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Lilium Columbianum
  1. lily of western North America with showy orange-red purple-spotted flowers
Lilium Lancifolium
  1. east Asian perennial having large reddish-orange black-spotted flowers with reflexed petals
Lilium Longiflorum
  1. tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring
Lilium Maritinum
  1. orange-flowered lily of Pacific coast of United States
Lilium Martagon
  1. lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and northwestern Asia
Lilium Michiganense
  1. lily of central North America having recurved orange-red flowers with deep crimson spots
Lilium Pardalinum
  1. lily of western United States having orange-red to crimson maroon-spotted flowers
Lilium Philadelphicum
  1. lily of eastern North America having orange to orange-red purple-spotted flowers
Lilium Superbum
  1. lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers
Lily Of The Nile
  1. any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers