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23rd November 2015, 20:22
Ah, yes, Elle, you and your senior moments!
The DAB wirelesses are dearer than I expected.
TESCO website is saying they need a week to deliver, so....
Currys have one which appealed with £17 knocked off in the Black Tag sale.
So, I think I will go there, maybe.
Yes, I bought Hudl at TESCO. An excellent buy.
There is only two minutes walking between my local TESCO and Currys, so I shall look in both.
I have heard of Terry Pratchett. Is he any good?
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23rd November 2015, 21:36
Hey, Rusty!
I've been watching (on TV) the exposure of fake LED light bulbs that were bought on the Internet as genuine.
These bulbs have turned out to be dangerous in that they could give users an electric shock that might prove fatal.
A bit worrying, eh? I've bought light bubs on the Internet myself (altho not LED ones)
Yes, as your Tesco and Currys are so close together , it sounds an excellent idea to compare the makes and prices of DAB radios. Good hunting! Let me know how it goes.
Terry Pratchett? My son loves his books but I have never liked them! I've only "dabbled" as I could never get into them - they are fantasy tales - and, although I do like to read fiction, I like my stories to be realistic!
But I am told that "Nation" is different from all Pratchett's other I thought I would give it a try!
(I bought a copy from Amazon for 1p!)

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23rd November 2015, 21:37
Waiting anxiously to hear what you think, elle!
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23rd November 2015, 22:11
Sorry to intrude, kiwi fruit is said to be a healthy option to
add to porridge. I prefer whisky marmalade!!

Porridge or porage, never too sure?
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23rd November 2015, 22:23
Hello, Elle,
Well, light bulbs are a mystery to me.
How can you tell it is LED and not proper bulbs?
Light bulbs are a great disappointment to me.
They get duller every time I buy any.
Yes, I shall rush home and let you know how I get on with the wireless buying. The Currys wireless is in the Black Friday sale, so that shall be my target.
Well, you can't go wrong with the Pratchett book for a penny!
Great bargains at Amazon!
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23rd November 2015, 22:35
I thought this was funny.
The Hamilton Accies players now consider themselves to be full "internationalists" after playing their game in the colours of France!
Their game was against Aberdeen and they both play in red, so the home team, Accies, had to change strip.
So they went out and bought the French strips and added their own badge and the Tricolour and Saltire.
And you know the rest!
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23rd November 2015, 22:44
Hello, Ninian,
Nice to hear from you!
I shall take your word on the Kiwi fruit.
I have never tasted one!
I always spell it porridge.
I always had the idea that porage was a manufactured name by one of the companies selling the oats.
Porage does not appear in Chambers or Bradfords, but Anne Bradford uses the Scots word, parritch, as a synonym.
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23rd November 2015, 22:46
Sorry, Ninian, I should have said you are not intruding.
This thread is for all comers!
Everybody welcome!
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24th November 2015, 09:36
Good Morning, Chris!
You will need to be patient.........I have only just started reading "Nation" and am only up to page 51!
I have a busy week ahead of me, too, so not as much time for reading as I'd like.
I'll report in when I've finished it!
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24th November 2015, 09:43
Good morning, Rusty!
Fell dreich here this morning! We got decidedly wet out on our walk - not that the dog cares! She is wet, filthy, and happy!
It is much milder though.
I hope your weather is better than ours, and you are able to get out for a walk without getting soaked?
Take Ninian's advice - kiwi fruit are very nice! I'm not sure about in the porridge tho'!
I just have time for a quick cup of coffee and then I am off to the hairdressers to get my hair cut (well, trimmed; about an inch off!)
My crosswords today will have to wait until I return home..........

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