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16th January 2019, 22:40
Update, Elle!
This act appealed to me on Canada's Got Talent.
I do not know if they would be good enough to win, and I do not usually go for a singing act (though I saw some tonight that I really liked) but Francelle is Miss Personality Plus!
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17th January 2019, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
It was very wet and cold this morning when I went for my walk.
Waterproofed padded coat and wellies necessary
Poggy dog!
The forecasted sunshine is only now beginning to show itself, but I think we shall eventually have a nice day.
How is it with you?
Have you had snow?
Those acrobatic dancers were absolutely wonderful!
And the yodelling act was very unusual.
This, I guess, is when the ".....Got Talent" show really comes into its own, and makes it all worthwhile?
I am going out for lunch friend is coming to collect me about 11 am
She shall choose where we are going to eat, as it is her birthday!
I am looking forward to it.
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17th January 2019, 10:09
Hi Elle and Rusty,

Do you remember this little American girl?

In a bit of a rush - will write more later
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17th January 2019, 10:21
Good morning, Elle.
A beautiful frosty morn here.
Yes, we have had a very light covering of snow overnight.
A lovely day, though.
Yes, the acrobats were brilliant.
Not unlike the first time I saw Diversity.
A "Wow" moment!
They have several routines, and they came second to a magician in the final.
I loved Francelle yodelling!
Think she would fit in very well with my granddaughters!
There are one or two other acts I'll post later.
May have found another Amira!
Enjoy your lunch!
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17th January 2019, 10:32
Good morning, Pigale!
Hope you are fine?
Still taking it easy?
Yes, Taylor was super, wasn't she!
There are some great acts all around the world.
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17th January 2019, 11:02
Hi, Rusty!
It is sunny here now, with a lovely blue sky!
Had I gone out walking an hour later, I would not have got wet!
I like Diversity!
I did not see the show where they first performed, as I had not started watching BGT then, but I saw video clips of their performances.
One of the best acts to come out of BGT!
The Junior version was very good too.
My friend has just texted to say she will be here very shortly....
Catch you later.......

Hello, Pigale!
It is lovely to hear from you!
I am heading out very soon, but will look forward to "speaking" to you later.
I shall be back about teatime.
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17th January 2019, 17:10
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am home again now, having had an enjoyable day out with my friend.
We had a very nice meal at a fairly local French restaurant.
I was home just in time to field a phone call from my daughter, on her way home from her office.
She is moving the goal posts ……..
We are now all going out for BB's birthday lunch on Saturday, instead of Sunday!
That is fine , no problem.
What sort of a day have you had?
Any more snow?
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17th January 2019, 20:10
Good evening, Elle!
Minus 1C and hard frost here!
No more snow (it was only a light sprinkling here).
A French restaurant today! Very good!
All good here.
I have had a quiet day.
Just listening to my CD's and the wireless.
My son has just gone home.
Had a nice chat!
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17th January 2019, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
It is apparently 1C here at the moment....but no frost.
It is a comfortable temperature indoors, with the central heating on, but decidedly nippy when I open the door for the dog to go into the garden!
I feel sorry for the poor homeless people who are living on the streets.
I support "Crisis", whom I think does a lot of good work, and offers sensible support.
But we all take a lot for granted , don't we?
In our comfortable warm homes , with food in our bellies?
It sounds as though you have had a lovely relaxing day...
And a good visit from your son.
When is it he takes up his fishing invitation ?
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17th January 2019, 21:47

Hello, Elle!
I put my heating off earlier.
It is frosty out, again.
I feel sorry for the homeless.
I support the foodbanks.
My son was on the Tay yesterday, and said there were not many fish about.
Each year appears to be getting worse for catches.
Miss L-B and me are going out tomorrow, roads permitting.
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