native'Bird training's no good!', you shout at home'Bird' found in 'White Album''Black Hole' in India associated with a historic place name'Blimey, that's not right!' after drain almost gives way'Bloody Mary' was one'Bottle' stars Moore and Travolta'Bretheren, Odysseus has a sad air''Broadband in Devon': two articles'Brummie King' breaks shower dish'Bucket', etc, translated right twice by one typing'Building for families' doctrine includes soldiers'Bust down reason': dead short, easy clue?'Butt' almost transformed into 'but''Butterfly Month' involves performing'Candy is dandy, but ____ is quicker''Card' as someone who might pull your leg?'Cheap digs', opined resentful Spooner'Chili' - irregular or alternative spelling of fruit'Choc', a material involved in making upmarket attire'Comedian' encompasses a fashionable occupation - join the queue'Common practice where he's from' - Armstrong's empty excuse, finally'Confusing meaning', admits Number 10, over current testing'Coochy-coo' etc: additional vacuous expressions embraced by yours truly'County sees otherwise''Crumbling gable' artist's symbolic subject'Deafening silence', for example - or on my ox'Deceptively roomy' base used instead of a vacated lobby'Distress' walls of house using fashion's foremost interior design fad'Do that one would rarely'Double entendre', says French expert'Dress in a state', declares expert fashion designer'Drink stock of vodka regularly', returning addicts admitted'Drink, drink' chanted goon with such swaggering'Drinks on me!' (First of several errors)'Droid'Dunno ... he maybe on the end of ward C''During sex ...' an adult person from Porlock interrupted its description'Earth and Mars Rocks' by American scholar'Earth', the artist said'Easy Way to Achievement' or 'Two Times A Lady', perhaps'elper with clues in Bury'Endless Buns': study on doughnut researchers' relaxed attitude'Enemies of Trump' in retreat after revolution? Not your concern'Enhanced' man did hen do - oddly missing half of toga'Excellent beer' in review for Crown and Sceptre?'Facile!' as was written about current member with agenda'Fair Earth' will come with intervention of leading protest group'Farewell', clutching one's overnight bag'Feeling is feeling', male admitted'Fish good for us''Five Go Off To Be Sick'? Leave it out!'Following ladies sleep around' sounds like a witty comment?'Foot' is how Biden introduces himself, initially?'Fore'Fros, e.g.'Garpen' for 24?'Genesis' - an erotic novel'Get Brexit Done', perhaps'Glo', so to speak?'Go faster' drug taken by cyclist wearing mirrored shades'Go over' means drivers can't stop here'Grand' and 'most ancient' describe wings of Christopher Wren?'Great leader' needing help virtually at end - blooming right!'Grow up pal', she said, 'you are in''Hang around, girl!', we say, in period of inactivity'He', 'she', 'it', or 'they''Head off, bottom up' as a slogan'Hello sailor' appropriate?'Hello' sung falsetto?'Heroin kept inside' heard from pen inmate?'Hip!', Alma tells powerful connections'Holiday', a popular song penned by Welsh star'Hood'Hood inhabitant'Hoods'Hound Dog' singer'House full': getting out of it is beneficial'Howzat?', for example'Humph', English jazz musician and broadcaster, d. 2008'Hwyl fawr', as they say in the Valleys'I have had a most rare vision', for example - that's what it's all about'I know a bank where the wild ___ blows''I shall go first!' - little bossy woman oppressing Vlad, in a manner of speaking'I'd stab criminal', admits gangster in dock'I'm clueless!' - Hunt to Amber regularly'I'm sorry to say …''Ifs' and 'buts''Injecting disinfectant can make everything OK' initially baffled doctor'Innocent' Alice being false — no good inside'Is it wrong chopping heads off?''Is partly seen tantrum'Isms' tend somehow to determine outlooks'It smells nice in Sydney''Jazzed-up' Chinese pro, frequently the chap in the boozer before a show'Junky': guy popping pills'K' is wrestling with Pat'Kept by tame owners', as pet would say?'King George', a soft old man's tipple'King promoter' once, all shook up?'Large axe' cryptically represents a sport'Latch heartless Doctor Faust', wrote von Goethe, bitter at the end'Let It Be' record released by music group'Little river' one will present here'Lost', say - a cult TV series'Make do with less': politician ousted to go downhill fast'Marsh crushes political faction' scare'Masked' mammal with a bushy ringed tail'Mean as custard' for 'keen as mustard', say'Mess' observed in space beginning to explain the big bang, right?'Message received''Mid'Miss' is prefix to maiden name used by daughter'Mystery novel' in quotes'N Sync member'Never odd or even', for example'New Look' fashion designer Christian ___ , d. 1957'No Man is an ___ ’'Noble Love': Dior's ultimate sun blocker'Not guilty' verdict'Not original' - university musical reviewed by Independent'Not so clever', old Beatty said to employer'O' put over entrances to elevator doors done for Otis?'O, Romeo, perchance turmoil at last has been vanquished''Ohio Dylan' playing 'Tripping'?'Oi, you need to explain toughie', he said. By the way, it's impossible!'Om', say'Open ____ ''Out!' Eric is exposing body parts'Pastures new' welcomed by boys on marijuana'Performing Great' ultimately typified by McKellen?'Plant' in security service denied promotion'Players' - men - start to charm broken hearts'Please leave' picked up very loudly from football supporter?'Pointy-headed'? 'Sharp' is about right'Pome' written on Cockney's locality (part of Bow)'Praying' insect'Preach to choir!' minister to roar, ultimately in shock'Predated' now 'pronated' because of this boffin'Psychic' entertainer'Queen dead' a lie possibly'Quite agreeable, collecting rubbish''R' for 'run-of-the-mill''Rail' is seen in 'raillery''Ratio of a right angle bearing' - jargon!'Really unfortunate' - team star describing a poor performance'Relatively calm' perhaps is a label at sea'Restricted flight area manager' used as trivia'Reversion' cast and support'Ridiculous!' claimed Tories about current rules of behaviour'Rising monetary growth' comprises spin'Roger Taylor is inside''Rose and Crown' or 'Dog and Duck'?'Rotting food swindle' admits épicier, finally, in the middle of Paris'Rubber baby buggy bumper', for example's'S' seen in table edge inlaid in black marble say'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness''Seat of Government': article by ex-party leader'Second-rate!' Upset about new book collection'Setter in mile race''Shock and awe' upset rogue dissenting group'Shut up!', said the philosopher'Sideways cycling' club is irrational'Sign on sheet!' - force individuals to stand around'Sirrah, go' said sweet ...'Smack' in Greek is 'skampili''Small beer' - second fellow's description of Miller's Willy'Small' Conservative old females mock'Sorry, Ned, I'm Brian, remember?''Sound of Music' producer lets staff go'Sport' finally timetabled with music, drama, etc'Squashed fly' biscuit'Stern Bill' - the bloke's a real pain'Stick with knob', one stripping discussed?'Stuff it!' - Queen unhappily entertaining Johnson'Tabloid Kelvin' is done for'Taste of Heaven' used as embodiment of love'That OK then?' Lad rudely: 'I'm not interested!''The Godfather'?'The Iron Lady', for example - hit Pete'The Life of Riley' could be clue for setter'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', for example'The tree's falling!''The Waltz King''The', definitely'These boats have a wickerwork frame' - see, they are founts of wisdom'These islands are Danish', kings proclaimed'Thespian' is term that describes Victoria Wood, perhaps.'They're preyed upon', two small boys start to say'This bed's horrid', says Violet Elizabeth, as story intensifies'This sceptred ____''This war's over!' - that fake article by nuclear project'This writer is boring' - I object, backing old academics'Time that was gone', as the middle dropped out'Timeless urban stereotype' - describing lines of shops?'Tinseltown''Tis 4 ingredients you need to mix for this sort of soup'Tis suggested, don’t go to bed'To the bride', perhaps, in German'Top Gear' star on prime time previously'Totnes Tories not all there' - wise guy!'Tree falling!''Umble Dickens character'Under Control' playing (a bit of a racket)'Up for it' dig MeToo rubbished'Vette alternative'Vette design detail'Vette feature, perhaps'Vette option'Vette rival'Vette roof option'Vibrating device in beard' rumour'Vote Labour' rejected by chance'We worked with Sid originally''Wee' drop of alcohol'Welsh fans upset' - it may interrupt a programme'Wet' beer shop - that drunken establishment'Wherefore art ___ Romeo?''With body to die for', agreed about divine creature'Womaniser with band!' It's what they called Mozart'Wrecked boat at sea' framed by artist retrospectively'X' on map might show whereabouts of this diabolical theatre's curse'You have to watch this young wine' notice'Zero' variety dandies periodically drink'Zine'__ and Day''__ and graces' - affectation of superiority'___ in the UK'( ), informally(0,0) on a graph(10010050 + 1) ÷ y? It might make your head spin(300+10)/¼ = score from free play?(A person's) death(A person's) interest(A person's) strong point or speciality(A) hoot – or yell(A) little bit(A) long way(A) lot(A) small amount(Abbreviated) section of text – soldier(Actors) leave the stage(An) oversupply(Ancient) sailor?(Archaic) humour(Archaic) trust – wort(Arranged) so as to be at opposite sides of a circle(Artist's) body of work(As a firearm) spring back(As a politician) promote oneself to a crowd by shaking hands(As evidence in court) valid(As wine bottle) open(At a) fast pace - beat conclusively(At cards) place one's stake(At sea) deviation from the intended course(At the) latest possible moment(Be in) a huff(Being) up to date(Brief) means of ventilation(Broken) apart(Canine?) snack(Casual) mistakes(Cause to) bend(Cause to) stumble(Child’s) rabbit(Coming) one after another(Community) with restricted access(Composition for) three performers(Consistent) losers(Crime) carried out from a moving vehicle(Cunning) plan(Ding-dong) "___ calling"(Dis)coloured(Done) every time it gets dark(Done) every time it's dark(Done) with wavering or indecision(Done) without feeling(Done) without thought or spontaneity(Door) handle(Draw with) a coloured stick(Encourage)ment(Exert) force(Fabric woven with) a fine cotton thread(Fatally) defective?(Favourite) drink(Filthy) profit(Final?) battle(Financial) backing(Financial) obligation(Fire)place(Fish using a) dragnet(For a French person) Oh well!(For soldiers) direct involvement in military operations(For water) 0oC(Fork) prongs(Formal) meal(Formed) for a special purpose(French?) trifle(From) a long way away(Fruit of the) blackthorn(Fur of) a South American rodent(Get) close(Go for) a long walk(Good) helpful person(Grow) dull(Has) come into view(Has) come up(Has) happened to(He/she) existed(Heard) by ear(High) resentment(Historically) donations to those in need(Hit someone on) the head(Hit with) a sharp blow(I/he/she/it) existed(Illicit) sexual relationship(In a ball game) illegally positioned(In biology) series of changes in form that an organism undergoes(In cards) jack(In carpentry) an interlocking of tenons and mortises(In Chinese philosophy) yin's contrasting active male principle of the universe(In golf) an angle in the fairway(In heraldry) a winged two-legged dragon(In heraldry) silver(In horse racing) the smallest possible margin of victory(In Jewish legend) a clay figure brought to life(In music) a brisk and lively tempo(In music) concluding passage(In music) fast(In music) long note(In music) note with a time value of half a whole note(In music) slowly(In music) softly(In music) the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key(In music) with spirit(In music) with vigour(In Pope’s blessing) to the city and to the world(In relation to a ship) behind(In times of stress) with self-possession(In) place (of)(In) stead(Inactive) industrial action?(Increased) by an order of magnitude(Infant?) sweet(Inflict) suffering(Informal) discharge from the armed services(Informal) headgear(Informal) talks about nothing significant(Informal) UK resident(Informal) untidy individual(Join with) a metal fastener(Like a) yak, for example(Literary) anger(Lots of) cooking vessels(Make a) chirping noise(Make a) gross mistake(Make a) high-pitched sound(Make a) historical record(Make a) metallic sound(Make a) mistake(Make a) monotonous sound(Make a) sudden thrust(Make) a continuous rhythmic sound(Make) a rattling noise(Meat of a) castrated fowl(Medicine) able to relieve pain(Membership) charges(Mental) attitude(Mexican) chip(Move in a) spiral(Musical instruction) with force and energy - Rio's UFO(Musical) speeds(Musical) study(Musical) work(Musically) a playful movement(Musically) broad and slow(Musically) fast(Musically) fast movement in triple time(Musically) having a flexible tempo - our tab(Musically) lacking harmony(Musically) quick and lively(Musically) short and crisp(Musically) slow and dignified(Musically) slow in tempo and broad in manner(Musically) smooth(Musically) the opposite of staccato(Musically) to be played twice(Musically) with a flexible tempo - BA tour(Nautically) behind(Norwegian) WWII collaborator(Not one) little bit(Now mainly farmed) fish(Of a bad thing) loom(Of a bathroom) adjoining(Of a bird) settled for rest(Of a blade) sharp(Of a boat) provided with rowing blades(Of a book) not used(Of a book) totally engrossing(Of a cake) decorated(Of a car) slide, slip(Of a chance) slight(Of a cloud) be driven by the wind(Of a cloud) move very quickly(Of a coastline) shuts in - my base(Of a commodity) attract more customers than(Of a company) closing in failure(Of a cow) give birth(Of a cry) piercing(Of a diamond) rough(Of a disease) affecting a wide area(Of a disease) present in a certain place(Of a disease) prevalent in a group or area(Of a door) slightly open(Of a drug) lowering sexual urges - Rio's a handicap(Of a face) showing its age(Of a face) sprouting hair(Of a film) full of moral ambiguity(Of a garment) fitting closely(Of a gem) having tiny triangular facets(Of a girl) preferring boisterous activities(Of a hairstyle) puffed out(Of a horse) nervous(Of a horse) with shoes on(Of a job) allocate to someone(Of a judge) review the evidence(Of a lens) having two curves(Of a light) flash on/off(Of a machine) break down(Of a man) having attractively strong and rough features(Of a man) neat, trim(Of a material) having a particular surface feel(Of a mouth) wide open(Of a muscle) contract(Of a nose) curved(Of a note) sustained(Of a page) turned down(Of a payment) in advance(Of a payment) made as a favour(Of a person’s voice) loud and powerful(Of a person) attractive(Of a person) extremely dependable(Of a person) strongly built(Of a phrase) instantly memorable(Of a place) poor, lacking amenities(Of a place) secluded(Of a plant) limp(Of a play) mounted(Of a plot) become more complicated(Of a price) much too high(Of a problem) difficult to handle and requiring great tact(Of a problem) long-lasting(Of a project) cause to sink without trace(Of a railway) cable-operated(Of a reaction) automatic and unthinking(Of a river) very fast flowing(Of a river) wind about(Of a road) going round a town(Of a roof) steep(Of a screw) advancing on turning clockwise(Of a ship) behind(Of a ship) being moved by a tug(Of a ship) lying secured to the bottom(Of a ship) on the bottom(Of a shrub) cut back(Of a solution) practical(Of a sound) high and thin in tone(Of a stage) sloped(Of a sum of money) considerable(Of a title holder) current(Of a tune) instantly appealing and memorable(Of a view) unbroken and wide(Of a voice) affectedly mellow(Of a voice) rough and harsh(Of a woman) continually criticise (a husband)(Of a woman) tall and dignified(Of an account) very detailed(Of an angle) less than 90º(Of an angle) more than 90o but less than 180o(Of an animal) fully developed(Of an egg) rotten(Of an egg) went bad(Of an engine) idle(Of an engine) made more powerful(Of an engine) ran out of gear(Of an exam) viva voce(Of an illness) long-lasting(Of an office holder) unpaid(Of an old person) lively(Of an opportunity) very favourable(Of baby) suffer with gums(Of bells) ring(Of breath) held, in suspense(Of broken bone) become joined(Of building) having several levels(Of cards) distributed(Of cells) with one set of unpaired chromosomes(Of champagne) dry(Of change) very rapid(Of climate) more pleasantly warm(Of clock) ahead of time(Of cloth) loosely arranged(Of clothes) loose and hanging(Of clothes) old and torn(Of clothes) short and revealing(Of clothes) suitable for a smart occasion(Of clothes) very closely fitting(Of cloud) move quickly(Of clouds) move quickly(Of coffee) without milk(Of coins) produced(Of colour) bold, strong(Of cow) give birth(Of cows) give birth(Of data) presented in rows and columns(Of decree) valid if certain conditions are met(Of decree) valid once conditions are met(Of dining table) set(Of door) slightly open(Of egg) become rotten(Of eggs) rotten(Of eggs) turn bad(Of engine) ticked over(Of eye) streaked with red(Of eyes) deeply recessed(Of eyes) inflamed(Of fabric) retaining its size(Of fabric) stiffened(Of fabric) very thin(Of fats) stale(Of film or photo) unclear(Of film) bleak and cynical(Of film) returned to the start(Of fish) releasing eggs(Of fluid) circle round(Of food) grown or raised naturally(Of food) harmless(Of food) heavy(Of food) light in texture(Of food) likely to burn one's mouth(Of food) necessary and important(Of food) served in alcohol and set alight(Of food) solid and heavy(Of food) whipped(Of fruit) mature(Of fruit) most moist(Of fruit) skinned(Of gas) at very low pressure(Of glaze) finely cracked(Of hair) pale yellow(Of hair) pale yellow to yellowish brown(Of heifers) pregnant(Of horn) sounded(Of horse) black and white in patches(Of horse) refusing to go on(Of houses) built in rows(Of houses) joined in pairs(Of information) very recently received(Of knaves) despicable(Of land) not built on(Of land) very dry(Of liquid) not lumpy(Of meat) still red inside(Of medical procedures) not essential(Of metal) liquefied(Of metal) with an oxide coating(Of milk) sour(Of missile) going from one fighter to another(Of money) outstanding(Of motive) other than what is admitted(Of music) relating to keys(Of nerves) be set on edge(Of news) just coming in(Of newspapers) send for printing(Of noise) greatly reduce(Of older person) lively(Of olive oil) of the best quality(Of pets) not making a mess indoors(Of piano) given wires(Of piano) not adjusted(Of plants) green(Of play) put on(Of potatoes) cooked with onions(Of prices) very great(Of probability) remote(Of rain) fall heavily(Of rain) very heavy(Of rhythm) based on two beats to the bar(Of river) winds(Of rock) solidified from lava or magma(Of rules) unalterable(Of ship) frozen in(Of ship) lean over(Of skies) grey(Of skin) pale(Of snow or ice) melt(Of snow) melts(Of some wine) very dry(Of sound) deep and full(Of sound) rough, grating(Of sound) softened(Of sound) sweet and soothing(Of sound) sweet, soothing(Of sparkling wine) very dry(Of sparkling wine) extremely dry(Of sparkling wine) very dry(Of spectacles) giving an unrealistic view!(Of speech) elaborate(Of style) bombastic(Of tea) becoming too strong and bitter(Of team) be required to bat again immediately(Of teeth) pressed tightly together(Of tempo) slow(Of terrain) going up and down(Of the eyes) red(Of the nose) turned up(Of the sea) a bit rough(Of the sea) ebbing and flowing(Of the sea) rough(Of the sun) up(Of thirst) satisfy(Of tide) go out(Of tide) goes out(Of tide) going out(Of tide) recede(Of timber) not mature(Of time) go by(Of time) pass(Of time) passed(Of two) no matter which(Of type) upright(Of vegetables) cook briefly in boiling water(Of vegetation) luxuriant(Of video) fast spreading(Of voice) high and thin(Of voice) rough and harsh(Of volcanoes) not extinct but not currently erupting(Of weather) rainy(Of weather) warmth(Of wind) shift in a clockwise direction(Of wine) dry(Of wine) pour out(Of wine) white(Of wines) dry(Of woollen cloth) muted green-blue colour(Of words) soothing and soft(Of words) sound the same(Of writing paper) having printed lines(Of writing) not changed(Of, eg, ham) preserved(Oil) processing plant(Old) cattle(Old) couple(Old) crucifix(Old) custom(Old) fireplace(Old) golf club(Old) meadow(Old-fashioned) boyfriend(Old-fashioned) copy(Old-fashioned) delay(Old-fashioned) sound system(Old-fashioned) telephone(On social media) become popular(On) tick(Originally RAF slang for a) crash(Over-)serious(Person talking) nonsense - a Lettish berk(Person's) manner(Person) getting better(Person) uninterested in intellectual pursuits(Pop group) not affiliated with a major record company(Possibly) alien craft(Product) for removing unwanted hair(Proverbially mad) milliner(Put) right(Re)construct by joining component elements(Ridicule with) mockery(Road leading to) financial security?(Rock) layer(Rubbish) tip(Said) quietly(Scottish or Irish) fool(Scottish) family group(Scottish) girls(Scottish) lake(Self-)important personage(Self-appointed) expert(Short) death notice(Silver) tray(Slang) air or car crashes(Small piece of ) filth(Something) different?(Sometimes pickled) onion(Sometimes) mock title(Sound made by) fancy frills on female dresses - four/four(Spanish) chaperone(Spanish) womaniser(Sportingly) with the hand brought forward above shoulder level(Starting here) clue to Nina maybe suggests a scientific process(Storage for) clothes(Strike with a) heavy stick(Strong) drink holder(Study of) sentence structure(Succeed by) a narrow margin(Take) refuge(Talk) gibberish(Taxi) stand(Temporary) ceasefire(Temporary?) inability to put pen to paper(The mighty) sea(The) boss(The) bug(The) greater number(Theatrically) a remark just for the audience(They/you/we) exist(Time) slipped away(To a psychoanalyst) the conscious mind(Traffic) light(Traffic) lights(Turned) sour(Under the) protection(Under) pressure(US) swindling individual(Use) flattering talk(Very) short skirt(Walking) elatedly(We) exist(Wet?) trouble(Widely believed) fiction(with 18 Across) Rogue transported women AND Granddad took a bus(With written references) in the same place(Work as) a cleaner(Worm’s) body segment(You) love: Fr.**"... out like a ___"*"As Seen on TV" company*"Before the Mirror"*"Catch-22" character*"Cheers!" ... or a hint *"Composition 8"*"Either that ___ goes, o*"Famous" ... Andy ... pr*"Get in line, Ms. Gorme!*"Get Smart" device*"Got it! You want me to *"Green Violinist"*"Head and Shell"*"I don't know yet"*"If only!"*"In like a ___ ..."*"It Might as Well Be Spr*"It'll be O.K."*"It's true, like it or n*"Mandolin and Guitar"*"Ms. Myers, shall I pour*"Newhart" actor*"No WAY!"*"Numb3rs" star*"Ocean's Eleven" actor*"Omigosh!" [1938]*"Peasant With Hoe"*"Plan 9 From Outer Space*"Rats!"*"Seated Woman, Wiping He*"Sly insect!"*"Soon enough, my friend"*"Star Wars" actress who'*"Supermodel Macpherson, *"Tableau 2"*"Take ___!"*"That dress makes you lo*"That" something in an A*"That's way off"*"The Antipope"*"The Lion King" song*"Toil and trouble" prece*"What Do You Do With a B*"___ Island"*'Vette option**"His/her" alternative**** review**Parting word**Social grouping**Sojourn*1850 American literature*1924 Isham Jones/Gus Kah*1942 film with the line *1960's Richard Chamberla*1961 chart-topper for Ra*1962-67, 1971*1968 #2 hit heard in "Ea*1968 Barbra Streisand st*1968 firm featuring a mu*1969*1973-85*1974 Carl Carlton hit*1975 Southern rock hit s*1976 Connery/Hepburn fil*1981 film starring Willi*1982 hit by the Clash*1986 Newman/Cruise film*1987-89*1990's sitcom*1994 World Cup final sit*1995-2002*1996 Grammy winner for t*1999 romantic comedy bas*2006*2007 Ken Follett novel*3-D graph line*4:00 in the afternoon*4x platinum album of 200*A deck of cards*A message*A Per*A pillow*Absence at a nudist colo*Absolutely*Ace ___ Stories (old det*Act of betrayal*Added comment?*Adventure ... treasure .*Advice to a careless dre*Affordable, as an apartm*Again*Age-revealing method*Aid in tailing*Airline for Lucille?*Alaskan cruise sighting*Aldous Huxley novel*Alexander Pope phrase ap*Alternative way to get d*Alternatives to rope tow*Always the same*Ambulance destination*An abacus*An idea*And so forth*Angler's float*Annual N.F.L. event*Annual sports event sinc*Antimicrobial bit in mou*Antishoplifting force*Apollo 11 and 12 [180 de*Apollo 11, 12 or 13, e.g*Apollo 17 was the last o*Apple variety*Area in front of a coop*As a package*As it's widely believed*Asthmatic's concern*At times*Auto accessory*Ava Gardner's co-star in*Average national earning*Ax*B'way hit beginning in '*Back to the beginning*Backup for Dick Tracy*Backwoods locale*Bad drivers back them up*Balance in personality*Ball*Bandmate of Johnny Rotte*Bar patron's request for*Barnyard fixture*Base of a fragrant tree?*Baseball feat*Baseball's Willie Mays, *Basic Scout ties*Bastion of brotherhood*Bat portrayer*Bay Area concert venue*Be funnier than comedian*Be worry-free*Beam with a bend*Bean, e.g.*Becoming slower, in musi*Beef cut*Beginning*Beginning of time?*Behold the proof*Bench sharer*Benjamin*Berlin production*Best Actor winner for "T*Better, in hip-hop slang*Bid adieu, informally*Big writing assignment*Bills ... column ... bin*Birthday secret*Black*Black cat, supposedly*Blacksmith ... Mother Go*Blastoff spot*Bloody Mary seasoner*Boardwalk offering*Boater*Bond film that's a real *Book reviewers, for exam*Boondocks*Bracket shape*Braided floor covering*Brand with the challenge*Brave front*British motorist's right*British novelist who wro*Brownish-orange*Buckeye beauty*Bugs*Bush cabinet member who *Bush's 2004 foe*Cal ___*Capital ENE of Jerusalem*Cast a spell over*Caucasus capital*Caution when boiling a 6*CD part*Certain gasket*Certain study session*Chaperon's job?*Chicken*Chocolaty ice cream dess*Choice cut*Chophouse order*Classic Chinese military*Classic comical restaura*Co-star of "The Andy Gri*Coldest point*College in Worcester, Ma*College near Philadelphi*Colorful party drink*Commercial for a private*Commits knitting boo-boo*Common Guernsey bull*Common secret*Commotion*Completely imagined*Composer's due*Conifer exudation*Conspicuous*Container next to a bowl*Corned beef stains?*Cote calls*Countries with big milit*Cover-up*Cozy rooms for playing?*Cracker feature*Creation made with a buc*Crewman on the tail of a*Critical time*Crow*Crunchy item at a salad *Cry at the start of a vo*Cut off from water*Cutting it can bring tea*Dangerously unpredictabl*Daniel's home*Daredevils' doings*Deal*Decelerating*Defeats mentally*Deli choice*Deli request*Demonstrate the method*Deputy*Dessert made from a prod*Destination of 1911*Destiny*Destitution*Diamond game*Diamond substitute*Diatribes from captured *Did a dog trick*Didn't disturb*Dining area*Discover to be fibbing*Disdain ... rank ... hig*Distant relative of Mont*Distinguishes*Does a hostler's work*Does some batiking*Doggedness*Doofus*Dramatically expose*Dress for the return of *Drifter*Drink that often comes w*Dud*Dunce's place*Easter basket treat*Eastern ... vast ... Mar*Eclipse ... black cat ..*Education overseers*Edwin Starr, 1970*Electric Slide, for one*Elemental parts of human*Elementary school test p*Eloquent*Embezzlement, e.g.*Emmy-winning AMC series *Enclosure with a manuscr*End*Engages in some mutual g*English pop group*Engraver's surface*Ernest and Julio Gallo p*European resort*Evel and Robbie Knievel,*Evenly split*Event*Exam ... dentist ... Rob*Expose oneself to a form*Extremely narrow winning*Eyewitness's description*Face*Fail*Failure by a narrow marg*Fairy tale meanie*Famed restaurateur*Famous son*Fanatics*Father of the Ziploc?*Fearful 1917-20 period*Fearsome, swift-moving c*Feature of some kids' ce*Fianc*Fighter at 112 pounds or*Final resting place for *First rung on a ladder*First track on many a Br*Five-time Wimbledon winn*Flap*Flo Rida feat. T-Pain, 2*Follow-up to a potential*Forbidding countenance*Former first lady [1945]*Fortune 500 company base*Fortuneteller's bit*Founder of Mesa Petroleu*Frankie Avalon, 1959*Fraternity with a sweeth*Friday ... York ... Pepp*From the beginning*Gasket type*Get a closeup of*Get blankets*Get it exactly*Get off to a quick start*Godsend*Good and bad for a jungl*Good and bad for a marke*Good and bad for a motor*Good and bad for a spy*Good and bad for a vampi*Good and bad for a West *Good picnic forecast*Gradually separated*Grass plot around a sund*Green Bay Packers fan*Gridiron lineup*Group with the 1951 hit *Group with the 2000 #1 h*Guitar accessory that ad*Hairy-leaved plant*Handy things for a toy?*Hank Aaron's hometown*Harlequin romance, e.g.*Harpers Ferry raider*Having both Republican a*Hawaii ... grass skirts *Heels-over-head feat*Height of the N.B.A.'s G*Her "Rehab" won a Grammy*Highest-grossing film of*Hilton head, e.g.*Hipster*Holder of the world reco*Home for Will Rogers and*Home near a shore*Home of the University o*Home of Whitman College*Hoodwink*Hoopster's complete miss*Hose company hookup*House coverer*House that drains financ*I.R.S. form*Ice hockey penalty*Illness caused by eating*Imam or priest*Impervious to picking, a*In-box contents*Indelible picture in the*Indy 500 venue*Informal greeting*Informers*Insulation measure*Inviolable, as rules*It flows into Ontario's *It follows the evening n*It helps one get the pic*It may be found near a b*It may be pumped or bump*It may be under a hood*It may end up in a chop *It may precede a stroke*It's bad when it knifes*It's got some miles on i*It's no fake*It's often ordered *It's pitched for a large*It's taken by doctors*It's usually not played *Jackson 5, 1970*Jammed*Japanese grill*Jigger*Jim's gift in "The Gift *John Constable or Camill*Junk*Kennedy/Johnson cabinet *Kid constantly switching*Kids' game*Kind of club*Kind of position*Kind of ratio*Kitchen or living room?*Kook*Kyoto Treaty topic*Lacking compassion*Lakeside vacation rental*Lamp holder*Large seed of the alliga*Laurel and Hardy flick [*Lawn-Boy or Toro product*Leadfoot's downfall*Legislative V.I.P.*Let me make one thing pe*Let off some steam?*Let the mind believe wha*Lights out in New York C*Like a baby girl's laund*Like a band-aid solution*Like Oprah Winfrey and M*Like players below the B*Like Seattle vis-*Like some bunnies and pu*Like some checks and ven*Like some socks*Like someone who's had a*Like wizards' caps [90 d*Likely to happen*Line formatting option*Lines on a football fiel*Links accessory*Lithe and slimy*Little swab*Local place for making d*Locale in a western*Long smoke*Long, long time*Lose control of a car*Lottery player's happy s*Lousy advice*Lover of Radames*Lunch*Lure*Made tracks*Makeshift hangar*Makeup of a double date*Male booster*Mandarin variety [1942]*Many-acred homes*Marching ... rings ... s*Marching band percussion*Mark the transition from*Marriage, say [270 degre*Mars Pathfinder, for one*Massachusetts college*Material for an old-fash*Measure with strides*Meat loaf recipe instruc*Megadeth's music genre*Memorable movie quote of*Metal used for swords*Metaphor for dense fog*Miami baseball list*Michael Jackson, 1972*Michael Jackson, 1987*Mideast ... pipeline ...*Midsize Jaguar*Milk source*Mock rock band in a 1984*Model behavior on the fi*Modern school memento*More than enough*Most awful thing you cou*Motto of the U.S. Coast *Movie starring a cross-d*Muhammad Ali ring tactic*Multiplyin' by 2?*Musical quality*Myopic cartoon fellow*Name in the news, 6/5/68*Narwhal feature*National discount store *Natter, e.g.*Natural history museum a*Necessitator*Nevertheless*New neighbors event*Newsboy's cry*Newspaper article lead-i*Newspapers read by royal*Nitty-gritty, as of nego*No matter*Nonbinding vote*Normal, in a way*Not even close*Not fixed*Not get some Z's?*Not just stupid*Not so important*Novice in an ad campaign*Object of superstition*Oblige*Omaha-born human rights *One not using the compan*One of Sean Combs's alia*One of the Bront*One on safari*One who dislikes unruly *One who gets beaten badl*One who puts the pedal t*One who's an empty threa*One who's often doing fa*Onetime regal status of *Onset of a lie?*Opening ... machine ... *Opera ... coloratura ...*Opera ... wine ... boot*Orchard part*Painted highway divider*Panama*Park ranger's worry*Part of a boxer's traini*Part of a Valentine's Da*Part of stage scenery*Participates in a bear m*Particle with no electri*Party bowlful*Party game*Peace offering*Pen*Perform ostentatiously*Performer born James Tod*Period of contemplation*Perplexed state*Person with a baton*Personal esteem*Pet shop purchase*Photo*Photogenic athlete from *Physics period*Piano ... bike ... loom*Pitcher's dream*Place for a roast*Plan hatcher*Plays at a pond, in a wa*Pluto, e.g., before it w*Poet's performance*Point in a planet's orbi*Poor grades*Popular drinking game*Popular rest area*Popular Sunshine State v*Popular tune around Hall*Porch feature*Prancing ... male ... ma*Primo*Privilege*Pro shop buys*Professional courtesy in*Provide for free*Providence campus for as*Purchase for a vacation,*Purple sandwich filler*Push aside*Put at bay*Put into piles*Queens ... oysters ... f*Quick hitch-up*Quilt filling*Radio Flyer, e.g.*React to gunfire, maybe*Recently opened sandwich*Reese Witherspoon's role*Regular provider*Rejected*Relative of an Azerbaija*Renown*Result of collapsed arch*Revealer of vowels, on T*Revealing photo*Reverse a position*Right face, e.g.*Rihanna, 2006*Rims*Rio ... rhythm ... ballr*Risking detention*Ritzy delicacy*Role played by child sta*Rolling past a stop sign*Routine-bound bureaucrat*Rural jaunt [1945]*Salad partner*Salon styles*Salon supply in a bottle*Saloon floozie*Samaritan's act*Scene of an annual ball-*School evacuation exerci*Sci-fi barrier*Seasoned seaman*Second-generation senato*Secret communication loc*Sermon closer*Setting for "Saving Priv*Setting in Sherlock Holm*Settler in a pharmacy*Shade provider*She played the Bond girl*Shine*Shoot perfectly*Short shadow caster*Show stopper?*Showboating type*Sightseer's guide*Sign ... organ ... teleg*Sign of coming danger*Sign to look elsewhere*Siren ... danger ... per*Site of much horsing aro*Situation set to explode*Skirt ... van ... comput*Sleep lab purchases*Sleepaway, e.g.*Small part of a spork*Small sci-fi vehicle*Smart aleck*Smiling radiantly*Snuff*Social gathering for auc*Society*Soiree attire*Solid ground*Some socials*Some ticket issuers*Something to stand on*Somewhat in jest*Song by Tejano singer Se*Song from "No, No, Nanet*Sound from a palace bath*Specification in a burge*Spider-Man's alter ego*Stale air removers*Staple of "Candid Camera*Start of the name*Stetson, for one*Stew made with paprika*Stick with a needle, may*Sticks in the medicine c*Sties*Stone in Hollywood*Storm centers*Strike*Student of Dr. Pangloss*Stumbled upon*Sty for youngsters*Supplant*Supplier of electricity *Supposed results of stre*Sure loser*Suspected means of entry*Sweat ... hormones ... t*Sweater option*Sweep ... coal ... Santa*Symbol above a 5*Symbol of rejoicing for *Takeover*Tally*Teased hairdo*Teed off*Tersely edited epilogues*Textbooks for instructor*The aisles*The Boss's backers*The die is cast*The Father of American P*The light*The Magi, e.g.*The picture*The point*The worst player wins it*They don't belong*They live on acres of Ac*Thing that won't go off *Things worth sweating, w*Tied*Tiffany treasure*Time during a graveyard *Times to call, in ads*Title figure in an Aesop*To be expected*To go round and round*To make holes*Today's kids, demographi*Tongue-in-cheek*Tony Parsons novel [1943*Toothless South American*Top-rated TV series of 1*Tops*Torn*Toro's target [1956]*Total sham [1963]*Touch, e.g.*Touchdown site*Toy that's thrown*Track-and-field event*Trapshooting ... Ali ...*Treaty of Versailles sig*Tugboat rope*Turn-of-the-millennium e*TV ... want ... clutter*Tweaks*Typography symbol*Umpire's invocation afte*Uncle*Undersized bats and glov*Underwater creature whos*Union, e.g.*Unreliable sort*Up-and-comer*Urban farce*Usher feat., 2*Usual amount to pay*Venus*Very easy tasks*Very good child*Via Veneto?*Vie for votes*Walk in the park, say*Wasn't clear, as one's f*Ways things are said*Weapon first tested in '*Wee*Week after Christmas*What "dele" means*What "fore" may precede*What "S.R.O." indicates*What a cell doesn't need*What a waiter might be h*What an EEG reads*What some unscrupulous e*What someone who looks a*What the intruder accide*What the nouveau riche h*What theaters play*What you drop uncooked s*Whatever happens*When the break-in occurr*When the curtain goes up*When the heavens and ear*Where Delta Air Lines is*Where everyone wears bei*Where stars can be seen *Where to find para in th*Wide shoe specification?*Willie Mays, positionall*Wind ... cruise ... canv*Wish desperately*Without which not*Women just don't get it*Wonder product*Words after "Been there"*Words that come from cla*Work on at a desk, say*Workshop sight, perhaps*Wrestling move that puts*Writer ___ Boothe Luce*Y-shaped item*You should have the body*Your tongue*Z, alphabetically*Zigzag trail up a mounta*___ center*___ soup++ 29 or + 44 or + 69, etc+ or -+, mathematically+: Abbr.,,,,,-- a lockdown restaurant offering?- 90 or - 94, among other-------> or <---1, 3rd of February, boarding vehicle-100-273.15-273.15 Celsius-29-3-31-32-41-459.67-50s-: Abbr.-hero, -lock or -monarchist-ly word.. . . and recovered from exposure...... although this fool is reportedly busier!... and who's selling it... backing Scot, singer briefly appearing in African capital... (see 2 Down) AND ...... -1 after the round, the number for the next round?... -hum, second half of game... a basketball through ... a candy-sharing confe... a cheater in class... a circusgoer... a day taking rides around Greek islands... a demonic horse?... a doorbell... a healthy option of squash he is regularly taking... a hen... a knock on a door... a long time doing the same - people do in Katz's... a mother with noisy k... A new order of respect for royal authority... a person sitting down... a porker... a raindrop in a puddl... a rearing appearance, an improvement... a released wild animal... a seedy Hollywood bar... a small-minded lady?... a sod with drawl developing signs of dementia?... a source of inspiration - regularly see reaction... a spirited drink once weekly... a surprised German... a table tennis ball (... a toy train... about us supporting politician for educational grounds... according to Charles ... according to Frank Si... according to Joseph C... according to Neil You... according to St. Augu... according to the Beat... acting so strangely, without any creative conviction... ADQ ...... after we slyly condemned those challenging government (not right)... almost completely excellent, almost first-rate... an embarrassingly one... anaemic pet runs free... and another from Algerian port terribly gaunt... and another has joint I hinder rolling, tucking into cocktail... and another the ladies maybe upset?... and back, into a Mitford-approved vein to the point of producing disgust?... and carpets ruined their performance... and I am ___... and I have ___... and in Berlin, nothing is free... and its noise... and later lost the el... and lies - though maybe not hers... and more exceptional solving cases... and no exaggeration!... and not mandarin orange segment... and not what’s expected, not quite... and replacing American in top basketball team?... and slim in cute pants, in charge for film soundtrack, maybe... and the law - no time at the outset for delicacy... and the rest rising not soon enough... and whatever else "hero" wrote is for pulping... and ___ ...... and, finally, the end... another is turning up with gamma, oddly... are you a modern-day ... are you all-knowing a... are you made out of p... artist: "Don't share energy-starved planet"... as a result of that, seat is included in broadcast topic... as are these unopened Genesis CDs, ultimately... as our President replaced betters?... as well as some revolutionary Yugoslavians... assurance to win tight set... at first expected Biden to welcome British decline... at university, during his break... bank and is just not able... Bay area with British nurse girlfriend... because taking drug after bit of lovemaking results in calm... being first to resolve differences ...... between very small bits about nice rural motel... biographical best sel... body part possibly dripping, I hear - not a problem... brakes... briefly contemplate turning lecherous ...... budge off around midnight, wired... but it's extremely volatile... call God or possibly a band of vicars!... Calls about more unusual bodily secretions... can you be held legal... capital of Chile the same? Wrong conclusion... Cardinal, formerly a sex offender... cars he may crash, avoiding shots... cause pure chaos with European currency... champagne glasses... Charlie's mint stew, given a culinary award... cheater is beaten - ha!... church on rocky outcrop set ablaze... city?... clue? Heard composer's a visionary... Cole essentially to make comeback after having slipped disc in bathroom... comic strip character... composer mostly tucked into top old drink... consequently admitting about 11 into it... cool, showing wit - but not our one, it's beastly?... course there's space on plane for one... court witness... crime syndicate backing plan framing group of footballers... criminal with long sentence, initially they'll stay up late... cuts through danger posed by alien among rubbish... decorative furniture ... delivered - 100% beef goodness!... described by Glossop history teacher... did sport with next to nothing on... direction spoken by pro will get support... disputes - resistance remaining in reorganised sections... do you ever temporize... do you have a limited... do you have any idea ... doubly a trial for one on maiden flight?... drink garnishes?... drunk as they might be after much practice... Elmer's in trouble, being orphaned... empty container inside another... endlessly pinching one’s wireless... Enjoyed with others, its contents go quickly... even though Einstein accepts one right away... failings by female with principles... fellow making people move pointlessly (and he was triumphant)... festival's beginning to define terms of the rural identity... first character in pub being after beer... fish in a barrel to begin with... for each dish eaten by expert... for each person going down the road... for there to be more composed, one of two playing 18A heard... fragments of Homer's lost epic in Greek fit... free, when retail use has been reviewed... frozen in BC50, many years before the Church event (that was) ...... gas used partly for legendarily high one?... gem tense old man smuggled into Australia... German fellow gets shot... good man suspect's axe stroke... grabbing key to new Ford Transit, it's how you might travel when commuting... grease in a deep frye... has changed hands otherwise... has turrets and a rocky peak... have weight move very slowly in hauling device... haven’t lost heart after I stopped controversial politician celebrating victory... having more than one drum machine?... having them tell Isherwood's other characters off... he died here, content to leave oils, see... helped a journalist to bring in papers... his lube? That might be a bit risqué... hooking up and having sex... I frequently radio for support - getting on top, we capture oddball... ice cream eaten by frozen ocean, looking west... ignoring the material in a pamphlet about nonsense... in chaos as fun gets out of hand... in film (therefore, like an artist)... in Isle of Man... in PE - mostly with Judo ring could be kind of character-forming?... in relation to new nepotistic position in office... in Rome: sex and food?... in tract that's circulating, referencing Buddhist works... including this ...... independent film pursuing question over America's demise... interviews second-in-command about animal surgery... interviews very old man about old times... is Scotsman on vessel from Africa?... its members to support latest of Boris's lies... Jan van ___... knocking around at nine hundred like Methuselah... KSG ...... laugh about direction taken by pocket... leads to some papers linking burnt remains in prominent story... left over from farewell performance?... lies at regular intervals on endless curve... like mine... limps badly approaching school dunce... made perfect by broadcasting the finale in high definition... male snake pursuing meal in street - it puffs out when moving... man engaged to earn right for current state... mass being sung at the correct pitch... may invert audiovisual signals - in extremis, seek support... maybe second set of lines found after second reading?... media job?... member of 60s group, one of the Seekers... middle of chest right after rock star's painful blow... Miss Puckett's number... mournful one mostly recalled an arrangement of bars... Mrs. Herr decided she... must have made joint attack to depose king... name associated with entrails possibly... Name? Dr F, possibly defining Mann?... NKC ...... no bias, please write with care... Novel abandoned, he hit "Tweet"... of 1971... of 1973... of 1977... of 1978... of 1979... of 1983... of 1987... of 1990... of city life, whether it's up or down... old Hindu gentleman, initially blaming archaism on deficient text... on account of us backing cases in competition... on Hansel's trail?... on tenterhooks since meeting head of Givenchy... one having most of film extract backed by fellow with money... one here first to greet innkeeper, then nameless writer... one more coming in to give out pot... one of them is under discussion... one of two left over in Chequers originally... one repeatedly coming back from Canadian adventures... one sitting round fire close to tent is one of a kind... only to be caught by zero credit for a month... only work short term when cycling; ultimately, victory's worthless... or different approach to strings (my other playing)... or not so long, Celtic island king under attack?... or take a look at the dear attachment to Albert?... or this lady who's wonderful company, swigging much wine back... original source of first of Patsy Cline (RIP) remixes... ours oddly – experts must bring in 50 future consultants?... passing fancy area in Finland on vacation... patron of the sick (claim he disputed)... perhaps, or staff... pick up drug inside, in fact... playing a Delibes duo, and (then flipping) ...... pop star, absorbing audience's last hurrah... present with voucher - losing business immediately... publicity found in note on back of T-shirt's label... rather have two servings of champagne in glass... rent rate has to change... revealing endlessly opportunistic politician is sham!... review of U-turn about training... Road Runner... sad songs recalling date army charged on shed... Saint died when bitten like that!... Sara's Yuppie Wine Bar - not a bad job I've done (it was 27 asking him ...)... Saunders essentially going on second after support is rejected - it's famously hard... saw subversive in big bed with Joe Stevenson (in which) ...... scattered over housing section... school official?... screened by Amalfi deli opposite opera... searching for quiet bird close to clearing... second to struggle with film... seen here in president's resumé... sex after heading to Long Island clubs is within the law... share a little melancholy...... short play, good in points and theatre's booming... show, forgetting how ratings bombed for Virgo, among others... showing 3 attending a large hearing... skinned knuckles?... so that he might, like the friar, recall holy books... so with a couple of thousand I launched small retail outlet... song by Billy Joel?... southern diner, but not with cold Peter... SPB ...... sport?... Stan, not half discourteous, left dessert... still more ...... still on? Their playing's not ho-... still producing interference... stodge, remarkably undisputed good... story run on gunmen breaking into local... strange new variety of tuna in 3... stretching Ben's followers?... struck – this writer's crushed... studied safe reversing in training day... such as me and nine more men?... suddenly rush information into court - quite the opposite... supporter of cathedral gets him a promotion... Supports housing a minister in military accommodation... teacher with healing of torn cuts in Iran... team has lost, with openers for once now grumbling obliquely... that ...... that a rube might fal... that character taken around fish... that may be upset... that's a source of ea... that's an ambulance, ... the best buttocks lead!... the full effect of Abbot's debut on stage... the others teaching economic principles - it's a feature of many courses... the waitress tried to... their little partner's invested in art gallery having three leaflets... their partner is working on current recommendation... their partner joins a posh school - discount to follow... their partner starts to swear like most of 8 and it goes downhill fast... then I must be ___... thunder... thus King's mortified... thus moving amongst trainee pilots, displaying fitness... time and again losing head from temper... to 20 day shortly... to get help with line on set... to pass out as part of a posh farewell... to take care of mother (don't mention it)... to the air... to the earthworms... to the extent stylish couch warps at the centre... to the mountains... to the river... to the sun... to the thunder... to the tide... to the wind... Tolkien's beginning to crush monster with twisted metal band... top catch? About 90... transport that's highly regarded by guy motoring organisation retired... turning, say, soon to embrace with desire... TV show?... under tree? Splendid!... unfortunately died after accepting sex part ...... unique hairdressers, maybe with first cut conclusively free... upset with Poe's objective?... we slither nervously past... went back to sea... when tipped about minister promoting riddance of toxic waste... where cheese may be cooking... where speculators fish for stocks well under water?... where to see punter's tips for Chepstow and Musselburgh?... which ...... which one drinking coffee raises?... while soldiers from the east getting shot outside is matter-of-fact... who ...... who blocks the toilet... who has a number one?... wild scene finally after pub restricts it... will all questions re... with asymmetry in small part? Show agreement in court... with city prosecutor happy to arrest negligent stars... with whom I'm collaborating in stage production... without feeling foolish?... witness reporting second part of rescue... Wow! 50? Not keen!..., perhaps after hot fling... yes, Rob's struggling with fine school publication... you may have to ___ i... ZKR ...... _ _ _ ......-takes - ultimately the idea isn't addition to that which another Etonian's eaten?...a lot of unnecessary drug paraphernalia? tour decrepit domed building...animals? a beach a family the dinner table...boat? healer, but I......favoured involving network to supply principal is free from blame...his stand comfort and love, very keen to make a's music marketed at teens primarily, occasionally hurried and juvenile...James Bond movie?...less important car? Nod "yes" sadly...masseur, but I......mime, but I......mostly performs at clubs potentially developing habit?...on a daughter's weddin...on a long car trip...on Christmas morning...on Mother's Day...on the first day of sc...or mineral...publisher of e. e. cum...river with rising discharge over crop...s game...sci-fi flick? wrestler, but I.....thereby a cost of perhaps tiny sum originally...this report in religious office...TV character?...vegetable......_ _ _...../-./.../.--././-.-./-/---/.-. ?.0000001 joule.00001 newton.0001 tesla.001 inch.0247 acre.035 ounce.45 or .22.45, e.g., for a firearm.454 kg..6102 cubic inch.946 alternative.___//, to a bowler00 degrees0 letters0 on a phone: Abbr.0 on the Beaufort scale0 or 10 or 1, digitally0 or 1, then 10 - or, on the face of it, 3,4,6, then 7?0 plus0 x 1 - so gradually 5 became 12, 22 26, 1 down 3, or 19 210% fat, say0's and 1's, to a program0, for 180 degrees0, in some measures0, on a telephone: Abbr.0-60 (min time for action!)0-for-5 performance for M0-to-500 scale that goes 0.033 recurring at the end of April0.039 inches0.2% of a ream0.405 hectares0.50.5 fl. oz.0.9007007 and others007 and others: Abbr.007 creator Fleming007 foe007 foe ___ Blofeld007 not someone lacking in manners?007 outside Bagdad zoo (D'oh!) on manoeuvres, playing silly buggers007 player007 player Roger007 strategy007's alma mater007's creator Fleming007's drink007's favourite cocktail007's introduction007's school007, e.g.007, for one007, to Goldfinger00:0001/05/2017010 put about for element at 54?03:0004-Oct05/08/194506-Jun-4406/06/194408-May-4509:590X11 + 1 = 2, e.g.1 + 1000 + 1000 +1 + 1? Without detection, I give up …1 + 2 + 3, e.g.1 + 50 + 1 = 1?1 + 500 + 10 + 50 etc translated into personal speech1 + 500 + 500? Er … I can do this!1 11 12 character ignores Iggy - stars do it1 2 3 22A 24D1 5 consuming very good source of veal with hot, wet colourful things?1 5 in public inquiry reportedly went down1 5 invested in most uninteresting assessment that's on the way1 5 supporting local officer's first baby1 5 with underwear on, not a sculpture1 5, appropriate1 across1 across - brown book doesn't need one1 across call a vote for the negative Republican candidate?1 Across city1 Across essentially cleared out notorious clubs1 across installed here, I'm in meltdown1 Across is flawed, having little time for force1 across prepared complex work schedule for members1 Across sentimentality about distant land1 across the origin of light and dark1 Across: Applause follows northeastern victory before noon, a novelty1 Across: code given by leaks expert getting hotel for learner?1 Across: Extra bed dad arranged, given responsibility1 Across: two in spa row fit to explode1 Across? I don't know ...1 and 1?1 and 6 doing cartwheels, making elementary combinations1 and 66, e.g.: Abbr.1 and 66: Abbr.1 and 8 shot, including a hostile attack1 cent1 chased by 9 for ring of dark occult origins1 down1 down 15, humour lacking in me1 down after voyager finally sends message1 down also led astray over and over again1 down or 10 for Caesar's low land1 down’s circular hollow in TV soap, familiarly1 down's 191 down's communication1 dull 7 outside, devoid of life1 fictional TV and radio presenter? Aha!1 for H, or 2 for He1 getting Tesla - bet he crashes!1 in 100 associate after work by choice1 in 21 possibly wearing no pants1 in 3 bored by this man's request1 in 7 is not happy1 mafioso pursues crime after kicking drug1 needle, small pricks and large pricks1 November festival1 of 2 or 1 in 3, roughly?1 of a prophet, cardinal, soldier and artist1 on the Mohs scale1 or 11, in blackjack1 or 11, in twenty-one1 or 21 or 4 said to produce a smile1 or 66, notably1 or 95: Abbr.1 out of 3, e.g.1 perhaps Rambo misses mother1 Republican leaving a sleazy, empty bar1 retiring, say, getting very old1 should know these domestic, local laws1 small and pale1 to 10, say1 to 57 herein1 under 100 could be 991 under par that's ignored girlfriend …1's supporter savages parasite1, 2, 3 … er … 5 … where's Dracula now?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, in1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., on a1, 4 or 9: 1, 4 or 9?1, 6 and 10 shuffled for switchboard number1, 8 or 271, 8, 27, 64, etc.1, as opposed to I1, for example, left with small bill1, for hydrogen: Abbr.1, for one1, to a trucker1,000 cubic centimetres1,000 fins1,000 G's1,000 kilograms1,000 large calories1,000 line up to participate in kinky sex, fresh from the factory1,000 millimes1,000 quickly pocketed in criminal delight - fancy!1,000 smackers1,000,000,000 years1,000,000,000,0001,000,000,000th1,000-foot-deep lake that1,000-kilometer chain1,000-pager, e.g.1,001 computer expert tips on hand-held devices1,002 on fantastic 24 22 down?1,002, in old Rome1,004, in old Rome1,006, in old Rome1,055 joules: Abbr.1,100-mile run1,1111,500 years before the Wr1,500-year-old text1,575-mile river known to1,760 make a mi.1-0 for United1-0 up: hard supporter's throttled Reds fan?1-1 or 2-2, e.g.1-1 score, e.g.1-1: only in second half is eleven beaten badly1-2000 doctors losing out to medical specialist1-to-12, gradewise1. ... d5: queen's bishop follows soon, perhaps1.0 is not a good one1.5 litre bottle1.5 litre wine bottle1.85 kilometers/hour1/100 is painful?1/100 of a euro1/100 of a krone1/10001/12 of a foot1/12 of a recovery progra1/16 of a pound1/16 pound1/192 qt.1/2 and 1/3 parts1/2 fluid oz.1/2-3/8 of midwestern states showing resistance1/20 ton: Abbr.1/22/44 beachhead1/24 case1/3 TBSP1/36 of a yard1/4 mile, maybe1/40 of "the back 40"1/4d is distant object1/5 could be what 29/19 didn't want (right in middle of action)1/500 of the Indianapolis1/6 fl. oz.1/6 of an inch1/60 fluid dram1/60 of a fluid dram1/60 of a min.1/60 of a trillionth of a1/60-minute drink?1/60th of a minute (abbr.)1/64 of a checkerboard, m1/640 of a square mile1/640 square mile1/7 of a Spanish week1/768 gallon1/8 of a fluid ounce1/8 ounce1010 X10 + 10 divided by small number? That's a strain10 + 100 + 1 + 50 follows special pattern10 - 7 = 23? Head off in confusion10 4 creator's plain ridiculous when crossing road10 4's institution for older brothers?10 about you grabbing old soldier abroad10 across group10 across language10 and 3 out for local network10 Benjamin Franklins10 C-notes10 caught during escape don't count10 cc, e.g.10 cc, perhaps10 cents10 creatures from lake a boar's ravaged10 down cheese10 Downing St. figures10 Downing St. residents10 entertained by duet playing close to disco's DJ10 from our gigolo only beginning to do this?10 going into Cambridge college for the present time10 group nursing dogs?10 in river shortened with stick10 in school instructed from the back10 in something to buy in 19 bar10 in un decennio10 informal discussions put up value in advance10 jiao10 kilogauss10 like this, on paper10 marks, once10 miles per hour, say10 million of them equal 10 million rupees10 new non-invasive procedures advanced the study of feet10 of 3 behind credit offered by wine society?10 of them make a thou10 on a 10-point scale, e10 on a scale of 1 to 1010 out of 1010 out of 10, e.g.10 outfit, shirt, cardigan, pullover and sweater?10 peacekeepers before one fool retired?10 perhaps behave like recidivists?10 perhaps, a constant in The City10 square meters10 stone flying bird10 superiors10 to 1, e.g.10 to do arithmetic with new technology?10 tucked into extremely expensive and charming produce10 ultimately repeated is what Boris excelled at10 with Del & her swimming10 years before the Battl10% cuts10% of MDX10% taker10's10's and 20's, e.g.10's pride10(1000000)00? It's a beast10, at times: Abbr.10, in a way10, in a way: Abbr.10, when retiring, dresses10,000 square meters10,000 square metres10,000 words, perhaps10,000, for 4, in base 1010,000,000 ergs10,000,000 rupees, in Ind10,080 minutes10-, 11- and 12-year-olds10-4 in bold10-4's10-digit no.10-G, e.g.: Abbr.10-kilogauss units10-percenters: Abbr.10-point Q, e.g.10-point type10-time Gold Glove Award 10-time Silver Slugger Aw10-year host of "Entertai10-year prison sentence, 10-year sentence, in slan10-year-old Oscar winner 10/10/73 resignee10/15, e.g.10/: Abbr.100100 + 0 over 10, right? I'm licked100 + 1 + 10 + 1 in series100 + 50 - complex sum? Yes, that's awkward100 - 1 = 99?100 - 81100 against 24, essentially100 agorot100 and 400, to a photogr100 as old as us showing mettle100 at church finding hidden problem100 aurar100 — too old for insurance policy?100 bucks100 Cambodian sen100 came, 5 went and passed100 cent100 centavos100 centesimi100 centesimi, once100 centesimos100 centesimos, in Panama100 centimes100 centimes, in Haiti100 centimos100 cents100 cents abroad100 cents, abroad100 cents, in East London100 cents, in Sri Lanka100 clams100 daguerreotypes? They're cool100 dinars100 engineers briefly irrational, having ingested hard liquor100 for an I.Q.100 in clear section of road is perhaps working for many?100 Iranian dinars100 is average for them100 kopecks100 kurus100 lbs.100 locks for furniture100 mph100 nanojoules100 not entirely competent people backing one that can climb to the top?100 or so, e.g.: Abbr.100 percent100 pfennigs, briefly100 points100 pranks involving the French in old book of songs100 qintars100 sawbucks100 sen100 sen, in Cambodia100 sheets of paper, off-white100 simoleons100 smackers100 square meters100 stotinki100 to 1, e.g.100 travelling around a line on map100 years to make a battery?100 years: Abbr.100 yrs.100%100% determined100% incorrect100% leather upholstery covers from bottom up100% likely to break in for example?100, 21 figure100, for sure100, I.Q.-wise100, in Italy100, say100,0,100,1,000? Nonsense!100,000 rupees100,000,000 maxwells100,000-dyne units100-cent unit100-eyed giant of myth100-lb. units100-member group100-meter dash, e.g.100-meter hurdles, for on100-meter race, e.g.100-meter runners, e.g.100-meter, e.g.100-year-old1000 + 1 + 50 + 0 + 50? It's about a unit1000 are encircling a Spanish city1000 plus 1, 2001, 100, 1000; it's all a stunt!1000 smack dealers with time off for good behaviour1000 soldiers in one eastern county ousted by southern clan1000 trapped in a remarkable battle1000 year periods10001 initials1000kg1005001001000 - see?1008 on a monument100p100th anniversary100th anniversary of the 100th of a euro100th of a Mexican peso100th of a zloty100ths of a krona101101 reading about Latin and English group101, in a course name101, in course names101, or 99?1014, in history1040 amt.1040 and others1040 attachment1040 data1040 datum: Abbr.1040 entry1040 grp.1040 ID1040 info: Abbr.1040 initials1040 org.1040 sender1040 subjs.1040, for one1051 on monuments1051, on a monument1052, in a proclamation106, to Caesar106, to Trajan1066 battlers1066 invaders1066 loser1070, in old Rome108-card game109, famously1099-___ (tax form sent b10:00 program10c coin10CC said missing royalties ultimately could be a disaster10E and 40 long, e.g.10K or marathon10K, e.g.10K, for one10p, say, essentially deducted after large university revel10s the end of many Russian women?10th anniversary gift10th Supreme Court chief 10th, 20th, 30th, etc., i10th- to 12th-century Chi10th-12th century dynasty10th-anniversary gift10th-anniversary metal10th-century annum10th-century emperor know10th-century exile from I10th-century explorer10th-century Holy Roman e10th-century pope10th-century pope interre10th-century raiders10th-grader, for short10^-9: Prefix11 1/2" soldier11 about to join said no11 – and seven others11 fighting over 17 across case11 from Canberra, might you say?11 in a file11 is worn by a swashbuckling sort11 or 7-inch?11 p.m., for some11 peacekeepers joining 150 on active duty for starters11 tearful guy, primarily11 to 20, for some counte11 to settle, moving here?11 was one place to cover part of Javid's remit11 worker employed around state restaurant11 ___ and spices (KFC se11's fine dressing11, excellent, not entirely smelly11, on the Beaufort scale11, perhaps 10, play 10 away11, perhaps, fixed games with sailor11, perhaps, secures a great deal11, perhaps, to be disruptive, interrupting friend11, say, increasingly embracing love11,000-foot Italian peak11,000-foot mount in Euro11,000-ft. high smoker11- or 12-year-old11- or 12-year-old, e.g.11-a-side?11-member 19th-century or11-member grp.11-pointer in blackjack11-pointer, in blackjack11-time 1930's-40's All-S11-time N.C.A.A. basketba11-year-old, perhaps11/11 honoree11/11 honorees1102 on a monument1102, in dates112 lbs112 pounds112-, 113-, 114- and 115-112.5114-chapter book1140, in old Rome1140, to Flavius11:59 p.m., e.g.11am meal?11s in prison, almost getting hard11th century Spanish hero11th President11th-century cathedral ci11th-century conqueror11th-century conqueror of11th-century date11th-century hero11th-century invaders11th-century military her11th-century Spanish folk hero11th-century year11th-grade exams, for sho1212 - time held to be impracticable12 13 commander with liberal line on honey12 3 replaced? No replacement!12 across12 across bread crusts about right, 11 in the boulangerie?12 and 13 in rugby12 attempt to jump up and down12 – number subsequently seen in mirror12 chimes12 days of fasting announced12 Down12 down 15 south of lake12 down party on an important occasion12 down's 44 people animating a lethargic character?12 down's 52, old couple beyond sophisticated Cumbrian town drinking Bordeaux, say?12 down's 60 large magnets, gift awfully dangerous12 down's 77 warmer places on expedition12 dozen gutted library in a horrid way12 embraces partners getting married - a regular occurrence12 fish12 flipping thick, Lewis Hamilton now said12 grow up with leader being replaced by successor12 in a word shifting under root vegetable, briefly12 in place to practice for test12 keeping Harry in shape12 leading characters in Last of the Summer Wine, mostly12 like any nina (and this one especially)12 like being upset and avoiding offence12 meses12 months12 months from now12 months, in Monterrey12 noon and it's heading to 90°12 or 15 min.12 Paul owned on film12 perhaps raised money to help school outside Reading?12 points12 running back and forth, drink going to and fro12 spots family12 swapping halves in test?12 taking time off12 up for 1412 up, astride a black horse12 with 1 pound raised for certain celebs12 words with king's 1712" stick12's 29 maybe wanted thus?12's bird described circling here has nothing on large rook12's novel outspoken genius needing information in the first instance12's possible reason for high amount of power?12's team that might hold things together12, all Mary Celeste's crew? Not entirely orderly on board12, on a sundial12, one cooking something spicy?12, where two crossings on carpets reversed12-20 filler?12-hr. stretches12-inch stick12-note series12-point type12-time baseball All-Star12-time Ivy League footba12-time Pro Bowl pick Jun12-time Pro Bowl player J12-year-old, say12.5 percent12.5% too much in a pub12/24 and 12/3112/24 or 12/3112/24, e.g.12/25, e.g.120-pound Australians1200, on a monument1250, in old Rome1265 battle where Simon de Montfort died128 cubic feet12: 12 that is with stream12:30 a.m. or p.m., on a 12:50 or 1:5012:59 meeting?12A's propeller seen from rear, when docked in Arab state12d or so a boy kept handy12th Amendment concern12th grader12th graders12th graders: Abbr.12th mo.12th to 15th century language12th-15th century Europea12th-century Crusader sta12th-century mathematicia12th-century year12th-grader1313 across13 across - coin13 coaches moving Hearts up to be in a winning position13 creating frisson of fear just before 213 down13 Down group13 down is said to have been the first13 Down or sick leave13 for a baker?13 from TV castle - hard13 hands regularly on ruby cushion13 has nuked rocks13 large pets ran off13 making love before showing brains13 on which Tommy wanted to 1A the 5A feeds rig I constructed13 or 22 possibly taking over independent nation13 pontiffs13 popes, so far13 religious heads13 remaining socialists13 swears regularly behind setter's back13 taking ecstasy for a laugh13 to 19 year old13 week period of not quite mutual admiration finally shattered13 years before the Battl13's condition?13's grinding partner13's old enough13, for Al13- to 19-year-old13-, 20-, 49- and 57-Acro13-a-side game13-a-side sport13-figure figure13-stringed Japanese zith13-time Gold Glove-winnin13-time Grey Cup winners1300 on a cornerstone1314 battle near Stirling13th moon of Jupiter13th or 15th? That is before time13th Precinct lieutenant13th, at times13th-century collection13th-century invader13th-century Italian scul13th-century king of Denm13th-century literary cla13th-century literary wor1414 5 buzzing in quiz14 across, not above board14 altering faulty percussion instrument14 and up, for short14 appearing in capital letters14 bird’s mostly quiet in order to keep cold14 for Si or 102 for No: 14 having zero power to stop14 jewel within unit, two of a kind14 lbs, more or less; wow!14 made of a single piece of material with a hole in the middle14 might be stingy or poor since losing last of fortune in collapse14 parts of fish, minor ones perhaps14 pounced upon, we hear14 pounds, in Britain14 sabotaged new routine14 shot North14 that might be caught on sandbank if flipped14 that will be found behind pub14 very much accepted by soldiers14 years before the Battl14 years before the Magna14's 12, a puzapuzapuzzlezlezle?14's bestselling writer or more of a rogue?14's heavy African freight?14's very prominent work of art14+14, 19 and 12 across drink14, bad one, employed by firm14, in old Rome14-1 has time for Brussels to mature with a bit of manure in plot14-1's spanner regularly fixing disruption to Suez Canal when one end's blocked14-1's sphere about to absorb, er, everyone's sphere14-Jun14-legged crustacean14-line poem14-line poems140 and up, say140 British pounds140 or more people?140 pounds, in Britain1409 Council site143A + 144A144146A + 9A1492 and 17761492 and 2001: Abbr.1492 Columbus discovery1492 vessel1492 voyager1492, 1776, 2001, etc.1493 Columbus landing sit14A + 6A14lb chicken, perhaps, served up for rock group14th letters14th-century English poet14th-century Japanese warrior hired for espionage and assassinations14th-century Russian rule15 18 30, 6 1, two 4 18, 8, 16 28 and 13 25 9 sounded divine among scrapers15 23 used by 24D 1015 across15 boxes you in15 briefly clipped back15 bullets found in marksman's jacket15 characters in Pride and Prejudice15 cut, we hear?15 down15 fuels explosive ability15 god embraced by US actress15 grouse on log15 is looking good15 location's endless wine15 mg. of zinc, e.g.15 minutes of tightrope w15 of Seville fruit used for marmalade15 perhaps and cattle thief? No way15 preceder15 presented with an award before day's end15 quid sadly lost in middle of acid trip15 seconds to get simple cocktail dress on?15 with a cut sent up, still15 with blunted needle?15 with bubbles15 years before the Battl15 ___ (tennis score)15%, maybe15%-20%, for a waiter15%-20%, usually15's artery leaving heart15's range15's terminal way to fill Ely cathedral post, maybe15, old one15-Aug-4515-ball cluster15-cc turbo-assisted bike initially gets rickety on slope15-ml unit15-percenter15-percenters: Abbr.15.432 grains150 and on strike, demonstrating power150 identical tips for festival150 in 19? That's gentle on Fagradalsfjall150 may riot over European money for weapon150 of the Romans stand for disinfectant150 workers end squatting inside - demanding types1500-meter winner at the 1501, on a monument151 + 10 confused customer?151 on a monument151 separate pictures for general computer use151, in old Rome1521 visitor to Guam1545 council site1545-63 council site1551, in monuments1558-1603 monarch: Abbr.157.5157.5 degrees from N1589-92 teaching venue fo1598 edict city1598 edict site15A refuted15’s upset about hospital offering no openings15D following English 1715D minced inside fish15s food15th Century house found in narrow street, overlooking river15th Greek letter15th of March15th-century Flemish pain15th-century French king 15th-century maritime nam15th-century painter of "15th-century pontiff who 15th-century prince of Wa15th-century traveler15th-century vessel1616 'E's on bounce? Get nearly as high again after each comedown?16 1/2 feet16 17 briefed estate agent16 accommodation, say, sailor's occupying after start of cruise16 Across Greek letter16 Across investigator argues poorly: Tory ultimately supporting16 and Seventeen, for sho16 down by tearaway16 down in Nice16 down's daughters must be kept in line16 down's jumper, reportedly extremely cute16 down's small flower16 drams16 half-naked at the Spanish college16 of these are hidden in16 or Seventeen16 oz.16 people here pick up large risk16 sign for shoppers of sorts - one element's wrong16 to follow as lights roam around16! Voice has captured some poetry16's grinding partner16-year-old's desire16-year-old's want16/18? Just a number160 square rods160, to Caesar1600 to 1800, on a boat1600's stargazer1600, to Cato1605 assassination attempt against James I1605 Catholic conspiracy to upset the English establishment1608 Monteverdi opera1611 mutiny victim164-foot-tall movie star165011651 battle where Cromwell's army routed an army from Scotland led by Charles II1655 conqueror of New Swe1666 London fire chronicl1669 blast site1676 Virginia uprising1677 Racine tragedy1689 English constitutional settlement1690s Massachusetts witch1692 witch trials city16A 12A featuring dog with tail moving centrally during wag16A 12A in which English girl's mounted16A 12A in which partners eat duck, heading off before everything comes back up16A 12A in which stubborn English king gets screwed?16A 12A in which yokel is seduced by literary companion16A 12A of type found in print these days16A 12A with many stripped off for war16A 12A with second chapter providing something imaginary16A old man's holding up map the wrong way round16D girl? Possibly 16A, taking English for a gas16s - features of churches, we're told16th letter of the Spanis16th letters in Hebrew16th president's nickname16th President, familiarl16th president, informall16th seed's bracket win, 16th-century assembly16th-century council city16th-century council site16th-century English dram16th-century Florentine f16th-century founder of S16th-century freeholder of a small farm16th-century French satirist, noted for earthy humour16th-century Italian comp16th-century monarch cred16th-century music distracted capital over half a century16th-century Spanish adventurer16th-century Spanish adventurer in Mexico and Peru16th-century start16th-century Vatican fres17 ... good one!17 1/2 million square mil17 accomplished nothing with firm and in government17 across having doubled lead, end result is tight17 across, a wide man neither side wanted17 across, composer appearing in month - where reason for being late remains unknown?17 change in form17 character's present holiday in Kent?17 double-crossed one about to return17 down17 flap to purchase, we hear17 Fleet St tradesman17 force court to stop marriage17 from first half of paper? Yes for the Berliner, primarily17 from St Paul?17 in another clue too, but not for anyone to see17 ingredient non-starters for long-legged people?17 is not the heart of bingo in afterthought17 man stops breaking off to do nothing17 men and two females17 Monopoly props.17 mostly confused by first of several fall guys17 quiet jockeys, rather cold17 stuck halfway through Paul, Tramp, Vlad, even Rufus? Yes, initially17 that's a 16 down artist, say17 times wise men upset opening17 to 12 trumpets from devotees accepting cost17 to accompany a German exchange17 to surpass skill British possess17 tossed my boxes into second Loch17 work, improvised we see, is inappropriate?17's enduring trauma?17's gone an unnatural colour17, in old Rome17, male, tough guy regularly left out17, something a child might 1217-syllable poem17-year-old sensation at 17-year-old, legally170-pound newsmaker of 7/17001719 literary hero1729 Jonathan Swift pamph1738 Handel opera set in 1749 Henry Fielding novel1751 Henry Fielding novel1770 patriot Attucks1773 jetsam1773 jetsam in Boston Har1773 Tea Party, e.g.1775 flag motto1776 or 19451777 battle site1781 surrender site1785 invention of England1786 erupter1786 Springfield insurrec1790 opera buffa by Mozart1797-8 to-do17:30 - maybe house destroyed in Nelson?17s fiddle on deserted promenades17th century French mathematician - SI unit of pressure17th chapter17th US state, joined 181917th-century actress Nell17th-century diarist17th-century explorer17th-century painter of "17th-century rationalist17th-century Spanish pain18 not 51, may be vulgar18 area needing 18 state's leader18 area protects a liberal country18 area, abandoned by country, shows 2618 cops and 1 crazy nut18 holes of golf18 holes, say18 inches, give or take18 is French and most cruel18 is mostly manure and earth (1 of 3)18 Louises18 might be impossible if short of shillings and pence (2 of 3)18 on a golf course18 or 21, typically18 oz., maybe, on a cerea18 rocky inlet before crests of rip tide18 society forged union along with English18 through 20, in a run18 vote's announced18's first movement, tossing pet into black, bottomless pit18, 19 and 20 of a series18-20 in a sequence18-and-over18-season Mariner Martine18-wheeler18-wheelers180180 degree maneuver180 degree turn, in slang180 degrees from NNW180 degrees from WNW180 is its max. score180's180's, slangily180, slangily180, so to speak180-degree turns, in slan1802 acquisition of 25-Ac1804 symphony1805 Napoleonic victory s1807 Wordsworth poem1808 resignee as U.S. sen180° change of direction180s1811 battle site1812, 2001, etc.: Abbr.1813 battle site1813-14 vice president1814 Byron poem1814-15 principality for 1815 battle1819 Keats poem1820 White House resident1821 elegy to commemorate1824 Vienna premiere1831 Poe poem1836 battle site1836 massacre at a San Antonio, Texas mission1836 siege site1836 siege site, with "th1837 literary collection1841 Adam ballet1843 work in five "staves1844 Verdi work1846 Johann Galle discove1846 novel set on an isla1847 English novel1847 Melville novel1847 Melville work1847 novel about a mutiny1847 novel involving a mu1847 novel set in part ab1847 novel set on Tahiti1847 novel subtitled "A N1847 South Seas adventure1847 tale of the South Se1848 presidential candida1850's Republican rallyin1852 metres1856 antislavery novel1856 installation1856 political novel1856 Stowe novel186,000 miles per second1860 campaign nickname1860's initials1860's insignia1860's White House name1862 battle site1862 invasion battle site1862 Maryland battle site1862 Victor Hugo novel1863 German invention, fo1864 battle site that was1864 convention site1867 admission to the Uni1867 book subtitled "Krit1867 code of fair play in boxing1868 Dostoyevsky novel1869 Dostoyevsky novel1869 Minkus ballet1869 Twain novel, with "T1871 opera set in the Old Kingdom of Egypt1871 sequel to a classic 1873 adventure novel that1877 Manet painting1877 Twain collaborator1880 literary heroine1880-81 or 1899-1902 conflict1883 Maupassant novel1884 Helen Hunt Jackson n1884 literary hero, infor1884 short story by Guy d1886 Alcott sequel1887 Chekhov play1887 La Scala premiere1887 play on which a 19001887 Rider Haggard novel1887 romance novel1887 Verdi opera1889 Jerome K. Jerome com1889 statehood achievers,1889 Vice President ___ P1890 battle site that's n1890's gold rush destinat1890's veep ___ P. Morton1890s gold rush city1892 Kipling poem1892 Leoncavallo opera1892 Tchaikovsky ballet, 1893 Verdi opera1894 adventure novel, wit1894 opera set in Egypt1896 decision ___ v. Ferg1896 Teatro Regio premier1897 Felix Hoffmann disco1897 gothic horror novel18981898 battle site1898 ship in the news1899 Eduardo di Capua mel1899 gold rush locale1899 gold rush site1899 warrior1899-1902 event18D flyer perhaps circling over area in fog18d's base, despicable character18th century clergymen brothers Charles and John18th century furniture designer18th-century card game, the forerunner of bridge18th-century dance18th-century French artis18th-century French inven18th-century London polit18th-century Parisian des18th-century style appropriate after Lesotho accepts French agreement18th-century style of chairs and cabinets18th-century Venetian fre18th-century Venetian mas19 - 15, for example19 - 27, for example19 3 in conversation with the virgin19 across good to get up on 19 across and shine19 and very loud on board public transport19 artist's work to fade out ultimately, such a recipe for disaster19 ÷ 50? Poet's reduced rate19 Down east, north or south, going west19 evening may require these wicked lights19 fighting to capture Troy, enemy's capital19 for restraint19 in old Ford19 literature is both this and that, would you say? A shade19 reflecting the tools of his trade19 years, roughly19's good for Sunday Post journalist19's sordid, Troy admitted19, for N.B.A. players19-season N.H.L.'er Robit19001900 Puccini premiere1900 zoological discovery1900's-30's Spanish queen1900, on a cornerstone1900-99, e.g.: Abbr.1900s, e.g.: Abbr.1901 novel set in India1902 Kentucky Derby winne1902 Physics Nobelist Pie1903 Shaw play1903-04 cars sold only in1904 date in "Ulysses"1904 La Scala premiere1904 Olympics site1904 presidential candida1904-'05 foe of Japan: Ab1905 revolt setting1905 Shaw play1905 Strauss opera1906 Massenet opera1906 novel that helped pr1907-8 Series winner1908 Cubs player and posi1908 Green Gables girl1908 Peace Nobelist Fredr1909 Matisse painting1909 Physics Nobelist1909 Physics Nobelist for1910 is a geneticist ignored at first, as is John1910 Rodin sculpture at t1910's film star known as1910's French avant-gardi1910's heavyweight champ 1910's oversized coat1910's-20's art movement1910's-20's movement1910's-30's Harper's Baza1910, on cornerstones1910-36 for George V, and1910s heavyweight champ _1910s-'20s car inits.1910s-'20s Dutch art move1910s-'20s flivver1911 Chemistry Nobelist1911 song "I ___ Girl..."1911 Stravinsky ballet1912 headline name1912 Olympics track star1912 painter of Picasso1912 Physics Nobelist ___1913 Chemistry Nobelist1914 battle line1914 battle site1914 Belgian battle line1914 Booth Tarkington nov1914 Edgar Rice Burroughs1915 Lillian Gish film, w1915 Literature Nobelist 1915 Ring Lardner story1915 song that popularize1916 battle site1916 North Sea naval battle1916 Theodore Dreiser boo1916-18 post for Calvin C1917 18 across where infant lying, funny feeling justified, one certainly admits1917 Frank Lloyd film1917 Monte Carlo premiere1917 newsmaker1917 revolution casualty1917 revolutionaries1917 shoe debut1917 Theda Bara role, inf1917 Victor Herbert opere1918 hit song about "a ma1918 Met premiere1918 Physics Nobelist1918 song girl whose name1919 Broadway musical tha1919 novel set in Paris a1919 Pulitzer-winning aut1919 Triple Crown winner19201920 aeronautical inventi1920 Colette novel1920 peace conference sit1920 Summer Olympics site1920's auto1920's chess champion Cap1920's Chief Justice1920's communication fad1920's Duesenbergs1920's entertainment1920's isolationist1920's Japanese premier1920's Olympics star from1920's swimming sensation1920's tax evader1920's vice president Cha1920's White House name1920's White House nickna1920's-30's film star Con1920's-30's lawman1920's-40's North Dakota 1920's-40's Yankees manag1920s anarchist in a cele1920s art movement1920s birth control advoc1920s chief justice1920s leading lady ___ Na1920s-'60s Tennessee cong1921 hit piano tune1921 man-vs.-machine play1921 play that introduced1922 D. H. Lawrence novel1922 Max Schreck film1922 Nobelist in physics1922 novel with a Dublin 1922 Physics Nobelist1922 Vincent Lopez hit1923 A.L. M.V.P.1923 earthquake site1924 co-defendant1924 Edna Ferber novel1924 Ferber novel1924 gold medal swimmer1924 Irving Berlin tune1924 Olympics star Gertru1925 hit musical with the1925 Literature Nobelist1925 musical featuring "T1925 Nobel Peace Prize wi1925 novel for which the 1925 Pulitzer-winning nov1925 trial name1926 "Moby-Dick" adaptati1926 Channel swimmer1926 English Channel cros1926 hit "Sleepy Time ___1926 Jean Renoir film1926 La Scala premiere1927 #1 song1927 E. E. Cummings play1927 Literature Nobelist 1927 Peace Nobelist Ludwi1927 Upton Sinclair novel1927 Virginia Woolf novel1927-31 Ford1928 hit with the lyric "1928 movie subtitled "The1928 musical composition 1928 Oscar winner Janning1928 trademark song for R1928 Virginia Woolf novel1928 Winter Olympics site1928, 1932 and 1936 Olymp1929 Cole Porter song1929 globe circumnavigato1929 Hemingway book, with1929 international agreement regulating commercial air transport1929 Irving Berlin song1929 literary character i1929 Literature Nobelist1929 Variety headline1929 Virginia Woolf title19301930 Laurel and Hardy fil1930 Literature Nobelist1930 novel that takes its1930 tariff act co-sponso1930 Triple Crown jockey1930 Vincent Youmans song1930's actress Farrell1930's boxer Max1930's boxing champ1930's boxing champ Max1930's Brazilian import1930's comics girl1930's Depression org.1930's design style, form1930's director with thre1930's dust bowler1930's film canine1930's film dog1930's first lady1930's French P.M. L1930's Goldwyn star Anna1930's have-nots1930's heavyweight champ 1930's inits.1930's movie bowdlerizer1930's movie dog1930's program, for short1930's pub. works program1930's public works prog.1930's quintuplet1930's Spanish queen1930's V.P. John ___ Garn1930's veep John ___ Garn1930's vice president Joh1930's western hero1930's-40's Czech preside1930's-40's director Zolt1930's-40's film director1930's-40's first lady1930's-40's leading lady 1930's-40's tyrant, spell1930's-40's villain1930's-50's actor J. ___ 1930's-60's columnist who1930's-60's power couple1930's-70's despot1930-31 Best Actor Oscar 1930s bomber1930s boxing champ Max1930s design style1930s design style (2 wds.)1930s film dog1930s film pooch1930s film star with nota1930s heavyweight champ1930s heavyweight champ k1930s heavyweight champ M1930s jazz style1930s migrant1930s novel clear regarding musical style1930s org. with a blue ea1930s political group1930s ring champ1930s Royales1930s' big band jazz style1930s-'40s heavyweight ch1931 Bela Lugosi film1931 convictee1931 Dracula portrayer1931 film about a stockbr1931 film that won an Osc1931 sudser about a washe1932 and 1981 "Tarzan" fi1932 Bette Davis melodram1932 Democratic campaign 1932 Gable film remade as1932 Garbo title role1932 Greta Garbo role1932 novel of crime and r1932 skiing gold medalist1932 song or 1984 movie1932 title role for Greta1932 Will Rogers film1933 Broadway musical tha1933 Marx Brothers film1933 Physics Nobelist Pau1933 RKO hit1934 Chemistry Nobelist1934 Chemistry Nobelist H1934 Cole Porter musical1934 film canine1934 film starring 57-Acr1934 film starring 58-Acr1934 Hall and Nordhoff ad1934 hit "___ Dinka Doo"1934 James Hilton novella1934 Lillian Hellman play1934 Mae West song1934 Mae West tune1934 Powell co-star1934 Pulitzer author Herb1934 Pulitzer winner Herb1934 Pulitzer writer Herb1934 quintuplet1934 Shirley Temple music1934 title role for Ginge1934 title role for Jeane1935 film starring 58-Acr1935 film starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers1935 James Cagney crime f1935 Kentucky Derby winne1935 Laughton part1935 Marx Brothers romp1935 movie starring Helen1935 musical with Astaire1935 Pulitzer-winning bio1935 Triple Crown horse1935 Triple Crown winner1936 alliance between Germany and Italy1936 and 1937 Best Actres1936 campaigner Landon1936 candidate Landon1936 Chemistry Nobelist P1936 Cole Porter song, li1936 Cong. measure1936 du Maurier novel1936 film1936 film starring 57-Acr1936 foe of Franklin D.1936 Gary Cooper title ro1936 Jean Harlow title ro1936 Loretta Young title 1936 Medicine Nobelist Ot1936 N.L. leader in slugg1936 Olympics hero1936 Olympics record-brea1936 Olympics star1936 Olympics star Jesse1936 Oscar-winning title 1936 track gold medalist1937 Benny Goodman hit1937 Cole Porter tune1937 DuPont invention1937 Jean Gabin title rol1937 Oscar role for Luise1937 Paul Muni drama1937 Ronald Colman advent1937 Triple Crown winner1938 #1 hit composed by H1938 annexation of Austria by Germany - shun class1938 Daphne du Maurier no1938 Evelyn Waugh novel, satirising foreign correspondents in Ethiopia1938 film starring 57-Acr1938 hit "I ___ Anyone Ti1938 novel, starting: 'Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again'1938 Physics Nobelist1939 #1 hit for the Ink S1939 Academy Award nomine1939 Academy Award-winnin1939 Agatha Christie clas1939 Best Actress role1939 Bette Davis drama1939 Bogart title role1939 co-star of Haley and1939 film home1939 film taglined "Garbo1939 film with a Best Act1939 Garbo role1939 Giraudoux play1939 Glen Gray hit "___ N1939 hit "___ for That"1939 Humphrey Bogart role1939 James Joyce novel1939 MGM Technicolor movie1939 movie canine1939 movie dog1939 movie setting1939 title role for Frank1939 Wimbledon winner19401940 cartoon in which Woo1940 Crosby/Lamour/Hope c1940 Crosby/Lamour/Hope f1940 Disney film1940 Fonda role1940 Henry Fonda role1940 John Wayne drama1940 Karloff horror flick1940 O'Brien part1940 Ronald Reagan role1940 Tyrone Power adventu1940's arena: Abbr.1940's Big-Band leader1940's Cardinal ___ Slaug1940's conflict, for shor1940's film trademark1940's first lady1940's foe, with "the"1940's Giants manager1940's Holmes player1940's Italian Fascist le1940's South African P.M.1940's Soviet secret poli1940's spy org.1940's Tigers All-Star Ne1940's-50's actor Dennis1940's-50's All-Star pitc1940's-50's All-Star ___ 1940's-50's dictator1940's-50's leader with a1940's-50's Phillies star1940's-50's slugger Ralph1940's-60's world leader1940's-80's actor Robert1940's-90's actress Valli1940s Bikini blast, in br1940s British P.M.1940s computer1940s conflict: Abbr.1940s dance1940s fashion1940s hit radio show feat1940s musical innovation1940s presidential inits.1940s swinger’s cheers returned by male police officer1940s White House dog1940s' genre of American thriller or detective movies1940s' jazz style1940s' style for men, with padded shoulders - Oz sitout1940s-'50s Dodger who was1940s-'50s film/TV star w1940s-'50s pitcher Maglie1940s-'50s politico Steve1940s-'50s White House in1940s-'50s White House na1940s-'50s wrestler with 1940s-'60s Indian P.M.1940s-'60s world leader1941 #1 hit for Tommy Dor1941 #1 Sammy Kaye hit1941 Cary Grant tearjerke1941 chart-topper "Maria 1941 cinematic citizen1941 Disney film based on1941 Disney film, with "T1941 film "A Yank in the 1941 film about a young circus elephant born with large ears1941 film noir classic: 31941 film noir hero1941 Glenn Miller chart t1941 Glenn Miller hit tha1941 Henry Luce article t1941 Jimmy Dorsey chart-t1941 Lillian Hellman play1941 musical comedy "That1941 Orson Welles classic1941 Oscar-winner Crisp1941 Priscilla Lane film 1941 Triple Crown winner1941-42 Allies vs. Japane1941-45, for the United S1942 Abbott and Costello 1942 Eleanor Powell music1942 F.D.R. creation1942 Harry James hit "___1942 Jimmy Dorsey hit1942 movie with the song 1942 musical starring Rit1942 Oscar winner reacts 1942 Oscar winner Wright1942 Philippines fighting1942 Preakness winner1942 Pulitzer novelist Gl1942 Rawlings work set in1942 surrender site1942 U.S. victory site1942-45 stats disseminato1943 Bogart film1943 Cary Grant title rol1943 conference site1943 Greer Garson title r1943 Mary Martin musical1943 penny material1943 Robert Taylor film1943 Triple Crown winner1944 battle site1944 Bill of Rights subje1944 Bing Crosby hit1944 Chemistry Nobelist1944 Chemistry Nobelist O1944 E.T.O. battleground1944 film1944 film noir by Preming1944 Hitchcock classic1944 initials1944 Jean-Paul Sartre pla1944 murder mystery direc1944 mystery play by Agat1944 N.L. M.V.P. ___ Mari1944 Oscar-winning song b1944 Physics Nobelist I. 1944 Preminger film1944 Preminger movie1944 Pulitzer journalist1944 Sartre play1944 thriller with Fred M1944 title role for 55-/11945 Allied conference si1945 battle site with a f1945 battle site, briefly1945 battle site, for sho1945 Cahn/Styne tune1945 Colette novel1945 conference site1945 conference site for 1945 film musical with th1945 flag-raising site, b1945 island dogfight site1945 John Wayne western1945 meeting site1945 Mel Torme song1945 newsmaking site1945 Pacific battle site,1945 Peace Nobelist1945 Physics Nobelist Wol1945 Prokofiev ballet1945 Pulitzer poet1945 Roy Rogers-Dale Evan1946 Alan Ladd film1946 Bing Crosby hit1946 Bowery Boys movie1946 British Open champio1946 film1946 film noir starring 1 across - of ill-repute1946 film starring 58-Acr1946 high-tech wonder1946 hit "___ in Calico"1946 John Hersey book1946 Literature Nobelist1946 Nobel Peace Prize wi1946 Wimbledon champ Betz1946 Wimbledon champion P1946's "Giant Brain"1947 Best Picture nominee1947 crime drama1947 docudrama1947 film noir starring D1947 French Nobelist Andr1947 Hope/Crosby destinat1947 Literature Nobelist 1947 Oscar winner Celeste1947 Rodgers and Hammerst1947 semi-documentary-sty1947 sound-barrier breake1947 western serial film1948 also-ran1948 and 1952 Olympic tra1948 Ava Gardner film1948 Best Actor nominee f1948 Bogart/Bacall film1948 Cole Porter musical1948 creation1948 election group1948 event dubbed "Operat1948 film1948 film "The Fallen ___1948 film noir starring 4 - Florida island1948 Hitchcock film, starring James Stewart1948 Hitchcock thriller1948 Irene Dunne film1948 John Wayne western1948 Literature Nobelist1948 Olivia de Havilland 1948 presidential contend1948 Pulitzer-winning poe1948 Rosalind Russell fil1948 Triple Crown winner1948-49 Berlin event1948-52 Olympic track gol1949 armistice locale: Ab1949 Bing Crosby hit1949 Cagney film1949 comedy about husband1949 film classic1949 film noir classic1949 film starring 57-Acr1949 Humphrey Bogart/Sess1949 military alliance1949 Orson Welles film1949 Peace Prize winner L1949 Robert Ryan boxing f1949 title role for Hedy 1949 Tracy/ Hepburn film1949 Tracy/Hepburn film1949-50 P.G.A. season mon1949-51 N.B.A. top scorer1950 #1 hit for Patti Pag1950 #1 hit for the Ames 1950 Anne Baxter title ro1950 Asimov classic1950 Cole Porter song1950 Doris Day film1950 Ethel Merman song1950 film "___ Very Own"1950 film about first female to receive George Cross1950 film noir1950 film noir classic1950 film noir thriller1950 film starring 58-Acr1950 film that opens with1950 hit that begins "The1950 Isaac Asimov novel1950 Jean Simmons film1950 Max Ophuls film "La 1950 Medicine Nobelist Ph1950 movie on which the m1950 musical based on Damon Runyon short stories1950 noir classic1950 noir film1950 nonfiction best sell1950 Tony winner for Best1950 University of Havana1950's All-Star Burdette1950's Braves pitching ac1950's British P.M.1950's candidate Kefauver1950's candidate Stevenso1950's car with a horse-c1950's cold war developme1950's Communist-hunting 1950's Detroit dud1950's doo-wop group with1950's Firedome1950's Firedomes1950's Ford flop1950's French president R1950's G.I. ally1950's G.O.P. name1950's game fad1950's girl's fashion1950's horror film creatu1950's Hungarian premier 1950's Indians All-Star B1950's marketing disaster1950's Mouseketeer1950's music style1950's P.M.1950's pinup queen ___ St1950's political initials1950's political inits.1950's political phenomen1950's political slogan1950's prez1950's Rangers1950's Red-hunting grp.1950's Sen. 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Rookie of the Y1951 Oscar-winning film w1951 Peter Ustinov histor1951 Peter Ustinov role1951 play by Literature N1951 title role for Mario1952 and '56 campaign nam1952 and '56 candidate St1952 Best Actor for 37- a1952 best seller set in C1952 Brando role1952 Doris Day hit that w1952 Gary Cooper western1952 Gene Kelly classic1952 George Axelrod Broad1952 Hope/Crosby "Road" d1952 Mitchum noir classic1952 Olympic marathon win1952 Olympics host1952 Olympics site1952 Olympics venue1952 political inits.1952 quiz show "Up to ___1952 Winter Olympics site1953 3-D film starring Fe1953 A.L. M.V.P.1953 A.L. M.V.P. Al1953 A.L. M.V.P. who play1953 Best Actor William1953 Billy Wilder film, i1953 Eartha Kitt hit1953 Emmy-winning actress1953 film classic with a 1953 film title hero1953 Frankie Laine hit1953 George Stevens film1953 hit for Mitch Miller1953 hit that mentions "o1953 Jean Simmons title r1953 John Wayne film1953 Leslie Caron film1953 Leslie Caron musical1953 Leslie Caron role1953 Leslie Caron title r1953 Loren title role1953 Louis L'Amour novel1953 Mel Ferrer film1953 movie that shares th1953 Oscar-nominated film1953 play, or consolation1953 Pulitzer playwright1953 Pulitzer winner for 1953 title role for Rita 1953 western1953 western hero1953 Wimbledon winner Sei1954 #1 hit by the Chorde1954 #1 hit by the Crew-C1954 A.L. batting champ1954 A.L. batting champ B1954 Akira Kurosawa class1954 Bogart role1954 Edgar Award winner1954 Elia Kazan Oscar win1954 event code-named Cas1954 horror film about gi1954 Jean Simmons movie1954 Literature Nobelist1954 Maxwell Anderson pla1954 monster film setting1954 movie 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Hudson1956 film that earned an 1956 Four Lads hit "___ M1956 Gregory Peck role1956 hotspot1956 invasion site1956 Literature Nobelist 1956 Marilyn Monroe film1956 Marilyn Monroe film - where to get on or off?1956 movie monster1956 movie starring 17- a1956 movie starring 25- a1956 Olympic skiing sensa1956 Oscar-winning title 1956 Peck role1956 Perry Como hit1956 sci-fi classic1956 Sinatra song1956 U.S. figure skating 1956 Winter Olympics site1956 World Series hero Do1956-57 crisis site1956-57 Wimbledon champio1957 #1 song1957 Buddy Holly hit1957 Cy Young Award winne1957 Detroit debut1957 Disney classic1957 Disney tearjerker1957 Elvis Presley hit1957 Everly Brothers hit1957 Fats Domino hit1957 film dog1957 film featuring the s1957 film starring 57-Acr1957 film with the 1963 s1957 Ford debut1957 Harry Belafonte hit1957 hit for the Bobbette1957 Jerry Lee Lewis song1957 John Braine novel1957 John Osborne play1957 Lancaster role1957 Literature Nobelist1957 Marlon Brando film1957 musical set in New York City1957 Nabokov novel1957 Oscar nominee for "A1957 Oscar winner Miyoshi1957 Physics Nobelist Tsu1957 Pulitzer winner1957 RKO purchaser1957 song that begins "Th1957 Stravinsky ballet1957 Tony winner Adams1957 Wimbledon winner Gib1957-91 king of Norway1958 #1 Elvis Presley hit1958 #1 hit by Domenico M1958 #1 song1958 #1 song with the lyr1958 Best Actor David1958 best seller by Willi1958 best seller set in S1958 Best Song Oscar winn1958 chiller, with "The"1958 Edna Ferber novel1958 Elvis musical drama film1958 Elvis song1958 hit by Little Anthon1958 hit that won the fir1958 hit whose B-side was1958 Hitchcock film1958 Hunter/Verdon film1958 Jerry Lee Lewis hit1958 Mario Lanza song1958 movie chiller, with 1958 movie musical1958 musical1958 Oscar winner for Bes1958 Presley #1 hit1958 Pulitzer author1958 Pulitzer winner1958 Pulitzer-winning nov1958 Rosalind Russell com1958 sci-fi classic starr1958 sci-fi classic, with1958 Spencer Tracy film .1958 title role for 21-Ac1958 World 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hit1960 figure skating gold 1960 film about the leader of a Roman slave rebellion1960 film for which 55-/11960 gladiator film1960 Grammy-winning song 1960 hit by the Ventures1960 Hitchcock film1960 Hitchcock role1960 horror film centred on the Bates Motel1960 Jerry Lewis fairy ta1960 John Wayne saga, wit1960 musical with Bill and Nancy1960 Olympics boxing gold1960 Olympics host1960 Olympics site1960 Pinter play1960 Pirates World Series1960 Ray Charles hit1960 satellite launch1960 Sinatra movie1960 song from "Bye Bye B1960 Terry-Thomas film fa1960 Terry-Thomas movie (1960 thriller starring a deranged Anthony Perkins1960 Updike novel1960 Winter Olympics site1960 world chess champ1960 World Series hero, f1960's "Death Valley Days1960's activist's hairdo1960's adventure series1960's Air Force Chief of1960's baseball Hall-of-F1960's best-selling autho1960's catchword1960's chess champ1960's chess champ Mikhai1960's chess master1960's civil rights org.1960's Cosby show1960's Cubs pitcher 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Garden1960's-70's C.I.A. chief1960's-70's Dodge1960's-70's draft org.1960's-70's Italian P.M.1960's-70's Japanese lead1960's-70's Motown hitmak1960's-70's PBS star1960's-70's Pontiacs1960's-70's pontiff1960's-70's pop singer/ac1960's-70's record label1960's-70's singer Marvin1960's-70's soul record l1960's-70's space program1960's-70's steelworkers'1960's-80's rock group Je1960-61 A.L. 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To make stew1960s' play and film, featuring American club with revolving bar1960s' style of abstract painting, with dramatic visual effects1960s' youth subculture involving motor scooters1960s-'70s Citro1960s-'70s foe1960s-'70s Ford muscle ca1960s-'70s group original1960s-'70s R&B singer Mar1960s-'70s San Francisco 1960s-'70s Saudi king1960s-'70s touchdown make1960s-'80s Red Sox great,1960s-'80s Red Sox legend1960s-'80s Red Sox nickna1961 "spacechimp"1961 #1 hit for Bobby Lew1961 Anthony Quinn title 1961 Best Actor Maximilia1961 Bobby Vee hit1961 Britten composition1961 Charlton Heston port1961 Charlton Heston role1961 Charlton Heston/Soph1961 chimp in space1961 Connie Francis hit1961 Del Shannon lyric (a1961 earth orbiter1961 Elvis film1961 Elvis hit "___ Lates1961 film also known as "1961 film scripted by Art1961 Heston role1961 hit "___ Lama Ding D1961 hit for the Shirelle1961 hit song for the Ang1961 John Updike story se1961 leader1961 Literature Nobelist 1961 Michelangelo Antonio1961 movie starring 17- a1961 Newbery Medal winner1961 Paul Newman film1961 Sinatra album1961 space chimp1961 Top 10 hit "Hello Ma1961 top 10 hit for the E1962 #1 country hit "___ 1962 #1 hit by the Shirel1962 #1 hit for five week1962 #1 hit with the lyri1962 action film set in J1962 Best Picture setting1962 Bette Davis title ro1962 Cary Grant/Doris Day1962 Crystals hit1962 Elvis song1962 Everly Brothers hit1962 expansion team1962 film set in Jamaica1962 film set partly on C1962 hit film whose clima1962 hit subtitled "That 1962 hit that starts "Tho1962 hit with the lyric "1962 hit with the repeate1962 Jackie Gleason movie1962 John Wayne film1962 Johnny Mathis hit1962 Joseph Wiseman role1962 Joseph Wiseman title1962 Mitchum/MacLaine fil1962 monster film1962 musical1962 musical choreographe1962 NASA success1962 Paul Anka hit1962 Peace Nobelist1962 Polanski Oscar nomin1962 pop hit with a forei1962 Robert Frost collect1962 tennis Grand Slam wi1962 title film character1962 Tommy Roe hit1962 war epic, with "The"1962 World's Fair city1963 #1 hit for the Fireb1963 Academy Awards host1963 Al Martino hit1963 and 1996 treaty topi1963 animated film with t1963 Audrey Hepburn thril1963 Beach Boys hit1963 Buckinghamshire mail van raid1963 Chiffons hit1963 Drifters song1963 Elizabeth Taylor/Ric1963 film of a Chekhov cl1963 film starring Tom Courtenay1963 Hepburn-Grant film1963 Jan and Dean hit1963 Liz Taylor role1963 Martin Ritt film1963 Newman co-star1963 Paul Newman film1963 Peter, Paul and Mary1963 Ray Charles hit1963 role for Liz1963 Shirley MacLaine rol1963 submarine thriller b1963 title role for 55-/11963 title role for Paul 1963 title role for Shirl1964 #1 hit1964 #1 hit by the Shangr1964 album "___ James Roc1964 and 1976 Winter Olym1964 Anthony Quinn role1964 Beatles hit1964 Beatles song1964 Betty Everett hit, w1964 Bobby Goldsboro song1964 Broadway song "___ W1964 Cary Grant comedy-ro1964 Cassius Clay announc1964 Dave Clark Five song1964 Disney film with Julie Andrews1964 Elvis hit "___ a Nig1964 Elvis song1964 Glenn Ford film1964 hit with the lyric "1964 Hitchcock film1964 Hitchcock thriller1964 Hudson/Day comedy1964 Irving Wallace best 1964 Lennon/McCartney son1964 Manfred Mann hit1964 Murray Schisgal play1964 Olympic boxing gold 1964 Olympics city1964 Olympics host1964 Olympics site1964 Oscar winner roams1964 party song by Manfre1964 Quinn role1964 Roger Miller hit1964 role for Audrey1964 Ronny & the Daytonas1964 Ronny and the Dayton1964 Streisand song1964 title role for Antho1964 title role for Tony 1964 Tony Randall title r1964 Tony winner for "Fox1964 U.S. Open winner Ken1964-65 Wimbledon winner 1964-65 World's Fair cent1965 #1 hit "___ of Destr1965 #1 hit by the Byrds1965 #1 hit with an excla1965 Beach Boys hit1965 Beatles #1 hit1965 Beatles hit1965 Beatles song1965 Beatles song or movi1965 book by Sylvia Plath1965 center of a black vo1965 Dixie Cups hit1965 film1965 film "___ Calloways"1965 film starring 55-/171965 Gary Lewis and the P1965 hit by the performer1965 hit parodied by the 1965 jazz album1965 Julie Christie role1965 King arrest site1965 march city1965 march setting1965 march site1965 Moody Blues hit1965 movie "___ What You 1965 movie with an exclam1965 Natalie Wood title r1965 Patty Duke film1965 Peace Prize recipien1965 Pulitzer novelist Sh1965 Roger Miller hit1965 Simon & Garfunkel hi1965 Sonny Bono hit1965 Steve McQueen title 1965 Temptations hit1965 title role for Peter1965 top 10 hit for the D1965 Ursula Andress film1965 Vivien Leigh movie1965 Wilson Pickett song, In the Midnight ___1965 Yardbirds hit1965 Yardbirds song for t19661966 A. E. Hotchner memoi1966 A.L. Rookie of the Y1966 album that concludes1966 album that's #2 on R1966 Beach Boys hit1966 Beatles #1 hit1966 Beatles concert site1966 Beatles song1966 best seller set in H1966 Broadway hit with th1966 Clavell best seller1966 film western set in 1966 film with Michael Caine or 2004 version with Jude Law1966 Fonda-Robards movie1966 gold album by Herb A1966 Grammy winner for "I1966 Herb Alpert & the Ti1966 hit "Little Latin __1966 hit "Walk Away ___"1966 hit for the Capitols1966 hit from the album "1966 in-flight movie?1966 James Bond spoof1966 Johnny Rivers hit1966 Lana Turner melodram1966 Lennon-McCartney tun1966 Lincoln Center role 1966 Mary Martin musical1966 Mary Martin/Robert P1966 Michael Caine film1966 Michael Caine role1966 Michael Caine title 1966 Monkees hit1966 movie or song1966 movie or song hit1966 movie playboy1966 movie that won Best 1966 musical based on "I 1966 musical co-starring 1966 musical starring Gwe1966 N.L. batting champ1966 Pulitzer-winning poe1966 Rolling Stones hit1966 sci-fi classic1966 sci-fi thriller1966 Simon & Garfunkel hi1966 Simon and Garfunkel 1966 song that asked "Wha1966 Tony winner for "Mar1966 U.S. Open champion F1966 U.S. Open tennis cha1966 World Series-winning1967 Agatha Christie thri1967 Chemistry Nobelist1967 Dionne Warwick hit1967 Engelbert Humperdinc1967 film set in a prison1967 film starring Dustin Hoffman1967 folk album1967 hit by Van Morrison1967 hit that begins "You1967 hotspot, with "the"1967 John Wayne film1967 Lee Marvin film1967 medical milestone1967 Monkees hit1967 Monkees song1967 music festival site1967 N.H.L. Rookie of the1967 Oscar winner Parsons1967 Peter Fonda film wri1967 pop sensation, with 1967 Pulitzer poet1967 Pulitzer-winning nov1967 Rex Harrison film ro1967 Robert Knight hit1967 Rolling Stones hit1967 Rookie of the Year1967 seceder1967 Simon & Garfunkel hi1967 U.S. clay court cham1967 Van Morrison hit1967 war locale1967 war participant: Abb1967 war site1968 #1 hit1968 album by John Lennon1968 album subtitled "Lad1968 Aretha Franklin hit1968 award for Vaclav Hav1968 battle period1968 Beatles song, written by Paul McCartney1968 British comedy "Only1968 Broadway rock musical1968 champion at Forest H1968 Chemistry Nobelist O1968 film or 2001 Broadwa1968 folk album1968 Glen Campbell hit1968 gold-medal swimmer D1968 hit "Harper Valley _1968 hit for the Troggs1968 hit musical with the1968 hit whose title is r1968 Joanne Woodward film1968 Julie Christie movie1968 live folk album1968 live folk record1968 movie starring 17- a1968 N.B.A. All-Star Dick1968 Oscar-winning musica1968 Peace Nobelist Cassi1968 pitcher with six con1968 presidential candida1968 Rock Hudson action f1968 Simon & Garfunkel song1968 soul album with the 1968 third-party candidat1968 title role for Vanes1968 track and field gold1968 U.S. Open champ1968 U.S. Open champion1968 Vanessa Redgrave tit1968 Winter Olympics site1968-69 Pirates All-Star1969 "bed-in" participant1969 #1 album for 11 week1969 #3 hit 1969 American music festival1969 and 1974 Hart Trophy1969 and 2000 World Serie1969 Beatles hit1969 Beatles song by George Harrison1969 Beau Bridges film, w1969 bed-in participant1969 biopic starring 10-D1969 Bond girl1969 Broadway musical1969 Dustin Hoffman role1969 Elvis movie1969 event attended by hi1969 film character who s1969 film with an exclama1969 Frank Sinatra album 1969 hit for the Doors1969 Hoffman role1969 jazz album1969 Joyce Carol Oates no1969 Katharine Ross role1969 literary heroine who1969 Mets victims1969 miracle team1969 moon walker1969 movie starring Omar 1969 movie with an exclam1969 N.B.A. M.V.P. who pl1969 Nabokov novel1969 newlywed in the news1969 Omar Sharif title ro1969 Oscar-nominated film1969 Paul Revere & the Ra1969 Peace Prize grp.1969 Redford role1969 Sammy Davis Jr. hit1969 self-titled jazz alb1969 Series winners1969 Shirley MacLaine mus1969 Stevie Wonder hit1969 Super Bowl1969 target1969 Three Dog Night hit1969 US rock festival1970 #1 hit for the Jacks1970 #1 hit whose title f1970 #1 R&B hit for James1970 and 1986 World Cup h1970 Beatles chart-topper1970 Chicago hit1970 Covent Garden title 1970 disaster flick1970 film with much Sioux1970 George Segal movie1970 hit "Hitchin' ___"1970 hit by Crosby, Still1970 hit by Sugarloaf1970 hit documentary1970 hit for the Jackson 1970 hit with the lyric "1970 Jack Nicholson film1970 James Taylor hit1970 Kinks hit1970 Kinks song1970 Medicine Nobelist Be1970 military coup leader1970 musical about marria1970 N.F.L. M.V.P. John1970 Neil Diamond hit1970 Pearl Harbor film1970 Richard Harris film1970 Richard Thomas film 1970 Santana hit1970 Simon & Garfunkel hi1970 song by The Kinks1970 Sportsman of the Yea1970 Stanley Cup hero1970 Super Bowl M.V.P. Da1970 Tony winner for "App1970 Tony winner for Best1970 union of three European countries that abolished all internal border controls1970 western named for a 1970 World's Fair site1970's A's All-Star Joe1970's ABC hit1970's baseball All-Star 1970's best seller "Dr. _1970's bombing locale1970's Bowie collaborator1970's Cambodian leader1970's Chevy1970's Chinese premier1970's cinematic canine1970's coif1970's comedy spinoff1970's compact1970's discipline1970's fad1970's fad participant1970's fashion item1970's Foxes1970's grp. whose symbol 1970's guerrilla grp.1970's hairdo1970's hitmakers from Swe1970's HUD secretary Hill1970's Irish P.M. Cosgrav1970's Japanese P.M. ___ 1970's N.L. powerhouse1970's New York Knick's n1970's P.M.1970's Peter Benchley thr1970's Plymouth1970's Plymouth ___ Fury1970's policy1970's radical grp.1970's Robert Conrad cour1970's singer ___ Dee1970's sitcom1970's sitcom hit1970's sitcom title chara1970's sitcom title role1970's song subtitled "To1970's space station1970's tennis champ Nasta1970's Tony Musante serie1970's TV character whose1970's TV court drama1970's TV courtroom drama1970's TV spinoff1970's Vogue discovery1970's White House inits.1970's White House name1970's-80's Australian P.1970's-80's cause1970's-80's cause, for sh1970's-80's court star Da1970's-80's House speaker1970's-80's musical craze1970's-80's New York City1970's-80's Renault1970's-80's Robert Urich 1970's-80's singer Ronnie1970's-80's singer Vannel1970's-80's sitcom guy, w1970's-80's sitcom settin1970's-80's TV family nam1970's-80's TV hero, with1970's-80's TV title role1970's-80's TV twosome1970's-90's rock group wi1970s "first mother"1970s American Motors car1970s Austin car – at a brisk speed1970s Big Apple mayor1970s Bowie collaborator1970s dance craze1970s dance music1970s Dodgers All-Star Ro1970s film frame from Altman — absorbing fiction1970s James Garner TV tit1970s Japanese P.M. Kakue1970s joint U.S./Soviet s1970s kidnapping grp.1970s music fad1970s music genre1970s N.F.L.'er Armstrong1970s peace anthem1970s pinup name1970s polit. cause1970s R&B trio in the Roc1970s radical grp.1970s radical org.1970s Renault1970s Robert Young TV rol1970s rock genre1970s rocker Quatro1970s self-improvement pr1970s sitcom catchword1970s sitcom that ended w1970s sitcom that include1970s supergroup, for sho1970s talk show1970s tennis great Smith1970s tennis star Ramirez1970s TV production co.1970s TV spinoff1970s TV's "The ___ Show"1970s woe1970s' fashion, flaming dull clothes exciting people1970s' musical genre1970s' news and information service, like Ceefax and Prestel1970s' sitcom created by John Cleese and Connie Booth1970s' sitcom starring Ronnie Barker, set in Slade prison1970s, to a schmaltzy wed1970s-'80s Australian P.M1970s-'80s baseball All-S1970s-'80s Dodge1970s-'80s group with a p1970s-'80s horror film fr1970s-'80s prime-time soa1970s-'80s singer Andy1970s-'80s sitcom put-dow1970s-'80s sitcom setting1970s-'80s supermodel1970s-'80s supermodel Car1970s-'90s film company1970s-'90s international 1970s-'90s senator Sam1971 #1 hit1971 album dedicated to B1971 Beatty title role1971 Bond girl portrayer1971 Bond girl ___ Wood1971 courtroom drama1971 Cy Young Award winne1971 documentary about Ra1971 Donald Sutherland fi1971 Elstree comedy film - Up ___1971 Elton John song1971 film that was Cybill1971 Fonda-Sutherland fil1971 Gay Talese title der1971 Grammy song "___ No 1971 hit movie based on t1971 hit with the lyric "1971 James Taylor/Warren 1971 Jane Fonda/Donald Su1971 Lifetime Achievement1971 McCartney album1971 movie starring 17- a1971 musical about a reun1971 N.L. M.V.P. who was 1971 Neil Diamond hit1971 Oscar-winning film w1971 Pan American Games s1971 Peace Nobelist1971 Peace Nobelist from 1971 rock album with the 1971 sci-fi film "___ 1131971 Steve McQueen film1971 supernatural best se1971 title role for Donal1971 title role for Suthe1971 Tom Jones hit1971 Tom Laughlin cult fi1971 Tony-winning actress1971 TV tear-jerker1971 Visconti film based on a Thomas Mann novella1971-72 Rose Bowl winner1971-97 nation name1972 #1 hit for Sammy Dav1972 #1 hit for the Stapl1972 #1 hit that starts "1972 #1 Neil Young hit1972 #2 hit for Bill With1972 A.L. Rookie of the Y1972 agreement, for short1972 and '74 Oscar-winnin1972 Ben Vereen musical1972 Best Actor nominee f1972 Bill Withers hit1972 Bill Withers hit who1972 Billy Wilder film1972 Broadway debut1972 Broadway musical1972 Carly Simon hit1972 Charles Grodin film,1972 Derek and the Domino1972 Elton John hit1972 Fischer-Spassky matc1972 Harry Nilsson hit1972 hit for the Spinners1972 Jack Lemmon comedy1972 Kentucky Derby winne1972 Lemmon/Wilder comedy1972 missile pact1972 musical with the son1972 Nixon host1972 Olympic swimming sen1972 Olympics sensation M1972 Olympics site1972 Oscar refuser1972 pop hit with a never1972 Pulitzer winner for 1972 rock hit recorded wi1972 Staple Singers #1 hi1972 top 10 hit going ove1972 top 10 hit that was 1972 top 10 hit that's se1972 treaty subj.1972 U.S. Open finalist1972 U.S./U.S.S.R. missil1972 U.S./U.S.S.R. pact1972 White House biograph1972 Wimbledon winner Smi1973 "Love Train" singers1973 #1 hit "___ an Ameri1973 #1 hit for the Rolli1973 #1 Rolling Stones hi1973 Ali jaw-breaker1973 Best Supporting Actr1973 Bond film with drug trafficking and voodoo1973 Broadway revival sta1973 Elton John hit1973 Gore Vidal political1973 Helen Reddy #1 hit1973 Jim Croce album1973 Malcolm McDowell fil1973 Masters winner Tommy1973 musical for which Ge1973 NASA launch1973 Newman/Redford movie1973 Nobel Peace Prize de1973 nonfiction best sell1973 novel title characte1973 Pacino blockbuster1973 Pacino portrayal1973 Paul McCartney & Win1973 Peace Nobelist1973 Peter Bogdanovich co1973 Pulitzer winner Fitz1973 resignee1973 resigner1973 Rolling Stones #1 hi1973 Rolling Stones #1 so1973 Rolling Stones balla1973 Rolling Stones hit1973 Ryan O'Neal movie1973 Toni Morrison novel1973 War hit "The ___ Kid1973 World Series stadium1973-74 faddist1974 abduction grp.1974 animal movie with th1974 ballad subtitled "To1974 Best Actress nominee1974 Best Picture nominee1974 Billboard hit with S1974 Chicago hit1974 David Bowie song1974 Dustin Hoffman movie1974 film shot from a dog1974 foreign-language hit1974 Gould/Sutherland spo1974 hit by Chicago1974 hit by Mocedades1974 hit subtitled "Touch1974 hit whose title is s1974 hit with Spanish lyr1974 Hoffman movie1974 Japanese Nobelist1974 kidnap grp.1974 kidnap org.1974 lyric repeated after1974 Marty Feldman comic-1974 Medicine Nobelist Ge1974 Mel Brooks comedy1974 Mocedades hit1974 Oscar winner1974 pardon recipient1974 Peace Nobelist1974 Peace Nobelist Eisak1974 Peace Prize recipien1974 pop hit with Spanish1974 Rolling Stones hit1974 sitcom spinoff1974 Stylistics hit1974 Sutherland/Gould fil1974 Sutherland/Gould spo1974 thriller about a mur1974 title role for Dusti1974 title role for Lucil1974 Tom T. Hall hit1974 top 10 Al Green hit 1974 top 10 hit for Moced1974 top 10 hit whose tit1974 top 10 hit with Span1974 World Cup site1974 World's Fair site1975 "Thrilla" city1975 #1 Barry Manilow hit1975 #1 disco hit1975 #1 hit for LaBelle1975 #1 hit for the Doobi1975 Al Pacino film1975 Barbra Streisand seq1975 Barry Manilow #1 hit1975 craze, with "the"1975 Edward Albee Pulitze1975 Emmy-winning actress1975 film directed by Robert Altman1975 film starring Warren Beatty as a promiscuous LA hairdresser1975 Four Seasons hit1975 hurricane1975 James Taylor hit1975 Joni Mitchell hit1975 movie thriller with 1975 musical with a Yello1975 musical with the son1975 Natalie Cole hit "__1975 Pulitzer winner for 1975 Pulitzer-winning cri1975 shark blockbuster1975 shark movie1975 song from "A Chorus 1975 Spielberg film1975 Spielberg thriller1975 thriller that took a1975 title role for Isabe1975 title role for Lynn 1975 U.S. Open winner Man1975 Wimbledon champ1975 Wimbledon winner1975-76 National League M1975-76 World Series cham1975-78 U.S. Open champ C1976 #1 hit whose title f1976 Abba song ... or a h1976 album "Ol1976 Best Picture1976 best seller that ope1976 best seller that sta1976 comedy/action caper 1976 Elvis song1976 Emmy winner for "Eve1976 Eric Carmen hit1976 film about a Hunt br1976 film about a Little 1976 film about Wall Stre1976 film about Woody Gut1976 film featuring telek1976 film starring Dustin Hoffman1976 Gregory Peck film, w1976 Hall & Oates hit1976 Harry Chapin song1976 hit by Hall & Oates1976 hit that begins "Som1976 Hoffman/Olivier film1976 horror film whose sc1976 Kiss hit1976 loser to Bjorn at Wi1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro1976 Olympics name1976 Peck-Remick thriller1976 Pulitzer winner for 1976 raid site1976 rescue site1976 Sally Field role1976 site1976 top 10 hit for Hall 1976 top 10 hit for Kiss1976 uprising site1976 Walter Matthau/Tatum1976 Winter Olympics host1976-80 Wimbledon champ1976-85 sitcom setting1977 "Gnomes" best-sellin1977 American League M.V.1977 Best Picture nominee1977 best seller set at B1977 biographical Broadwa1977 Broadway hit1977 Broadway musical1977 Broadway musical, winner of seven Tony Awards1977 cult film with the t1977 Cy Young winner from1977 Dolly Parton song fo1977 double-platinum albu1977 double-platinum jazz1977 double-platinum Stee1977 film killer1977 flick with the tagli1977 Foreigner hit1977 George Burns film1977 George Burns title r1977 hit for the Babys1977 Jacqueline Bisset mo1977 James Brolin thrille1977 Liza Minnelli musica1977 memoir set at Harvar1977 movie in which Bo De1977 movie thriller with 1977 Richard Burton film1977 Scott Turow book1977 Sex Pistols song ...1977 Special Citation Pul1977 Steely Dan album tha1977 Steely Dan title tra1977 thriller co-starring1977 thriller set at sea1977 Time Man of the Year1977 Toni Morrison novel1977 Tony-winning musical1977 Turow book1977 U.S. Open champ1977 U.S. Open winner1978 #1 hit for Anne Murr1978 'shoot ’em up' arcade game developed by Tomohiro Nishikado1978 blockbuster movie co1978 Broadway revue1978 Burt Reynolds film1978 Camp David visitor1978 Cheech & Chong movie1978 co-Nobelist1978 cult film by David L1978 cult film directed b1978 cult film with a mut1978 Daniel Patrick Moyni1978 Diana Ross musical, 1978 disaster film, with 1978 disco hit1978 Donna Summer hit 1978 Faye Dunaway film1978 film sleeper?1978 Gerry Rafferty hit1978 Gerry Rafferty song1978 Golden Globe winner 1978 hit with the lyric "1978 Irving character1978 jazz musical1978 Linda Ronstadt song 1978 Lloyd Webber musical1978 movie thriller1978 Nobel Prize sharer1978 Oscar-winning prison1978 Peace co-Nobelist1978 Peace Nobelist1978 Peace Prize winner1978 Peter Ustinov film1978 Rolling Stones hit1978 Stephen King novel m1978 Triple Crown winner1978 Woody Allen drama1978 World Cup winner: Ab1978 World Series M.V.P. 1978 Yankees hero Bucky1978-80 F.B.I. investigat1978-80 F.B.I. sting that1978-82 sitcom locale1979 #1 hit for Robert Jo1979 AC/DC seven-time pla1979 Anita Ward hit1979 Bee Gees chart-toppe1979 Broadway hit set dur1979 Broadway hit with th1979 Broadway musical tha1979 Caine/Ustinov advent1979 disaster area: Abbr.1979 disco classic1979 Duvall film "The Gre1979 exile1979 exile to Saudi Arabi1979 film "Norma ___"1979 film loosely based o1979 film parodied in "Sp1979 film with Capt. Will1979 film with sequels II1979 Fleetwood Mac hit1979 George Hamilton film1979 hit "What ___ Gonna 1979 hit "___ Really Goin1979 hit for the Police1979 hostage site1979 Kinski title role1979 musical about a half1979 Nastassia Kinski tit1979 Nastassja Kinski rol1979 negotiation1979 novel, 1983 film and1979 nuclear accident sit1979 Pontius Pilate portr1979 revolution locale1979 revolution site1979 Ridley Scott sci-fi horror film1979 Robert Duvall title 1979 sci-fi classic1979 sci-fi thriller1979 Vanessa Redgrave tit1979 World Series champs1979-81 hostage site1980 A.L. M.V.P.1980 and 1984 Olympic 1500 metres gold medallist1980 Andrzej Wajda film i1980 Bette Midler hit1980 Carly Simon hit1980 Chrysler debut1980 combatant1980 David Bowie song1980 DeLuise film1980 Diana Ross hit1980 double album by Spri1980 embargo target1980 Erich Segal novel1980 in-flight movie?1980 John Carpenter chill1980 Maxwell Smart film, 1980 N.F.L. M.V.P. Brian1980 N.F.L. Player of the1980 Neil Diamond hit1980 Oscar winner1980 Peace Nobelist ___ P1980 pop song, sung to grandmother1980 rock inits.1980 Rolling Stones hit1980 Shelley Duvall role1980 Tony winner1980 Truffaut film that w1980 TV debut1980 TV spinoff1980 Wilder/Pryor comedy1980's "Double Fantasy" c1980's antidrug campaigne1980's arcade game1980's Argentine presiden1980's Attorney General1980's catchphrase1980's Chrysler product1980's computer1980's Davis Cup captain1980's Defense secretary 1980's Geena Davis sitcom1980's George Peppard ser1980's Mideast envoy Phil1980's military prog.1980's movie hero, inform1980's NBC sitcom1980's Nicaraguan leader1980's PC's ran on it1980's police comedy1980's Pontiac1980's pop group ___ Tues1980's program: Abbr.1980's proposal: Abbr.1980's Sandinista leader1980's Schwarzenegger rol1980's Scott Baio sitcom1980's screen slasher1980's series, with "The"1980's sitcom1980's sitcom with two Da1980's South African pres1980's Stallone role1980's TV drama "___ Hous1980's TV group1980's TV group with a va1980's TV hit1980's TV police comedy1980's TV show in which c1980's TV twosome1980's U.S. Davis Cup cap1980's White House name1980's White House nickna1980's-90's actress Cople1980's-90's Boston Bruin 1980's-90's boxing champ1980's-90's car name1980's-90's cars1980's-90's courtroom dra1980's-90's ensemble dram1980's-90's hitmaker Lion1980's-90's ring champ1980's-90's TV drama1980's-90's TV nickname1980-83 Stanley Cup champ1980s "NBC News Overnight1980s Argentine president1980s band formed by the Goss twins1980s Big Apple nightclub1980s catchphrase1980s Chrysler debut1980s craze starter1980s defense secretary W1980s El Salvadoran presi1980s fad item1980s film contracted Rod Steiger to play Tesla1980s film teaching gunmen about technology1980s Geena Davis sitcom1980s hairstyle with a lo1980s hardware that used 1980s hit-makers with a g1980s lightweight boxing 1980s major-league slugge1980s N.B.A. guard Matthe1980s Rowan Atkinson sitc1980s sitcom built around1980s sitcom title role1980s sitcom with an extr1980s soap opera set at a1980s South African presi1980s Soviet leader Andro1980s street artist Keith1980s TV private eye1980s TV series starring 1980s TV show or 2006 fil1980s TV's "Emerald Point1980s U.N. ambassador Kir1980s video game console,1980s video game with a m1980s-'90s action/adventu1980s-'90s Chrysler offer1980s-'90s N.B.A. star Da1980s-'90s New York gover1980s-'90s women's magazi1981 adventure film hero1981 best seller set in C1981 Chrysler debut1981 drama starring Treat1981 film "___ Jeunesse"1981 film directed by and starring Warren Beatty1981 film in which Helen 1981 German-language hit 1981 hit film with a 5'3"1981 Joan Crawford expos1981 Julie Andrews movie1981 Literature Nobelist 1981 Lloyd Webber musical1981 Mel Gibson film, wit1981 miniseries set in A.1981 miniseries set in an1981 Moore/Minnelli film1981 N.B.A. M.V.P.1981 Ross/Richie #1 hit1981 satire on Hollywood1981 Stephen King novel1981 thriller about a sta1981 thriller about bygon1981 Tony winner McKellen1981 Treat Williams film1982 A.L. Rookie of the Y1982 Albert Finney film r1982 Aretha Franklin album - put to Jim1982 Best Actor Oscar winner in Gandhi1982 best seller subtitle1982 biography by Joseph 1982 blockbuster by 10-/21982 country hit "Same __1982 cyberfilm1982 cyberflick1982 Disney cybermovie1982 Disney film1982 Disney flick1982 Disney movie1982 Elmore Leonard novel1982 film and arcade game1982 film title role for 1982 George Plimpton best1982 Grammy-winning singe1982 Grammy-winning song 1982 Harrison Ford film1982 Harrison Ford sci-fi1982 high-tech film1982 Jeff Bridges film1982 Joan Jett and the Bl1982 media debut1982 Meryl Streep film1982 Michener epic1982 movie starring Al Pa1982 N.C.A.A. basketball 1982 Plimpton best seller1982 Richard Pryor comedy1982 Robin Williams title1982 sci-fi film1982 sci-fi flick1982 title role for Meryl1982 Tony musical1982 Tony nominee Milo1982 Toto hit that won Re1982 war zone1982 Willie Nelson hit1982 World Cup site1982, for Ripken1982-93 Boston-based TV sitcom1983 #1 hit for David Bow1983 #1 hit with the lyri1983 America's Cup winner1983 award for David Mame1983 Barbra Streisand mus1983 Barbra Streisand tit1983 cinematic study of a1983 comedy with Mr. T1983 David Bowie #1 hit1983 domestic comedy1983 Duran Duran hit1983 Eddie Murphy movie1983 film based on a Jean1983 film comedy with Bil1983 film romance "___ Je1983 flick "___ and the C1983 Gary Busey comedy1983 Hawaiian Open winner1983 Indy 500 winner1983 Indy 500 winner Tom1983 Indy winner Tom1983 Jean Shepherd film m1983 Joel Schumacher film1983 Keaton comedy1983 Keaton title role1983 Lionel Richie hit1983 Michael Keaton comed1983 movie cause of heart1983 Mr. T comedy1983 Mr. T film1983 Nicholas Gage book1983 Peace Nobelist1983 pseudo-documentary1983 Randy Newman song1983 Randy Newman song wi1983 role reversal film1983 sci-fi rerun?1983 Stephen King thrille1983 Streisand role1983 Streisand title role1983 Super Bowl designati1983 tearjerker set at a 1983 U.S. invasion site1983 Willy Russell musical1983 Woody Allen film1983 Woody Allen mockumen1983 Woody Allen role1983 Woody Allen title ro1983 World Series champs1983 World Series winners1983's highest-grossing f1984 action film original1984 and 1988 Olympic div1984 and 20011984 Best New Artist Gram1984 best-selling busines1984 campaign slogan1984 Cooperstown inductee1984 Cyndi Lauper #1 hit1984 Cyndi Lauper hit1984 Democratic keynoter1984 Ed Koch best seller1984 film "___ Comp1984 film about Mozart and Salieri1984 film featuring the line ‘I’ll be back’1984 film starring Tom Se1984 film whose soundtrac1984 film with the taglin1984 gold-medalist marath1984 Heisman winner1984 historical novel, wi1984 hit parody of a 19831984 hit with the lyric "1984 Hollywood biopic1984 Jeff Bridges film1984 Jeff Bridges title r1984 JoBeth Williams come1984 John Hughes film, in1984 Kentucky Derby winne1984 Martin-Tomlin comedy1984 Martin/Tomlin comedy1984 Matt Dillon title ro1984 men's slalom gold me1984 Oscar winner1984 Oscar-nominated saga1984 Patrick Swayze film,1984 Paul McCartney hit1984 Peace Nobelist1984 Peace Prize recipien1984 perfect game pitcher1984 Physics co-Nobelist 1984 Prince hit1984 Ralph Macchio film, 1984 Redford film1984 Redford role Roy ___1984 skating gold medalis1984 skiing gold medalist1984 Steve Martin/Lily To1984 Super Bowl champs1984 Super Bowl winners1984 Talking Heads concer1984 Timothy Hutton film1984 Uris novel1984 Weird Al Yankovic hi1984 World Series champs1984 World Series winners1984, e.g.1984, for one, appearing good in among today's chaos1984-88 Olympic figure-sk1984-88 Olympic skating c1984-88 skating gold meda1985 Cher film1985 film "To Live and Di1985 film based on "King 1985 film co-starring Joh1985 Glenn Close film1985 Glenn Close/Jeff Bri1985 Golden Globe-nominat1985 Jeff Bridges/Glenn C1985 John Malkovich drama1985 John Malkovich film1985 John Malkovich movie1985 Kate Nelligan film1985 Kate Nelligan title 1985 Kurosawa film1985 Literature Nobelist 1985 Meg Tilly title role1985 Michael J. Fox film1985 movie "Izzy and ___"1985 movie "To Live and D1985 N.L. Cy Young Award 1985 N.L. M.V.P.1985 N.L. M.V.P. Willie1985 Nelligan film1985 Nelligan title role1985 Nicholas Gage best s1985 Oscars co-host with 1985 Peter Yates-directed1985 Pulitzer winner for 1985 sci-fi rerun?1985 sequel to a classic 1985 Springsteen hit1985 teen movie about mor1985 western starring two1985-88 attorney general1986 "fish out of water" 1986 #1 hit by Starship1986 #1 hit for Starship1986 #1 Starship hit1986 Art Spiegelman book1986 Best Picture1986 Brad Davis film1986 Detroit debut1986 film featuring Chevy1986 film for which Paul 1986 film shot partly in 1986 Gene Hackman film1986 Huey Lewis and the N1986 Indy 500 winner1986 Indy 500 winner Bobb1986 Indy winner1986 Indy winner Bobby1986 John Frankenheimer f1986 John Landis film, in1986 Keanu Reeves film1986 Martin Scorsese film1986 Newman/Cruise movie1986 or 1994 film1986 P.G.A. Championship 1986 parody of a Sylveste1986 Prince movie, after 1986 rock autobiography1986 sci-fi hit1986 sci-fi sequel1986 self-titled album wh1986 self-titled soul alb1986 showbiz autobiograph1986 Sigourney Weaver thr1986 Starship hit1986 title role for Mia1986 Turner autobiography1986 U.S.S.R. launch1986 world champion Ameri1986 World Series champs1986 World Series site1986 World Series stadium1986-87 Emmy winner for d1986-93 war-themed Marvel1987 #1 Heart song that s1987 #1 hit "Here ___ Aga1987 Adrian Pasdar film1987 album later rereleas1987 All-Star Game M.V.P.1987 Beatty flop1987 Best Actress1987 Best Musical Tony wi1987 BP acquisition1987 British film about a1987 champion skater Bria1987 comedy based on "Cyr1987 Costner role1987 Daryl Hannah title r1987 disaster movie?1987 duet by Eric Clapton1987 flop starring Warren1987 Kim Basinger film1987 Kubrick film1987 Masters winner Larry1987 Nicolas Cage/Holly H1987 Nobel Peace Prize re1987 Peace Nobelist from 1987 Prince song and albu1987 Pulitzer critic Rich1987 Pulitzer-winning cri1987 R.E.M. hit, with "Th1987 Rock and Roll Hall o1987 role for Costner1987 sci-fi film set in n1987 self-titled million-1987 skating champ Brian1987 Stanley Kubrick clas1987 Steve Martin film1987 Suzanne Vega hit1987 Tony-winning actress1987 Tony-winning play1987 Wimbledon winner1987 Woody Allen movie1987 world figure skating1987-91 Mideast hostage T1987-95 Senate Judiciary 1988 #1 country album1988 and 1992 Olympic tra1988 animated action film1988 Belinda Carlisle hit1988 Best Picture, with t1988 Best Supporting Acto1988 Burt Reynolds film1988 buyer of Motown Reco1988 chart-topping countr1988 comeback hit for the1988 comedy starring Rich1988 Connery film, with "1988 Costner/Sarandon fil1988 country album1988 Cusack film1988 Dennis Quaid film1988 Dennis Quaid remake1988 Dennis Quaid/Meg Rya1988 earthquake site1988 film "Rent-___"1988 film about an optimi1988 film starring Bruce Willis1988 Grammy winner for "C1988 Grand Slam winner1988 Heisman Trophy winne1988 inductees into the R1988 John Cleese movie, w1988 John Sayles film, in1988 Kevin Costner movie1988 marathon gold medali1988 Masters winner1988 Meg Ryan film1988 N.F.L. M.V.P.1988 Olympic gold-medal s1988 Olympic track star, 1988 Olympics host1988 Olympics locale1988 Olympics site1988 Olympics superheavyw1988 Olympics swimming se1988 Peter Allen musical1988 platinum-selling cou1988 presidential candida1988 presidential hopeful1988 purchaser of Motown1988 Schwarzenegger film1988 site1988 swimming gold medali1988 tennis Grand Slam wi1988 Tom Hanks film1988 Tracy Chapman hit1988 Wimbledon champ1988 World Series M.V.P. 19891989 #1 hit for Mike + Th1989 Al Pacino movie1989 auto debut1989 Bond girl Bouvier1989 Broadway monodrama1989 E.P.A. target1989 feel-good film1989 film "Milo & ___"1989 film set at Eastside1989 film set in an inner1989 French Open winner a1989 General Motors debut1989 Gold Glove winner Da1989 Grammy winner for "N1989 high-school film bas1989 in-flight movie?1989 Jack Lemmon film1989 Literature Nobelist1989 Madonna hit1989 movie featuring prin1989 musical set in Vietnam1989 Neill/Kidman thrille1989 Nobel Peace Prize wi1989 one-man Broadway dra1989 one-man show1989 Oscar winner Jessica1989 Oscar-winning title 1989 play about Capote1989 Radio Hall of Fame i1989 Ricki Lake TV movie1989 Sally Field/Dolly Pa1989 Spike Lee film1989 Tom Hanks film1989 Tom Hanks film, with1989 world champion skate1989 World Series site1989's ___ Prieta earthqu1989-90 Broadway play1989-90 dance craze from 1989-90 sitcom set in an 19901990 #1 rap hit that star1990 autobiography subtit1990 Best New Artist Gram1990 Broadway biographica1990 Broadway one-man pla1990 Clint Eastwood cop f1990 Emmy-winning talk sh1990 film autobiography "1990 film star autobiogra1990 Hollywood autobiogra1990 Jack Nicholson film,1990 Literature Nobelist 1990 Macaulay Culkin film1990 Matsushita acquisiti1990 N.C.A.A. basketball 1990 N.C.A.A. hoops champ1990 one-man Broadway sho1990 reunification site1990 road film starring N1990 Rock and Roll Hall o1990 sci-fi rerun?1990 stage and film biogr1990 title role for G1990 Vanilla Ice hit1990 World Cup site, loca1990 World Series champs1990 World Series M.V.P. 1990's actress Ward1990's band ___ Fleck and1990's boxing champion1990's car1990's cartoon Dr.1990's CBS detective dram1990's civil war site1990's Coca-Cola slogan1990's dance craze1990's Fox sitcom1990's group Salt-N-___1990's Haitian president 1990's Indian P.M.1990's Israeli P.M.1990's music genre1990's Ontario premier Bo1990's pact1990's Philippine leader 1990's pop singer Stansfi1990's rap duo ___ Kross1990's rock genre1990's sci-fi series "___1990's Senate leader1990's Senate majority le1990's singer Tori1990's sitcom1990's sitcom star1990's sitcom starring a 1990's sitcom that for on1990's sitcom, literally1990's soaring asset valu1990's TV detective drama1990's TV star1990's TV twosome1990's White House occupa1990's-2000's TV twosome1990-'91 war site1990-91 World Grand Prix 1990-92 French Open winne1990s cartoon dog1990s Disney chief1990s HBO sketch comedy s1990s Indian P.M.1990s Mexican president Z1990s music genre1990s N.F.L. running back1990s president of the Ph1990s runnings of the Bul1990s sitcom1990s TV neighbor1990s war locale1990s war site1990s White House chief o1990s' style of UK music1990s-2000s English tenni1990s-2000s sitcom shrink1991 and '92 U.S. Open wi1991 and 1992 U.S. Open c1991 best seller by Jim S1991 best-selling legal t1991 buddy film "Thelma &1991 comedy of the sexes1991 conflict1991 conflict between Slo1991 Emmy winner for "Dav1991 feminist movie1991 film "Little Man ___1991 film directed by 1-A1991 gangster role for Wa1991 Geena Davis title ro1991 Gerardo hit "___ Sua1991 Grammy winner Cohn1991 Grammy-winner Cohn e1991 hit album by 10-/25-1991 Holocaust film1991 joiner of the United1991 Madonna hit1991 Michael J. Fox film1991 Midler/Allen comedy1991 Tony winner Daisy1991 Wimbledon champ1991-92 U.S. Open champ1991-92 U.S. Open winner1991-93 Australian Open w1992 Alec Baldwin/Meg Rya1992 also-ran1992 and '96 third party 1992 country album1992 Damon Wayans comedy1992 David Mamet play1992 Disney hit1992 Dream Team member1992 Earth Summit host1992 Edward James Olmos f1992 Elton John hit1992 film directed by and1992 Grammy winner for "C1992 Heisman winner ___ T1992 hit "Life ___ Highwa1992 Jack Nicholson title1992 Joe Pesci title role1992 Kentucky Derby winne1992 Liberty Bowl winner1992 Literature Nobelist 1992 Michael Keaton film1992 Michener book1992 movie flop (Not!)1992 N.H.L. M.V.P.1992 New Hampshire primar1992 Nicholson title role1992 Olympic track star _1992 Olympics prizes1992 Oscar-nominated titl1992 Paula Abdul hit, wit1992 presidential aspiran1992 presidential contend1992 Pulitzer historian M1992 Pulitzer poet James1992 Robin Williams movie1992 site1992 sports biopic1992 top 10 hit "Life ___1992 U.S. Olympic Dream T1992 U.S. Olympic hoopste1992 U.S. Open champion1992 U.S. Open golf champ1992 U2 top 10 hit1992 Whoopi Goldberg come1992 Wimbledon champ1992 Wimbledon winner1992 Winter Olympics site1992-93 heavyweight champ1992-93 World Series cham1992-93 World Series winn1993 A.F.C. Rookie of the1993 A.L. batting champ J1993 accord signer1993 accord site1993 Aerosmith hit1993 Aerosmith hit with t1993 best seller "___-Lan1993 dance hit, and a que1993 Danny Glover film ba1993 De Niro title role1993 Debra Winger drama b1993 Earp portrayer1993 Emmy winner Chad1993 Emmy winner for "Sei1993 expansion team membe1993 film featuring the s1993 film in which Kevin 1993 film starring Bill Murray, who experiences déjà vu1993 film that had Oscar'1993 Grammy winner for "F1993 Grammy winner for Be1993 Harold Ramis comedy film - 2 February for Americans1993 hit for the R&B duo 1993 Israeli/Palestinian 1993 Kevin Kline comedy1993 Kevin Kline movie1993 Kevin Kline title ro1993 musical with the Bes1993 N.B.A. Rookie of the1993 N.L. batting champ G1993 peace accord city1993 Peace co-Nobelist1993 Peace Prize co-winne1993 rap hit with the rep1993 Robert De Niro film1993 Robin Hood player1993 Rock and Roll Hall o1993 Sinatra album1993 Sinatra CD1993 standoff site1993 Sugar Bowl winner, f1993 Super Bowl M.V.P.1993 Tom Stoppard play1993 Tony nominee for "An1993 treaty, briefly1993 triple-platinum Fran1993 TV western starring 1993 Walter Matthau film19941994 A.L. home run king1994 action flick with th1994 and 1997 U.S. Open w1994 Best Original Screen1994 biography of Calvin 1994 Christopher Walken c1994 Costner role1994 Costner title role1994 Denis Leary comedy1994 Denis Leary/Kevin Sp1994 Emmy-winner Ward1994 Ethan Hawke movie1994 film based on the pl1994 film featuring Gary 1994 film with the taglin1994 film, starring Tom Hanks1994 Grammy co-winner for1994 Harry Connick Jr. al1994 Indy 500 winner1994 Jean-Claude Van Damm1994 Jim Carrey film1994 Jodie Foster film1994 Jodie Foster role1994 Jodie Foster title r1994 John Travolta film1994 Kathleen Turner movi1994 Michael Keaton film 1994 Nobel Peace Prize sh1994 Oscar winner Wiest1994 Paul Newman film1994 Peace Nobelist1994 Peace Nobelist Peres1994 Peace Prize winner1994 Red Hot Chili Pepper1994 Sandra Bullock film1994 Schwarzenegger film1994 sci-fi epic1994 sci-fi film about an1994 semi-autobiographica1994 Shirley MacLaine tit1994 Sondheim musical1994 Stanley Cup champion1994 Sugar Bowl champs1994 U.S. Open winner1994 Wimbledon winner Con1994 Winter Olympics site1994 World Cup host1994-95 name in the news1995 18 across: a deception say, not up for review1995 and '97 A.L. champs,1995 Annie Lennox hit1995 Bon Jovi album "___ 1995 British Open winner 1995 cop on the spot1995 court V.I.P.1995 De Niro film1995 Deepak Chopra book1995 earthquake site1995 Eddie Murphy film1995 Ellen DeGeneres best1995 Horse of the Year1995 John Schlesinger fil1995 Literature Nobelist1995 Literature Nobelist 1995 Masters Tournament w1995 N.B.A. scoring leade1995 N.C.A.A. basketball 1995 N.C.A.A. hoops champ1995 N.F.L. Man of the Ye1995 N.L. Rookie of the Y1995 Oliver Stone film1995 Physics Nobelist Mar1995 Pitt flick1995 platinum rap hit tha1995 political book subti1995 porcine Oscar nomine1995 Robin Williams film1995 Robin Williams movie1995 role for Kenneth Bra1995 showbiz biography by1995 sports autobiography1995 Stallone title role1995 thriller about ident1995 trial name1995 Woody Allen comedy1995 World Series champs:1995-2001 House Judiciary1996 A.L. Rookie of the Y1996 Adam Sandler film1996 also-ran1996 award for "The Engli1996 Beatles hit1996 best seller1996 biography "Citizen _1996 blockbuster with the1996 Broadway hit1996 campaign issue1996 candidate Bob1996 candidate Dole1996 Clinton challenger1996 Coen brothers film1996 Emmy-winning role fo1996 film for which Geoff1996 Golden Globe winner 1996 golf movie1996 Grammy winner for th1996 Green Party candidat1996 Gwyneth Paltrow titl1996 Helen Fielding book 1996 Hillary Clinton best1996 horror film with seq1996 Leonardo DiCaprio ro1996 Madonna musical1996 Madonna role1996 Masters winner1996 Michael Crichton nov1996 Olympic torch lighte1996 Olympics gold medali1996 Republican standard-1996 Ron Howard thriller1996 Rose Bowl mascot1996 runner-up1996 running mate1996 slasher film with th1996 song that was #1 for1996 Tony musical1996 Tony winner1996 veep hopeful1996-97 best seller "___ 1996-98 "Crossfire" co-ho1997 #1 Hanson hit1997 #1 hit with a nonsen1997 Aaliyah hit "The One1997 action film about a 1997 animated film set in1997 basketball film1997 Bell Atlantic acquis1997 Best Actor nominee1997 best seller subtitle1997 boxer of the ear?1997 Demi Moore flick1997 Demi Moore title rol1997 Emmy winner for PBS'1997 film "___ Gold"1997 film hit1997 Fonda role1997 Grammy winner for Be1997 has two1997 Hollywood blockbuste1997 Home Run Derby champ1997 horror film with the1997 in-flight movie?1997 Indy 500 winner ___ 1997 Jackie Robinson comm1997 Jennifer Lopez biopi1997 Jennifer Lopez title1997 Jim Carrey comedy1997 Jim Carrey film1997 Masters winner1997 Matt Dillon movie1997 Michael Douglas film1997 N.H.L. M.V.P. Domini1997 N.L. Rookie of the Y1997 New York City mayora1997 Nicolas Cage nail-bi1997 Nicolas Cage thrille1997 Oscar-nominated titl1997 Peter Fonda role1997 Peter Fonda title ro1997 Philip Kerr best-sel1997 Roberto Benigni film1997 Rose Bowl winner: Ab1997 sci-fi hit1997 Spielberg epic1997 Spielberg movie1997 Stallone film1997 Stanley Cup finals p1997 steelworkers-turned-1997 title role for Peter1997 treaty city1997 U.S. Open champ1997 U.S. Open winner1997 U.S. Open winner Ern1997 Will Smith/Tommy Lee1997 winner of Wimbledon 1997-99 N.L. strikeout le1998 "Les Mis1998 Andrea Bocelli opera1998 animated film1998 animated film featur1998 animated film with a1998 animated film with t1998 Australian Open winn1998 baseball M.V.P.1998 Best Picture nominee1998 Best Screenplay nomi1998 biographical film ab1998 biography subtitled 1998 BP purchase1998 De Niro film1998 erupter1998 film "Waking ___ Dev1998 film based on a Chin1998 film featuring Colon1998 film featuring Princ1998 film thriller based 1998 Final Four team1998 French Open winner C1998 Goo Goo Dolls hit1998 Grammy winner for na1998 headline event in In1998 Hyundai acquisition1998 Ice Cube film, with 1998 in-flight movie?1998 Masters champion Mar1998 movie with the voice1998 N.L. champs1998 N.L. M.V.P.1998 N.L. M.V.P. from Chi1998 name in the news1998 National League M.V.1998 Olympic figure skati1998 Olympics site1998 P.G.A. champ1998 P.G.A. Championship 1998 Paul Simon musical, 1998 Peter Weir film, wit1998 Pulitzer nonfiction 1998 report producer1998 Roberto Clemente Awa1998 Robin Williams title1998 role for Cate Blanch1998 role for Uma1998 Sandra Bullock film1998 Sarah McLachlan hit1998 Sarah McLachlan song1998 song by Rebecca Blak1998 song by the Goo Goo 1998 Spike Lee joint1998 Tony winner for Best1998 war film about a bea1998 Wimbledon winner Nov1998 Winter Olympics site1998 World Series star Ri1998 World Series winning1998's ___ Report1998, e.g., in fancy lang1999 "Star Wars" release1999 A.L. Rookie of the Y1999 air strike authorize1999 best-selling memoir1999 British Petroleum ac1999 Broadway hit, with "1999 Broadway revue1999 Clorox acquisition1999 combatants1999 comedy featuring ali1999 Denzel Washington ro1999 Emmy-winning soap ro1999 Exxon merger partner1999 film satirizing medi1999 film starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter1999 film starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant - West London district with an annual carnival1999 film whose title is 1999 film with the taglin1999 Frank McCourt memoir1999 Glenn Close film1999 hit comedy1999 hurricane1999 Jodie Foster title r1999 Johnny Depp film1999 Matthew McConaughey 1999 Melissa Joan Hart mo1999 Meryl Streep movie1999 N.C.A.A. hoops champ1999 N.F.L. Defensive Pla1999 Nissan Open winner1999 Oscar nominee for bo1999 Pulitzer Prize-winni1999 Ron Howard comedy1999 Ron Howard film1999 Ron Howard satire1999 Russell Crowe movie1999 satire of reality sh1999 sitcom about a hocke1999 Stanley Cup winner1999 Tom Hanks film, with1999 Tony-winning musical1999 U.S. Open champ1999 war site1999 Will Smith movie1999 World Series runner-1999-2000 "Dame" on Broad1999-2000 name in the new1999/2000 computer-crashing problem?19A usage having expanded now19th Amendment beneficiar19th Amendment champion19th dynasty Egyptian kin19th dynasty's founder19th hole19th in a series19th letter19th letters19th nervous breakdown? Get over it!19th of 2419th ___ (golf clubhouse)19th-century abolitionist19th-century actor ___ Bo19th-century Arctic explo19th-century author whose19th-century demon barber of Fleet Street19th-century educator Hor19th-century educator Wil19th-century engineer wit19th-century English workman who destroyed new labour-saving machinery19th-century establishment serving drug users19th-century farmer19th-century French artistic movement - mailers19th-century French novelist and poet19th-century geologist Ch19th-century humorist ___19th-century intellectual's works19th-century journalist/p19th-century literary fam19th-century literary ini19th-century novelist wit19th-century prime minister19th-century samurai home19th-century Swedish writ19th-century territorial 19th-century urban transp19th-century warship19th-century women's righ19th-century writer Sarah19th-century, say1:00, e.g.1:51, 2:51 or 3:51, e.g.1a (19 only) caught by anybody playing Irish anthem1A + 145A1A 4A 9 having answer rewritten, to accommodate the German1A as a match result?1A creators succeeded, becoming large property landlords1A featuring small flower, some might say1A mum ran upstairs, about to confiscate a weapon1A representing student body?1A's number recollecting one-time bright moon?1A/10? Yes and no1Ac prohibits restricting free token (1 of 1)1D derived from core properties of elder, horseradish, rue and fenugreek1D election mostly gripping America, regarding POTUS and FLOTUS?1D fly, perhaps? Head off with 10A, having ditched setter1D for a boy taking Hieroglyph's money1D from Tyneside stuffed in crate1D goes around American church1D in French street, say, served with fancy pigeon1D left over in southern Spain1D maiden fed to Trotsky1D parcel surprisingly contains breadstuff1D that's a shame for working bird1D tree adjacent to oddly neglected tollway1D turned to Simon Cowell initially to produce record1D's ball1D's peeled - goodness!1D, a considerable quantity Penny served first1D, a prize example, ultimately abandoned1D, some plonk? I wish!1D, starter of salad, or soup dished out?1D/30 character reflected on unfortunate time1D/30 covered my flight and one limo stateside1Direction recorded Right Now's intro after 17 - sexy stuff1p + 1p? Er …1st class British capital1st of 3651st or 2nd, e.g.1st to 220th, in Manhatta1st XI in the morning takes break from cricket1st XI took food before noon1st, 2nd and 3rd, e.g.: A1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.: Abbr1st-century queen of the Iceni22 + 1, in Germany2 + 2 using binary composition2 18, 23 the 5, 3 a 26 and 212 27, as arm may be?2 27, as peas may be?2 and 12, e.g., in dice2 and 4 expressed as a 122 Beryls possibly fair attraction2 centres2 complaint2 down grasps theory, oddly strained2 down that smells2 drops in for meat2 floundering without spades for farming2 for Molly and Poldy2 great calls bird for Spooner?2 great continues to fade?2 great in coat, did you say?2 great in prayer2 great into jamming, usually2 great understands sounds2 great, tall climbing plant for Spooner?2 in 100 Poles have a duty to go inside2 letters2 looking discontented, musical talent claims2 mg, say2 of 25 behind with credit given by wine people2 on this (so 4 suggested) disposed to gripe2 or 3 - but not 42 or 3 on the Richter sca2 or 3, maybe, on the Ric2 or 3, to 62 oz., e.g.2 perhaps, yet more unfeeling2 picking up record2 removing me and then them, for you once2 runs to board boat in picture?2 securing old, old driver2 shut up2 succeeding often on the radio - as another?2 swimmers2 team expanded to restrict heat and carbon2 tenants go over agreement2 used by secret agent in revolution2 where she requires a card to play2% alternative2% of Hawaii, as a state2's 232's back to take over Sunday lunch2's flute, perhaps2's girlfriend catches fool seeing another woman2's saucy performance?2, ignorant crows?2, 3, 4 or 6, for 122, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, etc.2, 3, 7, 11, etc2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ..., e.g.2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.2, 4, 6, 8, etc.2, 7 and 23, say, keeping extremely slim2, for one2, itself unfinished entering second day2, one being paid without limits2, perhaps, means 62, to 1/22, to 4 or 82, to 82,000 pounds2,000-year-old Chinese dy2,100-square mile island 2,240-pound units2,400 km river flowing through Russia and Kazakhstan into the Caspian Sea2,560 roods: Abbr.2,700-mile-long Russian r2,880-mile long country2- or 3-pointer2-D2.0 grades2.3-mil. member union2.4-mil. member union2.5%/year interest, e.g.2.5, e.g.2.54 centimeters2.54 cm20 18, card of countless torments20 22, island beverage primarily: something restorative about it20 22: up for something sweet?20 chap surrounded by 20 British islands20 character cries back-to-front20 character to keep being found outside topless bar20 down or across, knight or a king20 down, 19 and 12 across in Dutch village once20 employed by government departments20 god exercises20 hundredweights20 imbibing contents of glass, viscous stuff20 in elevated Egyptian city20 lady's plump for a queen giving a twirl20 Mule Team compound20 places?20 Polish in a rocky area20 possibly even less sensitive20 producers?20 providers20 Questions category20 Questions turn20 questions, say20 run20 with a tongue rub20 with sweet cicely, 7 with an Israelite and 17 on the weekend, did you say - all in this?20% cider guzzled by drunk northerner20% of large delivery to church is fruit20% off smuggled case of shells? That sounds very low20%, maybe20%, often20's beer barrel busters20's colleague initially denied Jewish tribe20's daughter has manure, in ample supply20's dispenser20's dispenser, for short20's dispensers20's dispensers, briefly20's favourite leaves firm following return of explorer20's gangster Bugs ___20's hit "___ Get By"20's left turn20's librarian, one flying home after writing letter to The Edge20's locales20's poet depicted ruin in one very short measure20's producers20's son, representing county at Rome ground20's suppliers20's touring cars20's-30's actress Hyams20's-30's cars20's-50's papal name20,320-foot Alaskan peak20-, 25-, 45- and 50-Acro20-, 26-, 46- and 56-Acro20-0 baseball score, say20-0 win, e.g.20-1 ignoring tips on win bet seen20-20 ability?20-20 and 7-up20-20, e.g.20-20, say20-mule team load20-ounce coffee size20-ounce Starbucks order20-time Rose Bowl winner:20-vol. reference work20-vol. work20/20, e.g.200 accepting European was sick200 assembled in lecture by don round university200 like us saving gold in mountainous region200 milligrams200 milligrams, to a jewe200 steal vehicle?200-meter, e.g.200-milligram unit20002000 "subway series" lose2000 best seller on socia2000 Britney Spears hit2000 Broadway hit2000 candidate2000 comedy "Me, Myself &2000 De Niro/Stiller come2000 Democratic campaign 2000 election scrap2000 essay collection by 2000 film "Billy ___"2000 film about a mission2000 Green Party candidat2000 guards like going round Black Sea spa seeking morbid type of pleasure2000 Heisman Trophy winne2000 hit album by Britney2000 Hugh Jackman movie2000 in-flight movie?2000 Jennifer Lopez thril2000 Martin Lawrence movi2000 Mel Gibson flick2000 musical that won fou2000 musical with the son2000 N.B.A. championship 2000 N.B.A. M.V.P.2000 N.B.A. scoring leade2000 Olympic hurdles gold2000 Olympics city2000 Olympics host2000 Olympics locale2000 Olympics site2000 Peace Nobelist Kim _2000 presidential candida2000 Ren2000 Richard Gere title r2000 runner2000 Santana hit2000 sci-fi film2000 site2000 Stanley Cup champion2000 Supreme Court case h2000 terrorist target2000 title role for Julia2000 title role for Richa2000 U.S. Open winner2000 World Series locale2000 World Series M.V.P.2000 World Series venue2000, e.g.2000, e.g., in Spain2000, for one2000lb2000s service site2000s TV family2001 #1 album with the hi2001 album featuring "Lov2001 album with the #1 hi2001 and 20102001 Anjelica Huston mini2001 biopic2001 British Open champio2001 Economics Nobelist M2001 Emmy nominee for "Th2001 erupter2001 film for which Jim B2001 film in which 91-/102001 film set in a mental2001 French film comedy o2001 Grammy-winning band 2001 headline maker2001 hit movie musical2001 honor for J. K. Rowl2001 Microsoft debut2001 Nobel Peace Prize re2001 Oscar nominee for Be2001 Oscar nominee for th2001 role for Will Smith2001 Sean Penn film2001 title role for Audre2001 title role for Sean 2001 Will Smith role2001 Will Smith title rol2001 World Series winner2001 World Series winner,2001's "Ocean's Eleven" a2001's "Ocean's Eleven" o2001's "Planet of the Ape2001's symbol, in the Chi2001, e.g.2001, for one2001-05 Pontiac made in M2001-06 secretary of tran2001-08 Yankees pitcher w2001-2 sitcom, or an apt 2002 Adam Sandler title r2002 Al Pacino film2002 Bond film2002 British Open champ2002 British Open champio2002 British Open winner2002 Denzel Washington dr2002 Eddie Murphy film2002 Emmy winner for lead2002 FIFA World Player of2002 film about a virtual2002 French Open winner A2002 Grammy-winning rock 2002 horror sequel2002 James Bond movie2002 Katherine Frank poli2002 Literature Nobelist 2002 Olympic skating gold2002 Olympics host: Abbr.2002 Olympics locale2002 Oscar winner for the2002 Peace Nobelist2002 record catch supplied by Scotsman, according to Spooner2002 Robin Williams film2002 sci-fi role for Hayd2002 title role for Adam 2002 Tom Hanks/Paul Newma2002 upset event2002 Winter Olympics host2002 Winter Olympics loca2002 World Series champs2002's "Star Trek: ___"2002-3 erupter2003 #2 hit for Lil Jon a2003 A.L. M.V.P., familia2003 addition to the Muse2003 Affleck/Lopez flick2003 Afghani film that wo2003 animated film 2003 Anthony Swofford Gul2003 Best Actress nominee2003 best-selling fantasy2003 Bill O'Reilly politi2003 Broadway musical who2003 Christopher Paolini 2003 disease scare2003 Grammy winner for "A2003 hip-hop hit by Fabol2003 Indy winner ___ de F2003 Kentucky Derby winne2003 memoir of a TV execu2003 movie involving Chri2003 Nick Lachey hit "___2003 Nicolas Cage film2003 Sandler/Nicholson co2003 Sandler/Nicholson mo2003 sci-fi disaster film2003 sequel to a popular 2003 spy thriller starrin2003 Stanley Cup champion2003 teen comedy2003 Tom Cruise movie, wi2003 war zone2003 Will Ferrell title r2004 ... with a hint to t2004 Best Musical Tony wi2004 biopic that was a Be2004 Boston conventioneer2004 Brad Pitt film2004 event at which the j2004 film "I Heart ___"2004 film "___ Enchanted"2004 French Open finalist2004 historical film, wit2004 horror film about a 2004 jinx-breaking team, 2004 Liam Neeson film2004 movie featuring a cl2004 N.B.A. All-Star Mich2004 N.B.A. Rookie of the2004 Olympic track gold m2004 Olympics city2004 Olympics gymnastics 2004 Olympics locale2004 Olympics site2004 Olympics stars?2004 Olympics swimming st2004 political exile2004 Sondheim musical, wi2004 U.S. Women's Open wi2004 Will Smith film2004 World Series "curse"2004-06 Haitian P.M.2004-06 poet laureate Koo2005 "Survivor" setting2005 #1 album for Coldpla2005 Best Picture winner2005 Best Supporting Actr2005 biography subtitled 2005 Christo display in N2005 documentary subtitle2005 Emmy winner for "Bos2005 Emmy winner for "ER"2005 Hoffman title role2005 Mark Wahlberg movie2005 portrayer of Casanov2005 portrayer of Wonka2005 reality show hosted 2005 Samuel L. Jackson bi2005 Tony winner for Best2005 World Series team, f2006 Amy Winehouse song2006 Bond girl ___ Green2006 boorish film charact2006 Brad Pitt film that 2006 comedy title charact2006 Emmy winner for "The2006 Golden Globe Best Ac2006 Grammy-winning blues2006 Ken Jennings book ..2006 million-selling Andr2006 N.B.A. champs2006 neologism meaning "t2006 Newbery winner Lynne2006 Nintendo debut2006 Oscar winner for his2006 title film character2006 Tony-nominated "Swee2006 Verizon acquisition2006 Verizon purchase2006 Winter Olympics back2006 World Cup champion2006 World Cup champs2006 World Cup city2006 World Cup runner-up2007 "American Idol" runn2007 A.L. Cy Young winner2007 Best Picture nominee2007 Disney princess2007 Eddie Murphy comedy2007 Ellen Page title rol2007 film "___ Almighty"2007 film "___ and the Re2007 film featuring a hea2007 film that won the Ac2007 Hall of Fame inducte2007 hit comedy with a ch2007 Masters champion Joh2007 Michael Moore docume2007 Peace Nobelist2007 satirical best selle2007 Steve Carell title r2007 title role for Ellen2007 y 2008, por ejemplo2007, por ejemplo20082008 Beijing Olympics mas2008 campaign personality2008 documentary about th2008 film about a hunchba2008 film centred on a primary school teacher, written and directed by Mike Leigh2008 film derived from Dr2008 French Open champion2008 greatest hits album 2008 Olympics host2008 Olympics sensation2008 Olympics tennis cham2008 Pixar robot2008 Robert Pattinson fil2008 Summer Olympics host2008 Super Bowl M.V.P. Ma2008 title role for Benic2008 Wimbledon champ2008 World Series athlete2008 World Series champs2008 World Series winner2009 "Survivor" locale2009 "Survivor" setting2009 Best Musical nominee2009 fantasy film based o2009 G.M. spinoff2009 Golden Globe winner 2009 Grammy winner for "R2009 hit film with subtit2009 Lady Gaga hit2009 Peace Nobelist2009 sci-fi role for Chri2009 Sugar Bowl champs2009 Super Bowl champs2009 U.S. Open winner Jua200th anniversary201 on a slab201, classically201, e.g.2010 Apple release2010 chart-topper for Ke$2010 coinage meaning "to 2010 Denzel Washington ti2010 Guinness world recor2010 Olympic ice dancing 2010 title role for Denze2011 inductee into the Wo2011 revolution locale2011 title role for Chris2012 Charlotte convention2012 musical film set in France, starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter2012 Olympian game to polish off last of Merlot2012 Olympics host: Abbr.2012 Olympics site2016 Invictus Games city - Virginia Woolf novel2016 Nobel laureate's hairstyle2016 Olympic city, in short2016 Olympics host2016 Olympics locale2016, for example2017 Disney film2018 Super Bowl number202, to Tiberius2022 Nato candidate2023 Wimbledon champion207 in Rome looking bad for the citizens20A + 142A20s dispenser20s song farewelling a flapper?20th anniversary symbol20th Century Fox picture?20th-century art movement20th-century art style20th-century artistic movement led by Picasso and Braque20th-century combat, Bard20th-century German leade20th-century leader gets amount reassessed20th-century master of th20th-century poet abandoned new poems20th-century scandal20th-century style badly rated by company20th-century tree paintin20th-century wordsmith was indecisive20th-dynasty ruler2121 18 24 free to drink tea, travelling thither with duke21 Across smoked beef21 across!21 advanced round eastern province21 back in crowd — foolish behaviour21 before 22?21 breaking the law in foreign capital21 detailed in error21 former duchy21 from both sides?21 hole through which seen architectural feature21 in France showing reportedly bogus zips?21 in two cards21 men once carried this young woman on dock21 run off in pursuit of junk shop thief21 seafowl for witches21 shafts bounder in Carry On21 shillings21 specialist artist discontented with gold frames21 x 221's 23 for 14 animal's resting-place?21's gas is on fire first, without needing electric current21's replacement placed on horse21's signs of age21's unexpected? Same here!21, at a casino, say21, e.g.21, for one21, I've swum across small lake21, location of 21 in NY?21, maybe2100212 initials21A's content with company — French dramatist21st century boxing the start for Tyson Fury21st-century21st-century epidemic con21st-century year22 12 and regain self-possession?22 19 14 24 down idiotic?22 19 14 24 down in US city22 across flew through Taiwan regularly22 Across from below22 across in rift: annoyed about that22 across observing king's abdication? Don't hold your breath!22 across that's 22 across22 across's endless call22 across, bird resting?22 across, India, a 22 across22 across, not a 14 22 across22 across, stratum ignoring one little bit22 across, toothed thing soaring over head of prey22 admitted report22 allowed back in Russian agency, something initially improper22 distributed letter22 down 26 scores one steel pan arrangement22 down 26 scores, when starting regularly in games22 down 26's trademark wild dog and polar bears22 down's confused, where victory lies in virtue22 down's leans skyward22 featuring slightly drunken emoticons22 found in hotel kitchens22 hell-bound rejects22 in 1122 in fairness not showing characteristic essence22 in liquid, small well's contents?22 is coy, I suspect, making a habit of it?22 of convenience22 of the 26 letters of t22 ordered two gallons22 provided, filling baby feeder?22 scores having great influence but not well-liked to begin with22 sleigh managed taking the weight22 somehow goes in the heel22 struggling in eastern lands to provide pain relief22 worked aboard boat up in city22 yards22's bottom pinched by America's sweetheart22's broad failure22's elemental unit detailed for Roman senator22's menacing beast mopping up duck and orange juice with sponge22's stories about clubs and bars22's very sharp, very sharp ultimately in test22-yard strip between the wickets22.5 degrees220-yard run with golf shot22: shop's last supply22dn edges away from Pulp singer23 24 across in a good way, that is23 Across to rent Moog instrument that's heard?23 April23 articles about six counties — in Greek!23 controllers deal with offal23 dined, revealing sense of taste23 down 23 down for 24?23 down character's phone now dead?23 down character, note23 for men23 in lake capsized, no matter how23 mean to eat bread regularly23 mobile after beginning to show class23 or 5 fruit from 4? Not English23 overwhelmed by discharged reptilious smells23 people fighting alcohol must accept tax on rum, to start with23 series on miracles, astonishing23, 100, 50, er ... 1,000?234, as of July 4, 2010?23D gets negligent, going round European building site23d of a series23D writer for whom Spooner's curtain fitting struck her as lacking in aspiration23D/8 giving nothing? Be upset having to do without23D/8 takes time but it does perform task23D/8's dismissive response about money23rd Hebrew letter23rd of 24 letters23rd president, informall24 across24 across and nothing more24 across's movement training, eg workers and soldiers - potential unit24 bottles of beer24 boy taken in by devil is wicked24 cans24 cans of beer, e.g.24 caught leaving cocaine around central party24 compilers will dress with jumper24 cryptically not a measure of speed24 cutter24 days are mentioned in the Bible24 December to 6 January?24 eagles seen flying24 eastern goods24 ending early: transport put on24 hands stuck in plug24 horas24 hour period24 hours24 hours doubled up and so on?24 hours during which everything seems to go wrong?24 hours following member of the Addams family24 hours for one to grasp German conjunction24 hours to protect house in the old country24 hours with strangely-named economist24 hours ___24 hours, for the earth24 hrs. ago24 in desert24 is zati? You shouldn't take the odds ...24 January will include live broadcast24 June24 let out and set free24 makes a journey in the interior24 minutes of basketball24 minutes, maybe24 nurse faces demand from those wanting answers24 of them = 100%: Abbr.24 perhaps, each to display houses24 sheets of paper24 stirred in Inca prepared for a different civilisation24's cast won't sleep inside24's friend visiting coffee producer (not a place for bourbon)24's more sluggish son preferred to daughter24's tale24, 25 produced this scrap iron, say24-hour24-hour conveniences, for24-hour eatery, maybe24-hour period24-hour period, in astron24-hour periods24-hour tailor's opening after senior royal drops braces outside24-hr. banking convenienc24-hr. convenience24-hr. conveniences24-Jul24-karat24-karat, goldwise24-line verse form24-time Ryder Cup winner24-year-old British P.M.24/6? Starting from zero initially, usual reckoning …24/724/7 auction site24/7, and definitely not 9-to-524/7, as claimed by the 12?24A vacated hostile country24ac loos unfortunately out of use24ct, very aged cover, good lining24h repeated over and over and so on across the pond24hrs in which Bob is all over the place?24s getting county opener out24s support murders, bumping one off24th American state to join the Union, 182124th Russian letter2525 11's wrong, stifling way of working25 across's central character is gloomy following wreck25 Across, 5 Down turned up after following string along25 centigrade’s close and hard to endure25 December25 fences largely exposed in competitive environment25 husks on small island25 in island stopping unfortunate farmers' plight25 is operating without one25 left university covered with honours25 maybe designate party line25 million to 1, maybe25 pence that was cost to include name for principal heir25 quid given to Star's companion for a ride?25 slides to slide around with nobody on them25 sound25 stem25 supports in river25%-off price, e.g.25's excited about magnificent church25's old man in check on French city25-Dec25-round magazine gun250, in old Rome250, Roman-style251, in old Rome251.9 cals.252 wine gallons252-gallon measures252-gallon unit25A Harry erected as home for Navaho?25’s edgier somehow seeing one getting on getting money?25th anniversary cookie?25th anniversary gift25th December delivery26 18 taking a risk when out among animals26 19's bottle-opener applied to thin bottle26 19's fire once ignited in fictional schoolboy26 19's kind of wire in sensitive area26 19's tart?26 27's protagonist fixes housing shortage, ultimately26 billion invested in 1A's cheese?26 character, a heavy weight to his lover?26 down, say, holding Joe up in Havana?26 for Fe: Abbr.26 French spears dealt with intruder26 has one county singer sent up26 of the 44 U.S. preside26 on a table26 or 9 inspiring a writer26 perhaps the result of acid attack on hotshot in California26 ruined by this team of players26 scared to go topless26 times a year26 turned round in shock26 unhappy about smooth melodic effect26 work - Dance with Excellent Knight26, for example, in its place, turned up insults26-season N.H.L. player26th of 2627 2 15 book featuring Deidre (in Chelmsford postcode area) on the loose27 detailed abandoned game?27 initially engendered conflict between daughters27 is out to frolic and run naked27 Italy's past includes Tango27 seeing woman naked? Nice one!27 take on Yankee27 work about way to the north27's predecessor arranged loan rollover27, for example, wife found in location of canal27, losing head in dismissal27, to 327D notebook28 24's; deck full of them?28, my cue to direct Minnie Driver?28-0, e.g.28.2743 approximately, number that's to be knocked down29 February29 for copper, e.g.: Abbr29 got out at Old Trafford for example29 in universities heading for Humanities, I suppose29's wi-fi picked up bang outside29,035 ft., for Mt. Evere29- or 30-day month29-year Knesset member299,792,458 meters/second2: chap stealing hearts, ending in despair2:00 or 3:002:1 or 3:12:1 or 3:22:1, e.g.2:30, aboard ship2K race, e.g.2nd amendment lobby2nd and 6th US presidents2nd March release for 4D?2nd qtr. starter2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., in S2nd-century date2x + 5 = 15 subj.33 "not hard" for Rowan?3 11's 19's 193 16 22 being this slippery soil and granite3 16 22 leader ultimately out to break bones3 17 Down3 : 1, 5 : 2, etc.3 abandoned undue task3 agreed on short cut3 and 2, e.g.3 becomes 9? Then the magic ends3 briefly confused about name of brush3 by 17, after 4 it's time for a song!3 by female writer3 could make the grade3 for baseball3 for Roman healer3 from boat, short of nothing3 ft. by 3 ft.3 helper found inside the borders of China3 is 27's cue to rob cast3 last seen in coat pocket3 minutes 43 seconds for 3 Musketeers units3 on a par 53 on a par-5 hole, e.g.3 on a sundial3 sound sheepish about arrest3 vandalised, dropping head in contrition?3 vehicle clamped in Kensington Gardens3 which is likely to be green?3 with base in Cheshire town3 with sexy approach3 writer? Yes, working through pages3" x 5" aids for speakers3's wife really into Nigella's wings3, 4 and 5, but rarely 63, 4 or 5, but rarely 63, 4 or 5, typically, in 3, 4 or 5, usually, for a3, 6, 11, 18, 27 ...3, for example, finally getting a job?3, on a telephone3,280.84 ft.3,300-year-old king3,500-year-old writing de3,600 secondes3,600 secondi3,600 seconds3-2, e.g.3-D art form3-D camera maker3-D exam3-D figures3-D graph line3-D graph lines3-D model representing a scene3-D modelling a cryptic representation of rat?3-D picture3-D puzzle3-in-One product3.0, e.g.3.141593.14159, say3.15 appointment3.2 million-member org. w3.26 light years3.26 light-years3.3 in a transcript, mayb3.5, e.g.: Abbr.3.7 and 4.0, e.g.3.7 x 10 to the 10th powe3.75 feet, once3.9, e.g.3.9, e.g.: Abbr.3030 Across arranged finalities of hare hunt. Nothing so far30 minute noir shot in middle of dock30 minutes, in the N.F.L.30 of more high quality diamonds within30 or 21 say, for instance put in ground outside30's boxing champ Max30's crooner Columbo30's migrant30's movie dog30's partner almost part of one's group30's singer MacDonald30's-40's bandleader Kay30's-40's pianist Templet30's-50's Arab ruler30, for 1/5 and 1/6, e.g.30- or 60-second spot30-day mo.30-day span: Abbr.30-day winter month30-second spot, e.g.30-second spots, e.g.30.48 centimeters300 to 3,000 MHz range300-cubit-long craft300-pound President300-year anniversary300th anniversary307 for Wyoming and 907 f30s style rated 'dreadful' by company30th president, informall31 24 11 Brian at first cited Neagh maybe31 24 11 Herbert’s rewritten 11 article31 24 11 Kenny glad to go back at 51. Scottish? Extremely31 24 11 Tom was not mistaken31 days of course initially has to be right31 December31 entered in pad an aid to spelling31 reveals content? Excellent!31's cat315º31s do get reordered by some 31 stores32 check on coppers?32 men and a board32 pieces and a board32 shaved bum hair32 spending a week cycling to see capital city32-card card game32-card game325i maker325i or Z332d in a noted series32nd pres.33 1/3, e.g., for a recor33 1/3, for an LP33 or 45, e.g.33-time Walker Cup winner33d Pres.33rd president of the United States, d. 197233rd state: Abbr.33rd U.S. pres.34th Pres.34th Prez34th U.S. pres.35 is the minimum one to 35's way to express regret35mm camera type36 inches365 days365 giorni366-day period366-day periods36th of 50: Abbr.37th president of the United States, resigned 197439 winks, according to Spooner, is way to get woman into bed39+ inches, in Britain39, perpetually, to Jack 39-line poem39-line verse39.37 inches of stream?3:1 or 4:1, e.g.3:1 or 7:2, e.g.3:1, e.g.3:5, e.g.3Com Park player3Com Park team3D flick or sad film daughter preferred to western3D image of queen, say, on throne3D representation of female with half-ripped pants3M product3M trademark3s, for which one has permanent possession4 18 1 one girl had reviewed, dismissing alto4 18 2 curtailed farewell to Catholic prayer4 18 3 soprano that is good and hot?4 18 4 in vampire film with ghost foe active around day4 20 goes off course4 a 54 Across 18's accompanist, female, and man back to fill arena in Delaware?4 are given to Mum - God that's handy4 as strong king we are struggling to restrain4 attending school that turns out trash4 behind 23 and 6 hearing old sovereign?4 bit staff4 cut by ring on sailor's hand4 down feature hanging behind head4 down, 1 to go - lay waste4 fastening loop4 in audible Pamplona stampede?4 in favour of stealing uranium4 inch boxes for bracelets4 leads to 11 25 every single session4 letters4 lugged through one’s lugholes?4 not having the benefit of home schooling4 of 64 or 5 of 125, for example4 on a fax machine4 on a phone4 on a telephone4 over 4, often?4 p.m. bellringer4 p.m. British refreshmen4 released rattlesnake skin4 running shelter not happy4 taking it out on nobleman, briefly depicting time of revolution4 the record, holding empty luggage out4 to end up being trodden on4 wife evidently caught?4 wines getting permits4 x 100 meters need4 x 4 accessory4 x 4, briefly4 x 4, for short4%, say, on a bank acct.4's 8, right to probe issue, can force changes4's contribution to humour?4's fallen ones in deserts?4's visitors make grand MCs4, 2, 4/3, 1, 4/5 ...4, on a keypad4, on a phone4, wetter setter?4,000-year-old Chinese dy4,047 square meters4,480-pound European, sounding like a siren4,840 square yards4-0 World Series win, e.g4-footer and 6-footer run off together4-H participant4-Her's home4-point W, e.g.4.0 earners4.0 is a good one4.0 is a great one4.0's4.184 petajoules4.19 joules4040 - 40 = 2?40 days and 40 nights boa40 days and 40 nights eve40 million-member org. fo40 naked prostitutes, which is anything but 440 quarters, e.g.40 winks40% of fifty?40% of numerical facts, 50% lies in America?40% of panel receiving a metal coating40's agcy.40's fad40's foe40's theater director Jam40's turning point40's war agcy.40's-50's comedy team mem40's-50's Dodger great40's-50's music40's-50's TV drama sponso40's-50's world pool cham40's-50's Yankees All-Sta40's-60's leader overthro40-30; fault on return makes game40-40 at tennis40-hour-a-weeker40-point meld400 list-maker400m, often401(k) alternative401(k) alternative, for s401(k) alternative: Abbr.401(k) alternatives401(k) cousins401(k)'s kin401(k), e.g.401, in old Rome401, in Roman times401, to Nero404 in old Rome404, in old Rome40A/34D topping40th president, informall40th US president, d. 200440th wedding anniversary stone41 books, in sum, delivered to a chap who'll be over order?41-week best seller, 19704133941st in a series42 Long, e.g.42nd president, informall4343,560 square feet43-, 44-, 80- and 81-Acro43.359 kg.43rd president's nickname43rd president, informall440 or 10K440 yards, for many runne44th US president45 alternatives45 half45 inches45 or 7845 players45 ___45's and 78's45, e.g.45, e.g.: Abbr.45, e.g.?45-degree wedge45-minute flight, say454, in old Rome45s from Count Basie and 45th of 5046th president of the United States47-stringed instrument47th U.S. vice president48 in a cup: Abbr.48-card game48-hour period48th state: Abbr.49 to 51, time to be gloomy49-0 game, e.g.492364954:00 affair4:00 drink4:00 gathering4:00 P.M., traditionally4:00 service4:00 socials4:00, in Kent4:1, e.g.4A 9 in 2021, famous jockey said4A 9 most often in military store4s perhaps jammed by core of Martians' signals4th of July cries4th- to 6th-century Chine4x4 car, not Rover or Sierra4x4 name4x4, e.g.4X?55 1/2-point5 1/2-point type5 12, perhaps5 14's 8 and one of 8 14 5's: jigger?5 17 for 11?5 about right for swamp5 across absolutely despicable, looking back5 across imprisoning opponent, not entirely upstanding as 5 across5 across moral, say?5 across pinching a 5 across from behind - that's tame!5 across, caring and sensitive chap?5 and 1 primes? Wrong - they're figures of the imagination5 and 10: Abbr.5 and beans regularly included in Mexican food5 artillerymen avoiding extremes before end of war?5 bored with stage on reflection, one gathered5 bought by peasant to make turnover5 British chessmen found here5 dads drink5 down5 down's bag is large, with small point5 Down, colloquially5 fine to slip out of dress5 for B or 6 for C5 for the People, say, almost all worthless5 Gaelic lines of poetry5 heads of obscure order detained over odd cult5 in 1, say5 in city imbibing rum5 in frenzy over preservative5 in song for 7, which is a cover5 like crabs, worms and insects, say?5 misses bit of potato5 mph to 100 mph? That's some acceleration5 November5 of G - his tools?5 of G has short drop to execute5 of G in peaked cap and coat5 over 9 in, say, after 8?5 rearranged 18 using extremes of speech, rather than central characters5 run into farm5 Series or 6 Series5 sick in Eastern European port5 that's pretty insane, a cuckoo5 to 1, say5's 10 8 who riles press, no worries, drinking Australia dry5's chairman: wealthy, top fighter pilot about to dish dirt5's porn star lady is monster when misused5, 7, 9, etc., for junior5, 8, and 18 mixed for PM once5, 9, 11 gutted female animal5,280 feet5-1 to the Germans produces mood5-4 ruling, e.g.5-5? Special grand final - carry on for service5-centime piece5/29/1917, for J.F.K.5/4 in Forfar? Thin gruel!5050 + 0 + 5 + ¼ = 0?50 + 0 + 5/2 = 0?50 16s uncontrolled - murderous criminals inside?50 accommodated in Massachusetts do break down50 before two50 blue films essentially casting unknown, getting award50 by Bangladesh opener in New Delhi; bats in a desperate situation!50 Cent and others50 Cent cover50 Cent genre50 Cent piece50 Cent, e.g.50 degrees, say: Abbr.50 degs., maybe50 housed in the old squat finding chicken50 in band with underworld goddess almost take on risky mission50 in mountain commotion seem anonymous?50 in old city having no siblings50 involved in clay-pigeon shooting never returning for winter sport50 like peas in clump50 minutes after the hour50 minutes with a psychia50 mythical sea nymphs50 past50 per cent of satellites orbited off course in region of Solar System50 per cent off? I’ll take that!50 percent50 ___ ("Candy Shop" rapp50% extra pay50% initially taken off a little jumper setter wears, a luxury brand50% likelihood50% of Bonn50% of brides-to-be flipping innocent50% of capital invested in modest settlement50% of girls in class give incorrect responses50% of herbal tea includes iodine, carbon, sulphur and a lot of saltwater50% of horses and riders are beastly50% of them getting to America in this way50% of Tories entering smart European parliament50% of wave energy is excessive50% off dishes, one with huge chops50% off dope, crack and grass with a pure line50% off properties in different places50% off rent, wealthy charged again50% off Royalist's wine50% off sparkling wines - that's a winner!50% off tinsel brings in public with good advertising50% off?50% reduction for drunk50's appellation50's bandleader Perez ___50's baseball nickname50's British P.M. Anthony50's candidate Stevenson50's car features50's comedienne with a ta50's failures50's fiasco50's FireFlite50's Ford flop50's Hungarian leader Nag50's ICBM50's innovation50's leader50's marketing flop50's monogram50's nickname50's pitcher Maglie50's polit. inits.50's political inits.50's political monogram50's political name50's prez50's Reds star, familiarl50's sitcom name50's song syllable50's TV catch phrase tran50's TV comedian50's TV detective couple50's TV's "The Martha ___50's western "The ___ Kid50's-60's "What's My Line50's-60's actress Debra50's-60's Mideast king50's-60's pitcher Don50's-60's pop vocalist __50's-60's singer ___ Domi50's-60's sitcom boy50's-60's teen idol50's-70's Dodgers manager50's-70's Soviet spacecra50's-90's jazz singer50+ org.50+ percent50+ queens have problems in hosiery50-5050-50 chance50-50 chance (hyph.)50-50 chances50-50 odds50-50 proposition50-50 situations50-50, e.g.50-50, say50-acre homestead, maybe50-and-up grp.50-and-up org.50-oared ship50.1%+50/5050/50 chance50/50 share50/50 test choice50/50, say500500 against adult being bitten by naughty canine earlier500 at frozen arena effect hydration500 cars500 frivolous pieces for food processors500 homes tidy up mess, say500 idle, maybe, for spell in Caribbean500 letters500 letters?500 married in Scots town's important event500 mg., say500 more lousy boxes with devious puzzle500 of you?500 places500 sheets500 sheets (of paper)500 sheets of paper500 sheets? Manufacturer backed turning out a thousand500 spot500 university Fellows not working500-odd left, batting, a bit of an uneven surface500-pound, say50011001000 deciphered by Private Eye50050000? Magic501 stars producing records501's502, in old Rome503, long ago5050 ÷ 1 close to infinity? That's remote507, on a slab507s of the '50s, e.g.50850mph perhaps with lights on going round M150s hit – hope that will be broadcast50s rocker pinching golden chain is fired50th anniversary of marriage50th anniversary, for one50th US state51 + 1,001? Time to check51 in pilgrimage returning to river in San Quentin?51 past51 up to it and legally answerable51-49 for Blair?510 - number of the beast?511, in old Rome511, to Caesar52 cards52 semanas52 settimane52, in old Rome528i or Z3, e.g.53 minutes past the hour53, in old Rome53rd card in the pack?54, in old Rome54-year-old Charlie's 18-5470355 in river search55 miles an hour, maybe55 minutes past the hour55 or 65, perhaps551, in 551551, in Latium551, once551, to Caesar552, in old Rome552, on a cornerstone55th-anniversary gift56, in old Rome56, say56, to Flavius58 minutes past the hour59, to Cato590, to Caesar5:2, e.g., at a racetrack5:37, perhaps, is when most are watching?5A confused greedy head of Benenden5A involving noise from bottom by American5A remains on edge, climbing disputed region5c coin5K or 10K5K, e.g.5K, for one5K, maybe5p bagel also in news5th Avenue alternative5th-century date66 (and 1) favoured embracing right husband6 (and 1) in formal mode6 (and 1) to equip amateur6 (and 1), as good when covered in warm light6 10 abroad, tourist destination not far from 56 10 marathon winner6 10 with the cloth on rough floors6 23 etc to call up among banal and pathetic plays6 4 originally right to run tavern, "Bar One Hundred", the writer's favourite6 across dissected with a twist: ‘A line with a few values’6 almost gets desire returning in bunk6 American houses, highest quality, first to offer fire resistant insulation material6 and his girlfriend extremely tipsy6 boy safe on sleepover6 breaks the law, not a person around6 celebrated, shedding stones, cutting drink6 down6 Down abandoning European capital, the mug!6 Down in musicals, optional6 Down more than half way through opera6 down note introduced to band6 down or its opposite, with singular interruption6 Down stands to embrace new song6 Down, his supporter welcoming Beethoven's Seventh6 foot of cantankerous pensioner6 gadget to divert the attention6 in partnership6 is back, touring Washington6 January celebration of the Three Wise Men's visit to the baby Jesus6 June 19446 letters6 missing when coming back travelling at the speed of sound6 notes6 of 22 not repeatedly wanting trouble6 on a phone6 on a phone dial6 on a telephone6 on the dial6 or 7, but not 60 or 706 pet, a strain to listen to6 possibly, one scorching metal?6 pounds would get wasted6 probing part of skeleton of cattle6 saver gets, as yet childless woman tours Italy?6 sounds browner6 tease old ill-tempered woman6 work one month with miserable beast, getting nothing out of him6 x 9-inch book size6'5" All-Star relief ace 6'7" TV star of 1955-756's atop wall?6's blunder, one line back6's brief smile, fake6's business club submerged in river6's official to endorse keeping large staff6's runs that are more like jogs6's vessel on stream6, a revolting alliance6, a small humble dwelling6, for C6, on a phone6, strong desire to change the ending6, written out6-0 or 7-6, in tennis6-1 ... right, Hearts must be in the lead!6-1, 3-6 and 7-5, in tenn6-2, 5-7, 6-3, etc.6-3, 4-6, 7-6, e.g.6-3, 5-7 and 6-4, e.g.6-3, in tennis6-4, e.g., in tennis6-pointers6-pt. scores6.022 x 10^236.75 + 0.6 recurring for silky fabric6/4/01, e.g.6060 grains60 minutes60 minutes showing no opening for us60 minutes, in Milan60 minutes, in Siena60 minuti60 secs.60 ticks: Abbr.60% of army unit restricted by red tape60% of bars across France produced this wine60% of navy vote for Cable60% of Sean O'Casey works showing little craft?60% of teams ruled out by side one plays away60% off comparable jumper60's "V" sign60's accessories60's All-Star Felipe60's antiwar grp.60's British P.M. Douglas60's campus grp.60's campus news60's campus org.60's catchword60's chess champ60's cigar pitchwoman Ada60's civil rights grp.60's civil rights org.60's coll. radicals60's college org.60's conflict zone, famil60's dance60's dance craze60's Defense Secretary60's demonstration target60's do60's dos60's draft deferment cate60's dress style60's event60's fashion style60's garment60's grp.60's guru60's haircut60's hairdo60's happening60's hot spot60's mantra60's Mets shortstop Chaco60's militant60's muscle car60's org.60's pop star Little ___60's pop star Peter60's pop trio Dino, ___ &60's poster genre60's protest60's protest grp.60's protest leader Hoffm60's protest org.60's radical60's radical org.60's radicals: Abbr.60's rocket stage60's role for Ron Howard60's Secretary of the Int60's series set in post-C60's singer Barry60's singer Christie60's singer Little ___60's singer Sands60's sitcom character who60's sitcom that had a wh60's sitcom/90's movie60's style60's symbol60's talk show host Joe60's trip cause60's turn-on60's TV boy60's TV horse60's TV kid60's TV medical drama60's TV's ___ May Clampet60's war capital60's war zone60's war zone, briefly60's western co-star60's-70's A's third basem60's-70's coifs60's-70's dos60's-70's dress60's-70's gallery hanging60's-70's German chancell60's-70's hallucinogen60's-70's Italian P.M.60's-70's Japanese P.M.60's-70's Mets star ___ J60's-70's music genre60's-70's N.H.L. nickname60's-70's P.M.60's-70's political movem60's-70's project60's-70's sports dynasty60's-70's TV sleuth60-min. periods60-minute drink?600-homer club member600-mile arid plateau of northern Chile601, in old Rome601, to Nero60s idol first man to get religion60s rebel nutcase may have gone off this60s youth singers making a comeback for fame60s' person who's scared - I knew you'd say that!61, in old Rome62, in old Rome62.5% of sitcom in Scottish town62.5% turn back on time as Queen6206063-yard field goal kicker64 crayons, e.g.64 for one having lost opener, with runs for Hick640 acres: Abbr.65, say, for retirement650, Roman-style6515 over 100: English exam?66 and others: Abbr.66 on a map, e.g.: Abbr.66, e.g.: Abbr.67.567.5 deg.687 days on Mars6:00, 7:00, 8:00, etc.: A6:1 or 3:2, say6:30 p.m. broadcast6:50, say6A artist edges closer to notoriety6A engineer's letter once held by British Library6A is fair game6A's observation on excessive tabloid exposure?6D 5A authority appealed to writer and advanced nationalist6D 5A behind new city roundabout6D 5A closures to perturb Chelsea professional, one given to ranting6D 5A employees skirting ring road6D 5A game: one slight error6D 5A individual avoids on the way back, to an extent6D 5A later reviewed in court6D 5A possibly smells unpleasant6D 5A sheltered personality outside6D 5A terminal in Essex welcomed by one from these shores6D 5A to prohibit drink at last6D 5A, centrally located amidst Thames development6D 5A: card applied to barrier6p for a big cheese6th-century year77 15 for example, scum7 21 and 14 caught Dennis and Edward?7 21 at Dido's place7 21 racket arranged with Tyneside restaurateurs at its heart7 35's Director?7 academics and students cross7 across7 anchovies, for example?7 and 117 and 11, in a casino7 band member tipped 3 to cavort with 167 bird7 down7 Eleven cooler7 for good measure robed in uplifting colours7 game allowed to get in way7 held up claw of cat perhaps7 I ate outside simple Italian restaurant7 insect of old7 old guards shot at it7 on a grandfather clock7 or 11, initially, at a 7 solving crossword?7 squandered stand-in7 traces of white and black in bundle7 under at St Andrews, in messy place, holding 9 iron, round 47 up, e.g.7' 5" Ming7' 7" center Manute ___7'1" 1993 N.B.A. Rookie o7'1" former N.B.A. star7'1" N.B.A. star, informa7'4" former N.B.A. star S7'6" Ming7'6" N.B.A. star7's retail partner?7's time in Surrey town7, 11 and 137, on a phone7, to Caesar7,300-ft. Nev. peak7,926 miles, for the eart7- to 10-year-old girlguider7-0 record, e.g.7-10 and others7-11 game7-6 or love-157-6, 2-6, 6-4, e.g.7-6, 3-6 and 6-4, e.g.7-Eleven convenience7-Eleven cooler7-Eleven, e.g.7-in. platters7-Up alternative7-Up flavor7-Up ingredient7-Up's flavor7-up, e.g.7-Up, sometimes7-Up, with "the"7.2 million-dollar bargai7.35? May now....7/20/69, for one7/4/1776, for one7/5/75 winner over Connor7070 aides get exposed late in the day70's "in" spot70's All-Star ___ Otis70's British P.M. Heath70's CBS hit70's compact70's detective series70's do70's extremist grp.70's hot spots70's kidnappers70's leader with a palind70's prankster70's Renault70's sitcom70's sitcom title charact70's terrorist org.70's TV detective70's TV spinoff70's TV variety show host70's White House kid70's-80's All-Star Toby70's-80's Chrysler70's-80's court figure70's-80's despot70's-80's Mercury70's-80's N.B.A. star Wil70's-80's Pakistani presi70's-80's robotic rock gr70's-80's show that's not70's-80's singer Boz70's-80's sitcom title ro70's-80's TV alien70's-80's TV character wh70's-80's Yankee pitching70's-90's pitcher Charlie700, on monuments700, once700, to Caesar70s band 1D dismissed as "13"71 answers in this puzzle72, at Augusta72, at Pebble Beach72, often727 and others727, e.g.73701747 alternative747 and Airbus A380, as j747 and DC-10747 flier747 letters747, e.g.75 per cent added - watch this fellow75 shares, e.g.75% majority allowed to enter reports75% of display in public was excessive75% of prison is empty75% of stone floor gets abrasive treatment75, in French750 grammes resting on new oven?76ers' org.78's composition78-card pack79 for gold, e.g.: Abbr.79, for gold: Abbr.79, say799107: one held up by Matisse after some tickling?7:5, e.g., at a horse rac7th-century Arab caliph7th-century BC Athenian whose law code imposed death for even trivial offences7th-century date8 1/2" x 11" size: Abbr.8 1/2" x 14"8 1/2" x 14" paper size8 1/2, e.g.8 1/2-pound statue8 25% reduction of electric power to audio visual aid8 9 joining areas and territories?8 9s acceptable in late playing by United8 9s not half kind about most of Britain after upset8 arranged cracking deals, perhaps, for kitchen equipment8 at which siren destroyed ships8 beat English 14 after shower?8 can be fixed?8 cockney fixer8 doubt expressed before using most of federal capital8 drink to be served up not even ready8 firm ushers in lots of real trouble8 for O, say8 hot brides died suspiciously - she gets the lot8 in a date: Abbr.8 in varied menu - almost get excited8 index in article by the Scotsman8 instrument approached afresh - just one of five!8 is under grit spreader8 letters?8 needs to begin joint, otherwise he was desperate8 of 19? Something not worth having, I should add8 on a phone8 one departing from Niagara Falls8 pts.8 rand a large shot? That’s a huge charge!8 recalling resin, liquid in plant8 reported beer after school8 soldiers stopping the old adversary8 spat out food8 speech in a drama8 to end socialist setback8 unmasking red, risky operation still8 was once seen over these at sea8 working on NHS, getting ahead8 x 10, often8 x 10, say: Abbr.8! That's early in the morning for some into raves8's address maybe shared by Emma and Amanda8's expression without opening round brackets8's not begun, surprisingly, with glass completely empty?8's short cut in talk8's signal up top8, 1, -18, -55, -116 ...8, including top parliamentary official8, perhaps? One's smoked8-point X, e.g.8-track alternatives80 euros for starter in café? That's out of order80% of 3 ÷ 4? In the end, class does well80% of the Kentucky Derby80's aerobics video star80's celeb known for his 80's defense letters80's Dodge80's military inits.80's Pentagon letters80's rock band from Austr80's sci-fi flick80's sitcom with the voic80's TV adventure80's TV divorcee80's TV villain80's White House nickname80's-90's champ Mike80's-90's hip-hop star80's-90's singer Adams80's-90's singer Baker80's-90's singer Suzanne80's-90's writer Saroyan80, for Hg800 number, perhaps800 preceder800, to Caesar800-year-old work on myth8011080s car range80s computer game's typeface size is best850 Turbo, e.g.850-word teaching vocabulary86 is a high one87 or 9387 or 93 at the pump87, say881889th-minute equaliser from one side?8:00-8:30, e.g., on a sch8:00-9:00, say8:18 eastbound crashed and stranded fare from Italy8’s the same, accepting boxer’s Utopian outlook?8’s work revised her opus, beset by criminals?8s found in back of Audi following short cut8th century BC Hebrew prophet8th letter of the alphabet8th-century B.C. preacher8th-century B.C. prophet8th-century king of Mercia9 + 3 + 1 + 1/3 + 1/9 + .9 1/2 narrow, e.g.9 19, or 4 25?9 a.m. and 5 p.m.9 across9 Across currency9 Across group9 agree rift should be resolved9 and I squirming in seat for 730 days9 ate out after 6 in Asian capital9 attempt to be heard by Irish town briefly9 comedians are birds9 communications, those given dismissively?9 held by pair that might beat 9s black (or red) and blue9 is Prophet and fool9 letters returned? Not this one9 lines composed for the 7th 27?9 o'clock, to some9 of Beatlemania Abbey Road inspired, upsetting Merseyside initially9 or 11 perish touring Southern states9 or 21 spread around for all to see9 ran away, almost 10 to follow9 recognises king, these days the vagrant9 shed overlooked by hill9 sitting in Italian car, with no time for free day in Rome9 team goes round copying others9 this from recycled plutonium - guards look back, leaving depleted uranium9 to 5, e.g.9 to 5, maybe9 try new job arranged for actor9 with two articles stolen from feather hat9 written by pencil without lid9 x 9, 1-9 puzzle9's daughter-in-law's left to play9's resolved to start with English pastries9, in a date: Abbr.9, or a seeker of 9 in story9, perhaps, fancy sort? Yes!9, say, a good person holding firm9, vile 9, are reportedly for literary villain9-1-1 grp.9-3 and 9-5 car manufactu9-5, e.g.9-5, for many9-mm. gun of W.W. II9-mm. weapon9-to-5 grind9-volt, e.g.9/9/11 commission chairman 9090 (degrees) from norte90 degree pipe joints90 degree turn90 degrees90 degrees from norte90 degrees from sur90 degrees, on a compass90 is a high one90 is a pretty high one90 proof, say90% discount on opening of neighbourhood business - approach succeeded - they make some noise90%, say90's actor Epps90's band with the hit "I90's brew90's catch phrase90's fashion accessory90's film autobiography s90's group with the hit "90's kids' catchword90's music or fashion90's party90's singer Apple90's singer Brickell90's singer Mary ___ Carp90's TV family, with "the90's-style letters90's-style nest egg90-110, normally90-degree turn90...or a good title for 900 years before Queen El900-line psychic Miss ___900-plus-mile Volga feede9000 automaker9000 cars9000 Turbo, e.g.901, in old Rome90210, e.g.90210, for Beverly Hills90s music from Amazon?90s music piece including Queen and old man911 call, e.g.911 pest, e.g.911 respondent911 responder911 responder: Abbr.911 responders911 responders, for short911 responders: Abbr.945-liter units95 for Am or 100 for Fm: 95 things posted by Marti9550197.5% of a penny9735297401978-0060935443, for Roget98 and 99, typically98, e.g.98, in the car world99 and 86, on "Get Smart"99 of "Get Smart," e.g.99 perhaps emerging from church in America mostly bewildered99 times out of 100999p ÷ @1 causing irritability?9: Abbr.9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 9:15, say, at J.F.K.9C, say9D 21D giving rise to EU's "Oh!" perhaps9th last, losing heads mostly9th-century founder of th9W and others::-(:-) or :-(:50:56, timewise:D, in an e-mail;< Member of the only team< Player with this retire< Season record for which< Team that won this many<--<-- What this is, on a ca<--- Gambling game<--- One starting a caree<--- Plastered<--- Sherlock Holmes nove<--- Work period1 across needing a capital letter=>From N.D. to La.>From Odense>From S.F. to Wyo.>From ___ Z?? X?, on a sched.???@@BuckPalBabe after show's end, drink?@Hoskins must be dunked in river for behaviour to othersÀ bientôt!À la mode group leaving one section to start with‘A piece of cake’ or ‘a walk in the park’, say‘Art In A Bin’ Shocked National Icon‘Banks of tomorrow’ impress Treasury? Not true‘Bear’ of mountainous China‘Born is the king of ___’‘Docking’ for monument (right-winger) supported by the law‘Empty’ chap wanting helping, that’s Twist‘Gather ye Rose-buds while ye may’‘Good area swamped by vehicle noise’ – English view of Welsh region‘Heads’ side of a coin‘Imaginary menagerie’, say‘Inner Light’ Christian‘It is the ___, and Juliet is the sun.’‘Minor highway that man included in collection’: newspaper‘Play on the ___, beholding the towns burn’‘Porkies’ for ‘lies’, or ‘syrup’ for ‘wig’ etc‘Radical men’ misrepresenting description of many councils‘Round cut’ - unusual name for a plant‘Safe’ lyrics misjudged? Put a fresh label on‘Singular veteran’ increasingly encompasses one?‘Sweet’ age?‘Up-to-the-minute’ is about right for ‘very hot’‘Whispering’, best song on record?‘Wonderful’ Radio 2 host stalks police officer‘You’re awful! You’re terrible! Stupid mistake!’’40s actress is teetotal and fit, eating yogurt regularly’70s prog rock band books castle’80s child has shed pounds for a very long time’80s double act taken to extremes?’80s duo rejects EU and beats science?’e by gum, camping? Having covered skin’e is adept and can be avoided’e led Wise's production of a song’e runs - taking the girl with him?’oists part of the roof’ouse introducing marginally better card game“Alien to spoil it after turning up” - a Nationalist“Boring thing” (dismissing male jacket)“Charlie,” to his younger brother, is cocaine“Consuming a good deal in drink, tumbling over, getting angry” - report“Drink up in pub,” I lamented“Er … Steve, I’m confused - finish your sentence!”“Fact is, if you set out ... well, there’s nothing to add”“I'm delighted with you”! As letter said to Mailer?“King’s Speech” reworked — hear via Dame“Marine creature” misrepresented hen and dormice“Silvers swallows arsenic” - a story“Speed in it’s elevated”: the writer, describing Einstein’s continuum“Swine - S” indicating something you get in a bar?“Trump possibly is a scoundrel,” Republican admitted “Utter rubbish” uttered Landau“Wizard spread,” Bunter finally expressed… 'give over jerk' and becomes fitful… 6, first in costume… 80% of that is due to 19 13 or 15… ?… a great one is fit to work… Abba or A-ha? Do-re-mi plan scuppered… Agnetha performing in English version of Mamma Mia dress on this?… almost grasp buttocks, controlling bodies… and a bit distant… and a cold shower… and for performance, ultimately a male chemical… and others made from steel, perhaps wasting money… and Pan's Dream, perhaps… and portrayed as shy… and writer that's exhausted… another goes smoothly along… as Goldberg and sheep celebrate raucously… as one chooses a fabric… as well as annoying both Italy and Argentina… as you help construct a theatre… awkwardly placed right now… back to pursue quiet ways… bank enthusiastically - eventually fishing, initially for carp… bank up to eleven - air's rocking… because the French girl …… before real ire is dissipated… before strained situation leads to unjustified claim… begging rector to quit coughing up… beginning to smoke a chillum… being dishonest about condition - that's insulting… belonging to the Irish?… between two states, a state that borders Texas… biased, un-American ideas done when drunk… bloke's a show-off! Think he could be desperate… boat's just capsized!… Boatman on, say, tea and a pastry… but destroyed a giant hen… but not now, failing to exceed 26 down… called in sinister medic… case of cold wine brought up… caught en route to bed… collecting ’orrid skinless English fruit… comedy blood?… compiler wears this bowler out? Oh, please!… contacted via this board?… crew too heavy? Not half!… denied profits and funding… determined to provide late fix… dividing 50 euro mislaid in museum… drunk actor with case of Moselle wine… early stone implements working the soil… evicted, with seller hiding underground… fabricated - very pleased… fellow lied about section's answers… film by old striker who keeps things tight… fine means of securing congregation… follow the railway line… following her rejection, to embrace nice odd European… gallery on its own, ignoring the odds, gets what's left… giving rich, full taste of Europe… going back over call about electronic victory by Democrat… gripped by broken feeler, turned back on itself… guy has a way to avoid legume… had got drunk, taking top off… here - though there won't be any cheers from me!… here with old Pence and poor Melania, essentially not accepting what's happened… hide the real corruption… hired gymnasium, showing stuff that's avant garde… holding party lessons right away …… in Chelsea or otherwise… in earth, moving about hundred tons - it only allows travel in one direction… in front of the microphone, a number like a rousing song… in line for joining up, Brazilian dances… in short, that is correct - I'm as dynamic as the very best governments?… in the ’80s, Cook departs after knowing ball's caught… inducing this in fluster?… international cover for The Queen Is Dead… interrupting calls from Spain providing source of oil… introduces British group with pride, perhaps… involves one adding 24/6… iron, not working over fold, to turn red, perhaps?… it reminds you to buy new silver product… killed in a raft… knocks back melted brie snack… leading politician switching motorway to south - very worrying… left at home with spouse forming connections… lowers self for Europeans - just saying!… mean the end of one nasty medical procedure… mind you, she does say Vlad's right about Republican at the top… more dangerous… murder of bargee, not a diver… nervous energy, after 10s… new animal sanctuary - first to accept incarceration, essentially will make most irritable… none distinguished, anyway… novel by Sitwell and an ex-PM… on releasing 500 others… one agrees for fool to come in… only ten pound, I count… or German veteran… or mental… or put an end to movement out of control… part of church cut off on Sunday, creating opportunities… part of the Underground in London… parts of which being low, best left incomplete… plays dangerous CD, so drops an E, perhaps… preferably in case one's heading for referendum… propose wild guess, got nothing to lose… put a whiskey into another drink to catch a boy… recently put back in metal folder… repairing outer road… report of a barbarous gathering… reportedly an earlier insect, perhaps?… right? Border being set up is rubbish… runs away from case of deplorable valets possibly trashing vehicle… sanctioned over participating in the bombing of Dresden… show approval of credit… shown by them getting pissed in Somerset, possibly… some smart aleck, no wit allegedly… something extraordinary - er, claim is open to interpretation!… Soviet leader, restoring Ivan the Terrible, last letters of literati lost… such as this second person once… team's success revoking card 14… that's bad arrested by police… that's confused, short of time and a little nervous, in general… that's out dreaming?… the 25th one, perhaps, for Puck?… their old money, trading capital for a billion workers… then wildly runs by a large entrance… Tips from shopping online… to cast magic over father's new crusade… to develop rook first, then knight, following training… to eclipse my predecessor… top with whipped cream right away!… try, try again - to be hot to trot?… two more, ten in group and the others cut… under way, disposing of old bones… unlimited by 100 pound and English sentimentality… unusually clean material for soldier… very different partner in philosophy?… when copied thus?… when involved in ground-breaking match… where you may learn Italian couple is due!… which helps heel get into Oxford, perhaps… which may not be what it sounds like… whose day's borne by rising desire to travel… whose domains are mostly measured in yards?… with 'female only' sign… with artist hugging endless comedy stars… with this malfunctioning?… without science, regularly… worst risks son's raised… a bit meh… a lot of trees waste away, going to pot… affected American college centre… alas, mostly fake… also sherry oddly put in cabbage dish… and reviews vital instructions… breakfast item for one? Good… courage needed to imprison small newspaper owner… creature initially presenting very big problem… double parking in front of one in street… ecstatic, ingesting tab, getting very high… English pound provided that, free to vary, not vacantly showing identical variability… locate stand for Spooner where bets are placed… loving male, naked in retreat… making investigation about one developing racket… member… our central location for revealing secrets… plus points for winning teams… sheep circling about in pursuit of a drink… soldiers run to be caught by police… success not entirely unexpected? Excellent… team that's left after arena's erupted… that in raise… time? Longing to have whisky, ultimately (miniature)… to then cover boat’s prow in varnish?… undoubtedly, if exam paper is so untypical?… which is adopted by cleaner graduateÉclair is lost without a traceÉpéeist££1£1 among loose coins used for chips?£1,000 at first, young learner's car reverses, collecting debts kindly£1,000 gets special 18£1,000,050,500 unlimited menu for anniversary£10£100 returns on the cards - fat chance£1000 in German currency£1000 outstanding? King’s called in nobleman£100000500 ain't bad!£1k£25£25 envelope for rising subscription — thousand for Tees?£50 charges to procure exclusive dress for occasion£50 in pocket? Have fine attire£51 cooked roast? Are they wind-up merchants?!£51 in cash£51 is exceptionally dear for a kitchen device£51 retired authentic Hindu put through a blender£6ç: what's under this letteré: what's over this letter - urgent½½ 12 ÷ (1+100) x 2[ ] bar[ ] saver[ ] shuttle[ ][ ] that was the creation["Good heavens!"]["I can't remember the wo["Oh my!"]["You don't mean...!"]['Tis a pity!]['We have arrived', daughter announced][.] [.:][.] [.][1930][1938][1940][1958][1960][::] [::][Ah, me][all of a sudden!][as is][as printed][Awful!][Bad call!][Bam!][Been there, done that][blech!][Blue][bo-o-o-ring!][Boo-hoo!][bor-r-ring!][Brrr!][Call about bad smell on old top][Creep lazes about, say, around bar endlessly][Crossing my fingers][Don't move sheep back over river][expletive deleted][Extent of revolution in BA?][fizzle][Gasp!][Get the joke?][Giggle][Gotcha!][Green][Grumble, grumble, grumbl[Guardian group accepts position of Corbyn, Opposition leader][Hint] Apple in the head[Hint] Apple off the head[Hint] Apple on the head[Hint] Apple? Went ahead![Hmmph!][Ho-hum][Horrors!][How boring!][How dare you!][I am shocked!][I can't remember the wor[I don't care][I told you so!][I'd like some oats over [I'm bored][I'm frightened!][I'm heartbroken!][I'm kidding!][I'm mad!][I'm not happy about doin[I'm not happy about this[I'm scared!][I'm shocked! Shocked!][I'm shocked!][If it weren't for this l[Ignore edit][Insert your least favori[It's chilly!][It's gone!][Just kidding!][Just like that!][Keeping fingers crossed][Kiss][Knock], in poker[Look over here!][Man, this is heavy!][Mumble, mumble][No bid][No return allowed][not a typo][Not again!] and [I can't[not my error][Not that one again!][Nothing but net][Nudge][Oh ... my ... God!][Oh ... my ... Lord!][Oh no!][Oh, my stars!][Oh, that's awful!][Oh, well][Orange][Out of my way!][Over here!][Pardon][Prediction:] Lance Armst[Read no further][Red][Refer to blurb][Sans warning!][See above][See blurb][See circled letters][See circles][See diagram][See grid][See instructions in Note[See instructions][see other side][See title, and proceed][Sigh][Snap snap][snicker][Sob!][Suddenly!][That is correct!][That is, like, so last w[That makes me a little a[That's awful!][That's what it says][their mistake, not mine][This is frustrating!][This is heavy!][This makes me mad!][titter][Turn the page][Uh-oh!][Well, see if I care!][White][Woe is me!][Yawn!][Yawn][Yellow][You don't mean [You don't mean THAT!][Yuck ... that's awful!]\^_empty__ora B_? Completing it would be smart__ and Circumstance__ and kisses__ Bolan, T. Rex guitarist__ Fisher__ Khan, Mayor of London__ Pound, American poet who collaborated with Hitler and Mussolini__ Simone, US singer, d. 2003__ __ and go!__ & Perrins (sauce brand__ and gloom__ Ashley, Welsh fashion and textile designer, d. 1985__ Binchy, Irish novelist, d. 2012__ Blumenthal, celebrity chef__ center__ da Gama, Portuguese explorer, d. 1524__ Doyle, author of Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha__ Dracula, the 15th century Prince of Wallachia, called the Impaler__ Drake, 2004 film directed by Mike Leigh__ Fitzgerald, US singer, the Queen of Jazz, d.1996__ gin fizz__ Hardie, first leader of the Labour Party__ Idle, member of Monty Python's Flying Circus__ Kapital or __ Boot?__ Khayyam, Persian poet, d. 1131__ Kitt, singer, d. 2008__ Lendl, Czech-born American tennis star__ Lilly & Co.__ MacDonald, first British Labour PM__ MacDonald, heroine of the 1745 Jacobite rising__ Mansell, 1992 F1 champion__ Minor, the Little Bear__ Novello, Welsh composer and songwriter, d. 1951__ of India, Governor of Bengal – __ Dunn, Dad’s Army actor__ of the Apostles__ poisoning__ Pound, American poet__ Rantzen, TV presenter, b. 1940__ reality, computer-generated simulation__ Saint Laurent, couturier, d. 2008__ Shankar, Indian sitar player, d. 2012__ Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations__ Toksvig, Danish-British comedian, b. 1958__ von Bismarck, first chancellor of Germany__ Warbeck, Flemish pretender to Henry VII's throne, hanged 1499__-Anne-de-Beaupr___ Berra, much quoted baseball player, d. 2015___ and gloom!___ and outs___ and pears___ and void___ Andronicus___ Attlee, prime minister 1945-51___ Bay, Isle of Wight tourist spot, famous for its multi-coloured sand cliffs___ Bell, Emily Brontë's pen name___ Benedetti, Scottish-Italian violinist, b. 1987___ Bergman, screenwriter, film and theatre director___ Black, British-Canadian ex-newspaper publisher___ Blanchett, actor, b. 1969___ borealis___ Boy___ Boy, 1964 Beatles song___ Brush, a fictional red fox___ Carter, novelist, short story writer and poet, d. 1992___ collar, crop, jacket or mess___ Come She Will, 1965 Paul Simon song___ crop, women's short hairstyle of the 1920s___ da Gama, Portuguese explorer, d. 1524___ Days a Week, 1964 Beatles song___ de Bergerac, French soldier and writer with a big nose, d. 1655___ Elba, star of Luther and The Wire___ Fleming, Commander Bond's creator___ fours___ Franklin, the Queen of Soul___ Gershwin, lyricist___ Gordimer, South African writer and political activist, d. 2014___ Harris, US country singer, b. 1947___ Heep, the unctuous villain in David Copperfield___ Hillary___ in Blue, 1924 George Gershwin composition___ Innes, English musician and comedian, known as the seventh Python, d. 2019___ Laine, jazz and pop singer___ Lawson, cook___ Male, Geoffrey Household's 1939 thriller novel___ Man___ Market, Christina Rossetti's narrative poem, published 1862___ Marsh, New Zealand crime writer, d. 1982___ Mary, Queen of England, 1553-58___ Mitchell, Canadian singer-songwriter___ Morning, 1967 song by The Velvet Underground___ Murdoch, author, d.1999___ Murray___ Mustard, army officer in Cluedo___ Nash, American poet, d. 1971___ Newton, English physicist, d. 1727___ Newton, physicist, mathematician, alchemist, d. 1727___ O'Brien, Irish novelist___ of Broadway___ Panza, squire to Don Quixote___ Pendragon, King Arthur's father___ profundo, lowest adult male singing voice___ rock, flamboyant British early 1970s' music style___ Sackville-West, author and garden designer, d. 1962___ Shankar, Indian sitarist and composer, d. 2012___ Shearer, Canadian-American actress, d, 1983___ Strauss, first producer of blue jeans, d. 1902___ Swinton, British actress, b. 1960___ Terry, actress and close friend of George Bernard Shaw, d. 1928___ the Riveter, cultural icon in the US during World War II,___ v Wade, 1973 landmark US Supreme Court ruling overturned in 2022___ von Bismarck, 19th-century German statesman___ Welles, director and producer of The Magnificent Ambersons___ Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue since 1988___ Without a Cause___ "Annus Mirabilis"___ "Inferno"___ "Le Morte d'Arthur"___ & Carla, 60's singing___ & Chandon (champagne)___ & Chandon Champagne___ & Noble___ & the Blowfish___ & Tina Turner Revue___ & Whitney (engine mak___ & Young (accounting f___ + 4___ + grenadine + marasch___ , fade, dissolve___ , or, Little By Little___ , Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway___ .45___ 1 (Me.-to-Fla. highwa___ 1, Yuri Gagarin's spa___ 1000 (annual Mexican ___ 1000, annual Mexican ___ 101, world's tallest ___ 12 and 20___ 180___ 180 (about-faces)___ 180 (turn around, in ___ 2.0, Bill Gates's hou___ 20, Natl. Games Day___ 21, Intl. Day of Peac___ 2600___ 2600 (classic video g___ 2600 (hit product of ___ 360___ 500___ 500, annual list of t___ 6___ 67 (onetime Montreal ___ 8___ 88___ 9, first spacecraft t___ 9000, sci-fi computer___ : hello :: hooroo : g___ a___ a beet___ a clue (doesn't know)___ a clue (is lost)___ a clue (is out of it)___ a customer___ a day___ a fiddle___ a fox___ a good thing___ a hatter___ a high note___ a kind (pair)___ a limb___ a long shot___ a million___ a minute___ a one___ a one (zip)___ a plea___ a positive note___ a secret___ A Sketch (drawing toy___ a soul___ a time___ a time (individually)___ a time (singly)___ A to Z___ A. Bank, menswear ret___ Aarnio, innovative fu___ Ababa___ Abdel Nasser___ Abdul, former judge o___ Abdul-Jabbar___ Abner___ about___ about (approximately)___ about (around)___ about (circa)___ about (lawyer's phras___ about (near)___ about (publicly visib___ about (roughly)___ about (rove)___ above___ above the rest___ AC (pharmacy purchase___ accompli___ Accord (1998 Mideast ___ Accord (1998 peace ag___ Accords___ Accords (1998 peace a___ Accords of 1993___ Accords, 1993___ Accords, 1998 Israeli___ account___ account (never)___ acetate (banana oil)___ acid___ acid (B vitamin)___ acid (baking powder i___ acid (C6H3N3O7)___ acid (microscopic sta___ acid (old name for hy___ acid (preservative)___ acid (protein compone___ acid (soap ingredient___ acid (sour cream comp___ acting___ adagio (score directi___ Adams, patriot with a___ Adams, signature on t___ Adler of Conan Doyle'___ admin___ admin (computer techi___ advantage___ aerobics___ Affair___ Affair (Civil War imb___ age (long time)___ agent___ Aigner, noted designe___ Aigner, popular maker___ Air (carrier to Taiwa___ Air (Mideast carrier)___ Aires___ al-Fayed (friend of D___ al-Fayed, companion o___ al-Fayed, friend of P___ al-Khaimah (one of th___ alai___ Alamitos, Calif.___ Alamos___ Alamos, N.M.___ Alaska___ alcohol___ alcohol (cosmetics em___ Alert (abduction bull___ Alexander (Hall-of-Fa___ alia___ all-time high___ alla genovese (sauce)___ Allan Poe___ Allen furniture___ alone (fly solo)___ alone (have no help)___ Alpha Epsilon fratern___ Alte (Adenauer)___ Alto___ Alto, Calif.___ Altos, Calif.___ amandine___ America___ American___ Americano___ Amin___ Amin in "The Last Kin___ amis___ ammoniac___ ammoniac (mineral fou___ an era___ and a leg___ and aah___ and aahed___ and aahs___ and Abner, old comedy___ and all___ and all including fau___ and anon___ and cheese___ and cheese (lunch dis___ and Coke___ and crafts___ and dangerous___ and daub___ and done with___ and downs___ and drabs___ and eggs___ and ends___ and feather___ and for all___ and goings___ and haws___ and hearty___ and hers___ and Jaron (identical-___ and kicking___ and kin___ and labor___ and mighty___ and Novak (old news p___ and now___ and outs___ and pains___ and proper___ and run___ and sciences___ and shine___ and snee___ and Span___ and Span (cleaner bra___ and Span (cleanser)___ and Stimpy (cartoon d___ and Swiss___ and tell___ and terminer___ and terminer (crimina___ and the Dragon (Apocr___ and the Dragon (book ___ and the Issas (former___ and Thummin (Judaic o___ and tonic___ and took notice___ and turn___ and vinegar___ and void___ and Wear (English cou___ and wherefores___ and wisdom___ and yang___ and yon (in many plac___ Anderson of TV's "Bay___ Anderson, Hemingway c___ Anderson, Super Bowl ___ Andreas Fault___ Andric, 1961 Literatu___ Andronicus___ Andy ("Show Boat" rol___ anemone___ Angeles___ angelica (organ stop)___ Angels___ Angiolini (women's sh___ anglais (English horn___ Animas, Colo.___ Anne de Beaupr___ Anne de Bellevue, Que___ Annie, of "Oklahoma!"___ annum___ Antiqua___ Antoinette___ Antonio___ Antonio, Tex.___ Antony___ apparatus (cell organ___ Appia___ apple___ apso (dog)___ Arabia___ Arann (Irish carrier)___ Arbor___ Arbor, Mich.___ Arc, Ark.___ arch___ Archer, with whom Sam___ Arden, Flash Gordon c___ Arena (Kings' home)___ Arenas (Chilean port)___ Arenas, port in 93-Do___ Arens, former Israeli___ Arizona___ Ark___ arms___ arms (angry)___ arms (indignant)___ Army (links group)___ Arnold's Balsam (old ___ around (close to)___ around (near)___ art (text graphics)___ artery___ artery (blood vessel ___ artist (film crew mem___ artist, sound-effects___ Artois beer___ as a bat___ as a bell___ as a blue rose___ as a diamond___ as a dog___ as a doornail___ as a drum___ as a fox___ as a judge___ as a kite___ as a pig___ as a pin___ as a post___ as a rail___ as a rock___ as a whistle___ as an arrow___ as an eel___ as an owl___ as an ox___ as shootin'___ Asther, suave, Swedis___ Atat___ Atomic Dustbin (Engli___ attack___ Attucks, early Americ___ au Haut, Me.___ au vin___ avail___ avis___ avis (unusual one)___ Aviv___ Aviv, Israel___ Avivian___ Award (N.H.L.'s Coach___ Awards (annual prizes___ awful way___ awkward position___ Axton, co-composer of___ B or ___ C of the Spi___ B'Av, Jewish day of f___ B'rith___ B. Anthony dollar___ B. Toklas___ Baba___ Bad Wolf of comic boo___ badge___ badge, boy scout's aw___ bag (camper's tote)___ Baggins, a leading hobbit___ Bailey___ Baines Johnson___ Baines Johnson (presi___ Baiul, 1994 Winter Ol___ ball___ ball (spongy playthin___ ball soup___ Ball, quinquennial da___ ballerina___ Balls (Hostess brand)___ Balls (Hostess snack ___ Balls (snack brand)___ Balls (snack cakes)___ Bank___ Bank (U.S. loan guara___ Banks, "Mr. Cub"___ Banks, N.C.___ Banos, Calif.___ Barak, former Israeli___ bargain___ bark beetle___ bark beetle (pest)___ barrel___ Barry, with the 1965 ___ Bartlet, president on___ Barton (first Triple ___ Barton, first Triple ___ basin___ Basin, German coal re___ bath___ bath (shallow tub)___ bath (therapeutic tre___ Bator___ Bator, Mongolia___ Bay (Manhattan area)___ Bay (South China Sea ___ Bay, 1898 battle site___ Bay, 1898 site of Adm___ Bay, Hawaii___ Bay, off Long Beach, ___ Bay, Ore.___ Bay, part of Lake Hur___ Bay, Philippines___ Bay, Philippines (sit___ Bayes, who co-wrote "___ be different___ Beach (D-Day site)___ Beach (former home of___ Beach (town near San ___ Beach, Calif.___ Beach, Fla.___ Beach, Hawaii___ Beach, S.C.___ Beagle___ bean___ Beanie Babies___ beans (miso ingredien___ Bear___ Bearcat (classic car)___ Beardsley, exotic English book illustrator, d. 1898 aged 25___ Beat (1960's music)___ Beatty, Oscar nominee___ Beauty (apple variety___ Becker of "L.A. Law"___ Becker, "L.A. Law" ro___ bed___ Beds National Monumen___ beef___ beetle___ before___ before (no later than___ being___ Bell___ Bell (Emily Bront___ Bell, witch who was a___ belle___ Belongs to Me, 1965 Bob Dylan song___ Belt (constellation f___ ben Adhem___ Ben Canaan of "Exodus___ Ben Canaan, Leon Uris___ bender (minor acciden___ bene___ Benedict___ Berg, the intellectua___ Bergman, Swedish actress___ Berliner, inventor of___ Bernardino___ Bernardino Mountains___ Bernina (highest peak___ best friend___ Best of the pre-Ringo___ Beta Kappa___ bien___ Bien Phu, Vietnam___ big way___ bill, opposed by 64-D___ bind___ Bing! (go-go bar on "___ binge___ Bingle (Crosby monike___ Bingle (Crosby)___ Bird, daughter of L.B___ bit___ Bl___ Blake, player of Miss___ Blanc___ Blanc (wine)___ blanche___ blaster___ bleu___ blind___ Blixen a k a Isak Din___ Blount in the Footbal___ blue___ Blue (old kerosene br___ Blue Ribbon___ blue, color named aft___ Bluff National Monume___ Bo___ Bo (exercise system)___ Bo (workout system)___ Bobbin of the Oz book___ Bodies, Evelyn Waugh's 1930 novel___ body (cell part)___ Bok, former Harvard p___ Boleyn, queen to Henr___ Bones of "The Legend ___ Bones, Ichabod Crane'___ Bonn Airport___ bonne heure (very wel___ bono (for whose benef___ bonus___ Book Club___ Books (paperback publ___ boom___ boom bah___ Bora (Afghan region)___ Bora caves___ Bora, wild part of Af___ Bornes (card game)___ Bornes (game)___ Boru, Irish king who ___ bosom (heaven)___ Bounty___ bourgeois___ bourguignon___ bourr___ Bowl___ Bowl (postseason game___ box (computer screen ___ Boy, classic figure i___ Boys' Choir___ br___ Bradshaw, "Sex and th___ brain (nitwit)___ Brainard, the Absent-___ bran___ Brasi (Corleone hood)___ Brasi, enforcer in "T___ brat___ Bravo___ bread___ breath___ breath (flower)___ breath (spoken very r___ breve___ breve (2/2 time in mu___ breve (2/2 time)___ breve (2/2 time, in m___ breve (music marking)___ breve (musical direct___ Brewery Co., of Detro___ Brewster, beleaguered___ bricks___ Bridge, connecting Ma___ Bridge, first to span___ Bridge, historic 1874___ Bridge, St. Louis___ brisk pace___ Britannica___ Broad College of Busi___ broche (cooked on a s___ broche (cooking style___ Brockovich, Julia Rob___ Brockovich, Oscar rol___ Brooks, 1950's-60's "___ Bros.___ Brothers___ Brothers (pop trio)___ Brothers of 40's-50's___ Brothers, who sang "R___ Brown and His Band of___ Brown Shoe, 1969 Beatles song___ browns (diner fare)___ browser___ buckle (eye surgery p___ buco___ buco (Italian dish)___ budget___ Buena (island in San ___ Building, company hea___ Building, first skysc___ Building, landmark on___ Building, New York la___ Building, onetime par___ Bulba (literary Cossa___ burger (meatless dish___ Burger (veggie patty)___ burn___ but when___ but wiser___ Butterworth's___ button (Facebook icon___ by chocolate (calorie___ by Google___ c___ C. Dobbs, noted Humph___ cabbage___ cabinet___ Cabos, Mexico___ caelestes (divine wra___ Caesar (Caligula)___ cake (marzipan-covere___ Cakesters (Nabisco of___ calculus (kidney ston___ California___ Calrissian of "Star W___ Camp, historic Mormon___ Campbell on "The Andy___ can of worms___ canal___ Canal (connector of l___ Canal, waterway throu___ Canals___ Canals (Great Lakes c___ Canaria Island___ Canaveral___ candidate___ candy (some pop tunes___ cantabile (gentle, sa___ cantata (church servi___ canto___ canto (singing style)___ Canyon (Pueblo cultur___ Caovilla, maker of hi___ cap___ capita___ capsule (two, please)___ car___ car dealer___ card___ cards (ESP testers)___ care in the world___ Carinae (hypergiant s___ Carlo___ Carlo (part of Monaco___ Carlo Menotti___ Carlos, Brazil___ carotene___ Carta___ carte___ Carter, who played Wo___ case___ case-by-case basis___ Cass Elliot___ Castle___ cava___ cava (heart connector___ cava (path to the hea___ cavity___ Cayes, Haiti___ cell research___ Cenis Tunnel, in the ___ Centauri (closest sta___ center___ Center (Chicago skysc___ center (community fac___ Center, home of the N___ Center, second-talles___ Centre, Minn. (Sincla___ ceremony___ Chaiken, creator and ___ chairman___ Chalmers (old tractor___ chance___ Chandler, longtime pu___ Chao, only cabinet me___ Chapel___ characters (common Ch___ chart___ chat (ballet jump)___ chat (ballet move)___ check___ cheese___ cheese (salad topping___ cheese dressing___ cherry___ Chex___ chi___ chi (martial art)___ chi ch'uan___ chic___ Chicago Grill___ chicken___ chief (publ. honcho)___ child (pregnant)___ china___ Chinmoy (late spiritu___ chip, which might be ___ chips___ chocolates___ choy___ choy (Chinese green)___ choy (Chinese vegetab___ Chris Steak House___ Christi___ Christian Andersen___ Christiansen, founder___ Christie___ circle___ circumstances___ circus___ Circus (ancient Roman___ Circus (old Vatican a___ Circus (where St. Pet___ cit.___ cit. (footnote abbr.)___ cit. (in the place ci___ cit. (term paper abbr___ citato___ citato (footnote phra___ city___ City (Baghdad distric___ City (Las Vegas nickn___ City (Las Vegas)___ City (Maxis game)___ City (Saratoga Spring___ City (seat of Pasco C___ city atty.___ City Hall, Nobel cere___ City of story and fil___ City, Fla.___ City, Fla., NE of Tam___ City, Hawaii___ City, Miss.___ City, oater locale___ City, S.D.___ City, seat of a Kansa___ City, seat of Pasco C___ City, suburb of Tampa___ City, Utah___ Claire___ Claire (city near Mon___ Claire, Que.___ Claire, Wis.___ Clark who sang "Poor,___ Classical Library, 50___ Clayton Powell Jr.___ clef___ Clemente___ Clinic___ clip___ clock (self-winding t___ close second___ close second (almost ___ close to schedule___ cloth (lingerie fabri___ cloud___ cloud (cosmic debris)___ cloud (region of come___ cloud (solar system o___ clover___ Club (discount chain)___ Club (discount store)___ Club (military hangou___ Club (onetime TV grou___ Club (retail chain)___ clue___ Cob, Conn.___ code___ code (long-distance n___ Coeur (Paris cathedra___ coffee___ Cohn, 1991 Grammy win___ coil___ coil (electrical devi___ colada___ collar___ College ("Animal Hous___ College near San Fran___ College, north of Alb___ Collins, first woman ___ cologne___ Cologne (skunk of old___ Colonies, started in ___ colony___ column___ column (building supp___ column (concrete-fill___ come___ Comics, home of Spide___ coming___ committee___ company (running with___ compos mentis___ con Dios (Spanish far___ con pollo (Spanish di___ concern___ concours (not competi___ condolence___ Conferences of 1899 a___ Cong___ congestion___ Connor of "The Termin___ consequence___ consequence (insignif___ Constitution___ constrictor___ contendere___ contendere (court ple___ contraceptive___ Conventions___ Cooper (car)___ Cooper (popular car)___ corda (musical direct___ corde (music directio___ corn___ corner (church area)___ corner (make progress___ Corner, part of Westm___ Corning, fiberglass m___ corporales___ Corporation (jewelry ___ corpus___ Corrasable Bond (old ___ cosa (something else)___ cosine___ cost___ cost (free)___ cotta___ Coty, Charles de Gaul___ Coty, French presiden___ Council___ counter___ coup (too late): Fr.___ Couple (yearbook voti___ course (plans)___ court (law school exe___ Court (London distric___ Court (London tube st___ couture___ Cove ("Murder, She Wr___ Cove, "Murder, She Wr___ Cove, L.I.___ cow___ Coyote___ Crane, Vera Miles's r___ Cranston (the Shadow,___ cream___ cream cheese___ Creed___ Creed (set of Christi___ Creed of A.D. 325___ Creek (1864 Virginia ___ Creek, N.C., site of ___ Crighton Trophy (Cana___ Cristo___ Croft, Angelina Jolie___ Croft, title role for___ cross___ Cross, James Patterso___ crossroads___ crow___ Cruces___ Cruces (Andean peak)___ Cruces, N.M.___ Crunch___ crusade___ Cruz, known as "the q___ Cube___ cube (popular 60's-70___ cuffs___ culpa___ cum laude___ Cup___ Cup (snack item)___ curiae (friends of th___ curiam (by the court)___ curiam (like some cou___ cycle___ Cynwyd (Philadelphia ___ d'___ d'Alene, Idaho___ d'amore___ d'amore (instrument)___ d'art___ d'Azur___ d'Azur (French Rivier___ d'esprit (witty remar___ d'etat___ d'etre___ d'h___ d'Is___ d'Ivoire___ d'Ivoire (African lan___ d'oeuvre___ d'Or (award at Cannes___ d'Or (Cannes award)___ d'Or (film award)___ d'Or (prize at Cannes___ d'Orl___ d'Ouessant (westernmo___ D. Young (Time's Man ___ da capo___ Dai (last emperor of ___ Dali, painter___ Dam on the Sacramento___ Dame___ Damon of "Saving Priv___ Dan (Israeli archaeol___ dare___ dark (clueless)___ Dartle, woman in "Dav___ Darya (Asian river)___ Darya (river to the A___ Darya river___ Dashan (highest point___ date___ date (makes wedding p___ date: Abbr.___ Davenport, long-runni___ David___ David (six-pointed st___ Davis, "A Girl Like M___ Davis, first African-___ Day___ Day & the Knights (ba___ Day (Holy Thursday)___ Day (May 1, in Hawaii___ Day (November 2)___ Day (November 2): 2 w___ Day (September 19)___ Day (Wednesday)___ Day Lewis, Poet Laureate, d. 1972___ Day O'Connor___ Day, former Canadian ___ Day, Jan. celebration___ Day, March 25___ Day, May 1 celebratio___ days (happy time in t___ daze___ de Balzac___ de boeuf___ de Bologne (park west___ de Boulogne___ de Boulogne (Paris pa___ de bourr___ de Ca___ de cacao___ de Calais___ de Castro (storied no___ de coeur___ de coeur (pained utte___ de cologne___ de combat___ de corps___ de deux___ de Dios (church, in S___ de force___ de fraise___ de France___ de guerre___ de Guerre (French mil___ de Janeiro___ de Jouy (fabric)___ de Jouy (upholstery f___ de la Cite___ de la Frontera (town ___ de la Plata___ de la R___ de la Soci___ de Le___ de Lion, epithet for ___ de malaise___ de Mayo___ de Mayo (Mexican holi___ de mer___ de mer (seasickness)___ de mots (pun)___ de naissance (French ___ de No___ de Noyaux (almond-fla___ de nuit (cabarets)___ de parfum___ de plume___ de pont (bridgehead)___ de S___ de soie (silk cloth)___ de t___ de toilette___ de Torquemada (Spanis___ de Torquemada, Spanis___ de Triomphe___ de trois___ de trois (dance)___ de veau (French dish)___ de vie___ de vie (brandies)___ de vivre___ Dea (Roman fertility ___ deaf ear to___ death (overwork)___ decent living___ Decimal System___ Deco___ Dee river___ deer___ deferens___ deficit (lost money)___ Dei___ del Carmen, Mexico___ del Corso, Rome___ del Fuego___ del Mar, Chile___ del Rey, Calif.___ del Rio, Cuba___ del Sol___ Delano Roosevelt___ delight (solitaire ga___ Department___ depth finder___ des Beaux-Arts___ Desert___ details___ Detective (1930's-50'___ Detoo___ Detoo of "Star Wars"___ Detoo, "Star Wars" an___ deux ___ deux___ Dhabi___ Dhabi (Gulf emirate)___ Dhabi (Mideast capita___ Dhabi, Persian Gulf p___ di linea (flier to It___ di Mare (fashion labe___ di pollo (chicken bre___ diagram___ diagram (logic illust___ diagram (logic tool)___ Diamond, author of th___ Diavolo (seafood sauc___ diavolo (spicy sauce)___ dicit (legal refusal)___ Dick___ dictum___ dictum (incidental re___ Diego___ diem___ diem (motto of Horace___ diem (seize the day)___ diem (seize the day):___ diet___ diet, food plan empha___ different tune___ Digest (classic aviat___ Digital Short___ Digital Shorts (late-___ Diner___ Diner, on "Alice"___ Dinh Diem (first pres___ dire___ dire (legal process)___ disadvantage___ disadvantage (handica___ disco (European dance___ dish (lab item)___ dish (lab vessel)___ disk (blind spot)___ Disney Pictures___ dixit___ do Mar (Brazilian ran___ doble (Latin dance)___ doble (Spanish dance)___ doble (Spanish march ___ doble (two-step dance___ dog (backwoods animal___ dog (Chinese breed)___ dog's life___ Dogg of R&B/hip-hop___ domain___ Dome (Colts' longtime___ Dome (former Colts st___ Domingo___ Domingo (Caribbean ca___ Domini___ donna___ donna (vain sort)___ Doo (cartoon dog)___ Doone cookies___ Doone: an 1869 romantic novel by RD Blackmore, based around Exmoor___ Doria (ill-fated ship___ dos aguas (in doubt):___ double___ double life___ double take___ double-take___ doute (certainly): Fr___ Dove (constellation n___ Dove (the constellati___ Downs___ draft___ Drago, "Rocky IV" vil___ dragon (largest livin___ Drake, longtime illus___ drive___ drive (engine in "Sta___ Driver, 1976 Scorsese film___ drop of a hat___ drug (infection fight___ Drusilla (mother of T___ du coeur___ du Diable___ du Flambeau, Wis.___ du jour___ du pays (homesickness___ Dubos, humanist who s___ Dubos, Pulitzer winne___ Duke (tobacco magnate___ Dunn, author of Up the Junction___ Duro Canyon, Tex.___ dust___ dust (so-o-o boring)___ dye___ dye (chemical colorin___ e sempre (Italian mot___ e sempre (now and alw___ E. Neuman___ ear___ early age___ ease___ East___ Easton Ellis, author ___ easy___ easy (eggs order)___ ecclesiasticae (churc___ economics___ Ed___ Ed.___ Ed. (H.S. course)___ eel___ effect (1883 physics ___ effort___ egg___ Eisley, "Star Wars" c___ el Amarna, Egypt___ el Amarna, Egyptian e___ el Beida (Casablanca,___ Eleanor Roosevelt___ Electric Co.___ Elevator Company___ Elliot, heroine of Ja___ embarrassment (be mor___ Emblem (2002 Kentucky___ Emperor (Taoism figur___ Empire, conquered by ___ empty stomach___ en place (putting in ___ en sc___ En-lai___ end (very last part)___ Energy (big natural g___ English___ English 800 (Miller b___ Enterprise___ epic scale___ Epstein, Red Sox G.M.___ equal footing___ equivalent (measure o___ erectus___ errand___ Errol, main character___ es Salaam___ esprit___ ester___ et Chandon___ et Chandon (Champagne___ et labora___ et ubique (here and e___ Evans, a k a Chubby C___ even keel___ even keel: 2 wds.___ ex machina___ exchange___ exhaust___ Explorer (Web browser___ Express___ extra cost___ eye___ F___ Fabi of auto racing___ Fables___ facie___ facto___ factor___ Fail (Irish coronatio___ Fail, Ireland's coron___ Falls___ Falls, N.Y.___ family, including bas___ family, which include___ Farrow, Mrs. Sinatra ___ fast one___ fat___ fatale___ fats___ fatty acid___ fatuus___ fault___ fault (overly so)___ fault (overmuch)___ favor___ favor (Spanish "pleas___ Fein___ Felipe___ fell swoop___ Fernando Valley___ Ferry, N.Y.___ feuillet___ fever___ fever (annual Februar___ fever (be hot)___ fever (was sick)___ few rounds___ few rounds (spar)___ Fey of "S.N.L."___ Fey of "Saturday Nigh___ fiber___ fide___ fide (bad faith)___ fide (in bad faith)___ fides___ fides (bad faith)___ Field___ Field (former name of___ Field (where the Mari___ Field, where the Rock___ Fields___ fields (mythological ___ Fifth Avenue___ fighter ("Star Wars" ___ fil (wireless, in Par___ fille (French girl)___ fin___ fin (at last): Fr.___ finalis (purpose, in ___ financing___ fire (destructive 200___ fire (started burning___ FireBall (hot candy)___ firma___ first (diamond call)___ first-name basis___ fit___ fit (blew up)___ Fitness magazine___ Fitzgerald___ five___ fix___ fixe___ fixe (obsession)___ fixe (persistent thou___ fixes___ fixes (obsessions)___ fizz (cocktail)___ Fjord___ Fjord (inlet of the S___ flakes___ flakes (cereal)___ Flanders of "The Simp___ Flanders, neighbor of___ flash___ flask (lab container)___ Fleck and the Fleckto___ Fleischer, who was kn___ Fleming, central char___ Flite (bicycle brand)___ flour___ Flow (British naval b___ flu___ fly (certain baseball___ fly (run producer)___ Flynn Boyle of "The P___ Flynn Boyle of "Twin ___ fog___ Fogle, spokesman for ___ foil___ Fonck, top Allied fig___ fond farewell to___ foo yung___ Foods, Inc.___ football (indoor game___ football (indoor spor___ for (substantiate)___ for Africa___ for apples___ for elephant___ for iron___ for life___ for oneself___ for oneself (goes it ___ for peace___ for the money___ Forest (park near Lon___ Forest (W.W. I battle___ formality___ forth (et cetera)___ Foundation (leading p___ Fountain___ four___ Four (Beatles)___ four (teacake)___ fours___ fours (crawling)___ Fox___ Fox of Uncle Remus ta___ Fox, 1959 American Le___ fra___ fran___ franca___ France___ francese___ Francis of hockey fam___ Francisco___ Franco (watch brand)___ Fraser of tennis___ Frei, Chilean leader ___ Freleng, creator of B___ Fresnos, Tex.___ Friday___ Friday's___ Friday's (restaurant ___ Friday's (restaurant)___ friends___ fro___ froid (be cold: Fr.)___ fruit___ fruit (large tangelo)___ fu___ Fuente cigars___ fun at (ridicule)___ function___ Furterer, line of Fre___ Fyne, Scotland___ Gabriel___ Gaga___ Gailey of "Miracle on___ Gailey, of "Miracle o___ Galerie (Manhattan ar___ gallery___ gallop___ Games___ Games (quadrennial ev___ Games, quadrennial ev___ Gamp, nurse in "Marti___ Gandhi, pioneering fe___ Gant, hero of "Look H___ Garcia (Indian Ocean ___ Gardens___ Gardens, N.Y.___ Gardens, Queens___ Gardner, Mrs. Sinatra___ Gate (one end of Lond___ Gates___ Gatos, Calif.___ Gay___ Gay (plane)___ Gay (W.W. II bomber)___ Gay (W.W. II plane)___ Gay, historic plane d___ Gay, W.W. II bomber___ Geller, Israeli spoon-bender___ generis___ Genesis (old video ga___ Genevieve County, Mo.___ Genevieve, Mo.___ Geometry (college cou___ germ___ gestae___ gestae (transactions)___ ghanouj___ ghanouj (eggplant dis___ ghost___ Ghraib (Iraq prison i___ Ghraib, Iraqi prison___ Gigio (frequent Ed Su___ Gillis of 1960s TV___ gin___ gin fizz___ Girl___ Girl (magazine)___ Girls, chorus line dancers___ glance___ glance (quickly)___ gland___ gland (melatonin secr___ glass___ Glendower, last Welsh___ Glue-All___ go at (tries)___ go bragh___ Gold, agent on "Entou___ Gold, character on "E___ Gon___ Gonz___ goo gai pan___ good deed___ good example___ good example (is a ro___ good example (shows t___ good faith___ Good Feelings___ good turn___ good turn (helps out)___ Gordimer, Literature ___ Gorilla, 1960s cartoo___ grabs___ Graham, 1940's-50's C___ Granada (old Spanish ___ Grand (supermarket br___ Grande___ Grande, Ariz.___ Grande, Fla.___ grano salis___ Grant (college schola___ Grant, "The Wayward W___ Gras___ grass___ grata___ gratia___ gratia (by the grace ___ gratia (in all kindne___ gratia artis___ gratia artis (MGM mot___ gratias___ gratias (thanks be to___ gratias (thanks to Go___ gratification___ gratuit (something do___ Gray, young man pictured in Oscar Wilde's 1890 novella___ grecque___ green___ Green, 1987 L.P.G.A. ___ Green, Scottish town ___ Greene, "The Godfathe___ greens___ Grey tea___ Griffin, 1960's-80's ___ Griffith, 1999 W.N.B.___ grigio (wine)___ Gritty Dirt Band___ Group ("big four" rec___ group (computer info ___ Group (Latin American___ group, in organic che___ grouse (Pennsylvania'___ Grove Village, Ill.___ Grove, N.J.___ grudge (harbored rese___ guerre___ Guevara___ guisada, Tex-Mex stew___ gum___ gum (thickening agent___ gut (laugh hard)___ guy (one who gets thi___ Gwyn, actress and Charles II's mistress, d. 1687___ Gwyn, mistress of Cha___ ha-Shanah___ hair___ Hakim ("Oklahoma!" ch___ halide___ hall___ Hall (historic Prince___ Hall (Robert Southey'___ Hall Pirates (1953 N.___ Hall, Diane Keaton ro___ Halles, old Parisian ___ hammer (Viking symbol___ Hamoed (Passover peri___ hand (help)___ hand (support)___ Harbour (Miami suburb___ Harbour, Fla.___ Hargreaves, first wom___ Hari___ Hari (infamous spy)___ Hari (spy)___ Harker, heroine of "B___ Harker, wife in Bram ___ harp___ Hart, showgirl in "Ch___ Hart, sitcom title ch___ Hashana___ Hashanah___ Haskins, 1960s-'70s N___ Hatcher, US actress, star in Desperate Housewives___ Hatter___ Haute, Ind.___ hawk (American bird)___ Hawkins Day___ Hay, Israeli memorial___ Hayes of "The Mod Squ___ headache___ healthy pace___ heap___ heartbeat (instantly)___ Heath ("The Return of___ Heath of Philo Vance ___ Heep___ Heights___ Heights (disputed Mid___ Helens___ helmet (safari wear)___ Henry, triple gold-me___ Herbert, TV's Mr. Wiz___ heure (afternoon time___ High Dam___ high standard___ Highway (road through___ Highway (route from D___ Highway (route throug___ Highway, old auto rou___ Hilario, Brazilian-bo___ Hill___ Hill (James Monroe's ___ Hill (Oyster Bay, N.Y___ Hill (R & B group)___ Hill, home of Theodor___ Hirsch of "Lords of D___ his word___ Hodesh___ Hoek (cartoon pooch)___ hold on___ Hold'em (poker varian___ hole in (corrodes)___ holiday___ Holiness the Pope___ Holliday___ Holmes, "From Here to___ home (out)___ Honor___ honorable (formal apo___ hoot___ Hopkins University___ Hornie (Satan)___ Hot (city in Inner Mo___ Hotels (luxury chain)___ Hound (Canis Major)___ house (down-home musi___ Howard, 1963 A.L. M.V___ Hubbard___ huff___ Hughes, 2002 Olympic ___ Hughes, former Britis___ Hugo, 1975 Isabelle A___ hunch___ Hunt, Tom Cruise's ch___ Hunter, leader of roc___ hurry___ hydrate (knockout dro___ Hyman award for femal___ I.R.A. (investment)___ I.R.A. (savings plan ___ ideal___ II (razor brand)___ II razor___ Ile, Mich.___ impasse___ importance___ impulse___ in (cozy in bed)___ in a blue moon___ in a poke___ in apple___ in cat___ in Charlie___ in ink___ in kangaroo___ in on (moved toward)___ in on (neared)___ in Quebec___ in queen___ in re: Lat.___ in Show (Westminster ___ in sight___ in telephone___ in the right directio___ in Thomas___ in victory___ in xylophone___ incline___ incognita___ income___ Independent Press Awa___ Industries (defense c___ infra (see below)___ Inn___ instant___ instant (quickly)___ instincts___ Institute for Biologi___ Institute, California___ interview___ into (gets by chance)___ into holy matrimony___ Intrepid___ ipsa loquitur___ irregular basis___ Irvin, classic artist___ Irvin, longtime carto___ Irvin, who designed t___ is to say___ Ishii, character in "___ Island___ Island (immigrants' s___ Island (immigration p___ Island (museum site)___ Island (onetime immig___ Island (prison site)___ Island Ferry___ Island National Monum___ Island National Wildl___ Island red___ Island Sound___ Island, Bahamas, boyh___ Island, birthplace an___ Island, discovery of ___ Island, Fla.___ Island, museum site s___ Island, N.C.___ Island, N.Y.___ Islands (Scapa Flow l___ Islands, between Scot___ Islands, east of Miam___ Islands, group at the___ Islands, in the Berin___ Islands, in the India___ Islands, which includ___ Israel___ it out (fight)___ it out (two, please)___ items___ Ivory Wayans___ J. Gaines, who wrote ___ jacet (tombstone word___ Jacinto Day (April 21___ jacket, 1960s fashion___ Jackson, a k a Ice Cu___ Jahan (Taj Mahal buil___ jam___ James, who sang "Your___ Janeiro___ Janis, star of Broadw___ Jannings, Best Actor ___ Jay Lerner of Lerner ___ Jean (Marilyn Monroe,___ Jean (Marilyn, origin___ Jean Baker (Marilyn M___ Jeanne d'Arc___ jeans___ Jeeves of P. G. Wodeh___ jelly___ Jemima___ Jemison, first black ___ Jima___ Jo___ Joan Hart of TV's "Sa___ jocum (in jest): Lat.___ Joe, "Tom Sawyer" cha___ John___ John's (Domino's comp___ Johnson___ Jones___ Jones industrials___ Jones of old radio co___ Jones's locker___ Jones, action hero created by George Lucas___ Jordan, who wrote "Th___ Jorge (Azores island)___ Journal (legal period___ Jr. (acting son, fami___ Jr., West Coast hambu___ Juan (capital of 32-D___ Judaism___ judicata___ juice (milk)___ jumping___ jure (by law)___ jure (by the law itse___ jure (legal phrase)___ jure (legal term)___ juris___ juris (legal phrase)___ justes___ K___ K., Kafka's protagoni___ Kabibble___ Kadiddlehopper, Red S___ Kagan, Obama nominee ___ Kalugin, former K.G.B___ Kamoze of reggae___ Kan___ Kan (pet food brand)___ Kan (pet food)___ Kan dog food___ Kan pet food___ Kane of "All My Child___ Kappa Nu (honor socie___ Kea___ kebab___ Kelly, star of Singin' In The Rain, d. 1996___ Kenobi of "Star Wars"___ Kett of early comics___ Kett of old comics___ Khan___ Khan ("The Jungle Boo___ Khan (ex of Rita Hayw___ Khan (Muslim leader)___ Khan (tiger in "The J___ Kid of early TV___ king___ King Cole___ king crab___ Kinnock, 1980's-90's ___ Kinte of "Roots"___ Kippur___ knee___ Knight___ knot___ knot, used in rug wea___ Kong___ Kooser, former U.S. p___ Korbut, 1972 Olympic ___ Korbut, 1972 Soviet g___ Kovic, role for Tom C___ Krabappel of "The Sim___ Kramer, 2010 Dutch Ol___ Kreuger, the Match Ki___ Kringle___ Kristen of "Ryan's Ho___ Kundera, author of "T___ kwon do___ l'oeil___ la Cit___ la Douce___ la la___ La La (1965 hit)___ la Paix___ la Plata___ lab___ Lackawanna (bygone ra___ Lackawanna Railroad___ Lacoste___ Lacs National Wildlif___ Lacs, Minn.___ Lad, doughnut shop on___ Lady (decades-old com___ Lady of ...___ Lagos (region of Chil___ Lake, N.Y.___ Lama___ lamb___ Lamont ("Singin' in t___ lamp___ lamp (1960s novelty)___ land___ Land of "Twenty Thous___ Landing (Philadelphia___ landslide___ lane___ lane (commuters' aid)___ Lane, home of London'___ Lang of Smallville___ Lang, Superboy's girl___ Langer, who wrote "Ph___ Lanka___ Lankan___ Laredo, Mexico___ Laredo, Mexico, on th___ Largo, "Thunderball" ___ lark___ Last Stand___ latte___ latte (hot drink)___ laude___ Lauder___ Lauder cosmetics___ Lavoisier, the Father___ law___ law (1840's discovery___ law (ancient code)___ law (early Germanic l___ law (early legal code___ law (i = v/r)___ law (i=v/r)___ law (old Frankish cod___ law (old Germanic leg___ law (physics formula)___ law, in physics___ Lawn (James Monroe's ___ Lawrence Orchestra (B___ Lawrence, inventor of___ lazuli___ Le___ Le Pew___ Leader, South Dakota'___ leaf___ League___ leash___ least___ leather___ Lee___ Lee bakery___ Lee cakes___ Lee Corp. (Fortune 50___ Lee Corporation___ Lee Nolin of "Baywatc___ Lee of Marvel Comics___ Lee, who lived in a k___ left field___ legomenon (word or ph___ legomenon (word that ___ legs___ Lemaris, early love o___ Lemon, Tina Fey's "30___ Leppard___ lepton___ lepton (physics parti___ Lewis and the News___ Lewis with the 2008 #___ liberales (studies at___ libre (poetry style)___ Liebe (Dear, in Dresd___ ligation___ light___ light: Var.___ Lilly___ Lilly & Co.___ Lilly (Fortune 500 co___ Lilly and Co.___ Lilly and Company___ lily___ lily (Utah's flower)___ limit___ limits (election issu___ Linda___ Linda, Calif.___ Linda, Calif. (Nixon'___ Lindgren, creator of ___ Lindgren, Pippi Longs___ line (elaborate barri___ Line (German/Polish b___ Lines (big name in cr___ Lingus___ lion, beast slain by ___ liquor___ list___ Liston, opponent of 1___ lit___ Litovsk (1918 treaty ___ Little, "The Wire" an___ Little, "The Wire" ga___ living___ living (bring home th___ Lizzie (Model T)___ lo tanto (therefore, ___ Loa___ loading___ loaf___ Lobos___ Lodge___ Loma, Calif.___ Lomond___ Lonely Boys (rock ban___ long way___ long way (last)___ Long, Louisiana senat___ Long, Union general i___ Longa, ancient city f___ Longa, birthplace of ___ longa, vita brevis___ longue___ loop (skater's jump)___ loop (skating move)___ Lopez (chess opening)___ Lorenzo___ Lorenzo, Calif.___ loss___ loss for words___ lot (few)___ lot (gorge)___ lot (gorged oneself)___ lot (was telling)___ Louise of "Gilligan's___ Lovelace, computer pr___ low profile___ Lowell, title charact___ Lu___ Luck___ Luis Obispo___ Lumpur, Malaysia___ Lumumba, Congo's firs___ Lunas, N.M.___ Lund___ Lund of "Casablanca"___ Lupin, the Prince of ___ Luthor of "Superman"___ Luthor, of "Superman"___ luxury___ Lyman & His Californi___ Lysacek, 2010 Olympic___ M___ Maar (Picasso mistres___ Maar (Picasso subject___ Maar, Picasso subject___ MacDonald, first Labour PM___ Macmillan, classmate ___ Madres___ Mae___ Mae (college money pr___ Mae (Whoopi's "Ghost"___ Mae (Whoopi's role in___ Mae, "Ghost" role for___ Magica___ magica (alchemist's w___ Magli shoes___ Magna (annual early-m___ magnetism___ Mahal___ mai (dim sum dish)___ Maine___ maison (indoors): Fr.___ majeste___ Majesty___ Major___ Major (constellation)___ Major (Great Bear)___ Major (southern const___ male (top dog)___ Malfoy, bully in Harr___ Malfoy, Harry Potter ___ Mall (London street)___ Malvinas (the Falklan___ Man (classic ad figur___ man (everyone)___ man out___ Man, comics hero___ Man, commercial symbo___ Mann of 1960's pop___ manner of speaking___ Mantel, Booker Prize winning author, 2009 and 2012___ many words___ Maples Trump___ Marbles, British Muse___ March___ March, Saul Bellow pr___ Margarita, in the Car___ Maria___ Maria (coffee liqueur___ Maria (liqueur)___ Maria liqueur___ Marie, noted shipwrec___ Maris (title of the V___ Marley's ghost in "A ___ Marner___ Marquez, Nickelodeon ___ Marsala___ Martens (casual shoes___ Martens (shoes)___ Martin___ Martin (auto)___ Martin (car)___ Martin (cognac brand)___ Martin (cognac)___ Martin (James Bond ca___ Martin cars___ Martin Cognac___ Martins, main charact___ Mary's (L.A. college)___ Mason (asset manageme___ Master's Voice___ mater___ mater (brain cover)___ mater (brain covering___ mater (brain envelope___ mater (brain membrane___ mater (cranial membra___ material (sturdy fabr___ Mauro (lunar plain)___ Mawr___ Mawr College___ Mawr, Pa.___ May Clampett of "The ___ May Clampett of 60's ___ May of "The Beverly H___ May, surrogate mother___ Mayer (wiener maker)___ McAn shoes___ McCawley, Ben Affleck___ McGarrett, who said, ___ McIlroy___ McMuffin___ me tangere___ me tangere (something___ me tangere (touch-me-___ means (not at all)___ means possible___ meat___ medical___ meeting___ Meir Tower, Israel's ___ Melodies___ Men ("Move It Like Th___ Men ("Who Let the Dog___ Men's Health Crisis___ meridiem___ meridiem (morning: La___ message___ metabolism___ metal (plating alloy)___ Methuselah___ Metro (bygone car)___ mgr.___ Michele of "Glee"___ Michigan___ Middlecoff, 1949 and ___ Midgen, fellow studen___ Might Be Giants (rock___ mignon___ Miguel___ Miguel (Azores island___ Miguel (largest of th___ Miguel Island___ Miguel, Azores island___ Miguel, largest islan___ mike (coffeehouse eve___ Miller (Julie Christi___ Millions (lottery)___ Millions (multistate ___ min___ mind___ mind (in agreement)___ Minderbender, villain___ Minh___ Minh (1940s independe___ minimum___ Minor___ Minor (constellation)___ Minor (northern const___ Miss___ mission___ Missouri___ Mist (7 Up competitor___ mistake (blew it)___ Mitchell, Canadian singer-songwriter___ Mix___ Mochis, Mexico___ mode___ Mode, female characte___ Modern (London galler___ Moines___ Moines, Iowa___ moment___ moment's notice___ monde___ monde (high society)___ monde (society)___ Mongolia___ monkey___ Monroe, "Green Acres"___ monster___ Montoya, DC Comics he___ Moore stew___ mora (without delay, ___ morgana (illusion)___ morgana (mirage)___ Moro, former Italian ___ Morris College, in Ja___ Morris, signature on ___ Morrow Lindbergh___ mort (dispirited)___ mort (melancholy)___ mortals___ moss___ mosso (less rapid, in___ Motel___ Motel ("Psycho" setti___ motel (tryst site)___ Motel, in "Psycho"___ moth___ Mother Should Know, 1967 Beatles song___ motion (start)___ Motors___ mots___ Mounds (Illinois hist___ Mountain (Pennsylvani___ Mountain (Vermont ski___ Mountains___ Mountains (Appalachia___ Mountains (Asia/Europ___ Mountains (Asian bord___ Mountains (edge of As___ Mountains of the far ___ Mountains, Europe/Asi___ Mountains, home of Ki___ Mountains, near the T___ Mountains, part of th___ movie___ Mujeres (neighbor of ___ Mujeres, Mexico___ mundi___ Murdoch, novelist died 1999___ Music___ music (Beach Boys gen___ Mustard___ Na Na___ Na Na of rock___ Nast___ Nast (publisher)___ Nast magazines___ National Battlefield ___ National Forest, Ark.___ National Park___ National Park (Mount ___ National Park, Maine___ National Park, Utah___ nature___ Navy___ Nehru Gandhi___ nerve___ nerve (funny bone tin___ Ness___ Ness monster___ Network___ Nevada___ Nevadas___ Never Knows, 1966 Beatles song___ New Guinea___ New York minute___ Newspapers (media cha___ newt (witch's ingredi___ newt (witches' brew i___ Newton (Nabisco treat___ Nidre (Yom Kippur pra___ night (annual event)___ Nile___ nitrate___ nitrate (stimulant)___ nitrite___ No___ no good___ no.___ no. (bank info)___ noche (tonight, in Ti___ node___ noir___ noire___ non grata___ none___ noodles (Chinese dish___ Nordegren, ex-wife of___ Norman (military nick___ Norman cosmetics___ Normandes (Channel Is___ Nostra___ notch___ note (dictionary bit)___ nothing___ Noticias (New York Hi___ nous___ nous (between us)___ nous (confidentially)___ nouveau___ Nova___ nova (1960s dance)___ nova (60's dance)___ Nova (music style)___ Novarro, 1926 Ben Hur___ Novo (Benin's capital___ nuevo___ nullius (no man's lan___ number (ID on all sto___ number (set theory co___ number on___ number on (mentally a___ number on (mess up)___ number on (psyched ou___ Nurmi, nine-time trac___ Nurmi, the Flying Fin___ nut (caffeine source)___ nut (wheel fastener)___ nutshell___ o' livin'___ O'Brien, Irish novelist, b. 1930___ O'Hara, Bill Bixby's ___ O's (Post cereal)___ oak___ Observatory, home of ___ occasion (never)___ Ocean, Julia Roberts'___ Oder (German river)___ of 1812___ of a gun___ of admissions___ of all___ of Aquitaine, Henry I___ of Arc___ of assistance (search___ of Attalos (Greek mus___ of Avon___ of bad news___ of beans___ of burden___ of Capri___ of Capricorn___ of Commons___ of Constantine (landm___ of Court___ of Darkness___ of Dogs, Man or Skye___ of Essex___ of Evil___ of Galadriel (gift to___ of Glenure ("Kidnappe___ of Good Feeling___ of Good Feelings___ of Good Feelings, 181___ of gratitude___ of habit___ of honor___ of Iran___ of itself___ of Japan___ of Jericho___ of joy (newborns)___ of Langerhans___ of Langerhans (pancre___ of Leningrad, 1941-44___ of London___ of luxury___ of Maine toothpaste___ of Man___ of March___ of measure___ of Nantes___ of Nantes, 1598___ of office___ of Oxford___ of Parliament___ of passage___ of roses___ of Salisbury___ of Sandwich___ of Skye___ of Solomon___ of Solomon (book of t___ of Solomon (noncanoni___ of Souls, Na'vi templ___ of Steel (video class___ of students___ of the above___ of the Apostles___ of the earth___ of the Guard___ of the land___ of the Rock (Jerusale___ of the Roses___ of the state___ of the Unknowns___ of thousands___ of time___ of two evils___ of vantage (good posi___ of Venice___ of Wight___ off (angered)___ off (began)___ off (light switch opt___ off (plenty mad)___ off (switch choice)___ Offensive___ offensive (Vietnam Wa___ oil___ oil (perfumery ingred___ Oil Co. of 80's TV___ Olay___ Oliver, a k a the Nak___ Olson (ad character)___ omen (God forbid)___ on (exaggerate)___ on (orders to attack)___ on (two, please)___ on a true story___ on thick___ on to (grabs)___ Onassis, Jackie Kenne___ once___ one___ One (indoor kart raci___ one's heels___ one's time___ one's time (wait)___ one's welcome___ one-eighty___ onion___ only (sans pictures)___ onto___ open road___ operandi___ operandi (methods)___ operandi (ways of wor___ operas (Gilbert and S___ opposite___ opposites___ Optics (telescope mak___ orange___ Orange, N.J.___ Orchestra (popular 30___ Oro___ other___ other (matchlessly)___ other (uniquely)___ out (barely gets)___ out (barely made)___ out (barely make)___ out (declined)___ out (do nothing)___ out (just manage)___ out (manages)___ out (relax, like, tot___ out a living___ out a living (scraped___ out a profit___ out a win___ outing___ over (carry through)___ over the coals___ oxide (sunscreen comp___ P. Halliburton, found___ P. Morton (1890's vee___ Pablo, Calif.___ Pacific Airways___ Pacis (Roman monument___ package___ Paese cheese___ page (newspaper part)___ page (place for a 9-D___ Page, woman in "The M___ Pahlavi, former shah___ Pahlevi, last shah of___ pain___ Palace___ Palace (French presid___ Palace, French presid___ palm___ Palmas___ Palmas, capital of th___ Panisse (restaurant)___ pants (multipocketed ___ paper, used for posta___ par___ Paradise of Kerouac's___ pardo (grizzly, in Gr___ parisienne___ Park___ Park (B'klyn neighbor___ Park (Chicago suburb)___ Park (Coney Island de___ Park (Edison's lab si___ Park (Manhattan neigh___ Park (noted lab site)___ Park (Pirates' stadiu___ Park (Queens neighbor___ Park, Calif.___ Park, classic Coney I___ Park, Col.___ Park, Colo.___ Park, colonial Pennsy___ Park, Fla.___ Park, historic home n___ Park, home for the Pi___ Park, Ill.___ Park, N.J.___ Park, N.Y.___ Park, Queens___ Parks, former "Miss A___ part (role-plays)___ particle___ particle (electricall___ party (sleepover)___ Party movement___ Pass (Candy Land shor___ Pass, near Pikes Peak___ passu (equably)___ patch (Uncle Remus se___ patriae___ Patriot Act (2001 mea___ Paul guitars___ Paul's seafood___ Paulo___ Paulo, Brazil___ Pea (Popeye's kid)___ peace___ peace accord (1998 ag___ Peacock (Clue charact___ Peak (Massachusetts s___ Peak, in the Sierra N___ Peanut Butter Cups___ pedis (athlete's foot___ Pedro___ Pendragon, King Arthu___ Penh, Cambodia___ Penh, Cambodia: Var.___ Penh: Var.___ Peninsula___ penny (very common, i___ Pensacola (mil. cente___ people (sci-fi figure___ Pepper___ Per___ per centimeter (surfa___ per second (luminosit___ Perc___ Perce tribe___ Peres (St. Louis subu___ Peres, Mo.___ Perignon___ Perino, George W. Bus___ Period, depicted in "___ permission___ Perot___ Perpetua (Idaho's mot___ perpetuum (let it be ___ Perrot, Qu___ Pet (novelty item)___ pet (onetime fad item___ Pet (sprouting figuri___ Peterson, Judy Hollid___ Peterson, lead role i___ Phair with the 2003 t___ phenomenon (optical i___ Phi Omega___ Phillips, who played ___ Phraya (Asian river)___ Pi (dessert lover's f___ picada (burrito fille___ piccata___ Picchu (Inca site)___ Picchu (Incan site)___ Picchu (site of Incan___ Picchu, Peru___ pickle___ Picone (clothing make___ Pictures (entertainme___ Pictures (old studio)___ Pie___ pie (sweetheart)___ Pie Island (artist co___ piece (alike)___ piece (consistent)___ piece (Safire column)___ Pieces___ Piedras, P.R.___ Piggy___ Pills___ Pilots, original name___ Pinafore___ pinch___ Pinto (Texas county o___ Pinto (Texas county)___ Piper___ pit (rock concert are___ Plaines___ Plaines, Ill.___ plaisir___ plane___ plane (military craft___ Planet (United Nation___ plate___ Plateau (U.S. region)___ platter___ platter (Polynesian m___ Plaza, former Calgary___ please___ plume___ Plus razor___ pneumonia___ poco (soon, in Sorren___ podrida___ podrida (spicy stew)___ poetica___ point___ point (certain stitch___ point (embroidery sti___ point (makes sense)___ point (never)___ point (only so far)___ point (very center)___ Point Lighthouse, Mas___ Point Lighthouse, on ___ Pointe, Mich.___ Poke (candy on a stic___ poker (bar game)___ pole___ pole (Indian emblem)___ polloi___ Polo___ Polo of "Meet the Foc___ Poly___ Poly, school nickname___ polytechnique___ Ponti, who produced "___ pony___ pool___ pooped to pop___ poor example___ pop___ pop, music genre sinc___ pop.___ Popular___ populi___ pork___ possidetis (as you po___ post (railing support___ Potti___ Poupon mustard___ power___ powers___ Prairie, Minn.___ prayer___ prayer for___ precaution___ precedent___ premium___ President___ Press, classic Veneti___ pretty sight___ preview___ price___ prima (painting techn___ prime___ prius (trial court)___ prix (at all costs): ___ prize (came in first)___ pro nobis___ pro nobis (pray for u___ probandi___ probandi (burden of p___ Problem of celestial ___ prof.___ profit___ profundo___ propre___ proprietor___ pros. (court record a___ proven___ provencale (with garl___ psychology___ public___ publica___ publica (commonwealth___ pudding___ pudding (British dish___ Puente, the Mambo Kin___ Puf fabric softener___ pura___ purpose___ pursuit___ pyramid, four example___ Qu___ qua non___ quam videri (N.C.'s m___ Quam Videri (North Ca___ quandary___ que (because): Fr.___ Queen___ Quentin___ Quested, "A Passage t___ Quested, woman in For___ quilt (modern memoria___ Quimby, girl of child___ Quinn, formerly of "S___ quo___ r___ Rabbit___ race (vie)___ radiation___ radical___ radio___ Rae (Sally Field titl___ Rafael___ rage___ Railroad, founded 183___ raison (sensible: Fr.___ rampage___ Ramsay ("The Black St___ Ranch (former Western___ rancheros___ Rand, developer of Ob___ Ranger___ rasa (clean slate)___ rating___ Ration (Alpo alternat___ Ration (dog food bran___ Raton, Fla.___ raving mad___ Raymonde, player of A___ Reader___ Reader (alternative m___ Reader (bimonthly mag___ Reader (eclectic bimo___ Reader (eclectic maga___ Reader (magazine)___ Reader's Encyclopedia___ Real, Spain___ reason___ Rebellion___ Rebellion of 1857-59___ record___ Red (apple variety)___ Red Seal (classical m___ Redman, hero of Steph___ reflection___ reflux___ regions___ regni (in the year of___ Reinhardt, French jazz guitarist, d. 1953___ Reiss Merin, babysitt___ remover___ Remus___ Report (luxury lifest___ Report (luxury magazi___ Report of the 1990s___ Republic___ Republic, toppled in ___ Research Center (NASA___ rest (bury)___ Retreat (1970s-'80s N___ Reuters, media giant___ review___ Rhin (French departme___ ribs___ Rica___ Rice Burroughs, creator of Tarzan, d. 1950___ riche___ Ridge (1972 Derby win___ Ridge (racehorse)___ ridgeback (hunting do___ rigueur (literally)___ rima (verse form for ___ ring___ Rio, Tex.___ Rios (Jamaican resort___ Rios Bay___ Rios, Ecuador___ Rios, Jamaica___ riot (comedy review)___ riot (very funny skit___ ripper (historical ro___ river___ River (what the Brook___ River, N.J.___ Rivera, Calif.___ Rivoli (arcaded Paris___ Rizzo, Dustin Hoffman___ Robbins, co-lyricist ___ Roberts, first induct___ Robles, Calif.___ Rock (Aussie landmark___ Rock (Australian tour___ rock (radio format)___ rod (tall-stemmed pla___ Roger de Coverley (co___ Rogers St. Johns___ roll___ roll (lucky)___ roll (sushi item)___ roll (sushi selection___ roll (winning)___ Romana (chef's phrase___ Romeo___ Romeo (car)___ Romeo (Italian auto)___ Romeo (Italian car)___ Romeo (sports car)___ Romero, onetime playe___ Ronald Reagan___ roof___ room___ room (place for Ping-___ room (place for play)___ room (place for tots)___ room (place to play g___ room (play area)___ room (site for a Ping___ Rosa, Calif.___ Rosada (Argentine pre___ Rose Lee___ roses___ rover___ row___ Royal Highness___ Royal Majesty___ Royale National Park___ Royale, Mich.___ Royale, N.S.___ rubber___ rubber (shoe material___ Ruins National Monume___ rule___ run of bad luck___ Rushmore___ rut___ Ryan, a k a the Ryan ___ S___ sabaki (martial arts ___ sabe___ Sabha (Indian legisla___ Sad (city on the Danu___ Sailer, three-time 19___ salad___ salad (dish with grou___ sales___ Sally (old throwing g___ salts___ Salvador___ Sam___ sample___ Sanctorum___ sandwich___ Sant'Gria (wine brand___ Sant'Gria (wine)___ Santiago, 1987 N.L. R___ sapiens___ Sark___ Sarto (Italian painte___ sauce (sugary pur___ Saud (former Mideast ___ Saud (former Saudi ki___ Saud (Saudi Arabia's ___ Saud, founder of Saud___ sausage___ Savahl (couture label___ Savalas, actor, d. 1994___ Sawyer___ saxophone___ Says (child's game)___ says (tots' game)___ scale___ Scamander, pseudonym ___ scampi___ scan___ scan (biometric authe___ sch.___ scheme (investment sc___ Schiaparelli, Italian-born French fashion designer d. 1973___ Schneider, villainess___ school___ School (20th-century ___ school (doctor's trai___ School (early 20th-ce___ Schwarz___ sci___ sci (coll. major)___ Sci (college dept.)___ Scotia___ Scott Decision___ Scott decision, 1857___ Scowcroft, former pre___ scripta (statute)___ Sea (Amu Darya's outl___ Sea (arm of the Arcti___ sea (cruising)___ Sea (inland body of w___ Sea (part of the Sout___ Sea (saline lake)___ Sea (shrinking body o___ Sea, 2,000-square-mil___ Sea, connected to St.___ Sea, east of the Casp___ Sea, east of the Usty___ Sea, in the North Atl___ Sea, known in ancient___ Sea, modern site of s___ Sea, near the Greater___ Sea, next to the Phil___ Sea, outlet for the A___ Sea, outlet of the Am___ Sea, south of the Phi___ Sea, west of New Zeal___ Sea, which is really ___ seal (six-pointed sta___ seat___ Sec.___ second___ secretary___ Selassie___ self___ self-defense___ Senate Office Buildin___ Senatus (old Roman re___ sense___ sequence___ serif___ set___ Set (building game)___ Set (kid's builder)___ seul (dance solo)___ Severo, Italy___ sgt. (police rank)___ Shankar___ Sharett, Israel's fir___ shark___ Sharp, founder of Fou___ Shearer, ballet dancer who starred in 1948 film The Red Shoes___ Shelly, writer/direct___ Sheraton (hotel compa___ shirt (colorful garme___ shirt (colorful short___ shoes (ballet wear)___ shoestring___ shooting___ shop___ shorthair (cat breed)___ Shorthand course___ shot (joke follow-up)___ show (carnival attrac___ show, at a carnival___ shrdlu___ Shriver, sister of J.___ shui___ shui (Chinese practic___ side (askew)___ sign (=)___ signum___ signum (here is the p___ signum (look at the p___ Simbel (Egyptian temp___ Simbel, Egypt___ sister___ Sisters (daughters of___ Six-Pack___ Ski Valley (western r___ Ski Valley, N.M.___ Skywalker of "Star Wa___ slaw___ sleep___ smasher___ smile (grin)___ Smiley of "Sesame Str___ Smith___ Smith's pies___ Smith, first female j___ Smith, who won the 19___ smoke___ snail's pace___ Snaps (dog treats)___ Snider, frontman for ___ Snorkel of the funnie___ snuff___ so weiter (et cetera)___ society___ Society (English deba___ Society (super-high I___ soda___ soda (textile bleache___ soi (at home): Fr.___ soit qui mal y pense___ soit qui mal y pense ___ soldier___ Solo of "Star Wars"___ Solo, Harrison Ford r___ Solo, love interest o___ song (cheaply)___ soprano___ Sorrel (woman in a lo___ sort___ souci___ soul (no one)___ Sound, Fla.___ soup___ soup (starter at a Ja___ soup (sushi starter)___ Southwest Grill (rest___ spades (highest card ___ Spalko, Indiana Jones___ Spark, creator of Mis___ speak___ Speaker___ special___ Spee (old German wars___ speed___ Speed Wagon (old vehi___ Speedwagon___ Speedwagon (1970s-'80___ spell___ spell on___ Spencer, brother of P___ Spenlow (Dickens girl___ Spiegel___ Spiegel (German magaz___ splicing___ sponte (legal term)___ sponte (of its own ac___ spout (water runoff s___ sprawl___ Spring___ Springfield (town epo___ Springs, Fla.___ Spumante___ Spumante (wine)___ Square (Times Square,___ squares (statistical ___ squash___ St. James, first woma___ St. Louis, Ill.___ St. Vincent Millay___ Stadium (Big Apple te___ Stadium (Queens landm___ Stadium in Queens___ Stadium, home of the ___ Stadium, opened in 19___ Stadium, sports venue___ stands___ standstill___ standstill (motionles___ Stanley Gardner___ Stanley Gardner of my___ stare___ State (Arkansas nickn___ state (blissful self-___ state (pleasant place___ State College, in Mas___ States___ Ste. Marie___ Ste. Marie, Mich.___ stealer___ steamer___ Steamer (early auto)___ Stefani, lead singer ___ Stern___ Stevens, star of "Pet___ stick (incense)___ stick (trick-or-treat___ stiff___ Stix (powdered candy ___ stock (can ship immed___ Stone___ Stone (hieroglyphic k___ stone (hieroglyphics ___ Stone, co-creator of ___ Strachey, author of Eminent Victorians___ Strait (Russia-Alaska___ Strait, east of Canad___ Strauss & Co.___ Strauss (jeans maker)___ Strauss jeans___ streak___ Street (road from Lon___ Street, Home of the B___ Street, main thorough___ Street, Perry Mason's___ stretch___ Strip___ Strip (much-fought-ov___ student___ Style Awards___ suit (baggy outfit)___ suiter___ sum (Chinese flowerin___ Sunday___ Sunday a k a Quinquag___ sunglasses___ sunt (poetic motif)___ supra (text comment)___ supuesto (of course):___ surgeon___ survivor___ suspension (ear drops___ suspension (ear medic___ Sutcliffe, early Beat___ Sutra___ Sweeps Derby___ Swinton, Oscar-winnin___ synthesizer___ system___ system (way of classi___ Systems, computer net___ Systems, networking g___ Szewinska, Olympic sp___ Szyslak of "The Simps___ T___ T. Firefly, Groucho's___ Tacs (breath mints)___ Tafari (Haile Selassi___ tai___ tai (cocktail)___ tai (drink)___ talionis (an eye for ___ Tamid (synagogue lamp___ Tan (cigar brand)___ tangent___ tank___ tape___ tar (baseball team su___ tar pits___ Tay, Scotland___ Taylor (clothier)___ Taylor, co-host of "M___ Te Kanawa___ team___ team (assault unit)___ team (police group)___ Tech___ teeth___ temperature___ temperature (was feve___ Ten___ ten (long odds)___ tennis___ Teques, Venezuela___ Terr., 1861-89___ terrible___ terrier___ Tha ("The King and I"___ Thai (official name o___ that be___ the aisle (bipartisan___ the back___ the Barbarian___ the beginning___ the beginning (presen___ the board___ the boards (acted)___ the boys___ the buzzer___ the city___ the covenant___ the Cow___ the crack of dawn___ the custom (tradition___ the day___ the Destroyer (rabble___ the dinosaur (extinct___ the Dragon, ruler of ___ The Fifth (1910's aut___ the finish___ the good___ the Great___ the Great (10th-centu___ the Great (boy detect___ the Great (detective ___ the Great (juvenile d___ the Great of children___ the Great, juvenile d___ the Great, leader of ___ the Greek___ the ground floor___ the heart of___ the Hedgehog (video g___ the hills___ the hole___ the Hutt ("Star Wars"___ the Hutt of "Star War___ the Hutt, of "Star Wa___ the Hyena___ the Hyena ("Li'l Abne___ the Hyena of "Li'l Ab___ the Impaler___ the kill___ the Laborer, patron s___ the lily___ the line___ the line (obeyed)___ the Lucky Rabbit, fir___ the Man (Cardinal nic___ the Midget, regular o___ the mistletoe___ the Night, 1978 Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith song___ the Orange (Syracuse ___ the races___ the Red___ the Short, early king___ the side of caution___ the side of caution (___ the Stockbroker on "T___ the task___ the Terrible___ the way___ the way (lead)___ the wiser___ the world___ Theaters (national ci___ theory___ theory, in physics___ this earth___ this world___ Thomas, the Soul Quee___ Thorpe, 2000 and 2004___ those things___ throat___ Thule, distant unknow___ Thursday___ Tiago___ Tiago (one of the Cap___ tide___ tiger___ tilt___ time (course slot)___ time (golf course slo___ time (never)___ time flat___ time limit___ time or another___ Tin Tin___ Titanic___ to (in on)___ to be___ to go (eager)___ to mankind___ to move___ to none (long odds)___ to one's ears___ to one's madness___ to one's neck___ to one's word___ to stern___ to suggestions___ to the throne___ to the throne (prince___ toad___ toast___ Today___ Today (newspaper)___ Today (teachers' mont___ Toguri (Tokyo Rose)___ told___ Tom___ tomato___ Tomb___ too soon___ Toole (Pulitzer-winni___ toot___ Torino (old Ford mode___ Torrence, American sp___ Torrijos Herrera, for___ tough spot___ Tour___ Tower___ Tower (San Francisco ___ Towne___ toy (pet shop purchas___ Toys, maker of the Ma___ Trail (Everglades hig___ Trail in the Andes___ Transtulit Sustinet (___ Trask ("East of Eden"___ treadmill___ Treaty, establishing ___ tree___ tree (Indiana state t___ Trench (deepest point___ Trench (earth's deepe___ Tres Mar___ trial basis___ Tribunal (internation___ trick___ trick (three goals)___ Triomphe___ trip___ troppo (moderately, i___ trouv___ Trueheart of "Dick Tr___ Tse-tung___ Tse-tung, Chinese Communist leader___ Tubb, the Texas Troub___ Tuesday___ Tuesday (Mardi Gras)___ tuna___ Tunas, Cuba___ Tunes___ Tunes (cartoon series___ Turing, a founding fa___ Turing, the Father of___ turning point___ Tweed___ Twins (pair in old ad___ Tzu (toy dog)___ U.S.A.___ uncertain terms___ und Drang___ undisclosed location___ Union___ Union: Abbr.___ unit (military squad ___ unto himself___ unto itself___ up (get dressed)___ up (hid out)___ up (in the bag)___ up (like some jalopie___ up to (approached)___ upon a time___ uproar___ upswing___ use (worthless)___ usual___ v. United States (cla___ v. Wade___ v. Wade (1973 Supreme___ v. Wade (landmark dec___ vaccine___ Vader___ vadis___ Vaishnavism (Hindu se___ vale (farewell)___ Vallarta, Mexico___ Valley___ Valley ("Back to the ___ Valley (Riverside nei___ Valley Conference___ Valley Conference in ___ Valley, Calif.___ Valley, city near L.A___ Valley, Idaho___ Valley, San Francisco___ Vallis (where the Mar___ valve___ Van Winkle___ vapeur (steamed)___ Varner, Faulkner woma___ vault___ Vecchio (Florence lan___ Vegas___ Velva___ vera___ Verde___ Verde National Park___ Verdes Estates, Calif___ verite___ verse___ verte (green earth pi___ vez___ vez (again): Sp.___ vez (again, in Acapul___ vez (again, in Spanis___ vez (again: Sp.)___ vez (Mexican "maybe")___ Vicente, Brazil___ Victor___ vie___ Viejo (California cit___ Vincent, former Major___ vincit amor___ Vista___ Vista (Disney video d___ Vista Lake, Calif.___ Vito, Sicily___ vivant___ vivendi___ viveur (man about tow___ Vivien, British poet ___ voce___ voce (almost in a whi___ voce (quietly)___ voce (softly)___ voce (without dissent___ volatile___ Volcanic National Par___ volente (God willing)___ von Baeyer, Nobel-win___ von Bismarck___ von Bismark___ voyage___ vu___ Wafers___ Wagner, player on an ___ wagon___ wait___ Waitz, nine-time New ___ Walcott, 1992 Literat___ Wall___ Wallace, journalist and crime writer, d. Beverly Hills, 1932___ Walsh, N.B.A. executi___ Walton League (conser___ Walton, author of "Th___ War___ War ("Charge of the L___ War of 1853-56___ War of 1899___ war syndrome___ Ward, who played Robi___ ware (Japanese porcel___ Wars (Caesarean campa___ Washington, who wrote___ water___ water (facing trouble___ water (up the creek)___ Wawa, role for Gilda ___ way___ way (to some extent)___ way, shape or form___ Wayne with the platin___ we trust___ Weasley of Harry Pott___ Wednesday___ Weekend (Gannett publ___ weevil___ welder___ well (is a good sign)___ Wences___ were___ were (seemingly)___ were (so to speak)___ West (life preserver)___ West of "Batman"___ Wetsy (old doll)___ whale___ wheel___ Wheeler, 1964-70 chai___ wheelie___ while___ whim___ whisker___ whole lot___ Wiedersehen___ Willard, heavyweight ___ Wilson of "The Royal ___ Wilson, who played Sa___ winds___ winds (herald of warm___ Winston Churchill___ Wintour, real-life ed___ with (dated)___ wonder (athlete known___ Woods National Monume___ Woods, golfer___ wool (soft material)___ work (drudgery)___ Work (road repair sig___ work (road sign)___ world___ World Service (radio ___ WorldCom___ Worm (1980s light-up ___ worse than death___ wrench___ X___ X (Coca-Cola's secret___ Xers___ Xing___ Xing (sign)___ Xing (street sign)___ y plata___ y Plata (Montana mott___ y Plata (Montana's mo___ Yale, for whom Yale U___ year (2004, e.g.)___ year (period of 366 d___ years (old)___ Yello (soft drink)___ yoga___ Yorke, lead singer of___ Ysidro, Calif.___ Z___ Z (everything)___ Z (the gamut)___ Zagora, Bulgaria___ Zedong___ Zedong, Chinese statesman___ Zelnicek (celebrity's___ Zeppelin___ Zimbalist Jr.___ Zion Church___ Zone (bar and restaur___ Zoo___ zoologique (French zo___ Zor-El, Supergirl's b___' Pea___' Pea (Popeye's boy)___'acte___'acte (intermission)___'clock___'Ol___'Orl___'Pea___'s Wells (renowned Lon___'wester___, amas, amat___, amas, amat ___, amas, amat ...___, beta, gamma ...___, Charity Organizer___, Children's Entertain___, Crackle and Pop___, due, tre ...___, Funeral Director___, Insurance Salesman___, International Mediat___, Literary Agent___, meenie, miney, mo___, Optimo, Maximo (Bene___, Shoe Salesman___, skip and jump away___, Straus and Giroux (p___, Suspense Writer___, Towel Manufacturer___, Travel Agent___, zwei, drei___, zwei, drei ...___-___-1 ("Ghostbusters" veh___-10___-10 (acne medication)___-10 (acne-fighting med___-10 Conference___-12___-1900 (old)___-80 (classic computer)___-80 (old computer mode___-80 (old computer)___-a-brac___-A-Fella Records___-a-Mania, candy collec___-a-minute (call rate)___-a-porter___-a-porter (ready-to-we___-again (like some Chri___-all (score)___-Alpes (French departm___-Alt-Del___-Altaic languages___-Altenburg (former Ger___-Altenburg (old German___-am (sports competitio___-American___-American relations___-Americans (about 3.5 ___-andrew (buffoon)___-Anne-de-Beaupre, Queb___-Anne-des-Plaines, Que___-approved___-Argonne offensive of ___-Aryan___-Ashbury (hippie distr___-at-law: Abbr.___-Atlantic___-Aven (home of Paul Ga___-Aztecan___-Aztecan languages___-B (Gillette division)___-Ball___-Ball (arcade game)___-Ball (game on an incl___-Ball (game with score___-Barbera (big name in ___-be___-bear___-Bismol___-bitsy___-bitty___-blamed___-blasted___-Blo fuse___-blond___-Bo___-Bo (exercise system)___-Bo exercise___-bodied___-bodied seaman___-boom-bah___-Boy___-Boy (brand of furnitu___-Boy recliner___-burly___-cake (baby's game)___-Caps___-Caps (candy brand)___-Caps (candy)___-Caps (movie snacks)___-Caps (Nestl___-car___-Car rental company___-Cat___-Cat (off-road vehicle___-Cat (winter vehicle)___-chef___-chef (kitchen #2)___-chef (kitchen's numbe___-chic___-child (changeling)___-class (airplane secti___-Coat (floor wax brand___-Coburg- Gotha, former___-Coburg-Gotha___-Coburg-Gotha (British___-Coburg-Gotha (old Bri___-cochere (carriage ent___-Cola___-Columbian___-com___-computer (modern busi___-cone___-conscious___-cow___-crab soup___-crazy___-Croatian___-Cross Championship Ra___-crowd (attendance boo___-Cuban music___-culotte___-d'Oise (French depart___-da (pretentious)___-Dade County___-Dale (1902 Kentucky D___-Davis pharmaceuticals___-Day___-Day (vitamin brand)___-Day vitamins___-Dazs___-de-boeuf (oval window___-de-four (hemisphere-s___-de-France___-de-lance___-de-Marne (French depa___-de-Marne, France___-de-sac___-de-sac (dead-end stre___-deaf___-dernier (penultimate:___-Detoo___-Detoo ("Star Wars" dr___-Detoo ... or, when re___-Detoo of "Star Wars"___-deucey___-deucey (game)___-deucy___-deucy (backgammon var___-deucy (game with dice___-Deutschland___-Deux-Mers (Bordeaux w___-devil___-di-dah___-dieu___-dieu (kneeling bench)___-dieu (pew part)___-dink___-disant___-disant (self-styled):___-Dixie Stores___-Dixon line___-do-well___-dog (Indian stray)___-doke___-dokey___-doodle___-dried___-eater___-Eaters___-Eaters (shoe inserts)___-edged___-Egyptian Sudan___-El (Superman's birth ___-El (Superman's real n___-en-Provence___-en-Provence, France___-en-sc___-engine___-English___-esprit (witty person)___-et-Loire (French depa___-Ethiopian War, 1935-3___-European___-European languages___-eyed___-eyed (naive)___-face___-faire___-fatty acid___-fi___-fi (book genre)___-Finnish War___-food industry___-foot oil___-Foy, city near Qu___-Foy, Que.___-France___-Frank Wall Street Ref___-free___-Freudian___-friendly___-friendly (green)___-friendly (simple to o___-frutti___-garde___-gardism___-gatherum___-Globe___-gone___-Grain (breakfast bar ___-Grain cereal bars___-Greek___-green___-gritty___-ground missile___-guided___-haw___-Hawley Tariff Act of ___-help___-high___-high boots___-Honey (candy bar)___-Honey (candy name)___-hour traffic___-Hulk (Marvel Comics c___-humanit___-humanite (crime again___-i-noor diamond___-Ida (Tater Tots maker___-in___-in (like some porches___-in-the-blank___-in-the-bone (deeply i___-inflammatory___-Irish___-Israeli relations___-Japanese___-Japanese War___-jazz (music style)___-Jet (popular toy)___-Jet (winter vehicle)___-Jo (1988 Olympics nam___-Jo (1988 Olympics sta___-jongg___-Julie, Que.___-Jutsu (Japanese marti___-Kettering Institute___-kiri___-la___-la-la___-Lackawanna Railroad___-lacto-vegetarian___-lance (pit viper)___-law___-Lay (snack company)___-leaf cluster___-Locka, Fla.___-locks (tangled hair)___-Lodge___-Lorraine___-Lorraine (French regi___-lung___-M___-Magnon___-Magnon man___-majest___-majeste___-major (staff office)___-Man___-Man (arcade game)___-manger (food storage ___-Manguean (Indian lang___-Mart___-masochism___-Meal (vacuum food sto___-mell___-memoire___-Mex___-Mex cuisine___-midi___-midi (French time of ___-mile (freight unit)___-Mints (Rolaids rival)___-Mints chewable antaci___-miss___-mo___-mo replay___-mutton___-mutuel___-mutuel (form of betti___-my-thumb___-neck___-neck (horse defect)___-necked___-Neisse Line___-Neuve (province borde___-nez___-night doubleheader___-nighter___-nighter (baseball eve___-noir (modern film gen___-Novo (Benin's capital___-null (math figure)___-o'-shanter___-O-Matic (baseball gam___-O-Matic (maker of spo___-Obama Proliferation a___-off (shortened)___-off coupon___-old___-on-the-spot___-one (long odds)___-ons___-out clause___-ovo vegetarian___-ovo-vegetarian___-Pacific___-pah band___-pants (wise guy)___-Pei (Chinese dog)___-Pei (dog)___-Penh___-Phen (former dieting ___-pitch___-pitch softball___-pli___-pocket (tiny)___-pocus___-podge___-pointe (ballet positi___-poly___-Poo of "The Mikado"___-Powell (Boy Scouts fo___-powered___-Prayer___-Prest Levi's___-proof (easy to operat___-pros___-Puf Marshmallow Man___-purpose___-ran___-Raphaelite___-Ration (dog food)___-ray___-ray Disc___-ray Discs___-ready___-relief___-relievo___-retentive___-Rhin, France___-Rivi___-robe (Calais closet)___-rock___-rock (music genre)___-rod (flower of the li___-Romagna (region of It___-Roman___-Roman wrestling___-Romeo___-Rooter___-screen TV___-see___-Seltzer___-serif___-serif (type style)___-serve___-Shan, ship in Conrad'___-shanter___-ski___-slipper___-Soviet relations___-specific (like the an___-Spree Canal___-square___-state___-suiter___-Tab (PC window-switch___-taggle (motley)___-Tass (Russian news ag___-Tass news agency___-tat___-Tea (first instant ic___-Team (this puzzle's t___-temps (meanwhile, in ___-temps (meanwhile, to ___-test___-Th___-thon (literary event)___-through___-Tibetan languages___-Tiki___-tiller___-timer___-to-know basis___-to-order___-to-riches___-Tokyo Museum___-tongue (small fern)___-totsy___-Town (Cubbies' home)___-Town (Midwest hub)___-tresses (orchid)___-tse___-tung___-Turkish War___-Turkish War, in which___-turn___-Turn (sign)___-turvy___-tyme___-tzu___-tzu (Taoism founder)___-Ude (Asian capital)___-Ude (Russian city on ___-Ude (Trans-Siberian R___-um___-um (gnat)___-Unis___-up (confined)___-Urundi, former U.N. t___-Utu (capital of Walli___-van___-verte (grayish green)___-W___-walsy___-Wan___-Wan Kenobi___-Wan of "Star Wars"___-Wan with the Force___-war bird___-war bird (predatory f___-weensy___-Weimar-Eisenach (duch___-Whirl___-wip___-wolf___-wop___-Wreck___-X___-X (septic treatment b___-Xer___-Xers (boomers' kids)___-you note___-you-please (not tied ___-Z___-Z (auto)___-Z (old Camaro)___-Z (zippy Camaro) (e-mail address (Google competito___City (computer game)___City (game)___City (popular computer___Kosh B'Gosh___Kosh B'Gosh (kids' clo___Ring (birth control br___Vista (search engine)___Vista (Web search engi____ Waugh, Decline and Fall author____ Building, a triangular 22-storey, steel-framed structure on New York's Fifth Avenue____ come?____ Driver, 1976 Martin Scorsese film____ Maria____ Moses, American folk artist____ of a Thin Man, 1965 Bob Dylan song____ off, dismiss____ Swinton, British actress, b. 1960____, first, second____-flam_____ Paterson, Australian poet who wrote the words to 'Waltzing Matilda' Clue Database Last Updated: 03/03/2025 12:00am