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7th October 2018, 08:42
Yes, 10 A does become garden implements. We can fit any words we like, so long as they turn the Downs into real words. Some of the answers are open to lots of anagrams, but there are some that are more helpful.
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7th October 2018, 08:45
Thanks Malone. I'll give it another go.
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7th October 2018, 09:44
I finished last night but malone's latest posting has got me wondering whether there is a unique solution. Having said that, I cannot see alternative anagrams that will still give real words in the downs and reveal the three-word quotation. I think it's a weakness of the puzzle that we're not told, perhaps by a revealed message, how to amend the acrosses.

If it's any help to those still working on it, I had to come up with a couple of proper nouns not found in Chambers to make the downs work. And look in the usual place for the quotation, which I don't think is in the ODQ and which I think is very obscure, albeit relevant. (I too stopped watching when it turned into colour.)
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7th October 2018, 10:00
Orson, I didn't mean to create any ambiguity! Although I said we can fit any words we like, that was subject to them fitting with the Downs - and I don't think there are alternatives. Like you, the couple of proper nouns threw me for a bit. Doesn't 1 A tell us how to amend the acrosses?
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7th October 2018, 10:30
I admit, malone, that I took your message to mean that more than one anagram could lead to suitable down answers in certain cases.

And I take your point about the original 1a, but does it really add anything? After all, the preamble tells us that we are going to have to alter the acrosses, though I suppose "treat" could mean many things, just as 1a is not specific.
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7th October 2018, 10:33
In a way, but it could mean move them around the grid as well as anagram them, I think, because it could refer to the whole grid. Or change letters, as in Down clues.

Unless we know where we're going (and I still don't) it's very hard to get the NW corner done. I had one option, with a not hyphenated word for 1ac, a word that's in Chambers and everywhere for 6d, but couldn't find 4d for that unless the garden implements is wrong or T-SET is allowed.

What does your hyphenated entry for 1ac begin with please, Malone?
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7th October 2018, 10:40
1 A starts with a C.

PS I'm battling with a tough and very enjoyable Enigmatic Variations, so this is short!
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7th October 2018, 11:15
Thanks. I have it staring with a C too.
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7th October 2018, 11:16
I think I have this finished, long struggle! But not 100% clear on 6d and 25d as they don’t seem to keep the original unchecked letters.
6d I have word meaning purity, and at 25d all I can fit is a colour with extra e on the end, which is a proper name only I think?
I’m not helped by not truly getting the original answer to 31a.
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7th October 2018, 11:32
Lumen, I've got the same entries for 6 D and 25 D - but I'm 99% certain they've got the original unchecked letters. 31 A was originally just a reverse of a word meaning 'way', style.
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