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26th December 2013, 11:12

18A This is designed to hold one's capital cover (3,4)
HAT _ A _ _
(It looks like "RACK" but it would make "K" the second
17D Less generous, being more lowly bred (6)
_ _ _ N _ _
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26th December 2013, 11:17
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26th December 2013, 11:18
17D looks like MEANER

so that makes 18A HAT _A_E, if I understand right (and after a very nice Christmas Day I'm not sure I'm quite all there!)

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26th December 2013, 11:19
Hi ginge, great minds, eh? I've heard of a hat box but not a hat case.
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26th December 2013, 11:42
Hi livs, I also reckoned it had to be meaner so case. I googled it first and it's an integral part of luggage apparently! You couldn't really charge fancy prices for a "box" now, could you?
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26th December 2013, 13:36

Thank you so much, Ginge and Livs. Apologies for late reply - went out on a Charity walk. I am stumped on few from a different crossword too. I will post them - but now I need FOOD!
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