Can anyone help with the parsing for these.....
28a. James the second involved in an autobiography? (11) - GHOSTWRITER (Involved in an autobiography) Other than the definition, I don't get it.
45a. Bottom, old fashioned, is enlivening in turn, missing Thisbe's end (7) - STAMINA - It's 'ANIMAT(e)S without the E (thisb)E, backwards (In turn) - So on that basis the definition must be 'Bottom, old fashioned', but why?
6d. What's for smells, so exactly raised? (9) - PROBOSCIS (What's for smells) I think 'So' = SIC (raised) but as for the rest...?
9d. Hesitate to abandon member of the lower classes that's never born British (7) - SCRUPLE (Hesitate)
19d. Queen's clear - not very amusing (7) - RISIBLE (amusing)
24d. Man that's dashing to remove top from sail (7) - GALLANT (Man that's dashing)
31d. Scheming copper and later admin trainee entering profession (11) - CALCULATING (Scheming) It's 'Copper' = CU + 'Profession' = CALLING + AT which are the initials of A(dmin) T(rainee) but why is 'Later' an instruction to take the first letters?