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30th October 2018, 12:58
I've only just reached the cutting up stage, but before I continue could some kind person help me with 40 Across, (Man of estate etc..).?
I'm sure it must be staring me in the face, but I just can't see it.
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30th October 2018, 13:02
Hi samovar, => manifest ate
Hi macky, I don't know how to give a hint without spelling it out.
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30th October 2018, 13:14
I too have finished but can't see the 10 letter word. Can I just confirm that I have the final square correct? I have in the corner cells, starting top left and going clockwise, P/G, M, T and O/P.

I also can't make sense of the wordplay for 18 (I have the definition and know where the clue splits) so help there would be appreciated.

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30th October 2018, 13:21
Hi simond9x, your orientation looks correct, if you have the rotated square having 12 columns then reading down column 6 you should see a 5 letter prefix.
18. ( Ruler sat - US)*
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30th October 2018, 13:40
Thanks Ginge.

Re 18, I'd split the clue 2 letters earlier, taking the last word of the clue as a 2 word definition. Doh!

Re 10 letter word, thanks for confirmation of final square. I'd actually seen that 5 letter prefix but couldn't see how to extend it to a 10 letter word so thought I must have gone wrong in the final construction. I can now see the answer, which I'd never heard of but, for some reason, never thought of looking up in Chambers. Another doh!

Thanks again. I can now get on with my life.
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30th October 2018, 13:45
All done now .thanks.
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30th October 2018, 13:51
Thanks so much, Ginge. I can get on now !
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30th October 2018, 14:06
All finished except nagging doubt re 2 words to be highlighted in the first square. I can see NET, but is the other word simply PART, or OPE which is an archaic term for open, as would be the cube resulting from the net in question. Trying to avoid another hare moment.
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30th October 2018, 14:10
dazedandconfused, as previously mentioned there is an angry Athenian in there. Look down the diagonals.
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30th October 2018, 14:54
Many thanks orient fan ( from a Boro fan). Mrs dazed had led me in totally the wrong direction by identifying the cross as a geometrical net. Doh!
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