
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Lace Into
  1. hit violently, as in an attack
  2. hit violently, as in an attack
Lay Into
  1. hit violently, as in an attack
  1. cut lumber, as in woods and forests
  2. move heavily or clumsily; "The heavy man lumbered across the room"
  1. make or form a layer; "layer the different colored sands"
  1. fasten or join with a loop; "He looped the watch through his belt"
  2. wind around something in coils or loops
  3. make a loop in; "loop a rope"
  4. fly loops, perform a loop; "the stunt pilot looped his plane"
  5. move in loops; "The bicycle looped around the tree"
  1. fasten with a latch; "latch the door"
  1. fasten with a latch; "latch the door"
Lash Together
  1. bind together with a cord or rope; "Lash together these barrels!"
  2. bind together with a cord or rope; "Lash together these barrels!"
  1. fasten with a rope; "rope the bag securely"
  1. fasten with a rope; "rope the bag securely"