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D record £500 2 garry 16th April 2011, 16:20
» by chrisg
d mail sat 5 emf 16th April 2011, 16:09
» by emf
Times Jumbon 920 (non-cryptic) 9 charlie 16th April 2011, 15:59
» by charlie
Times2 Jumbo 920 2 hamish 16th April 2011, 15:53
» by hamish
sat daily record 4 joyce 16th April 2011, 15:44
» by terry
daily record 3 anne 16th April 2011, 15:40
» by anne
as before (in prose) 2 elizabeth od 16th April 2011, 15:08
» by elizabeth od
Dandelion and DT £500 3 joe 90 16th April 2011, 15:06
» by joe 90
times jumbo cryptic 2 peter 16th April 2011, 14:32
» by peter
communication cord 347 rosie 16th April 2011, 14:29
» by chasm41
items of food 5 ejay 16th April 2011, 14:26
» by siamcat
D. Tel. £500 11 jimbo 16th April 2011, 14:22
» by dandelion
Jimbo and DT £500 0 joe 90 16th April 2011, 14:11
» by joe 90
Times 24825 2 glwadys 16th April 2011, 13:24
» by glwadys
ipaper cryptic 58 3 max 16th April 2011, 12:54
» by dandelion
times jumbo 920 1 john donovan 16th April 2011, 12:54
» by suki
Daily Telegraph 3 joe 90 16th April 2011, 12:30
» by joe 90
Today's Times 16 down 2 emily 16th April 2011, 12:21
» by emily
Sunday Times 732 2 dalaner 16th April 2011, 12:13
» by dalaner
crusader crossword 15/04 2 mags 16th April 2011, 11:33
» by mags
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