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  1. fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
  1. fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
Latanier Palm
  1. fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
  2. fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
  1. fan palms of Asia and Australia and Malaysia
Livistona Australis
  1. Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
Lady Palm
  1. any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants
  2. any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants
Long Moss
  1. dense festoons of greenish-grey hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots; southeastern United States and West Indies to South America
  2. dense festoons of greenish-gray hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots; southeastern United States and West Indies to South America
  1. American frogbit
Limnodium Spongia
  1. American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches
Loddon Pondweed
  1. pondweed with floating leaves; of northern United States and Europe
  2. pondweed with floating leaves; of northern United States and Europe