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28th October 2018, 20:40
Yes, there are a number of ways, but none that I have discovered yet where the letters either side of entry and exit perimeter points of the two straight line cuts spell the word TERMINUS. Any hints on this please?
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28th October 2018, 20:43
Sorry, my reply was meant for monkjunk's comment earlier!
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28th October 2018, 21:04
Ragman - look for pairs R/I, M/E, S/U and N/T along the edges. Hope that helps.
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28th October 2018, 22:25
This has been a real toughie. And I still haven’t quite resolved the endgame. I have the small grid and the two word shape. I’ve cut and reassembled said shape (there are two different ways I believe and I’ve tried both). But I cannot see the 10 letter word nor TERMINUS (despite your hint unclued). Help!

I also have two clues remaining. Both in the small grid but only one missing letter revealed by the shape. Help on 24d (ME**E*) and 32a (*EG) much appreciated.

I’d better sleep on it. It’s 23:25 by my body clock
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28th October 2018, 23:01
Very many thanks unclued. Should have found those myself. Such an ingenious puzzle. All finished, unbelievably...!
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29th October 2018, 06:44
Merenz - your 32ac is S + common abbreviation for say. There is a misprint involved. In 24dn the support is tee.
Once you have your cross shape for the larger grid, use the letter pairs I gave just above to locate where to cut. These pairs are symmetrically placed along opposite edges of the cross. Good luck. By the way it may be worth using a photocopy of the grid to avoid a disaster!
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29th October 2018, 08:21
Unclued you are a diamond :-) Thank you. This was one of the two variations I’d tried but your guidance encouraged me to return to the cross, locate and circle the TERMINUS pairs, and then reassemble. How I did not see the beginning of the 10 letter word the first time I’m not quite sure: I played a certain drop and stack game rather too much in my youth! (*You played it even more mum... wink, wink, nudge, nudge*). This was an incredibly clever puzzle - hats off to Shark.

Now to assemble the final neat version (must write a little smaller and more centrally methinks) and post it along with last week’s which is still hanging around. I’m determined to tick this off your bucket list (by proxy) mum, get my name in the small print and demote my 2003 BRB to doorstop status :-)
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29th October 2018, 09:08
Lovely tribute to your mum, Merenz. Mine limped over the line to 100 but was still making decent headway into the Listener when she was 98.
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29th October 2018, 10:20
My mum will be most heartened to read this Caphrist. Posthumous kudos to your mum - what an impressive feat and one for us all to aspire to.

My mum’s been doing the Listener since it was in the original magazine but gave up on submitting it when it moved to the Times. She’s super chuffed to have finally inveigled me to join the club. At the comparatively tender age of 71, she’s still the queen of cruciverbalists in my book... closely followed by you wonderful folk of course.
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29th October 2018, 14:53
Indeed a devil of a puzzle. Forgive me for harking back to the discussion about 6d and the comments from gem94 and foinaven. I see this as one of the unmodified clues, the last word being the definition. Am I way off beam? I can't see any other possibility.
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