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3rd November 2018, 16:29
sunray, the def is a local word for on fire and the clue doesn't refer to Patna in India. This is a clue with an extra word.
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3rd November 2018, 16:30

I agree with your 26d

Sati is the extra word. Patna is slightly misleading in terms of geography - more north than east for most of us. Area and base are the usual abbreviations. Hope this helps a bit.
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3rd November 2018, 16:53
Thanks planks and wakeling.
I had no idea that there is Patna in Ayrshire. I was wondering about an Indian city.

Scottish words are hard for me. Is it A?O?E,
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3rd November 2018, 16:55
Yes it is, think of a three letter word for depressed
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3rd November 2018, 16:57
sunray - agreed. The bit in the middle is a common word (unlike the resulting answer).

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3rd November 2018, 17:07
Thank wakeling.
I was just going through TCD and found the word.
I was looking at 4 letter word for depressed to see if one is extra.

Still quite a few to go.
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3rd November 2018, 17:39
I'm not altogether happy with 37. The Irish word for potato is prátaí or práta, neither of which work in the entry, since *ati is required. However TCD lists an anglo-irish version of potato as pratie or praty. If pratie is intended by the setter, then perhaps the clue would be more accurate as : Monkey peeled potato from Ballymena [or some other town in the North].
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3rd November 2018, 18:10
I am still not sure what 37d could be.
I have ?ATI.
Zati is a monkey.
Pratie and Tattie are potato names. But don't know if there is a monkey called rati.
Or a potato with ?ZATI?.
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3rd November 2018, 18:23
Hi, Meursault and Sunray,

Remember that the offender is always omitted from the wordplay. The ZATI is the bonnet monkey. We need wordplay for ATI, and this is (p)RATI(e), with the R being an extra letter.

I agree that pratie isn’t strictly the word for potato in the Irish language, but in the 2016 Irish census, only one in three Dubliners claimed some ability in the language, so the Anglo-Irish version of the word can, I think, legitimately be associated with Dublin.

Anyway, I have been listening to Count John McCormack singing “The garden where the praties grow” while writing this reply.
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3rd November 2018, 18:27
Tattie is Scottish and doesn't fit the required *ati ; Pratie is anglo-irish and conceivably is the intended word. So the 'peeled' version is rati, drop the r (not entered in the grid) and prefix with the offender. Zati is indeed a monkey.
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