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25th November 2015, 18:21
Hello, Elle,
Why not buy two unmatching ones and get them painted in your own choice of colours, so they match?
Then summon the joiner to build the cupboard and everything will be fine?
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25th November 2015, 19:09
No, Rusty, that is not how it's done at all!
The fridge has to be an identical match to the freezer - same height, width , depth, same shape, same door handle, same colour .........
They are to MATCH!!!!
- and both need to be WHITE to match the other kitchen appliances - washing -machine, tumble dryer, cooker etc
(and painting would not be the same!)
I could even do without the overhead cupboard if necessary.

I don't think you will make a career out of being an interior designer.........
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25th November 2015, 19:43
4403 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th November 2015, 19:44
Ah, I'm with it. They do have to match.

The warranty Curry's wanted to sell me was to replace the laptop if I dropped it, or spilt wine on it or some such. I suppose it does happen, but.....
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25th November 2015, 19:48
Hello, Elle,
As some of us say up here, "that's me tellt"!
I thought painting them was one of my better ideas, too?
The main thing is they have to keep things cold, to my way of thinking.
No point in being over fastidious!
I am sure you will find the right ones eventually.
Have you looked at Boots?
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25th November 2015, 20:43
Just don't give up your day job, Rusty!
I will search online at some stage - yes, I'll look at Boots, as you recommend it - and John Lewis, too - but really I prefer to see the appliances for myself - like in a shop.
I've no objection to later ordering them online, if once I've seen the item.
Old-fashioned? Probably!
I'm bored with white goods..........
Change of subject..... tomorrow we go to check out another primary school for the little 'un.
You wouldn't think that there would be so many schools within the designated area, would you?
This one is near enough to my daughter's home to qualify as a likelihood for entry - so let's hope we think it is a "good" school.
So far we have a first and second potential choice, with a close third....but unfortunately none of these are all that close to where my family lives.
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25th November 2015, 22:28
Good evening, Elle,
I gave up on my day job 14 years ago!
And very pleased to do so!
I have wondered about John Lewis.
They have a good reputation.
They have no store near me, though.
I think they do broadband, too.
But, and it is a big but....
Do they sell matching fridges to fit under the joiner's cupboard? A mystery.
Is this the final school on the list?
I have started reading Isaac's Storm.
Very technical, so far, about how hurricanes start.
I shall persevere!
4407 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th November 2015, 11:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A nice day today, blue sky and sunshine, although the ground is very wet and muddy after a night's heavy rain.
The dog was absolutely filthy after our walk!!!
I had a quick look at "Isaac's Storm",on sounds to be a similar format to Lyn MacD's books? The author using Isaac Clines' telegrams, letters and reports. This should appeal to you?
I liked that arrangement in Lyn's accounts of the Great War. It makes for a more intimate relationship between reader and subject.
I'm off out soon , going over to my daughters' prior to our school tour this afternoon. (One more inspection after this one)
I should be back about teatime.
Fingers crossed that we like the school!
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26th November 2015, 12:01
Hello, Elle!
Great day here, too. Not cold.
"There's a bright golden haze on the meadow!"
I am only starting isaac's Storm.
Reading about the experiments to weigh air etc and Colombus's voyages, and could a butterfly opening its wings cause a hurricane, etc. Very interesting, and I like the author's style.
Not unlike Lyn's books, yes. He has written other books that interest me, too.
Lots of Black Friday ads in my paper, too.
Including John Lewis.
Hope the school inspection goes well!
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26th November 2015, 17:16
Hi, Rusty!
Your book sounds very interesting! I hope you enjoy it!
The school inspection went well. We were reasonably impressed by everything.
The Head Teacher has been recently promoted from Deputy Head, so I guess it remains to be seen whether the "new broom sweeps clean" and alters the existing set-up, but as it stands we were very happy with the situation.
The children seemed alert and interested in what they were doing - and the two children that showed our group around were well spoken and informative. One of our guides was the Head Girl, who was10, and the other little girl was only 7, but she did very well indeed.
I think we will rank this third on our list - so we now have four good options! The prospects are definitely looking brighter. My daughter is feeling much happier!
I have been on my feet all day - apart from sitting on the train and very briefly on a bus! I am exhausted!!
What have you been up to? How is the radio?
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