Good morning, Rusty!
Dank here!
And the day hasn't got off to a very good start.
We have had some bad news.
Our immediate neighbour, who is a close personal friend of ours, suffered a stroke yesterday afternoon whilst he was visiting his daughter.
We have only just heard about this as she has just been round here to tell us.
It was indeed lucky that someone was with him when it occurred , as she was able to summon immediate medical aid.
He was taken by ambulance to hospital, kept in till 3am this morning and then sent home - or in this case, he will be staying with his daughter.
He will be referred to a special clinic.
I shall hopefully go to see him tomorrow.
Oh dear, always trouble for someone..........
We are still feeling shocked and upset.
Now........your fire!
I don't really know about these things, Rusty, but it would seem to me that as the "fault" looks as though it lies with the manufacturer, you shouldn't need proof of purchase?
It is not as though you asking the shop from which it was bought to deal with the matter?
And also, if the "light" to the fire is supposed to last the lifetime of the fire, then being out of guarantee isn't necessarily relevant either?
I may be way off beam here....but those are my thoughts!
I think I need a strong coffee......