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17th December 2016, 10:54
Hello, Elle,
A march can be a "demo"
November is "N"
Demon is a spirit.
See you later!
11371 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 10:54
Hello elle

Mystic bio-form? (9)
This is an &lit clue

It is ananagram of mystic and bio, with form as the anagram indicator. But the words are also the (literal) definition. The answer is symbiotic, certainly a bioform and possibly mystic as well, since it is an alga and a fungus living together in a mutually dependant way. Interesting how that could have come about.

I was babysitting last night until midnight. getting home in the fog was rather nasty. However, I made itasyou can see.
11372 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 15:03
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Are you home again now?
I hope you enjoyed your lunch with Miss L-B and whomever else turned up?
Where did you go?
We have only just come in.
It is very nasty out.......the fog hasn't lifted and it was even thicker at the park than it is here.
The dog wore her high-viz coat!
Thank you for parsing 4d.
I had "demon" from "spirit" and from the crossers - I didn't associate "March" with either walking or a demo. I lumped it with November as a month!
I did all the rest of the clues , the parsing too, without a problem
I had a slight hold- up with first I wanted to fit in "rows" for "arguments" so toyed with "reavows" (altho couldn't parse the "eav") but then realised it was "reasons"! (anagram of "are" and "sons"- issue; I think?)
So all done!
I have also hand -delivered my local Christmas cards!

Hello, Ros!
Thank you. I have followed your given example and can see what you mean in this instance .
But I still have trouble accepting those clues that are sometimes explained as "& lit" clues - and I cannot see why!
Is it simply that there is no 'separate' definition, but that the entire clue is the meaning?
11373 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 15:29
As far as I know, the entire clue is the definition and contains the cryptic bits. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong!
11374 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 16:10
Hello, Elle!
Pity about your fog.
Been fine here.
Yes, I am in now.
Just La Bamba and me at the bacon roll shop!
I agree with "reasons"!
A stiffish test today, and you managed.
Well done!
11375 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 16:44
Hello Elle, Rusty and Ros!

Re. the &lit, Ros, the way you explained it is the way I understand it - but there again that means little......

Elle, it is not foggy here - it is just thick pea-soup! and has been all day; It was even difficult to see trees just 50 metres from me! and it IS cold with this dampness.

Rusty, glad you enjoyed good weather and nice outing!
11376 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 17:48
Hello, Elle!
I read about your fog on the BBC News text service.
They say it is affecting the London airports.
Not so good!
We never had it at all, though it was a bit colder than it has been.
We went to Pine Cone.
Was less busy than I thought it would be, today.
No complaints about that, though!

Hello, Pigale!
I see you have thick fog, too!
Seems to be fairly widespread.
Let us hope it clears soon!
11377 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 18:41
Hi, Rusty!
I hadn't appreciated that our fog was so widespread as to be affecting our airports.
I haven't listed to the News and just thought that the fog was local!
It is still here...and the temperature is definitely dropping.
I recently let the dog out into the garden, and opening the door just enough to let her pass through was a distinct shock to the system!
Brrrh! It is freezing!
I have finished "Tales of the South Pacific."
I am trying to recall the story as told in the film.... there are distinct differences.
A slightly nicer, more refined and less (racial) prejudicial touch is applied to the film characters and plot!
Especially with relevance to the two love stories.
But then, I suppose what else could one expect if the film was to draw in widespread audiences?
A romantic gloss over the actual real -life drama and misery?
I shall start on "Return to Paradise" next!
What can I expect there?

Hello, Pigale!
Our fog is a lot worse than I had realised.
It is a good job that my daughter flew home from Berlin yesterday, and didn't have to travel today!
I hope it improves soon where you are!
and it is cold here, too!
11378 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 19:12
Hello, Elle,
Once an author sells the rights of his book to a film company, he has no control over what they will do with it.
In "Return to Paradise" there are very good short stories.
My favourite one was "Until They Sail", about the four Neville sisters in New Zealand, and World War 2.
Yes, thick fog causing problems at HeathRow, Gatwick, and London City airports. Lots of disgruntled passengers.
Can you be "gruntled", I wonder?
It is colder here, but no fog.
11379 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2016, 20:40
Hi, Rusty!
I am "gruntled" that the fog here now seems to be lifting a little !
Yes, there is indeed such a word!
According to Chambers, "gruntled" means happy, pleased , in good humour.
I cannot, however , recall ever hearing this used!
I can quite understand why the film was modified ....I doubt it would have attracted viewers in its original format.
Emile de Beque had more than the two illegitimate children quoted in the film story - and by several mothers - and Lieutenant Joe Cable loved Liat only enough to sleep with her , not to marry her or stay with her for life.
Too harsh probably for back in the late 1950s?
I have already started the second book......
Didn't you tell me that a film has been made of "Until they Sail"?
11380 of 30765  -   Report This Post