Good evening, have read all the posts but am my usual confused self. Have the theme, have the 4 inquisitors, 3 down clues and the one to be highlighted (cannot work out which clue that pertains to) but despite the helpful posts am still still swimming in mud as to the two clues, is 30d involved? As to the 'prize', have all but the 4th (or 6th) letter of the first word & the first of the second. Fail to parse the 1d but have the same answer as 'the gang' so have given up caring. However, am tearing my hair out over the last few clues........HELP! 20a Money twice over (6) ?oo??o.
27a Ed's feared Bill facing study (5) Want to put ACNED but can't see why and is it Ethne or Eshne, both seem plausible. 22d would seem to be the obvious minus an R but all the poisons have a different 'back-end'. Am frustrated and confused having got so far and am now totally confused.
Sorry about the ramble! Have keyboard will witter.....