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2nd January 2017, 15:56
Anyone else doing this puzzle?
I have answers for most of the clues, but no pennies have dropped for the theme...
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jack aubrey

2nd January 2017, 16:01
I'm stumped by the theme too. I can see how I need to doctor half the answers but there doesn't seem to be any obvious thread linking either the results or residues.
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jack aubrey

2nd January 2017, 16:04
I'm also a bit puzzled by 24a. The answer in the grid could end with either r or b and I can't see a way to determine which.
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2nd January 2017, 16:05
I did think that 1d (which I don't have an answer for!) would lead to the theme, but only some of the clues fit the idea.
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2nd January 2017, 16:18
Jack - if you end 24a with B, it doesn't fit the theme! If anyone could give a hint for 1d I'd be very grateful.
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2nd January 2017, 16:20
Likewise bemused by what the theme's rationale might be ... I've done all but 1 down, which I have a solution for but can't justify. My 24 across ends in B and I feel pretty confident about that – or at least I did!
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2nd January 2017, 16:50
Correction and apologies for my previous post - I put it the wrong way round! I meant to say that if you have 24a ending with R it doesn't fit the theme.
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2nd January 2017, 17:16
Tintin: definition of 1 Down is the last word of the clue. I couldn't solve this until I looked again at 10 Across. I now also have a consistent 'theme', but maybe not the right one, because the last letter of 24 Across would have no bearing on it...
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2nd January 2017, 17:28
I think there are two possible conforming entries for 8ac. I opted for the commoner word.
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2nd January 2017, 17:29
Sorry should have been 9ac.
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